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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 17 min ago

Yumeiko no Akame no Kami

Location: Building #1; Cafeteria
Interactions: Miyuki @Xaltwind, Velvet @Lemons

“That sounds like an excellent time. I’ll have to stop by.” Having some drinks from a foreign culture sounded exciting, perhaps she could coax Miyuki into joining her. Later. That would have to happen later, there was no way she’d agree to anything right now. Certainly, it might be a way of getting the two of them to get along? Hopefully, Miyuki could be agreeable to their neighbors. At least agreeable.

“Aah. There he goes.” Yumeiko watched Qyamu walk off, her tails flicking. Both she and Miyuki should eat before hunting. Especially Miyuki. “Mm, I should have greeted him. Ah well, next time.” She giggled softly to herself as Velvet declared their game ongoing, clearly disatissfied with his forfeit. One of the shrine maidens had a device like the one Velvet wielded. It could show and capture images, and play sounds. A powerful device.

Her eyes turned back to Miyuki as Velvet addressed her again. Right, time to soothe her lover. “I hope you have better luck with the rest of your evening, Vel-.”

She didn’t need fox hearing to catch that shriek or find where it was coming from. Man, this guy’s reflexes were bad. Even human, Yumeiko was able to jump up and take a swipe at the gremlin as it dropped from above. She did, however, miss. The little cretin slammed on the tray and sent their food flying.

Damn! Maybe if she hadn’t been transformed. Ooh, now Miyuki was going to be- yes, furious. Yumeiko sighed, looking mournfully at the troll, “you’re not a quick creature, are you?” Precise, perhaps, and capable of diligent movements, but quick? No. And now Miyuki was sounding quite dangerous ”It seems that little incident has run us out of time. Go.”

Yumeiko let out one of her tails and her ears, knowing Miyuki would likely prefer to see those, and quickly moved to sit herself in Miyuki’s lap before she could rise very far. She spared Velvet an apologetic glance, figuring her presence would probably intensify, but hopefully just a little..?

Back to Miyuki, “you will do no such thing. It was your own decision not to eat lunch, now don’t let that turn you into a brute.” She leaned into Miyuki and spoke into her ear, “didnt you hear? If we catch the most of them unharmed, we can get one item, whatever we want. Even..” she leaned in further and whispered,that.”

She leaned back and placed a hand on Miyuki's clavicle as she sat up, "but we can't harm them, only capture them."
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

SaM Of AlL cOlOrs

Location: Building 1 Kitchen/Cafeteria
Interactions: Miyuki @Xaltwind, Yumeiko, @CitrusArms
Time: Late Afternoon

Sam was looking around the kitchen for any signs of the gremlins. He was wandering around the kitchen appliances. In one of his hands was a large net he planned to use. He was on his hands and knees looking underneath, hoping to see a gremlin. He extended his arm so he could reach underneath a fridge. He was disappointed when he couldn’t find anything. Azir, meanwhile, was stomping around, not so gently tapping her club against the ground. She only stopped when Sam told her not to scare off the gremlins. “Tsk, sure, whatever.” The ogre muttered while putting the massive club over her shoulders.

Sam stood up from the fridge and approached the large walk-in pantry. He could hear something or someone rummaging around inside. Peeking his curiosity, he quickly opened the pantry door to find two gremlins eating some leftover snacks. It took a moment for both of them to notice Sam standing there. One of them dropped the potato it was eating. It pointed at Sam and let out an ear piercing screech.

Sam quickly acted to try and catch the gremlin. He raised the net, trying to see it, but it scurried between his legs. The other gremlin quickly climbed over Sam and ran towards the kitchen door. Azir turned around quicker than Sam had ever seen her move before. She threw the club at one of the gremlins, but it didn’t hit the gremlin. The club instead smashed into the ground with a loud thud. As well as making a sizable hole where the club had landed. Both of them started running after the gremlins, trying to chase them. The two of them ran out of the kitchen, Sam extending his body to catch the gremlin in front of him. But he was so fixed on catching the gremlin he didn’t see where he was going. Sam ran right into the table where Miyuki and the others were.

He practically did a backflip onto the table, landing on his back right in front of them. Bits of food were all over him. “Sorry about that. Do you mind helping us, they are much quicker then i thought.” He could see Azir was still chasing after them. Cursing while holding what looked like a frying pan clenched in her large hand. Sam quickly returned to his feet and ran, trying to join Azir. Bits of ramen and other bits of food seemed to cling to his body.

Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Miyuki no Suzuyami

Location: Umra Rose Condos, Bldg #1, Cafeteria
Time of Day: Late Evening
Relevant Cast: @CitrusArms Yumeiko, @Lemons Velvet, @Massasauga Rebecca, @Eviledd1984 Sam & Azir

The dark, ominous and unsettling aura which was surging forth from the curse-fox began to slowly, mildly and unhurriedly subside. The purple flames that had lit the tips of her tails like dark candles slowly faded and snuffed into nothing. Perhaps it was the presence of something divine coming inbetween the dark forces of chaos and shielding the rest of the wolrd from it, or perhaps it was the gentle warmth and love of someone precious that managed to surpress and stifle the flow of negativity. Whatever the case or reason, Yumeiko plopping herself down in Miyuki's rising lap seemed to have done some good if nothing else.

And when the mention of 'that
' was spoken aloud, the dark elder fox's ears twitched. Her eyes softened and her expression became less murderous and more... Curious...

"That, you say?" Her voice quiet, soft, like a whisper spoken next to a dry sandcastle, careful and measured, done so as to not blow the fragile grains apart and cause the whole thing to come crashing down. A fleeting dream, a mirage of morning dew and wispy clouds...

But what was that? What could possibly have such a profound significance and worth that the enraged fox of cursed chimes would let herself to - at least momentarily - become side-tracked and distracted by it? Surely it must be a great and hard-to-obtain something? A trinket or object or item so rare, so exquisit, that it could only ever have existed in a limited quantity at all times...!


Nope. It was a massage chair.

An electric massage chair.

On their way across the ocean from their homeland, Miyuki and Yumeiko had been privvy to watching one of thoe strange boxes with the moving pictures and sounds. The older of the two hadn't initially paid much attention to it, finding it noisy and unpleasant. However, at some point, a voluptuous western woman appeared inside it, and she was seated in a chair. But not just any chair. A chair that shook and vibrated and moved, all on it's own! WITHOUT MAGIC! It also looked really comfortable. Like, really comfortable. The kind of comfortable you could just sink down into and be surrounded by happy, blissful content...edness... If that's even a word. The woman in the box went on to talk about how the chair could help improved circulation, reduce fatigue, loosen muscles and, most important of all, help with stiff shoulders and strained backs!

... Something a certain top-heavy fox was all too familiar with, even if she didn't admit it.

Thus, the promise of the alluring and fantastical chair brought some light back to Miyuki's eyes. The spark of redeeming hope was kindled and a path out of the dark tunnel of oblivion had begun to flicker in the distance, like a lone, solitary buoy on the dark and frightening ocean at night...

... Until...


Had the man from earlier somehow snuck up on the cuddling foxes?! No, wait, this was different... The footsteps and breathing wasn't the same, and the smell wasn't either. Although it was still horrible. Like, really, really awful and terrible. But it was nontheless different. And then, a phrase came. Words spoken by an unfamiliar voice, belogning to an unfamiliar face. It was a question. A question asked in a casual, uncomitted way, by a voice that really, truly and honestly didn't sound like it could care less, one way or the other. M iyuki's head turned to the infringing source of new noise and odors.

It was a woman. A woman she... Hadn't seen before...? Had she? She... She couldn't quite place her. Maybe she had? Somewhere recently? Whatever. They'd never talked or exchanged pleasantries, that's for certain. Yet, here she was, dressed like... That... Asking a quesiton even though her face looked like she didn't even want a response. ... Why was she here? Why was she speaking to Miyuki...? Was she speaking to Miyuki? perhaps she walking to Yumeiko? OR maybe the runt shrimp midget neck-biter at the next table over?

Whatever the case may have eben, Miyuki didn't answer. Because she never got the chance to. Before the fox could open her mouth...

A cavalcade of circus-like comedic catastrophy came crashing down into the center of the collective curiosities who had congregated at the center of the cafeteria, resulting in a cataclysim chain of crashes, clammering and confounded calamitous carnage that left the fox speechless.

Her table was crashed onto by a... Thing... Who was chasing one of those shrieking little goobers. The table flipped, right infront of Yumeiko and Miyuki. A cutesty 'kyaa~' was heard, though from which of them it originated, none would ever know. The table crashed, the being crashed, the food that was already on the floor was splattered and forced deeper into the ground, making sure that any hope of it perhaps being edible was now thoroughly and utterly crushed. Another being came, a larger one, and it too made a mess. The first offender lay sprawled in the heap of table, porcelain, food and chaotic confusion, it looked up and then...

... It had the audacity to ask for help.

Miyuki's face was now blank. Her eyes were dull and lightless. Her mouth drawn into a terse, thin line. Her body frozen, her gaze fixed a thousand-yard stare into the ether beyond space and time. She just held Yumeiko in her lap, sitting on that stool infront of the flipped-over-table.

"Yes. I am having a rough day." Voice as dry as sandpaper...

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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Massasauga
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Massasauga Special Forums Operational Detachment - Delta

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Rebecca Holloway
Building 1 Cafeteria

Rebecca observed the better half of the pair of foxes return to her partner’s side. She wondered what exactly their relationship was, but only briefly. They seemed quite happy together. Rebecca soon felt as if she was intruding and that perhaps she had let her kindness get the better of her. But she was soon dissuaded of that.

The stomps of footsteps approaching from behind sent alarms up to her brain. She looked back and saw another resident chasing after a gremlin. He was heading right towards her. Her body acted on its own and swiftly side-stepped, resulting in the resident careening into the table and gracelessly flopping on top of it.

The plea for help was made. Rebecca’s answer was a blank stare at the food-covered clown before he excused himself and headed back to resume his pursuit of the devious creatures. Rebecca watched him as he left, only answering his earlier question when he was no longer there to hear it.

“If I help, these things are gonna end up dead.” She said plainly.

Rebecca looked back at Miyuki and found her expression hardened in that time. She could relate. She could sympathize. She could also provide a solution.

“I don’t think the cafeteria is a safe place to be anymore, and it surely seems as if it won’t be serving much food for a while either.”

Rebecca put her left hand out to the raven-haired kitsune. It was tough and rough. Callouses had formed from years of hard work. The tattoo of a wolverine wrapped in barbed wire on her left forearm was visibly marred. Various scars ran up it. Pockmarks and cuts and slashes from years of extensive combat.

“I read the rules. I look human enough to go into the city. I’ll get you guys some takeout and bring it to your room. That sound good?”
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by CitrusArms
Avatar of CitrusArms

CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 17 min ago

Yumeiko no Akame no Kami

Location: Building #1; Cafeteria
Interactions: Miyuki @Xaltwind, Velvet @Lemons, Rebecca @Massasauga

The priestess had been so focused on Miyuki, and her senses dulled from taking her human form, she hadn’t noticed - this odor! It brought thoughts of the lobby that morning, and that awful presence there. As her senses sharpened again, however, it became impossible to ignore that foul odor.

Miyuki’s rather pitiful answer drew Yumeiko’s attention again, and she nuzzled softly against her youkai sweetheart’s shoulder, ”ooh, Yuki…” She gazed thoughtfully at the darker fox, wanting to do something for her when her ear perked up to an offer. The golden fox lifted her head and turned to look at the.. woman? Was that smell her? An apparent human, but this wasn’t a place for humans.

Yumeiko stood from Miyuki’s lap, offering a grateful bow, “That would be very kind of you. Are you sure you don’t mind? I, ah..” she straightened back up, an apologetic grin asking forgiveness coming to face Rebecca,might be able to repay you.” Without a steady flow of donations to the shrine, their spending allowance was determined by their work ethic and entrepreneurship. As Miyuki exercised neither in an actively profitable fashion, that responsibility fell squarely on Yumeiko’s shoulders. It was a good thing they’d found the condos.

“We’re fortunate to have such kind neighbors, don’t you think?” The sweeter of the foxes stepped behind the sour one and placed her hands on her shoulders before starting a massage. Well, that was one problem taken care of.

“I wonder how long the contest usually goes for? Or how many gremlins there are. Have you ever hunted on an empty stomach before, Miyuki?” Her empty stomach that had been about to be filled. Yumeiko frowned, and found her eyes on the food that had been about to be placed in front of them. Ground into the floor, as though adding insult to injury.

“... all that wasted food. So many meals, your meal, our meal, ruined. Hard work, lives, wasted.” She stepped to the kyuubi’s side, laying a hand lightly on her shoulder, “there is a line where mischief must end. An insult to the lives taken and the hard work given cannot be endured.”

“In Her name, I will end this wasteful game.. and win us a prize for doing so.” Aah, but she was also hungry. She placed her other hand on her stomach, grimacing slightly, “hmnn. I suppose.. we should figure out our takeout order first. Shall we see what passes for Japanese food in this city?”
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Hidden 29 days ago 29 days ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Bldg 1, Ventilation Ducts

Three gremlins were hard at work on a duct fan so they could get past the spinning blades. As they pounded, pried, and chewed, a curl of smoke drifted around a bend in the duct and curled around the first one.

The gremlin paused in the act of pounding on the motor casing, staring at the smoke, then looked up with a puzzled expression. "Hey, Moe!"
"There's smoke here. See?"
"Of course there's smoke, Curly!" the dark haired gremlin replied, waving its arms about. "We're chewing electrial wires and motors! Other gremlins are doin' things in the kitchen! There's gonna be smoke!"

"Yeah, Curly!" the red-headed gremlin said, pausing chewing on the insulation on a wire. "Where there's smoke, there's fire!"
"Fire!" the bald Curly replied, horrified. "Nobody said there was going to be fire!"

"Relax, you moron!" Moe replied, holding onto the screwdriver he was trying to pry off the grill with. "We ain't going to burn the place much. Just enough to singe the joint a bit."
"A bit, a bit," Larry sang, clapping his paws together and spinning around as another tendril of smoke curled around him. He paused and looked down at it. "Hey, Moe, I don't think I like this smoke."
"You don't like smoke?! Why don't you like smoke?"
"My smoke has a head on it."

"Hey, mine does, too!" Curly exclaimed, pointing at a lump that had tiny burning embers like eyes.

A third tendril of smoke appeared, this time wrapping around Moe, who tried waving at it with his screwdriver.

"Shoo, shoo now," Moe said, but it wouldn't break apart - instead, it growled.

"Moe, is your smoke making noise?" Larry demanded nervously. "I don't think smoke should be making noise."
"I don't think this is just smoke."

The smoke suddenly wrapped itself tightly around the three gremlins and yanked them back down the vent, away from the duct fan as the three gremlins scream shrilly.


Qaymu, once more in his human form, appeared out of the bathroom while three golden glowing spheres followed in his wake as he made his way to the front desk.

"Put me down for three," the dragon smiled, puffing smoke on his pipe.
Hidden 29 days ago 28 days ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Late Afternoon
Building 1 Cafeteria
Interacting with: @Massasauga Rebecca @Xaltwind Miyuki @CitrusArms Yumeiko @Eviledd1984 Sam

Just like with the werewolf attack earlier. Everything moved so fast.

Velvet, at peak condition, would've been able to smell the gremlin coming, and fast enough to punt the lil' bastard away before it could ruin anything. Unfortunate, Velvet was not, in fact, at peak condition. Her chest and arm still hurt, she wasn't paying much attention to the smell, and frankly she just wasn't as sharp as she used to be.

So, as the gremlin shrieked like two trucks carrying out-of-tune pianos crashing into each other, and knocked the foxes' incoming food to the floor with a splatter almost like modern art, all she could really do was stare. Then look sideways, warily eyeing the black fox. The woman was not fond of her. Not at all. And there was a metallic taste in her mouth now (and not the good kind), which had suddenly gone dry. There was a high ringing in her ears, and her stomach flipped inside her as indigo fire appeared on each of Miyuki's tails. Velvet swallowed heavily, trying to summon moisture to her mouth again, trying to look away, yet locked on to her in morbid fascination. Like watching a train bearing down on her, as the room seemed to darken. She murmured something unintelligible in Middle English and her teeth chattered as she was struck with real, honest-to-god fear for the first time in longer than she cared to remember. Not fear of being hurt, nor fear of death. Something somehow deeper. An instinctual terror of prey confronted with predator.

She...may have angered the wrong person.

Only when Yumeiko let her divine power show again, filling Velvet with illness anew, did she realize she hadn't breathed this entire time. Not like she needed to breathe, not really, but it did feel off to not. She swallowed again, this time out of both sickness and relief as the shadow surrounding Miyuki began to abate.

Only to be slapped upside the head anew with DEAR GOD WHAT WAS THAT SMELL?

Her head whipped around, lasering onto the woman that had approached them, her face freezing into a mask that somehow combined relief, disgust, and horror. There was something like a human underneath it, some echo of that strain of blood. But it was nearly drowned out by a smell like nothing she'd ever experienced before. Like something rotting. Like reality rotting.

Then, because of course, someone she'd never seen proceeded to careen through the air and slam into the foxes' table. Because what today at this point but a series of ever-growing failures that spiraled out from each other?

Well, at least it had distracted her from the last of Miyuki's rage, knocked that metaphysical terror most of the way out of her. Staring at the scene in front of her, she dropped her head and sighed. The divinity sickness had seeped back into her. Miyuki, while calmer, was not someone she wanted to be around right now. The woman couldn't actually hurt her, she didn't think, but after what just happened she did not want to make her angry again. If she went back up to her room, a bunch of gremlins would probably chew through something inside her computer and damage it beyond repair. She rubbed her eyes. The smell was horrible, but it would probably be better out in the open, right?

"Hey, wolverine girl," she said, speaking for the first time since the Incident began, "mind if I come with? It's just about night now, the shadows are super long." Her eyes flicked back to Miyuki again, and her voice tightened with an echo of that lingering fear. "And I think I really need some air right now."
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Hidden 25 days ago Post by Eviledd1984
Avatar of Eviledd1984

Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

SaM Of AlL cOlOrs

Location: Building 1 Cafeteria/Hallway/ Ventilation Shaft
Interactions: @Xaltwind (Miyuki), @CitrusArms (Yumeiko), @Expendable (Larry,Curly, and Moe)
Time: Late Afternoon

Sam again apologized to both Miyuki and Yumeiko for disturbing their lunch. Although he was disappointed, they didn’t accept his offer of help. He stood up and wiped off some of the food that had landed on his body. Jumping off the table and following Azir, who was sprinting towards the gremlins by this point. “Wait for me.” Sam yelled while Azir stomped in the hallway. Azir, meanwhile, was screaming and cursing, trying to catch up to the gremlin but was having no luck trying to catch the gremlin.

The two were behind the gremlins, but Sam was gaining ahead of Azir. The gremlins were zig-zagging, trying to avoid Sam. Both of them ran into an air vent where they thought they would be safe from the two of them. Of course, Sam followed, using his abilities so he could fit inside. One of them looked worried that they would be caught. The other was flung towards him when three other gremlins hit him.

Ow, watch where you're going.” The first gremlin said, rubbing his head. The other looks equally angry. It rubbed its head, looking behind its shoulder.

You gotta help; we’re being chased by some clown and a big red woman.” The second gremlin said he had a dreadful feeling something terrible would happen to him. “Do you know how to get out of these vents?” Added while hearing something thumping behind them.

Azir, meanwhile, was stomping around following the thumping Sam was making inside the vent. Occasionally slapping the vents in hopes that he was hitting the gremlins. But was hitting Sam, who was being slammed into the top of the vent.
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Hidden 20 days ago 20 days ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Miyuki no Suzuyami

Location: Umra Rose Condos, Bldg #1, Cafeteria
Time of Day: Late Evening
Relevant Cast: @CitrusArms Yumeiko, @Lemons Velvet, @Massasauga Rebecca, @Eviledd1984 Sam & Azir

And then, off they went... With a simple apology as if it were no big deal. The weird... Man-thing-creature who had knocked over the table and ground the curry even further into the floor, and his big, lumpy, brutihs-looking ... Friend(?), were now running out of the cafeteria, seemingly more interested in hunting these devillish little imps more than the possibly ramifications and consequences of their actions. Oh well... They'll get theirs....

Back to more important matters, like the complete lack fo yum-yium's in Miyuki's tum-tum, an opportunity had presented itself. The foul-smelling... Woman(?) has - for whatever divinely incomprehensible reason - offered to leave the condos, go out into the human world, purchase food with ther own funds and then bring it back adn deliver it to the fox-pair Such a rare display of altruistic and compassionate samaritan behavior... What was she playing at...? Everyone whod' been alive for any modest amount of time knew there was no such thing as a free meal, and yet, here this (stinky) person was, offering two complete strangers who she'd never talked to or even met before in her life, to go buy them dinner for no apparent reason. Straight out of the blue. Without asking for anything in return. Suspiscious.

Sadly, her blue-eyed (both figuratively and litteraly) better half had already jumped at the opportunity. Perhaps she was thinking that procuring a meal as soon as possible would queel the growing unrest within the black fox... Which wasn't untrue, but not exactly cautious or calculated iether. If there was one thing Miyuki knew from her interactions with humanity, it was that owing someone a favor could be quite troublesome. However, there were two very, very important facts to consider:

First; She was still very damned hungry.

Second; She didn't have a rotten cent to pay for her own, outside-world-food. Curse you, capitlaism, or whatever! It's your fault!

Thus, albeit she was hesitant, reluctant, wary and every fiber of her rational thinky logic-brain was screaming at her nto to accept this silver plattered devil's deal, her stomach out-shouted her sense of reason.

Yumi was curious if there was somewhere that could serve the food of their homlenad, but.... Honestly? At this point? After the day she'd had and the things she'd been forced to endure?

"... I would be fine with anything palatable at this point." Miyuki's voice was - as before - dry and monotone. It seemed she was still putting effort into not... Y'know, exploding and taking everything and everyone around her down with her potential meltdown. Admirable, for someone like her.

The neck-biting bimbo person had offered to go along with the foul-smelling one. Another attempt at placating the fox for the morning's misdeeds? Or perhaps she just enjoyed the smell of rank sewage and bloated corpse-dung...? Or, perhaps she was just looking for another snack... Whatever, as long as wasn't a part of Miyuki's vicinity for a good, long while, the kyuubi couldn't care less where the little runt went off to. The warning from the stanky lady about the cafeteria not being safe made the black-haired asian lady raise a quizzical eyebrow.

Oh heez, you THINK!? Thanks, I couldn't have figured that out myself.

Luckily, none of inner thoughts leaked out or showed on her face. Other than the aforementioned eyebrow. Which gave he rmore of a "Eh?"-look than anything.

"I shall... Return to our room, then. You have fun hunting though, Yumi." Miyuki said, her voice a bit less dry and less mechanical than before. "I'm not sure how... Gentle... I'd be able to handle our little miscreants before I eat." She added, eyes briefly flashing dangerously with the tingling threat of lightning.

She also gave Rebecca the floor and room - along with a polite but reserved thank you - number of the pair's dwelling. Just to be sure that the food got delivered where it needed to go, you understand. With that, the elder fox finally began to slowly make her way out of the cafeteria... Which now more resembled the aftermath of a middle school food-fight battlefield, than respectable establishment to quietly dine with refined table manners...

Hidden 19 days ago Post by Massasauga
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Massasauga Special Forums Operational Detachment - Delta

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Rebecca Holloway
Building 1 Cafeteria

The kitsune had left. Bemoaning and begrudging their life choices, no doubt. Rebecca didn’t say anything. Sometimes you can’t help people get out of their funk, but she could still get her to the point where it was easier to do so on her own. Rebecca shoved her hands into her jeans pocket and watched Miyuki stalk off towards her room with a certain level of gloom in her wake.

Rather moody if you ask me. She thought to herself. Something inside her made a noncommittal response. Wasn’t asking you. Something bubbled in her mind. Simmer down, slimeball.

Rebecca turned to the small girl next to her who noticed one of her tattoos. “Yeah sure thing, kid.” She said. Hearts and minds, girl. But willing to splatter them if necessary. There was a sharp sort of pang in her head. Lighten up, it was a joke. God, you’re so touchy today.

Having company would be nice. Might be nice to even make a small gathering out of it, though she was sure that Miyuki would rather spend the rest of the night with her girlfriend. Time would tell. But there was still something she needed before she left. She turned to Yumeiko.

“So what do you guys want? I doubt you’d like me to grab you some greasy burger from a fast food joint. Unless that’s your thing, of course.” She asked the foxgirl.
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Hidden 16 days ago 16 days ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Late Afternoon
Building 1 Cafeteria
Interacting with: @Massasauga Rebecca @Xaltwind Miyuki @CitrusArms Yumeiko

Velvet eyed Miyuki carefully as she flounced back to her room, armed now with the terrible knowledge of Floor 4, Room 7. Ten minutes ago, she probably would've planned some variety of prank; but not only were pranks harder to do when you were metaphysically disallowed from entering, she kinda...didn't want make the kyuubi any angrier right now. That shit was frightening. She was mulling the information over in her head when her thoughts were interrupted by Wolverine Girl:

"Yeah sure thing, kid."

A sharp breath, and her voice snapped out hotter than she'd meant for it to. "I--you--I'm not a child! Everyone was this tall when I was born except nobility! It was normal! I'm not short!"

There was little that got a rise out of Velvet like comments her height. Back before her long sleep, she was a feared queen of the night, terrifying children all over Europe and Asia. She took what she wanted, when she wanted it; a looming threat that lurked just beyond the light.

Now I can't even reach the highest shelf!

Crossing her arms with a sullen look on her face, she gave a loud hmph! A moment later, she exhaled slowly to reclaim her calm, then glanced over at Yumeiko. "I think I remember someone talking about a sushi joint not too far away. Not weird modern sushi but like, pretty nice sashimi and junk. I never tried it myself, it usually closes before sunset and sushi's not my favorite food, but if you're in the mood, it's probably still open at this time of day."

An almighty shrug followed. "Or, I dunno. You mentioned Japanese, but I don't know how much we've got around here." She didn't care too much where she was called on to go; mostly she just wanted to go. It was started to get less and less bearable being around Wolverine Girl in the enclosed space. Eugh. Seriously, what was that?
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Hidden 10 days ago Post by CitrusArms
Avatar of CitrusArms

CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 17 min ago

Yumeiko no Akame no Kami

Location: Building #1; Cafeteria
Interactions: Miyuki @Xaltwind, Velvet @Lemons, Rebecca @Massasauga

Miyuki’s lack of luster for the hunt gave the golden fox pause. She found herself stunned. Miyuki would settle for anything? Her voice sounded so flat and lackluster. Her demeanor was so defeated.

It made sense. She couldn’t run wild or express herself like she normally would, her. Miyuki had to be civil, and she was trying so hard. The effort was taking its toll on her, and of all things to make it worse,

These little cretins wasted their F O O D.

makasete kudasai..”

She took a deep breath as she turned to face North, and drew a leaf from somewhere on her person. Velvet would feel that familiar nausea intensify. “As she said, anything will do. Velvet, may I suggest you clear out quickly? Erm..” Yumeiko paused to consider how to say it in English, before giving up, “zenryoku wo tsukushimas.”

She slowly raised the leaf over her head, and her tails, all five of them out now, rose to point at it in unison. Slowly, the leaf started to light in her lavender foxfire, but it didn not burn. The magic flames enveloped the leaf like an aura of power, before the flames spread down along her arm and over her body. Slowly, a snout formed from her face, her body was covered in fur, but still she remained upright. A demi-human, a demi-fox, her most sacred form. She dropped the leaf, and as it fell through the lavender power, it transformed and spread over her body, covering her in her sacred priestess robes. Prayer beads rested around her neck.

Some part of her wanted to go with the two. An idea struck her, and she produced a small, humanoid paper cut-out from within her robes, tapping it with her foxfire and then tossing it aside. It would fly, despite her reckless flick, and find its way outside, where it would transform into Yumeiko's human form and go to find Velvet and Rebecca, who couldn't have gotten too far.

“Heey, wait for me! I had an idea~!” This copy of her was definitely not sacred.
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Hidden 5 days ago Post by Massasauga
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Rebecca Holloway
Building 1 Cafeteria

Rebecca looked down at Velvet with her outburst. She fought hard, but a smirk wormed its way across her lips.

"Sounds like I struck a nerve, eh?"

She put her hand on the little bloodsucker's head and ruffled her hair a bit. From her 6 foot stature, it wasn't hard to do. She let the poor little vampiress go and listened to Yumeiko tell them to move. She still didn't get an answer beyond Velvet's suggestion of sushi. Stereotypes exist for a reason, but Rebecca wanted to avoid such a dilemma. And yet, they didn't bother to offer her a clarification. She let it go. If they wanted to complain, she'd just tell them that she asked and they never specified. No skin off her back.

"C'mon, pint-size. We're on a food run and I'd hate to keep the ladies waiting."

She stepped lively and hit up her room first.

"Wait here. I gotta get my jacket."

She left the door ajar and something slithered out.

"Slick! Get back here!" Rebecca shouted as she stomped out and gently grabbed up the snake. "You already ate today, and I'm not chasing you around the building. Let's go."

She slid into her OD M65 field parka and zipped it up after putting her pet snake back into the room and shutting the door behind her. The pair then headed out into the world as Rebecca checked her watch.

"Gotta move fast. Most everything good will either be closed, or closing soon. And I'd rather not be the asshole making some poor teenager clean out more dishes because we came in five minutes to the end of their shift." She said as she walked briskly.

She stopped when she heard someone call out behind her and turned around. Yumeiko came running up, beaming brightly. Maybe she finally got the order to put in. Something inside her was inclined to agree.
Hidden 4 days ago 4 days ago Post by Dragonydas
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Dragonydas Game Designer

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Location: Building 1: Ground floor, Reception
Interactions: @Expendable

Theria tapped her pen against the desk as she observed the growing collection of captured gremlins. Zylphorik sat cross-legged at the edge of her workspace, amusing himself by making faces at the newer captives. The eight snakes that made up her hair were all reacting differently to the situation—Xena remained vigilant, her emerald scales gleaming as she kept her gaze fixed on the gremlins, while Kisses had curled up into a loose coil, somehow managing to doze despite the commotion.

"That makes seven gremlins captured so far," Theria noted, making another mark on her clipboard. "Though at the rate they're causing chaos, there must be dozens more running around."

Isela, always the curious one, stretched out toward the Mischief Accords document lying open on the desk, her tongue flicking rapidly as if trying to read through taste. Theria gently guided her back.

"I know, I know. I'm still learning about this too." she murmured to the snake.

The intercom buzzed again—the third complaint in the last ten minutes about malfunctioning appliances. Pippin nuzzled against Theria's cheek in a show of support as she reached for the receiver.

"Front desk," Theria answered, keeping her voice as level and professional as possible. "Yes, I understand your refrigerator has stopped working. No, unplugging it and plugging it back in won't help if gremlins have chewed through the wires. We'll have maintenance look at it as soon as the gremlin hunt concludes. In the meantime, please join the hunt—every capture helps restore order to the building."

As she hung up, Neiko bobbed excitedly, drawing Theria's attention to a resident approaching the desk. An ogre—different from the one who had brought in the first gremlin—was marching forward with two struggling gremlins clutched in each massive hand.

"Found these little pests chewing through the wires in the gym." the ogre announced proudly. "Do I get extra points for catching multiples?"

"Thank you for your contribution to restoring order," Theria said diplomatically, checking the rules again. "According to the Accords, each captured gremlin counts individually toward your score."

The ogre nodded, turning to leave, but then paused. "By the way, the cafeteria's a complete disaster. Some fox lady nearly went ballistic when her food got ruined. There's curry everywhere, even on the ceiling."

"Thank you for letting me know," Theria replied with a nod of appreciation. As the ogre departed, she immediately dialed another extension. After two rings, there was just a soft tap on the other end of the line, indicating someone had picked up.

"Regina? This is Theria at the front desk. We have a situation in the cafeteria that requires immediate attention."

To Theria's surprise, Regina's soft, bubbling voice actually responded. "M-my slimes are still checking the v-vents like you asked..."

"I understand I asked you to do that, but the cafeteria is... well, let's just say there's curry rice on the ceiling and an angry kitsune involved." Theria's eyebrows raised slightly, still taken aback by hearing Regina's voice.

Another pause, longer this time. "I'll... I'll send some right away. The k-kitchen staff shouldn't have to d-deal with that."

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

Sheila, the most temperamental of her snakes, hissed and directed Theria's attention toward the entrance. Qaymu, the dragon in his human form, was approaching with three golden glowing spheres following behind him. Inside each sphere, a gremlin sat with a resigned expression, occasionally pressing their faces against the magical barrier.

"Three gremlis marked. Thank you sir. You can just drop them off here."

While updating the capture tally, Theria glanced at the security monitors showing various areas of the building. In the cafeteria, she could see translucent blue and green slimes beginning to arrive through the air vents, Regina's cleanup crew getting to work on the disaster zone.

"At least something's going according to plan." Theria murmured, watching as the slimes efficiently began absorbing the spilled food.

The intercom buzzed yet again. This time, it was a frantic resident from the third floor reporting that their washing machine was "dancing across the laundry room." Theria took a deep breath before giving a response.

"I deserve a raise after tonight..." she muttered to her serpentine companions as she reached for the receiver, already rehearsing her explanation about the unexpected gremlin invasion.
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