"Let's give it our all today as well."
![]() _______________________________________________ Identity Full Name - Osanai Suzuka Written As - 長内 涼夏, "Long time" + "Innermost" and "Cool" + "Summer." Nicknames - Known as "Suzu" or "Suzu-chan" to those who knew her when she was younger. Age - 16 Gender - Female Year - Second-Year Personality Lone Wolf The easiest thing to learn about Suzuka is that it's hard to learn anything about her. Self-reliant to a fault, she'll almost never ask for help or share her worries on any subject, preferring to just quietly work through whatever it is that's troubling her. Abysmal Conversationalist More than just her troubles, though, Suzuka doesn't seem well-acquainted even with how to talk about enjoyable things. She seldom mentions what she likes, and her blunt lack of comment on things that fall outside of that sphere of interest means her opinion goes entirely without saying. It's not even that she's going out of her way to shun or push others away, mind you -- that would imply an active effort on her part to say or do anything social. With brows set in a nigh-perpetual frown and a voice that seldom rises above a calm, matter of fact tone, her natural demeanor tends to be about as welcoming as talking to a wall of ice. Spirited Competitor It may come as a surprise then to those who haven't known her long that despite her apparent stoic disinterest in just about everything, Suzuka has a competitive streak that is second to none. It doesn't matter whether you put her on a soccer field, a basketball court, a sprinting track, or even a bread-eating race at a school sports festival; she'll bring her A-game each and every time. This intensity even translates to her studies. There's a ranking board put up after every test, is there not? That means there are winners and losers, and so, despite not being particularly academically gifted, she'll do everything in her power to climb her way toward the top. A victory is a clear sign she did something correctly, while even a sufficiently close defeat is at least a sign she didn't mess up too badly. Even so, she's still a bit of a sore loser, and will stubbornly try to improve any time she's defeated at... well, anything, and come back stronger for it. Above all else, she particularly loves team games, though. That way, she can feel like she's contributing to the group with her strengths, without actually having to face her weaknesses by talking and ruining the mood. Hopelessly Insecure The root of these various idiosyncrasies becomes clear, then, as a deep-seated fear of being a burden or a nuisance to those around her. This creates a self-perpetuating cycle, wherein she doesn't know what to say and so says nothing, and in the process only proves to herself that it's impossible for her to meaningfully engage with others to their satisfaction. It's not just talking that bothers her, either. If she were to try cleaning up her appearance, she fears it would be seen as nothing but narcissism or trying too hard. If she were to ask for help, she fears it would be a tacit acknowledgement that she can't deal with things that, in her eyes, anyone else could. If she were to honestly express her likes and dislikes, it would just make her seem self-centered. And, when it comes to the person she likes, well... Better she say nothing and nothing changes, than she speak her mind and lose what she's only just managed to reclaim after all these years. It's fine. She's satisfied. She's not selfish enough to hope for more. But if, by some chance... Character Relationships Fuji Eikichi "Ei-kun is... special, I guess. Even if he was busy, he would always make time for me. And even if he teased me, it never felt like he was making fun of me. And he always seemed to know exactly what everyone was feeling, and how to cheer them up when they were sad. I really admire him, and... I missed him a lot. Nowadays, he might act a little strange sometimes, but I still... Ah, no, never mind, it's nothing!" Morioka Haruto "Morioka-kun? He was one of Ei-kun's friends, I think. I remember they used to get along really well, so I didn't talk to him much, since they seemed to be enjoying themselves and I didn't want to get in the way. He seems as nice as ever, though. I'm glad they're still friends." Sakamoto Ryuuichi "Hm? I don't know anybody by that name. Red hair, you say? Oh. You mean my cat friend. I guess I don't know him very well, but I can tell he's a really good guy. Eh? Delinquent? What are you talking about? Are you sure you don't have him confused for someone else?" Chihara Takaya "I think we might have gone to the same elementary school, but I don't really remember. Either way, I thought we'd get along, but for whatever reason it kind of seems like he hates me? I don't really know why else he'd be so quick to avoid me. It seems like he gets along really well with Mika-chan, though, so he can't be a bad guy." Isshiki Mikako "Eh? Even Mika-chan is here too?! That's a surprise... I remember getting in a couple of fights with boys who were mean to her, but after that she just kinda followed me everywhere. She was always a really sweet person, but it seems like she's a lot more put-together nowadays. Even so, I'm a little worried because she still doesn't seem to know how to say "no" to people. I'll have to look out for her and make sure nobody takes advantage of her kindness." Shinomiya Koharu "Her name's the same as one of Mika-chan's friends from when we were kids, but I don't think... Wait, really? She's the same person?! Wow. Okay, then. I guess there really are some people who can pull off a major image change. ...Not that I've ever considered anything like that myself, or anything." Arashiyama Junko "Arashiyama-san, huh? I guess now that you mention it, I don't really know her very well, but if there's one thing for sure it's that we're buds. She was always challenging me to stuff when we knew each other before, and she doesn't seem to have changed much over the years either. I'll have to work hard so I don't lose to her! ...Hm? What do you mean, you thought I hated her? Did I really give that kind of impression?" | Physical Description Osanai Suzuka could best be described as a beautiful mess. With an athletic build slanted rather prominently towards her legs, she stands at an even 170 centimeters, almost a head taller than most girls in her class, and almost eye-to-eye with several of the boys. Her skin stubbornly retains a certain pallid hue that defies the influence of the sunlight she has spent a good fraction of her life under, creating a striking contrast with her ink-black hair... which is where the problems start, really. Suzuka's "hairstyle," if it could warrant such a charitable description, vacillates between shoulder and neck length depending on the season, her mood, and whether or not she remembered to book an appointment to get it cut this month. It's perennially tangled, combed or, more commonly, haphazardly bunched up and tied back only enough to keep it out of her face while she's playing, and to give it enough of a vague semblance of order to pass uniform inspections and not get lectured by her teachers for her sloppy appearance. Though, some may find that charming in its own way. While she's unlikely to be mistaken for a boy anymore thanks to her figure, the rest of her appearance does have a certain unusually boyish appeal. Even the messiest bangs in the world could do little to hide her bright and piercing gaze, however. After all, her resting expression is and has always been somewhat infamous for having exactly three apparent settings: bored, serious, and angry. As such, her face contributes greatly to both her poor reputation and to the aversion many of her classmates have towards her. Although, it still hasn't entirely managed to stop a few dedicated admirers from continuing their observations at a safe distance in hopes of catching a glimpse of a rare smile, a twisted popularity the girl in question is entirely oblivious to. Either way, thanks to her perpetual poker face, she's more "handsome" than she is "pretty," and her preferences in clothing tend to reflect that distinction. Aside from her school uniform, she's almost never seen wearing a skirt of any type, and usually favors simple, comfortable outfits that are easy to move around in. There's almost nothing girly in her entire wardrobe, and, if there was, it would probably just end up buried beneath a veritable mountain of jeans, t-shirts, and hoodies. At least some things never change, I guess. Personal Story Born to a marriage that quickly fell apart, the details of Suzuka's early life are as seldom spoken of as they are easy to guess for those who knew her at that time. Left in the care of her father by an absentee mother in a rather messy divorce, she ended up forced to be independent from a rather young age, as her dad worked to make ends meet and thus was seldom home to tend to his daughter's needs. Unable to afford the mounting costs of continuously hiring a babysitter, he was all too happy, if somewhat chagrined, to take up the neighbors on their offer to watch over the young Suzuka in his stead when he had to spend the night at his company. So it was that Suzuka came to meet a certain boy, who would become her first and most important friend, filling a void she had not until then even fully appreciated the existence of. When nobody was home and she wanted someone to talk to, now there was somebody who'd listen to her. When the house was empty and she had nothing to do, there was a warm place where the lights would be on and people would be laughing right next door. When she found something new and interesting, there was someone she could share it with, and someone who would share all sorts of fascinating things with her in return. There were others, too -- others who she never would have been able to work up the courage to speak with had Eikichi not introduced them to her. Most of her friends thus ended up being boys, rather than the other girls in her class, with whom she found she had almost nothing in common... save, perhaps, for one. It wasn't like she had done anything particularly special, but for whatever reason, Mika-chan seemed to think the world of her. Really, that girl was just too nice for her own good... but having somebody else who was nice to her was fine in its own way. She missed her almost as much as Eikichi when the news abruptly came that she had to leave all of that behind her. An overseas transfer. A job offer her father, in his financially precarious position, couldn't afford to refuse. A boring life out in the country living with her grandparents for three long years, with the few classmates she had at her new school all having grown up together, and with little room in their established groups for a rude and awkward outsider. And all the while, what few messages she got from home -- or what had once been home -- all showed friends who seemed to be living their lives just fine without her. It would have been selfish to wish otherwise, of course. It's not like she had hoped they'd be sad, or anything. But the experience taught her one thing -- that what she had called "friendship" before was perhaps more important than she had ever given it credit for. That maybe, it was something she couldn't live without. She got her chance when she turned 16. After a turbulent first year at her local high school, she managed to talk her father into allowing her to transfer to a different school, back in her hometown. Her aunt Suzune had just finished purchasing and renovating an old storefront in Kitaguchi into a cozy little cafe, and, as luck would have it, there was an apartment she wasn't using in the loft above it. Her aunt already had her own place downtown, but needed extra hands to help around the store. So, a deal was struck, and Suzuka was allowed to move into the apartment, and to transfer into Kitaguchi Private High School. If she could prove that she was capable of living responsibly under such loose supervision, she'd be allowed to stay. But if any trouble arose, she'd be moving right back in with her grandparents. It was perhaps foolish to hope that she could just walk right back into her old life and pick things up where she had so abruptly left them off. But when her old friends -- when he appeared right in front of her again, how could she not at least try? Frigid on the surface, melting down inside -- more honest with herself than she'd care to be, and unable to be honest with the people who matter -- Osanai Suzuka gives it her all today as well. Other Information Suzuka's birthday is the day after summer break starts, on July 21st. She has a tremendous sweet tooth but tries to hide it, fearing she'll be seen as childish or as a glutton. She's a big fan of shounen battle manga and tokusatsu shows, as she likes how exciting they are and generally finds their plots easy to understand. Her type is someone taller than her who smiles a lot. It's probably fine even if he looks kind of like a villain when he does. Her dialogue hexcode is #2596be. |