Avatar of Zoie Hart


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1 day ago
Current @leopard is this the same girl you talked with after your break up with the bf?
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3 days ago
College work groups prepare you for real life. Spoiler… group work doesn’t get any better.
3 days ago
I can buy myself flowers, write my name in the sand. Talk to myself for hours…. Can take myself dancing, can hold my own hand, I can love me better than you can…
6 days ago
Watching Wicked movie for the hundredth time. Just so good!
12 days ago



I've been at this RP thing for 15+ years. I've seen a lot of stories and wrote them too. I write as an escape so I try to make this light and fun as possible. I don't have to have anything complicated but I love a good story. The only genre I will not do is horror. I don't enjoy it in real life, I don't want to write it.

My main characters are mostly female and I typically like to write MxF. Just something I am comfortable with. I hope you understand. I typically do casual to advance (2-5 paragraphs), though quality over quantity works for me.

Here are some themes I enjoy:
Slice of life
Post Apoc

Drop me a PM if you wish to talk out a story. :)

Most Recent Posts

Hi ya! Adding a plot... see where it lands. Basically the plot of the TV Show Terra Nova. Or every time travel show? I don't know...there are dinosaurs involved. xD

"In the not so distant future, Earth is dying, due to <insert cliche plot I.e. climate change, aliens, plague, whatever>. Governments from around the world come together, trying to figure out a way to save humanity. A group discovered a worm hole of sorts, that travels back 85 million years in the past. Thus, a plan to save humanity was born. To fight for our future we must go to the past!?!

I kinda want it to be a slice of life type but also there is a hidden subplot. But details can be discussed. Anyway, shoot me a PM if you are interested.
Aellyn stood between the dejarik table and the small kitchen, her hands resting on her hips. Her eyes scanned over the mess that had piled up. Used pots laid on the counter, the meal the captain had cooked the other night, resting on the stove eye. Chewing her bottom lip, she rolled up her sleeves, deciding to take her frustration out on some pots. No one seemed to bother her, the ship was mostly quiet. The sounds of light snoring coming out from the pilots bunk room, the kid had fallen asleep. A good bed will do that. Wrench beeping in the cockpit, along with Fel. Thoughts of whatever was on that disc crossed her mind but figured she better just stay low. Jet, quiet in his room. The towel brushed the last bit of crumbs from the counter as she was finally satisfied with how put together it finally looked. Wiping her brow with her arm, she folded the towel, placing it on the now clean counter.

Stepping back she examined her work before heading left, across from the bathroom to her claimed bunk. Pressing a button on the wall panel, the door hissed shut behind her. Aellyn fell onto the bottom bed, pulling off her boots and letting them hit the floor. She was too tired to put them away. Falling back against the bed, her eyes staring at the bed above her. Her hands resting on her stomach as sleep overcame her, her world turning black.

She didn’t know how long she slept but it felt good to have a proper sleep. She swung her legs over the side, slipping the boots back on. Aellyn sat for a moment, listening, she didn’t hear anyone else moving about. Grabbing her pistol, she strapped it around her leg and pulled on her jacket. Stepping into the main room, no one was up and around. Stepping around the corner to one of the cargo bays, she began to rummage until surprisingly she found a small hover bike. It was big enough for a child. Where did he get this, she wondered. Pulling it out, she pushed it towards the ramp. Pressing the button, the ramp hissed as it lowered itself. She was starting to push the bike down the ramp, noticing the little pesky droid come her way.

“Look, I’m not stealing it. Just borrowing it. Headed to the settlement. The big guy is coming later for supplies. Just…Just don’t leave me.” She pleaded but the droid responded that he would if he had his way.

Stepping foot on the dry grass, pushing the bike up next to her. She hoped this machine still had life to it. Hearing a growl, she turned her head, scanning the area around the UA. The pilot did mentioned some nasty wildlife. Not taking chances, she mounted the bike, which struggled but turned on. Aellyn pressed the accelerator and the little bike took off toward the settlement.

The ride was almost like being in a hover car back on Coruscant. The wind in her air, she enjoyed the moment of peace. The settlement was just that, scraps put together to barely survive. She had seen a few places like this in the outer rim, one sure doesn’t hear about this way of life on the core world. Settling her bike, near some others. She saw a few settlers starting their day.

Old Man didn’t come with you?”

Aellyn turned and saw Abilene standing near by. She shook her head. “No, just me. Do you have a place that I can get a hot meal? Maybe a drink?”

The old lady, nodded her head to follow her, in which she did. Together stepping into a building not too far from where they were. It may have been early but it seemed like the establishment was a place to gather for most of the settlers. They all didn’t have much, that she could tell. Abilene pointed to an empty table as she settled into a chair. From a woman who was ready for a shoot out, to being somewhat friendly, Aellyn kept her guard up. Abilene set two bowls down, as she joined.

“Do you know who you are flyin’ with?” The lady started on.

“I have my guesses.” Aellyn looked down at her bowl.

“I didn’t poison it. I’m not that cruel. Fel, maybe. ” She noticed.

Aellyn hesitated for a moment, then dived into the warm contents. If she was going to die, at least she was full. The two women both ate in silence until the bowls were empty.

“What are you here for, are you here to salvage for parts?” The old lady leaned back in her chair.

“Something like that. If I can, of course.” Aellyn wanting permission.

“Sure, I’ll show you the yard.I have to ask ya. Brave to defend a man you hardly know. You seem like a smart lady. How did you end up with this lot?” They both stood, heading out to the scrap yard.

“Just lucky, I guess.” Aellyn stuck her hands in her jacket pockets, keeping up her guard as she followed Abilene to the scraps.

Her heart was pounding in her chest, her pistol aiming true to her target. The last few seconds were a blur, seeing Jet run to Fel’s aid, she too reacted, standing in front of them, a human shield. Why? She hardly knew either one of them but in that moment, a single thought was the only thing on her mind. Out of everything, maybe this would be the saving grace. A peace that she had been searching for. Abilene had dismounted, her hand steady, her eyes locked on the old lady as the woman started to negotiate terms. A relief, her threat worked? Jet helping the pilot to his feet as Aellyn stepped to the side, holstering her weapon. The negotiating didn’t last long, it seemed Fel got what he wanted. No one died. At least, not yet. The day was still young.

As Abilene began to load, Aellyn turned her head, seeing the doc rise from his hiding place, making his way toward the pilot. The Chiss arrived at Fel’s side as the pilot leaned against Jet’s shoulder for support. The pilot caught the doctor’s arm before he had a chance to examine his wound. Aellyn scoffed observing the interaction. At least let him be useful before he leaves. Her stare caught Fel’s and the expression he gave, she knew it wasn’t good. The same one when she showed up with the Doc on Lotho. Plans change and it was the second time she had gone off script.

“Let it bleed, Doc. I’ll be alright.”

Vizst nodded, taking a step back from the pilot. His hands clasped behind his back.

“Aellyn, you copy?” A familiar voice echoed in her ear.

She turned her head toward the sky, breaking the stare as Fel turned his back to Abilene. “Yeah, land by the hill you demolished. I’ll meet you with the kolto and doc.”

The freighter, hovering above the UA, shifted to the left toward the clearing it had made moments ago. Those on the ground shielded their faces, the sand kicked up as the crafted landed smoothly on the desolate rock.

“I take it that’s your ride…” Fel offered the man his hand. “Go on, doctor. Go find some of that ‘peace’ I’ve been hearing about. Do some good while you’re out there in the ‘verse, y’hear?” He didn’t know the man all that well, but he’d kept his word, and maybe that was enough. There was no goodbye. No ‘see you soon.’ That wouldn’t have rang true.

Aellyn watched the final interaction, the Chiss nodding shaking the pilots hand before turning to her. They both walked together, taking the kolto and pushing it toward the other freighter. The landing ramp had just settled as the older man descended, stepping on the dry dirt. His arms crossed as he watched the two approach. By a distance, the man looked a lot like Jet but a closer look, any Imperial would know he was a clone. Much like Fel, Wyler didn’t seem too happy to see her or was that always his expression, she wondered.

I have a feeling this new ‘crew’ you have taken upon, didn’t know I was here. “ Wyler motioned over toward the UA.

“No.“ She answered back. Her contact gave her a look, the same one a father would give if they were disappointed.

“Name’s Wyler” The Trooper turned to Vizst, shaking hands, exchanging a few words. “Let’s get you settled, doc.” He turned to Aellyn. “Stay.”

Aellyn wished the doctor luck as the two men pushed the kolto up the loading ramp, disappearing into the ship. Her hands slipped into her jacket pockets, turning her head back to the UA, she felt a slight breeze against her cheek as thoughts whirled around in her head.

“Who are you mixed with now..” The clunk of boots hit the ramp as the Trooper came back down to her.

“Don’t know. Old Republic mechanic. He is solid. Some kid we picked up from the job on Lotho. Then there is the pilot. Lots of history with the Empire, turned Smuggler. Something isn’t quite right but I’ll figure it out.”   Aellyn kept her eyes on the UA.

“ Kid, don’t be meddling in others business. Out here…it will get you killed.”

“Yeah… I know.” She emphasized the last two words.

“Stay off the holonet, eventually someone will catch on. That job you did, it is all over it. Best to stay low. You know how to contact me if you truly need it.”

Aellyn looked back, seeing her friend make his way back up the ramp. “Oh! One more thing, the kid I mentioned before. He left a brother on Lotho. Marcus, I believe. Could you..” She gave the man a familiar look.

Wyler sighed. “ I’ll see what I can do but no promises.” Wyler gave a wave before hitting the button near the ramp. As it closed, she stepped back, smiling before turning on her heels, heading back toward the UA. Her jacket pressed against her back as the freighter lifted off the rock. It turned, hovering back over the UA, as she watched it make its way to the stars before jumping to hyperspace.

As Aellyn approached the crew, she saw Abilene’s getting back on to her horse, the crew must be finishing up. She didn’t bother approaching the others, instead she turned, walking up the ramp into the UA.

The good part about having a space all to yourself was that fact no one would be asking questions. The pilot had left along with the larger guy, more than likely getting ready for their contacts. She, however, had a bit of time. Aellyn kicked her feet up on the co-pilot seat, her data pad plugged into the panel. Her fingers, moving quickly through the holonet. More news about senate hearings, resistance fighters in the outer rim but there it was like a neon sign on Nar Shadaa. An imperial star destroyer attacked, goods stolen. Her lips formed a smirk as she read through the file. Her first real hit toward her former employer. Good. Nothing pointing towards them exactly but no doubt the Empire will have all of them pegged by now. She would have to find more info later. As she relaxed, she heard the rummaging of the crew about the ship, hearing a few beeps and boops from the old astromech. She pulled her feet back, planting them on the ground. Hunched over, her fingers working quickly as a thought came to mind. Well, a few thoughts.

Zane was a nobody, coming from a junk planet no one cared for, hence why a top star destroyer was camped there. Nothing on the kid. Jet, as much as she could muster was as clean as they come. No record, at least that she could find. Though, the Empire did tag him as an Ex-Republican mechanic. Useful on a piece of junk freighter. She shrugged and carried on. The pilot was a different story. Plenty of history with the Empire. That was a given, no need to even tell her. He was a pilot for the Imperial Navy, which spoke volumes about his piloting skills. Moved through different squadrons. “How did you get into smuggling…” Aellyn whispered to herself as her eyes continued to read. There, at the end. Dishonorably discharged. “Kriff.” Her eyes skipped over lines, nothing. The file had been altered or encrypted. She needed to know. A sudden knock against the metal frame of the cockpit made her jump. Aellyn quickly unplugged as she turned her head toward the door, at least it was only the Doc.

Aellyn leaned back in her chair as the Chiss took a seat in the Pilot chair. He still had the Imperial uniform on. Putting her datapad away, her eyes looked over the man. He looked like his life was suddenly over. The same feeling she had when she left Coruscant. Wyler would take care of him, getting him to a safe world and put the kolto to good use. She explained everything. Her contact would come here, pick him up and the kolto, taking away from the Empire. A place he can make a difference. Aellyn apologized for forcing him into coming with them but the Chiss insisted that he had made his choice, in his own right. She nodded and smiled toward him, suggesting they should probably help the others. As they both stood, she turned toward the window, seeing a cloud of dust forming in the distance. Seeing as how there is nothing out here on this rock, makes sense the exchange would happen sooner than later. As the pair exited the cockpit, the droid rolled past, beeping about something. “Go ahead…grab the crate. If my contact comes, I got a feeling it won’t be good for this bunch and your extraction will be quick.”

Aellyn stepped into her so called room, grabbing her holster and pistol. She attached the holster to her, checked the weapon before she put it away. The kid was coming back up the ramp as the Chiss was just pulling the crate of kolto out of cargo. This was going to be fun to explain. She helped move the box along, down the ramp and onto the dry unforgiving rock. Where did the pilot find these places, she asked herself as she stepped onto the dry grass. Taking the landscape while watching the dust approach rapidly. The pilot put them in a strategic position. Though, nowhere to escape, they would have to shoot their way out if it came to that. Her data pad beeped as she pulled it out of her pocket.

Kriff. Her contact just dropped into orbit.

The freighter hung suspended in the blackness of space. A silent beast, against the backdrop of a million distant stars. No sound, just the subtle hum of its internal systems and the loud snoring made by its lonely passenger. The silence continued only to be disturbed by the ship's comm system. Who in the galaxy would be contacting him? The old man pressed his bare feet to the cold metal, unbothered by it, as he made his way toward the comm panel. He flipped a few switches, seeing a very familiar redhead. He didn’t have time to deal with her mess. He should have left her stranded on Coruscant. The ex-agent was getting to be a problem, however, she had a knack for finding things. He let her spill about the heist, the story lined up on what he heard on the holonet about a star destroyer. What did she do? Maybe he had trained her a bit too much. Kolto?! Hard to pass on a whole crate plus a med tech to boot. The old trooper took a moment but eventually agreed to the extraction and the comm channel was cut.

Wyler leaned back into the chair and sighed. No telling where that girl ended up and how she got aboard that star destroyer. No matter, the girl could handle herself. She would have made a fine trooper back in the day, he thought to himself. He huffed, checked the internal systems and decided that he can use some grub.

Somehow, Aellyn managed to find herself in the cockpit. The pilot had just killed the comms and moved back over to his seat. Perfect. She slid into the seat next to comms. “Better keep us steady. I mean, don’t want us to die after we made it this far.” Aellyn grinned toward the pilot as she sat back, letting him do his thing. The planetoid came into view. Leaning forward to get a better look, the place wasn’t at all what she had pictured. Kark. She wasn’t sure what was worse, this bare minimum of a planet or the junk one. Holding on as the ship banked, then soon settling a few clicks away from the settlement. “That was better than the last one. I’m going to pry on the settlement a bit. ” Not at all what she was going to do. She plugged her datapad into the comm panel. This ship needed better security. Easily finding the coordinates, she sent an encrypted message out to her contact. She hoped he would be here in time before the captain made his drop.

Fel returned Aellyn’s smile. He genuinely liked piloting, and there was something special about a Corellian craft. Something forgiving about the way they moved that evoked the feel of a craft responding to in-atmo input. Some pilots hated that degree of inaccuracy. Fel revelled in it. The ship somehow felt as though it was moving more naturally. In atmo itself, was another matter. Most pilots felt that CEC freighters flew like cattle-cars in-atmo, but again, Fel loved it. The amount of feedback that every creak, every groan, every rattle and shake of the airframe told him what to expect, how to react. He let it guide him. Every control surface and response was dealt with lovingly, gently. And when they touched down, if anything the smile was even bigger. ”Sensors are all yours. Not sure how much they’ll be able to tell you ‘bout Abilene. They’re pretty low-tech. Just stay off the holonet, ok? I’d rather not pop up on anyone’s ident-tracker.”

Jet sidled into the cockpit, casually bracing himself hanging off the doorframe, allowing his weight to shift with the ship. A comforting, familiar feeling reminding him of the many years he had spent flying around from one battlefront to another, and from one base to another. He stared through the glass and watched as Fel did his thing. An ace pilot if he ever knew one, and he had known plenty.

“Got it…No Holo.” Aellyn pulled her datapad from the comm panel. She got what she wanted. Now for the wait game and hoped nothing else went wrong.

The trooper was explaining his last mission, something about a blockade and medicine when his comm panel lit up. He knew who and what it was. Pausing his briefing he read the coded message. Urgent? Wyler scoffed at the message.
“Something wrong Wyler?” A voice from the holo mentioned.
“No, Need to help a….friend. He held at the last word. Did he really think of her as that?
“Do you require assistance?”
“No…should be simple…I’ll send a message when I’m on my way to you. Wyler, out.” The trooper killed the comms. He then stood and slid into the pilot seat, punching the coordinates into the panel. The freighter jumped to hyperspace, heading toward Abilene and its unbeknown inhabitants.

The door to the cabin slid closed, the sounds of the galley muffled as the captain started on dinner. She was curious what sort of meal was there to prepare out here in space. Leaning against the steel door she closed her eyes and sighed. The mission was over and for what it was worth, they made it out alive. They nabbed their prize and even snagged some kolto. Aellyn patted her pockets as she found her datapad, pulling it out. Settling onto the lower bunk, her fingers went to work. Opening an encrypted communication channel, she began her message. She hoped that her contact would change their plans and meet her at their new destination. As the communication was sent, the waiting game began, hoping it would come before they landed. The kid's voice could be heard in the galley along with the captains. A good sign, she thought. Too much time in one's head has an effect on a person. She removed the imperial uniform, folding it neatly. An action she had performed many times before. As she pulled on her boots, her datapad chimed. Quickly picking it up, a smile formed on her face.

Stepping into the main common room, the aroma of food hit her senses. Kriff, what was he making? Rubbing her nose, she turned toward the cockpit. Food would have to wait. As she entered, Wrench was in the middle of some routine checks as he acknowledged her presence. “Yeah..I know. I’m not allowed to be in here but I need the comm panel.” She eased into the co-pilot chair and plugged her datapad into it. “It’s important. You can tattle on me later…” Aellyn mentioned as Wrench poked her side just to aggravate her. Her fingers pressed and flipped a few switches, causing a hologram to appear in front of her. An Elderly man, built much like Jet, yet he had the familiar face that any Imperial would know.

“Sorry, Wyler, had to get a message to you. I got something for you…scored big.”

The clone trooper had an expressionless face, like most of the dealings she had with him. “Whatcha got, kid? I don’t have much time.”

Wrench beeped and poked her side. “Yea, just another minute, Wrench. Wyler, I got roped into a heist. We snagged some kolto and with any luck, I can get you a full crate. It can help that camp I told you about. The supplies can last a good bit and from what I heard on the holonet, it’s bad out there.” The trooper appeared to think about what he had just heard, his hand scratching his chin. She hoped that he would bite.

“And this med tech you mentioned?”

“He defected and he helped the crew secure the crate. He needs a new home and I figured if any place needs a doc, it’s the camp.” Aellyn gave a pleading look.

“Hard to pass on kolto these days…You got a deal kid. Send me a message when you arrive. Wyler out. “

The hologram clicked off as she removed her datapad from the console. “See Wrench…nothing to it.” She patted the droid's metal head as she stood up making her way to the galley.

Leaning against the hull of the interior, her arms crossed as she listened to Jet and Fel. She didn’t announce herself, she observed like she was used to. Watching, listening, those were two powerful things. Secrets were much more easily obtained that way. As the conversation turned toward Abilene, she was curious on how the drop off would happen. She had to at least see that off plus figure out how to get the doc and her crate to her own contact, without causing trouble.

“Agreed. The goods are hers, supposedly. Though, we risked our necks for it. I would make sure what she has promised is there before the exchange, like the big guy mentioned. Otherwise, no deal.” Aellyn shrugged. “Of course, there is also the kolto, which I want a crate. You can split the rest amongst the four of you. “

Fel looked to Jet, and back to Aellyn, his mood serene face and demeanor calm. ”As for the kolto, you deserve it. That was your score.”

She moved and settled in next to Fel, making herself at home for the time being. “Thanks, but credit goes to the doc…” She smiled over to the Chiss as he nodded back to her.

Fel shook his head, no. “Doc might’ve got us access to the kolto, but he did it so he could get out, get away. Not because he’s a saint, robbing the rich to give to the downsiders. We’re even on that score. No, you were the one that brought it to us. Score’s yours in my eyes.” He turned to face the doc. “No disrespect meant, doc. We all do what we gotta do.” swinging back to Aellyn “...question is, you got a place to fence a crate of kolto, and a way to get there?”

“You take care of your own drop, Doc and I will handle it…” Aellyn's smile was mischievous. Her hand wasn’t played yet.

Her stare never left him as she watched his fingers dance around the console bringing them out of hyperspace. Aellyn perked her brow as she crossed her right leg over her left. She was curious as to why he had dropped them out of hyperspace but like any good slicer, he was covering his tracks. Perhaps he wasn’t an idiot after all. As the captain stood, she turned toward the viewpoint, staring off into black void. They had really pulled the heist off. Whatever he wanted and the kolto. The kolto . Pulling out her data pad, she flipped through and found the list of planets she had cultivated before escaping home. Just one of the crates could help. Easily shipping it off to those worlds. To those that she had…upended.

“I could be mad, sure. And if something had happened to Jet, or my ship, we’d be having a different kind of talk right now …but it didn’t. We got the job done. And I realize that trust works both ways.”

“I would have blamed the droid for the ship.” She quipped.

Aellyn slipped her datapad back into her pocket, folding her arms infront of her again as she watched the pilot work. He then turned his back to her and started talking about her. Just okay? She thought to herself. Her face didn’t flitch, her thoughts were much more vocal. The kolto wouldn’t be in the cargo hold unless she tagged the med tech, who was now contemplating his choices in the main hall. Then she paused, was he giving her an option to stay? Would that be better than settling down on some other rock, far away from the Empire or could she truly redeem herself by staying?

“So that was fun, huh?”

”As much fun as one would have heisting a Star Destroyer.” Aellyn turned in the chair, toward the large man. She smiled towards the old gunner. Feeling the glance coming from Fel as she did so.

As the ship jumped into hyperspace, the cockpit fell silent as she contemplated a short rest before having anything to eat. She was about to make her exit as the droid beeped and booped. Her eyes went from the little astromech then to Fel. “Guess that settles whether or not I’m staying. He has been…busy.” Aellyn left the info with the pilot, leaving the cockpit with nothing else to say.

As she approached her room, she noticed the med tech with his head on the table, seemingly asleep or thinking but what stopped her was the sound coming from the one of the cargo holds. “Kriff..” Walking past her room, she turned, letting the cargo door hiss open. There next to a bulkhead beam sat the kid who had just left his home. His family. She stuck her hands into her pockets and leaned against a crate. Waiting for some time, she finally spoke.

“Kid… I know it isn’t easy. I left home too. Left my friends, family all behind. I know what you’re feeling. It never gets easier. I could probably tell you it does…but it doesn’t. However, if your brother is half as brave as you were today… he will be alright. You did good kid. Captain likes you at least. So.. maybe that’s something.” She shrugged, feeling sorry for him. At least he has people around him that could help him cope. “Anyway… grab an empty bunk… heard there is a meal in an hour or so…might be good?” Aellyn pushed off the crate, taking a look at the kid before heading back to her room.
The vindication she felt as the cannon fire hit the streets of Junktown, aiming toward the Imperials. The white armor of the troopers stood out like a sore thumb making them easy targets. From her vantage point, she saw Fel and Zane repel down toward the warehouses below. She wished they wouldn’t have stopped but the kolto was too valuable to pass up. Thanks Viszt for the info. Won’t be long now. Seconds, then minutes passed. She had concentrated too hard on the troopers when she realized that Zane was rambling through the comms. Something about a friend? No, A brother? Both? Kriff. They didn’t have time to pick up another person but the captain had spoken. For once, they agreed on something. They needed to get the heck off this planet. No more diversions. She had clearly done enough of that on this mission.

As the UA shot toward the sky, more troopers made their presence known. Aellyn shot off several blasts from the cannon but at this range, she was hitting the dirt around them. The two were hanging banthas out there. “Wrench…get that cable going faster…they are easy targets down there…” She yelled into the comms as she heard Wrench beep back at her. At least the bucket of bolts agreed. Soon enough, all the crew and stolen goods were aboard the ship.

“Not a moment too soon, Fel. I’ve got two coming up on us. I’d say it’s time we make tracks,” Jet barked into the comm.

Aellyn leaned forward as she heard Jet in her ear. Two black specs in the distance, closing on them, fast. Just two? Figured it would be more, she thought. “Fel, going to need you to get this heap of junk out of orbit and make a jump. Any kriffing day now.”

The initial recoil of the cannons sent a shiver down Jet's spine, causing the fine hairs on his arms to stand erect. The familiar sensation of cannon fire against imperial adversaries was as welcoming as an old friend dropping by for their yearly catch-up. The shots whizzed past the TIE fighters, missing their mark. Jet pondered whether he had grown rusty after years spent pressed up underneath starships rather than engaging in combat within them. More likely, the distance was still too great to ensure a perfect hit. Regardless, the shots compelled the TIE fighters to veer off, losing both their speed and their advantage. Jet chuckled to himself, the sound carrying an edge of mania he hadn't anticipated. It was a step back into an old role that felt almost unnervingly familiar.

Fel had said his piece to Zane. There was nothing else to be done for the moment – except getting vaped if they didn’t get the kark out of there. He bolted for the flight deck, moving through the foredeck and the small galley, pots and pans clanking and swaying from their hooks above the cooktop, past closed doors to bunks, worn and chipped paint reminding him he was home – and into the cockpit, nearly vaulting over Wrench and into the pilot’s seat. Switching over to manual interface, much to the dismay of the aged Astromech, Fel got quickly up to speed on their situation. Two TIE fighters 5000m off the port quarter, and a further three TIEs breaking atmo, making for their position. To buy them a few moments, he banked the UA into a *relative* descent, and a crescent arc to starboard, with the fuselage making a roll to wing-over in the course of 25,000m or the next fifteen seconds, increasing to flank. Not that any of it mattered in the Black. There was no ‘up,’ nor a ‘down,’ neither. What it would accomplish, is make them a difficult enough target at the TIEs current range that they wouldn’t be able to score a decent hit, and at the UA’s max sublight speed, they’d begin to pull away. Wrench protested that the ship wouldn’t withstand such forces of lateral acceleration and that at the age of the airframe, metal fatigue was of primary…

…but Fel had long since ceased listening to the little droid. He swivelled to his left, calling up several pre-programmed jumps from the hyperdrive’s memory, and just to be double-sure they wouldn’t be tracked, told Wrench to randomize the first two jumps from the droid’s own memory, which served as the UA’s tertiary backup jump-drive. When he received a series of chirps, whirrs and bleeps that all was prepared, the spacer took one more look at the short range scan, and, satisfied that the TIEs were no closer and were sufficiently eating their dust, engaged the hyperdrive disappearing into the void. As the hypnotic swirl and safety of hyperspace shone through the viewport, Fel placed his boots up on the console, lacing his fingers behind his head.

As the UA made the jump to hyperspace, Aellyn sat back into the chair, pulling the comm from her ear. Several moments passed before she reached up and pulled herself up, climbing the ladder. The med tech was leaving the cockpit area as the eyes met one another. The tech looked unsure of himself, knowing he couldn’t go back. He was now an enemy of the Empire much like the rest of the crew of the UA. He slid into the booth behind the Dejarik table as she made her way into the cockpit. Wrench beeped, making her presence known as she sat in the co-pilot seat. Her arms crossed, staring out the viewport. “Well, we didn’t die.” Aellyn turned her head toward the captain who seemed relaxed for someone that pulled off a heist. “Guess I misjudged you…” It wasn’t an apology but she admitted to herself she had made things a bit too complicated. Still, the crew made it out and she hoped the pay day would be worth it.

The alarm had been blaring through the corridors of the Basilisk for nearly ten minutes. Five rebels had gotten aboard one of the most secure ships and somehow managed to escape. The lieutenant stared at the data pad, then looked up to see the security officer who seemed to be shaking. As he should be, the lieutenant thought. He swung both arms behind him, grasping the opposite wrist with a hand. He paced, two troopers stood quietly next to the door.

“Sir, I sounded the alarm as soon as the incident on the med floor. The officer begged.

“Yes but you and your team seemed to have missed details when they boarded. The Admiral cannot have this again. Your abilities are no longer required above this ship.” The lieutenant turned and stepped from the room. The door hissing closed behind him. As he sharply turned, several blaster bolts muffled the pleading screams before silence fell.

The bridge was quiet, soft hums and beeps heard as the lieutenant stepped his way toward the Admiral, who seemed to have his attention elsewhere. “Excuse me, sir?” He cleared his throat, holding out the data pad toward the Admiral, which was taken with a delicate pass off.
The Admiral looked down at the report as the lieutenant started his report. ”Sir, it would seem that we had a breach in security. One of our Lab Techs must have authorized the other four onboard. A local boy. Harmless at best. A female. We are sure, she was a former ISB Agent. No doubt hired to pass our security clearances. The other two were still hidden in old trooper armor. We are working to find out who they are.”

Quiet. Delicate fingers flipped through the pages. Did they take anything? The Admiral stated.

“Two crates… ZY5-232 and ZY5-233…"

“Ah, not important. Though I am surprised, those were in my personal cache. I want them found. No reports have been detected through the blockade. That means they are still on this planet.”

The Lieutenant nodded, taking his data pad from the Admiral before he headed off the bridge.

Aellyn stepped onto the ramp, making her way back into her own little room. She was happy to be back on board the little pile of junk. “Never will I sign up for this kind of travel again.” The ship jolted left as she grasped the bunk above her. Stupid droid, the thought rambled in her mind. Worse than the owner. Speaking of, Fel’s voice barked orders over the comms. She wished they would get off this trashy planet already. Aellyn moved outside her room, noticing the med tech head into the cockpit. Better him than her. Grabbing the nearby ladder, she climbed down into the lower ventral cannon. Settling herself in, she pulled on the comm piece. “Not going to try to talk you out of this little side piece mission, but we need to hurry. They will already know we are still on this planet and two, tie fighters are going to swoop the area. Much like…”

Like clockwork, several storm troopers filled the streets, aiming their blasters toward the UA. “Hope that droid knows what he is doing. Keep us steady, Wrench.” Aellyn prepped the cannon and started to fire. Wrench beeped in her comms “You bucket of bolts! I am going to dismantle you at the first chance….” The UA turned ninety degrees as she slammed against the window. “Dank Farrik! Fel! Get your stupid droid working….I’m trying to not get us killed.”

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