Her heart was pounding in her chest, her pistol aiming true to her target. The last few seconds were a blur, seeing Jet run to Fel’s aid, she too reacted, standing in front of them, a human shield. Why? She hardly knew either one of them but in that moment, a single thought was the only thing on her mind. Out of everything, maybe this would be the saving grace. A peace that she had been searching for. Abilene had dismounted, her hand steady, her eyes locked on the old lady as the woman started to negotiate terms. A relief, her threat worked? Jet helping the pilot to his feet as Aellyn stepped to the side, holstering her weapon. The negotiating didn’t last long, it seemed Fel got what he wanted. No one died. At least, not yet. The day was still young.
As Abilene began to load, Aellyn turned her head, seeing the doc rise from his hiding place, making his way toward the pilot. The Chiss arrived at Fel’s side as the pilot leaned against Jet’s shoulder for support. The pilot caught the doctor’s arm before he had a chance to examine his wound. Aellyn scoffed observing the interaction. At least let him be useful before he leaves. Her stare caught Fel’s and the expression he gave, she knew it wasn’t good. The same one when she showed up with the Doc on Lotho. Plans change and it was the second time she had gone off script.
“Let it bleed, Doc. I’ll be alright.”
Vizst nodded, taking a step back from the pilot. His hands clasped behind his back.
“Aellyn, you copy?” A familiar voice echoed in her ear.
She turned her head toward the sky, breaking the stare as Fel turned his back to Abilene. “Yeah, land by the hill you demolished. I’ll meet you with the kolto and doc.”
The freighter, hovering above the UA, shifted to the left toward the clearing it had made moments ago. Those on the ground shielded their faces, the sand kicked up as the crafted landed smoothly on the desolate rock.
“I take it that’s your ride…” Fel offered the man his hand. “Go on, doctor. Go find some of that ‘peace’ I’ve been hearing about. Do some good while you’re out there in the ‘verse, y’hear?” He didn’t know the man all that well, but he’d kept his word, and maybe that was enough. There was no goodbye. No ‘see you soon.’ That wouldn’t have rang true.
Aellyn watched the final interaction, the Chiss nodding shaking the pilots hand before turning to her. They both walked together, taking the kolto and pushing it toward the other freighter. The landing ramp had just settled as the older man descended, stepping on the dry dirt. His arms crossed as he watched the two approach. By a distance, the man looked a lot like Jet but a closer look, any Imperial would know he was a clone. Much like Fel, Wyler didn’t seem too happy to see her or was that always his expression, she wondered.
I have a feeling this new ‘crew’ you have taken upon, didn’t know I was here. “ Wyler motioned over toward the UA.
“No.“ She answered back. Her contact gave her a look, the same one a father would give if they were disappointed.
“Name’s Wyler” The Trooper turned to Vizst, shaking hands, exchanging a few words. “Let’s get you settled, doc.” He turned to Aellyn. “Stay.”
Aellyn wished the doctor luck as the two men pushed the kolto up the loading ramp, disappearing into the ship. Her hands slipped into her jacket pockets, turning her head back to the UA, she felt a slight breeze against her cheek as thoughts whirled around in her head.
“Who are you mixed with now..” The clunk of boots hit the ramp as the Trooper came back down to her.
“Don’t know. Old Republic mechanic. He is solid. Some kid we picked up from the job on Lotho. Then there is the pilot. Lots of history with the Empire, turned Smuggler. Something isn’t quite right but I’ll figure it out.” Aellyn kept her eyes on the UA.
“ Kid, don’t be meddling in others business. Out here…it will get you killed.”
“Yeah… I know.” She emphasized the last two words.
“Stay off the holonet, eventually someone will catch on. That job you did, it is all over it. Best to stay low. You know how to contact me if you truly need it.”
Aellyn looked back, seeing her friend make his way back up the ramp. “Oh! One more thing, the kid I mentioned before. He left a brother on Lotho. Marcus, I believe. Could you..” She gave the man a familiar look.
Wyler sighed. “ I’ll see what I can do but no promises.” Wyler gave a wave before hitting the button near the ramp. As it closed, she stepped back, smiling before turning on her heels, heading back toward the UA. Her jacket pressed against her back as the freighter lifted off the rock. It turned, hovering back over the UA, as she watched it make its way to the stars before jumping to hyperspace.
As Aellyn approached the crew, she saw Abilene’s getting back on to her horse, the crew must be finishing up. She didn’t bother approaching the others, instead she turned, walking up the ramp into the UA.