Avatar of NanoFreakV2
  • Last Seen: 10 days ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 575 (0.16 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. NanoFreakV2 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current One does not simply perform a hardware assisted lithobraking twice.
1 like
9 yrs ago
I don’t have a short temper, I just have a quick reaction to bullshit.
9 yrs ago
"Will they stay when they see, what we have done just to be . . . free . . ."
1 like
9 yrs ago
They're coming to make peace. Destroy them!
1 like
9 yrs ago
If you see a bomb technician running, follow him.


Maybe I'll add something about me here... someday...

But until then have some:


Or maybe you'd prefer to become a criminal and drive it like you stole it?

And then, after you realize what horrible crimes you've done, you'd probably want to just get high and forget about things.


Maybe you're a bit stressed out and insomnia has taken over. I'm certainly an insomniac, but not due to stress.

But fret not over crimes or stress or insomnia my friend, cause you shall gather the seven nation army and take over this forum!
Take the sky epxress to your throne, to make it yours to rule, more infamous than any Human alive.

Blind with power you'll become careless and indifferent of your eminent downfall. Desperate to hold on to that power, yet still a Dreamer, where others have failed, you are cunning.

And once the forums have been shook by your cymatics, down the road you make your escape to a place where the real stars are.

But remember, one day somebody might come back for you.

I didn't plan for this . . . it just happened. Still haven't written anything about myself in here... other than my music tastes.
Eh, maybe another day then.

Either way thanks for the visit!

Most Recent Posts

Well RL got worse as opposed to getting better over time. And probably still won't be able to do much for the next 2 weeks too. After that if anyone is still willing, I promise I will most definitely be able to resume doing this actively and on a daily basis.
Percyvallus Crowglide

Location - Terreille, Dhemlan Territory, Gates of Ironmawr

Percyvallus cursed under his breath while initially struggling to keep himself on the saddle. "Easy boy." He patted the side of the steeds nape to calm it down. For mere moments Percyvallus managed to distract himself with mental cringe at the thought of what Volo might have said if he had seen these events unfolding. In the end it was a only matter of time until find out as he would still have to deal with the aftermath of this.

Hearing the guards behind him, still intent on stopping him, Percyvallus turned his head just so he could see his chasers with corner of his eye. The air around him began vibrating with energy, swirling and twisting, ready to converge on any projectile heading towards his general direction. The craft wasn't powerful enough to outright stop the arrows, however the Intention was only to deflect them away from him and his mount, provided more followed the first one.
Sorry for disappearing for a while. RL ran me down like truck and seems intent on doing that for a while. I'm not putting the RP on hold, but do expect shorter post lengths for a while.
I'll see that I get a post up in the next few days.
Percyvallus Crowglide

Location - Terreille, Dhemlan Territory, Landen town of Ironmawr

Percyvallus let the words the man in the tavern had told him sink in. Indeed, he wasn't wrong and said boot was slowly growing spikes, pressing down harder than ever. He had seen it first hand today, in Ironmawr. At times like these, he would prefer remaining in town more than anything in order to try and help the townspeople as much as he could. The way he usually did. The grim truth hower was that it would not solve the problem in the long run.

Percyvallus' eyes blinked as he huffed, forcing himself out of his contemplation. He was on the streets of Ironmawr once more. A single glance from the wrong person would land him in serious trouble. He had already made a mistake today. It was best it remained that way. That thought included his decision to head for Helios.
Pulling his hood over the head, Percyvallus made his way to the town stables, intent on not being discovered again. Killing his parents' pawns in public view was not his prefered method of doing things.

"Leaving town so soon?" A man tending to the stable's horses spoke to Percyvallus to which he smiled. "Still haven't figured out how you always find out I'm in town, Volo." Percyvallus said to the man who reciprocated a chuckle. "So where to this time?" Volo inquired. "Helios." Percyvallus grabbed a nearby saddle and went to one of the horses while the two converesed. "The fort?" Volo went over to Percyvallus, patting the horse next to him as he went. "Yes, that's the one." Percyvallus responded as he tightened the final strap holding the saddle to the horse. "Who's the Warden nowdays?" He turned to face Volo. "Rathe Grey was his name I think." Volo rested his thumb on his chin in thought, not sounding very sure of his answers. "A Blood no doubt. Who'd he lay to gain the post?" Percyvallus sarcastically asked, voice dripping with disdain. "I recall him earning his position after defending the fort from raiders for several days." Percyvallus offered a skeptical look and then focused again on his horse.

Before mounting the muscular animal Percyvallus offered what Volo typically asked for a lend. The man glanced at the coins in his palm and back at Percyvallus. "You know, we live in harsh times. Few people have the money for my steeds these days. I've had to lower my prices accordingly." Volo, a man of honesty, told him, sounding far more gloomy than his usual self. "It's alright, you can keep it." Percyvallus retorted just as Volo was about to offer him some of his coins back. Percyvallus lowered his head sympathetically, once again being reminded how tough Ironmawr had it.
"Appreciate it. But this doesn't give a free pass to leave my horses to find their way home on their own. Try to bring him back yourself this time." Volo jokingly told Percyvallus as he left the stables.
"No promisses!" Percyvallus shouted back, quickening his pace.

The town guards, more stringent than ever, would typically question everyone entering or leaving Ironmawr. This time however, the ones on the other side of the town didn't even get the chance to utter a single word as Percyvallus raced past them, nearly knocking one of them down, only to further antagonize them.
@RandomCerebrate I would still like to see a crew section to keep it in line with the rest, just put the organism itself there. Doesn't have to be too extensive, just to be there.
Other than that it's good to go.
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