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2 days ago
Current Remembrance of Earth's Past is a hard sci fi trilogy that's easily some of the most captivating writing out there.
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Hey! Welcome to the page! I'm Redeemed; great to meet you here 😁

I'm a massive sci-fi and fantasy fan that has a lot of interest in crafting new worlds or new adventures in existing worlds. I've always got ideas brewing in my head, so if you see a fandom/genre below that you're interested in chatting through, shoot me a message!

Sci-fi (from humanity having some advanced tech to blowing past the speed of light and everything in-between)
Fantasy (from "hey, magic is neat" to multi-dimensional beings attempting to blow the cosmos to smithereens)
Cyberpunk (I know, it's sci-fi ish, but I wanted to list it out separately)
Feudal/Alt history Japan (Not necessarily historically accurate. Swords and magic in this era are always fun)

Star Wars
Dragon Age
BG3/Forgotten Realms
The Witcher (video games/books, not Netflix)
Yakuza/Like a Dragon

If you're curious about writing with me, here's the situation:
-I'm at a job that can vary wildly in terms of activity, so I'll do my best to post at least every other day. I will absolutely let you know if there'll be a delay in posting or if things are getting too busy and I need to step away for a few days. I ask the same of you.
-I enjoy collaborating, so please don't ever feel shy about telling me you want to take the story in another direction. I love that so much because it tells me you're invested; nothing worse than having to carry the bulk of the story by yourself, you know?
-I like threads just because they're easier to keep track of.
-I don't stray away from mature themes, but writing things out beyond PG-13 type stuff is not my thing; not only am I bad at writing it, I just don't like it.

Hope to hear from you soon!

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Sounds good. Just made the formatting edits, removed the post outbreak skills and listed the favorite zombie media.
If you remove the . from the hr, the line break displays properly like this.

THANK you for that; those lines were driving me nuts, haha
Edit: Ok CS is done. Formatting looks a bit rough, so let me know if I need to correct anything.
Thanks for letting me know! Will submit today
@Nallore You know, I've had a bit of a post-apoc, zombies running wild type itch for a while now. Just checking to see if the RP is still open for apps? If so, I'm game to throw my CS in and see what you think.

Also, you mentioned in the app process that you wanted to see a previous post on the site. I'm coming back after a long hiatus; ok to copy/paste a post I did for another site?
Lofi playlist that has Japanese influences;

Probably listed already, but I really get frustrated when a potential partner has no direction for an idea and has no interest in collaborating on fleshing it out. Basically just: "here's an idea, develop it for me". Sucks the fun out of writing.

Might be out of character for the post, BUT one of the anti pet-peeves I have is when a partner tells you something like: "Wait, your character was holding that in the whole time?! I never saw that coming!" or "Come on, really, we're going to kill him off? We need to talk about this." Having a partner that's involved in the process is just...amazing.

There, something positive to end on.
Hi everyone! It's been a while since I've rp'ed, but like many of you, I wanted to come back and enjoy writing again.

Looking forward to collaborating soon!
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