Avatar of xtra


Recent Statuses

10 days ago
Current Your friendly neighborhood trash panda doing trash panda things~
26 days ago
Trash panda reporting for duty. All caught up. Responses might be a little sparse/short over the next two weeks due to a vacation with my partner~
1 like
28 days ago
Finally feeling better! :) extended work day, though, so I'll get to responses asap! Thanks for patience, y'all~
1 mo ago
Currently a sick trash panda juggling responses and my full time job~
1 mo ago
Just your friendly neighborhood trash panda looking to write.


Welcome, welcome~

I may or may not be a raccoon disguised as a pretty, pink girlie.

Most Recent Posts


Absolutely! Lemme' hear em~ Those are such good pairings, woof I'm totally not an absolute RP gremlin for everything I listed
Feel free to respond here or via PM!

Let me know if you'd like me to share ideas/conjure up some ideas on any of the other pairings you may be interested in~
Bumparoo~ I will add to favorites when I have time.
Editing bit by bit . . .
Boop~ Working on updating.
In Testing~ 1 mo ago Forum: Test Forum
Thanks for checking out my search thread~ Feel free to PM or reply here.

[Please be wary opening this. This sample is gigantic.]
Bumping and working on fleshing out more info~
@Vixere I would be very interested in this RP based on this idea! I don't exactly join the futuristic/robot/alien ones, but if you keep it to a sort of supernatural creature-esque type set in modern time or fantasy style, I would love to check it out. Curious as to what other ideas you had in mind, if this is still a possibility.
Thanks for checking out my search thread~ Feel free to PM or reply here. This thread is still under construction, so please do check back at later dates as well. :)

[Please be wary opening this. This sample is gigantic.]
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