Full Name: Clay Eaton
Age: 16
Year: Incoming Sophomore
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3
Sexuality: Bisexual

Colour Code: #7AD42A
- Diaster Movies: Sharks would never act like that!
- Wasps: One of the few animals that just dont seem to agree with Clay. Many times he had disturbed a nest while exploring or working and ended up stung.
- Most technology: He just doesn't seem to be able to understand them. And people only get frustated trying to help so he has mostly forsaken using most of it.
- The Outside: Obviously.
- Dogs: Specifically Greyhounds. He had three at home. (Though he's fond of all animals.)
- Fish: Tuna, Salmon, Flounder. All his favourites for eating!
- Art: Though perhaps he doesn't understand it. He loves the passion people put in it.
- On the long dulls on his family farm. Clay took up his father's hobby of wood carving. And given the many dulls on the farm, he's gotten quite talented at it.
- Knows his way around a farm.
- He's also a sufficent at lumbering, having helped his mother chop down cluttered trees.
Gift: Clay has an exceptional knowledge on anything related to physical geography. Trees, mountains, lakes. He loves them and understands how they are formed and how they effect the rest of the natural world.
Clay is...innocent in a lot of ways. A simple if sheltered childhood has led him to be unaware of many facets of the world. His accents and mannerisms may give people the impression of a dumb country bumpkin. In reality, Clay is just someone who takes life at an leisure pace. One might be able to see the cogs in his brain working in a conversation. But Clay seems not to notice any complaints about his pace.
Clay is an outwardly friendly person always willing to help his fellow neighbour. He may not get their trouble or the problems they face but he has been taught the right way in life and that is to always give a hand. Clay is not one to understand the intracies of conversation or subtext. He lived with simple spoken folk and that is what he has grown up to be as well. So a lot of things people say can be mis-understood or simply not understood at all. Clay doesn't mind, he's patient with people. Patient with a lot of things. He knows he may not be the brightest tool in the farmhouse but he tries.
Clay was born to two loving parents on a large secluded forested ranch precisely in the middle of nowhere. For education he went to the shcool an hours drive away where there was barely enough students to register each class. From a young age Clay helped in duties. And when the work was done, He was given free range to explore the seemingly endless ranch his parents owned.
The farm did not get many vistors, given how far away and secluded the house was. So his friends were the cows and sheep. The dogs and Cats. The birds and the bees- scratch that last one.
Academics were never really Clay's strong point. They were precisely his weak point if anything. Must to the bemusement of his classmates, CLay was often around the bottom of most subjects. Not that he minded too much, a life taking over the farm seemed simple to him. However anything related to nature he excelled. Clay and his parents were ready for that to be an interesting tidbit when a family friend suggested that he apply for Wellington Academy. He didn't expect much but was gobsmacked when he was accepted in. His parents spoke of him like he was the pride of the village.
He doesn't know what learn there, but he hopes to do his parents and hamlet proud.
Weller stars: 0
Cottage: ---
What did you pack?: Some old totems and symbols of luck given to him by his parents. An seemingly endless amount of wooly hats and overshirts. A carving knife which he had to get permission from and a journal for interesting landmarks.
Theme song: