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![]() Eden Lockhart ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ 16 | female | 5’4” | aromantic heterosexual | junior ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Dislikes ♦ studying — Eden is not very passionate about learning in general, preferring to spend her time engaging in personal interests ♦ coffee, it’s too bitter ♦ cold weather Likes ♦ horror genre in general♦ schadenfreude ♦ stuffed animals ♦ switchblades ♦ good photography and cinematography ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ skills ♦ Eden is skilled in photography, whether it is in front of or behind the camera. In her childhood, photography was her solace as it allowed her to view the world in eyes which were not her own, and capture pleasant moments eternally within a single frame.gift ♦ Eden’s gift is a visual intuition or sense of the space around her. Her mind can rapidly visualize her environment and lighting to create an artistic composition for a photo, before having lifted a camera to her face. Similarly, when Eden is the subject of a photograph, she and just as easily imagine what the camera sees of her, and adjusts herself for a perfect photo. | •p e r s o n a l i t y ![]() Though Eden’s caretakers would say that her personality is the result of her upbringing, Eden believes otherwise. In the argument of nature versus nurture, Eden is likely a product of both. On the surface, Eden presents herself like an angel, learning early on that smiling often and giving compliments to adults gives her advantages over other children. She relishes in her ability to deceive others, effortlessly brandishing her appearance and lies as weapons. Her habit of lying is not completely malicious, though she does feel rather smug when people believe her. It was a learned behaviour to get out of trouble as a kid and avoid potential abuse. This does backfire every so often when she’s caught in contradicting statements. In a typical interaction with Eden, she seems rather well-adjusted. She’s friendly, cheerful, and gets along with her peers, if not just slightly self-absorbed. She does earnestly like to make friends but she’s not very good at maintaining them, especially when she handles conflicts with a vengeful, temperamental attitude. Her prideful nature is fragile, and she is quick to anger if someone offends her. In some cases, she’s not adverse to using violence if it means she can get her way, and delights in seeing the object of her revenge suffer. ![]() •h i s t o r y Eden’s biological parents gave up their parental rights to her when she was 4. She doesn’t have a strong recollection of what they looked like or what happened during this time, but her caregivers told her it was because they couldn’t financially support raising her. Whether that was the truth or not didn’t matter to her—the only truth she was sure about was that she had been abandoned. In the next several years, Eden would be passed around from foster home to foster home, never staying in a single place for more than a year. Her tendency for violent outbursts made her an undesirable child, and less tolerant families were more than willing to be violent in return. Once she realized this, she slowly learned how to control her outward behaviour for survival, to find a place that would accept her rather than hurt her, though she still had the same anger bottled in her mind. Though she had temper tantrums less frequently, Eden learned new ways to express her frustration. She projected her anger towards her peers—she would rip up her classmate’s notebooks, steal things, and kick and punch people when they upset her, all while lying to the teachers that she did none of those things. More times than not, she’d get away with it, and that would give her a sense of power. Eden first picked up a camera at the age of 12. The foster family she was staying with at the time were lenient enough to allow Eden to play around with their DSLR when she showed interest. Her caregivers were quick to notice Eden’s skill with photography when she quickly grasped how to adjust settings like ISO, aperture, and shutter speed for a shot. Eden became enamoured with the art. She saw the lens of the camera as a doorway to another world. Using this device, she can transform small corners of a room or random arrangements of items on a table look like abstract patterns. Something that looked unseemly in front of her can look pleasing through the camera, if angled just right. Eden ended up staying with this family for the longest period of time, which gave her some stability. However, her disciplinary issues at school managed to get her suspended on numerous occasions, so her foster parents decided to send her to Wellington Academy halfway through her freshman year, before she could get expelled. Since the Academy didn’t have normal requirements to get in, Eden had a chance to enter the school despite her behavioural problems. They figured a unique learning environment would help Eden mature, with the added benefit that they could pass on the responsibilities of parenting to the school. For the first while, Eden focused on socializing. Being extroverted came easily to her — she loved being in the center of attention. However, it wasn’t before long when Eden received her first Weller Moon. She brought her switchblade collection to her dorm room, and someone in her class ratted her out. While a few of them were confiscated, Eden managed to keep a good remainder of the collection stored in her room. Learning that a fellow classmate snitched on her made Eden’s blood boil. She kept her anger contained for the most part, but kept an eye open for an opportunity of revenge. After all, it was only fair that someone paid the price for her lost goods. She found her chance one day, when the target of her revenge was sitting alone in a common area at the school. Approaching her from behind, Eden poured a bottle of acetone over her head, pulled her by her hair and held an activated lighter dangerously close to her face. The target managed to run away and report her, but not before sobbing and apologizing profusely. So, that became her second Weller Moon. People became much more wary of Eden after that incident, though Eden blatantly denied any wrongdoing. After all, it was only her words against Eden’s. The teachers however, started to scrutinize her every move much more, in case the claims against her were correct. Eden’s third Weller Moon was earned on a much less severe infraction—she was caught painting over a section of a wall on the exterior of a school building for a photography shoot. For the remainder of Eden’s high school career, she hopes to avoid getting more Moons so she can graduate. This is not to say that she’d dampen her behaviour, but just not get caught. She still aspires to be a photographer, and sees herself spending most of her time behind a camera. •cottage will be assigned by GM •what did you pack? DSLR camera, polaroid camera and film, some clothes, electronics, a collection of switchblades, lighter, several stuffed animals, and some school supplies. Weller Stars: 1 Weller Moons: 3 |
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