Avatar of Karisma
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Current @Kautalya square up m8
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Lucas Martin De Los Angeles Lavanda Meri De Los Angeles

| l o c a t i o n | rest stop > wellington academy
| t i m e | 7:00AM

"Lali," Lucas exhaled a loud, exasperated sigh before continuing,"Por el amor de dios, explícame lo que haces aqui."

Lavanda had one of those shit-eating grins Lucas hated so much, he was usually graced with their presence whenever his older sister felt she and one upped him. Today wasn't one of those days, there couldn't possibly be anything that Lavanda could've pulled on him. After all, he had fool-proofed his suitcase and double checked he had everything earlier in the morning while she was still snoring. Not to mention, he had already finished breakfast and had no drinks with him. Anything and everything that could have been considered possible ammo for Lavanda was nowhere in sight. But here she was. Standing next to him at the rest stop he normally waits at to be transported up the mountains, into the woods, back to the place he calls a second home.

Lucas had spent the summer back home with his mother and sister; the weight of how much he missed them swallowed him the moment he got home. His mother's hugs, her cooking, his old shared room and even his sister's shit-eating grin—those were all things he had been excited to see once more. Now that summer was over and he got a truckload of that back into his system, he couldn't wait to be back at the academy and back at his cottage."Seriously, Lali, you're going to miss your flight back home."

"Lu, bro," Lavanda's grin gets even wider, "don't worry about it, I just want to make sure you get on your secret car ride to school safely."

Lucas lets another sigh escape him—this was the fifth one this morning—defeated and tired of the back and forth, he decides to just wait in silence. He takes in the scenery; the sun aggressively reminding him how summer was valiantly fighting to stay around, but the wind that came through brought in the signs that fall was just around the corner, winning the battle. He looks over to his sister, her hair a mess of strands blending in with the wind and a long sweatshirt that spelled the words 'mashed potatoes.' He never understood the point of that sweatshirt but it was Lavanda's favorite go to. His eyes then focused on what she was carrying and his confusion only grew. "Why the fuck do you have your suitcase with you?"

Lavanda threw her head back into a fit of giggles and as if on cue, the Wellington Coach arrived at the rest stop. Lucas nodded his acknowledgement to the driver while his sister filled the background with laughter, now bordering on cackling. "Look, Lali, I don't know what the hell you're on, but I'll see you during winter break, okay?"

Lavanda's laughter only grew and instead of answering, Lucas sighed (sixth one and counting) and began entering the coach as the driver took care of his luggage. To his surprise, Lavanda followed right after. She had been wiping off the corner of her eye; the residues of her laughs lingered in the air. She took in a loud, satisfied inhale of air and closed the door behind her. Lucas, confused and with an unrestrained anger, nearly raised his voice when he asked, "the fuck?"

"Chill, chill." Lavanda placatingly (and very annoyingly) said as she rose her hands in defense, "I got accepted to Wellington too! Surprise!"

Lucas, in his shock, looked around as if he were waiting for the "gotcha! you just got PUNK'D!" But with no cameras rolling in sight, he instead watched as the driver took in Lavanda's luggage, settled into the driver's seat, and began their ascent up the mountain. Lucas avoided looking over at Lavanda because he could just feel the energy she was giving off. Instead, he opted to look out the window in stark silence.

"So," Lavanda started, cutting through the silence. "What's Wellington Academy like? You rarely tell me anything juicy about it."

"Does mami know?"


"Mami, did she know?"

"Oh yeah, she did. I can't wait to tell her how you reacted." She sighs in contentment before continuing, "I should've recorded it."

"Why wasn't I told then?"

"Porque then it wouldn't have been a surprise, obviously."

They ride in silence once more. The scenery began changing before them, it had gone from signs and farms to longer stretches of land and thickening trees.

Lucas finally looked over at his sister, who had been staring out the window. She had been tapping her foot to a nonexistent rhythm which Lucas knew it to be her nervous habit.
"Hey, Lali."

Lavanda looks over at him and Lucas smiled. "Congrats on getting in."

Lavanda broke into a full smile and punched him in the arm before happily teetering back an dforth in her seat. "About time you said that! You were angry for way too long."

▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄

| Wellington Academy |
| Arrival Time: 7.30AM |

▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄

"Shit," Lavanda blurted, "isn't this that mural you painted, Lu?" She glued her face onto the window of the car, trying to soak in all the colors before the tunnel ended.

"This is fucking amazing," She turned back at him, smile in tow, "much better than the pictures you showed mami and I."

Lucas smiled in return and turned her attention back to what they had been talking about.

"Anyways, like I was saying," he grabbed onto the hem of her sweatshirt and pulled her back down so she can sit properly. "We're almost at the school and since this is going to be your first year ever, you're going to be going a different way than I am."

Lavanda tried to dig through everything Lucas had told her before in passing about the academy; most of what Lucas would ever share was how amazing the resources of the school were. Lavanda saw her once listless little brother become passionate about life once more and she had been interested in Wellington Academy ever since. "Will I be in the same cottage as you?"

"Dios, no." Lucas said, "I hope not. Sharing a room at home is enough, definitely don't want that here."

Lavanda rolls her eyes in response but does not have a chance to retort since the coach juddered to a stop. The driver looks back with a silent look that read 'we're here.' Lucas and Lavanda began getting off the car and helping the driver tale their luggage out. Lavanda stared up at the large gate they had just driven through and towards the green expanse of lawn before her. It was a huge contrast to the forestry, woody, natural surroundings they found themselves in. With her suitcase in hand, she thanked the driver before following Lucas to a larger clearing before a fountain. Lavanda looked behind her to see the gates just a few feet away, she saw as the driver pulled out to head back down the hill. That must be exhausting.

"What time were you supposed to be here?" Lucas asked Lavanda, bringing her attention back to the front again.

"I don't know, they kinda said 7AM, but that wouldn't have worked with my plan."

Are you dumb?"

"You're the dumb one, dumbass." Lavanda huffed defensively, "what's the big deal, I'm here anyways."

"The big deal is that you probably made your cottage leader wait too long. I hope they left you behind." Lucas began walking away from the fountain and towards a pebbled path leading deeper into the campus. "And it's not my problem! So! Good Luck!"

"Asshole." Lavanda yelled after him but instead of following, lingered awkwardly until she noticed a girl standing by the fountain. Lavanda quickened her steps towards the girl; she was taller than Lavanda with long blonde hair. Bandages littered the girl but Lavanda dismissed it, hoping the girl could guide her towards the principal's office or whatever the heck this school had. Plus, judging the only person around by their looks right now was probably not the best choice to make.

"Hey!" Lavanda said as she got within ear shot, "I'm Lavanda and new and lost. Can you help me?"
@Rithas Accepted!!!!! you can move her over to the CS tab c;
@Hey Im Jordan Accepted!!! You can move over your characters onto the CS tab.

the brooding bros

c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h @Kautalya
i n t e r a c t i o n s. none at the moment
l o c a t i o n. Dorm ► Kitchen ► Festival Grounds

6:05 AM - Dorm [Room 223]

It wasn’t strange for Ezekiel to be under his covers, usually wrapped from head to toe in a protective layer. It wasn’t strange for him to be scrolling through his Instagram timeline—especially this early in the morning—and it wasn’t strange that he barely had gotten any sleep last night (as if he ever gets any sleep), mostly spending his time on his phone reading an e-book, or watching YouTube with the volume low.

Eyes hanging low and his lips pressed in a tight, thin, line; Ezekiel huffed out a sigh loud enough to shake the bed, as his eyes traveled to the bold outline of the numbers: 6:05 AM. It was so so so early and his sleep was interrupted by the loud tremors of his nightmares. Ever since he was young, Ezekiel had trouble sleeping because of some nightmares, but it usually occurred after his modeling gigs. The most you could say was that maybe–just maybe, Ezekiel was just tired and drained from everything and anything at once (but he’ll argue by saying he hasn’t done anything worthy enough to be so tired of this empty life he holds.)

Ezekiel groaned.

He hated when he got like this.

Okay. He huffed out, and in a flash, the boy hopped out of his covers, his feet touched the floorboards of his room. His disheveled brown locks, his baggy white t-shirt that hugged his lean build, his tired droopy eyes that were of a dark brown (his eldest brother used to tease Ezekiel by saying its of a ‘poop’ color and wasn’t anything special–Ezekiel opted out of his modeling gigs for a week because of how insecure he got about his non-special eyes), and his 5 o’ clock shadow, all characterized the young boy known as Ezekiel. Stepping out of his room, the first thing he did was check the littered plants that surrounded the room.

Touching the leaves of the plants, and speaking softly to them (whispering praises), Ezekiel’s mind was completely somewhere else. Usually, he wouldn't be this tired but not sleeping for two nights in a row killed him. He was always sleeping and always lounging around to the point that his roommate, Tobias Macaya, would do everything a mother would. And although Ezekiel hated it at first—he would be woken up on time, tucked in, and at one point Tobias read him a bedtime story? It was a strange warm feeling but Ezekiel rubbed it off as Tobias being too into his caretaking role and taking this more as a joke than anything else—

He was so tired.

“Oh.” Ezekiel turned towards the voice, “You’re up.”

Ezekiel hummed in response, returning back to his plants.

“I was just about to wake you.”


“It’s early.”


“And you’re up.”


“If you say yeah again, I swear to the lords above, Lysander.”

Ezekiel turns around, narrows his eyes and snorts. “And what are you going to do?”

Tobias stepped backwards—just a little bit—and stared down at the smaller boy before him. It wasn’t strange for them to bicker at times being as how they knew each other already for two years, but there were cases where Tobias didn’t exactly know whether Ezekiel was joking or not (Was he mad? Did I insult him? Did I offend him? What can I say? What can I do?)

He must’ve looked so stunned and confused that Ezekiel shook his head and chuckled, “That was a pretty bold statement.” The boy turned towards his plants again, Cassandro.

Tobias looked up the ceiling and back down—a method he perfected as an alternative to rolling his eyes—then turned his attention back towards Ezequiel.

“Not smooth dude—” Crossing his arms, “—using my thing against me? I said your middle name first, you can’t use that again–yeah, nah, nope.”

Ezekiel’s spits out a yawn. “A kid.” He turns around and shuffles closer to Tobias. “You’re a kid.”

Tobias had no comeback to that, aside from the fleeting thought of saying “I know you are but what am I?” But he knew that would’ve most likely proven Ezequiel’s point even further. So, he kept his mouth shut.

“Plus,” Ezequiel drawled, nonchalance dripping from each syllable. “Who said you owned middles names, anyways?”

Tobias squints his eyes, “I don’t own middle names. I just—uhm—uh—clai—claim the comeback.”

“Nice clapback there, Cassandro.” Ezekiel snorts. Again.

Tobias opts for a clipped sigh as a response and walks towards his bathroom, taking Ezequiel’s snort as a sign to leave. He had spent all night binge watching a new anime series—he really doesn’t remember if he actually ever closed his eyes—so his patience wasn’t the bottomless pit it usually was.

He looked into the mirror to stare back at lifeless eyes and dark shadows hanging right under, proceeds to wash his face and then brush his teeth. Tobias showers and gets ready all in the span of 30 minutes, walking back towards their shared space to find Ezequiel exactly where he left him.

“Dude.” Tobias says. He flings a clean towel towards Ezequiel. “Go get ready”

He waits for a response.


“Ezequiel,” Tobias takes a deep breath. Lysander Brown.

A twitch of a shoulder. Tobias grins.

“Pickles and Carrots are able to wait until you’re done for their morning pep talk.” Tobias starts, voice muffled—but still teasing—as he slips on his t-shirt. “I’m sure they don’t like morning breath on them this early either.”

Ezequiel’s head whips around to face Tobias, his eyes narrowing in disgust. His hand defensively going towards the pink tipped succulent he had just been whispering to. This is Corn, you uncultured dumbass.”

He then points to the plant next to Corn (which, Tobias noted, looked exactly the same as Corn) and deadpanned, “And this is Onion.”

“Right, right.” Tobias raised his hands placatingly, dropping the socks he had just picked up in the motion. “You never really introduced me, so like, can you really blame me?”

He barrels on ahead with the clear intent of not letting Ezequiel get a word in and continues, “But really, you should start getting ready. I wanna go make some breakfast before we head down.”

Breakfast this. Breakfast that. Get ready. Get dressed—does he ever shut up? Ezekiel lightly placed down his succulent(Corn) and kept his eyes steady on Tobias. Without uttering another word, he pushed past the taller boy (with the intent of aggression but then it turned to a slight nudge) and shut the bathroom door behind him. Taking off his t-shirt and boxers, Ezekiel stuffed himself in the shower. He tapped his head against the wall and sighed, his locks sticking to his forehead while the warm water hit his face.

He had hoped that his face wasn’t so—awful. Dragging his hands over his face, Ezekiel took in a small breath and wrinkled his eyebrows together (he was so tired.)

(Apparently Ezekiel’s shower time was taking like 5 hours because he heard the rapid knocks at the door and Tobias asking if he was dead in there or something stupid like that.)

9:20 AM - Kitchen [Common Area]

Their time at the kitchen was spent with Ezekiel teasing Tobias over his burnt egg, stating that if it were him, the meal wouldn’t have been so burnt. It was funny to see Tobias flustered (seeing as how Ezekiel often took notice that Tobias doesn’t go out of his way to show when something is bothering him.) His eyes wandered off to the entrance of the common living area and heard the boisterous sounds of the students. Tobias rambling in the background about how his cooking isn’t so awful so there was no reason for Ezekiel to make fun of him like that; while Ezekiel chewed on the piece of bread and listened to the murmurs and pitter patters of the students outside of the common area.

“Festival.” He interrupts.


“Festival.” His eyebrows furrowed when he sees the confused face on Tobias never changing. For real? The festival, dumbass. There’s a festival going on.”

“Alright, yeah? Uh? I knew that?” He watches as Tobias places the dishes in the sink. “Why? You going?”

“Thought you would.” He says, dryly.

“Yeah man, it's a festival.”

“Yeah. A welcoming festival.” Ezekiel makes sure to say, as if to say it’s going to be boring so there’s no point and lets just stay in our dorms for the whole day before we have to go through the torture that's called school—Tobias finishes washing his dishes, turns around and grins at Ezekiel.

“More of a reason to go.” He continues, dumbass.

9:45 AM - Bulletin Board [Festival Entrance]

“Huuuuuh.” Tobias says, “Zombie?”

They both find themselves staring up at the bulletin board, their hands by their sides and their bodies relaxed. Ezekiel’s hands are stuffed in his black hoodie's pocket, hair in braids while the freckles that are scattered on his face wrinkle upwards in his expression of annoyance.

“Ugh, at least you didn’t get old news. He continues, “What am I? An old man? The fuck.”

“Bueeeeeeenooooo,” Tobias laughs and turns to face Ezekiel, “You talk to plants, man.”

“Pause.” Ezekiel turns to Tobias, “Someone who watches anime should not be coming at me about my damn children. Dique bueno, shut the fuck up loser.”


“See what I mean?” Ezequiel rolls his eyes and stares back at the bulletin board. “Whatever, It’s dumb shit anyways.”

“Language, sir.”

“Fuck. You.”

Then, as if on queue, they both turn to walk deeper towards the festival grounds, the crowd already swallowing them in.

Tobias Cassandro Macaya

𝓐𝓰𝓮 & 𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓭𝓪𝔂
Eighteen; April 25, 2002

Taurus ♉︎

𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓘𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓽𝔂
Cis-Male; He/Him

𝓢𝓮𝔁𝓾𝓪𝓵 𝓞𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷

𝓡𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓾𝓼
as single as a dollar

Alaska, USA

To be determined by overlord

𝓯𝓬 | 𝓬𝓬
Liam Samuels | 937cab

Tobias is your textbook definition of a "people-pleaser," often going through extreme measures to make sure that he isn't on anyone's bad side. He is seen as an approachable and kind boy upon first impressions; he places an unhealthy amount of importance in being able to fit in and making sure that he has a positive image in the eyes of his peers. While a majority of the reason as to why he focuses on being agreeable is due to his fear of rejection, it is also due to the overwhelming guilt he feels when someone isn't necessarily comfortable. At this point, Tobias is under the full belief that it is his responsibility to keep everyone happy and keep the peace at all times.

Tobias seldom says no to avoid making anyone unhappy; a lot of his characteristics really bloomed while his parents were going through a turbulent divorce. Tobias, the designated mediator between his dueling parents, took the brunt of his parent's emotional outbursts whenever he didn't meet their expectations or didn't answer accordingly in an argument. If he happened to side with his mother, his father would take out his frustrations out on him and the opposite happened if he ever sided with his father. Tobias learned that being neutral gave the least amount of grief.

Tobias had an ordinary childhood; if, of course, ordinary included having had visited more than five (Japan, Dubai, Philippines, Greece, and his mother's birthplace, Colombia) countries by the age of 7. He never knew what exactly his father did—something involving stocks and probably money laundering—but he did know that whatever it was, it set his whole family for life. They were a small family too: Tobias, his mother and his father.

Unfortunately, while Tobias was given pretty much anything he asked for, his parents were emotionally absent. Even their vacations were taken separately; when Tobias was sent on his international vacations, it was always with the appointed nanny. This caused Tobias to develop a personal mission to do whatever he could in his power to catch his parent's attention—a golden chance had fallen on his lap when he came across his father "hugging" one of the maids a little
too closely. What he thought was going to be harmless teasing turned out to onset a never-ending series of quarrels between his parents, with Tobias as referee.

At the age of 10—two years into a drawn-out divorce—Tobias began to blame himself for tearing his family apart. Desperately (subconsciously), he began searching for some means of escape, stumbling upon the world of anime. Tobias easily spiraled into an obsessive hobby that he still now maintains. He grew out of copying certain gestures and adding in broken Japanese into his conversations but continues to be very much into anime, albeit now he's more subtle about it.

Eventually, the divorce was finalized and his parents successfully drained each other up completely. Tobias, instead of bouncing back and forth (neither wanted full-custody of Tobias), requested that his parents enroll him into Alexandria Preparatory School as soon as he was old enough.

@dokitotty'S POSTS


i sing and play my guitar.


i love reading stories from underground writers :):):):):)
badly done cliche plots

@dokitotty MADE A POST...
so like two years ago a cute guy in my class wanted to give me a fist bump.....i thought he was pretending to hold a mic so i leaned forward and said hello


ok so like i like walking barefoot. oh and im ambidextrous c;

i can be yuor angle

ofc im a gamer, i have 3789 hours on animal crossing

Coda Morr Périgord
l o c a t i o n. Camp
i n t e r a c t i o n s. @vancexentan
————————————■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■————————————

Coda's partner was always one step ahead when it came to emotional reassurances. Coda appreciated, but this time it did little to actually quell the small tremors that still riddled his body. The uneventful walk to their would be camp let Coda's thoughts wander without direction. Thinking back to when Coda had been partnered up with Evan, Coda realized it hadn't been that long between them and was genuinely surprised anyone had the patience to wield him as a weapon. Normally, he found it difficult to convince anyone they could be successful meisters with chains as their choice of weapon. And whenever he did manage to convince them to give him a chance, they would be immediately be put off by Coda's uncontrollable cowardice.

That was until he bumped into something right in front of him—his partner. "My bad."

Coda's eyes lazily examined the area they had walked into; he noticed that within minutes some of his other classmates were already setting up tents. Coda groaned inwardly, tents seemed like flimsy protection and he certainly did not want anyone being able to easily enter the space where he was supposed to defenselessly rest during the night. But was he going to say that aloud? Absolutely not. Instead, Coda resorted to taking precautionary steps, turning in a circle, to fully absorb the area they were in. "Oh?"

Coda took a step closer in the direction that caught his interest—where the forest met the clearing—off in the distance. He didn't know exactly what but was already praying to whichever overpowered being that resided above that it was possible shelter. Instead of taking the initiative, however, Coda looked back to his partner and took a hold of the edge of the bottom of his sweater. Coda pulled gently to grab his attention and angled his chin towards the direction he was hoping to convince Evan to explore, "What do you think that is over there?"

————————————■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■————————————

@vancexentan tbh i had originally voted for the cottages, so i’m leaning more towards the RV, but i’m flexible.
Cutting off sign-ups here, feel like we got too many potential players that went over my head. If some of them don't reply (@Kautalya and @Karisma specifically) their spots will be open.

someone can take my spot, I don’t believe i’ll be able to keep up with this RP due to work getting too busy. Thanks for the heads up tho.
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