Erane, the birthplace of civilization. The continent and its surrounding isles remained the sole home of life. Explorations beyond the shore of Erane left little discovery but inhabitable volcanic isle and deathly mist. Not to be mistaken for simple ocean fog, the mist claimed the life of those who breathed in the sickly sweet air. A curse that claimed the lives of unwary sailors. Those who survived were left wounded, bone becoming aquamarine and skin turning pallid. Not even the most powerful of magic could cure the ones cursed by mist.
Since records were first written, the peoples of Erane thrived on their bountiful and diverse lands. Kingdoms and countries were born and had fallen. But they remained within their borders of the ocean, none daring to venture near the fog. Not that there was anything of value to find on those volcanic isles.
Then a path cleared. A channel of unblighted air. Expeditions of the foolhardy and curious lead to the discovery of a new, habitable land. Mistlund, as it came to be known. Just as bountiful as Erane, yet unclaimed by any major power. Ruins of an ancient civilization that held bountiful treasures, stronger than what the finest mages and craftsmen on the main continent could create.
With the return of the expeditionary ship, soon every man and woman began to make pilgrimage to the new land hopes of achieving their dream. Riches, a new start, adventure, battle, and everything in between.
It had been 60 years since first contact. The wilds of Mistlund had proved dangerous. Very few cities had been established throughout the land, either destroyed by the native beasts or threatened away by the native inhabitants. The most notable of the cities is Haven. Protected by talismans and the commensal relationship they have to the peoples of Mistlund, Haven acts as the landing point for every adventurer. It's a place where one can get a fresh start, though danger could be found at every corner.

Character Sheet
[b]Name:[/b] (and any other things your character is called)
[b]Description:[/b] (think of this as a mixture of personality, history, and how others see them. Try to include why they travelled to Mistlund/became an adventurer.)
[b]Capabilities:[/b] (What your character is good at. Also includes things like magic. I don't mind lists or general descriptions of what they can do.)
[b]Equipment:[/b] (What important things they hold. Could be weapons and armour, could be keepsakes. Anything of note, really.)