Hidden 11 mos ago Post by BrutalBx


Member Seen 3 days ago

Timestamp: 7:30am
Location: Mr. Phoenix’s Homeroom
Theo Van Cise & Tatum Sterling
@BrutalBx & @Melissa
“A great numb feeling washes over me as I let go of the past and look forward to the future.
Pretend to be a vampire.
I don't really need to pretend, because it's who I am, an emotional vampire.
I've just come to expect it.
Vampires are real.
That I was born this way.
That I feed off of other people's real emotions.
Search for this night's prey.
Who will it be?”
- Brett Easton Ellis, The Rules of Attraction.


Theo entered into his homeroom to a round of applause, or at least it sounded like that in his head. Mr. Phoenix was wasting his time breathing as usual so the Franchise didn’t pay him any mind, instead allowing his burned hazelnut eyes to fall upon the amassed group of student bodies that were taking their seats in anticipation of the English teachers latest pointless diatribe. Time withers souls, life withers bodies and in his gaze he scanned the faces of his peers to find any kind of light or spark that could ignite a feeling within him or at the very least, create a convincing enough lie that would allow for him to be sucked into a feeling of normality. When he caught sight of her by the window, Theo knew exactly how he wanted to proceed.

Tatum Sterling.

She was there that day when he and that druggie scum Raven broke up. It was just before the summer break and they were hanging out at a party when Raven got up to the bathroom; when she returned she was a mess and barely functioning. Theo wasn’t one to judge people on their habits but the girl was an absolute state, a fucking embarrassment. There was no way he could spin and justify this to better him so the best thing was to cut the head off of the snake before she decided to bite him. He saw Tate watching and knew then, in that very moment, exactly how he needed to spin it to make it work for him.

The doting boyfriend, the worried lover unable to speak up about his feelings in worry about how it would affect the missing puzzle piece of his heart. And of course it worked, Theo’s plans always did. Now there he stood and where was Raven? Rehab. All summer he had been speaking with Tate, she reached out to him of course to see how he was and that was all the opening he needed. He knew that he was in her head, soon he’d be in her heart and he’d be between her legs and the connections that the quiet little mouse had would work one hundred percent in his favour.

This would be easy.

Theo took off his letterman jacket, showing off his huge biceps could never hurt but he knew that to win Tatum, looks weren’t enough, he had to win her love. That was the only way this was going to work. He greeted a few friends nonchalantly as he made his way through the desks until he reached a seat by the window. He dropped his bag and jacket on the floor before taking a seat next to the brunette. The Franchise swept a hand through his red hair before offering up a smile to his sweet and shy prey. “Hey you.”

The brunette was in her own little world as she sketched, eyes darting back and forth between the paper and her reference. The stack of books piled high on Mr. Phoenix’s desk had captured her attention almost immediately - the colorful spines of the many different works of Shakespeare were positioned in a way that was chaotic and precarious. It piqued her creative eye; one wrong move, and the whole tower would collapse.

As she focused on perfecting her rough drawing, she could see someone approach out of the corner of her periphery, dropping their belongings in her line of vision. She let her gaze drift over to the letterman jacket and the familiar name stitched onto the sleeve before looking up at the red haired boy with a timid smile.

She was still unsure exactly how it happened, but somehow she had been convinced to attend a party at the end of the last school year. Tatum rarely made appearances at such gatherings, and it showed - she hung out against the wall for the majority of the evening, just observing. She seemed to be one of the only people amongst the revelry that witnessed Theo’s messy breakup and she saw firsthand how torn up he was over the whole thing. She felt badly for him and couldn’t believe how careless his ex had been; Theo evidently cared so much about her but her addictive habits were the straw that finally broke the camel’s back.

So, the brunette did what anyone with a heart would do: she checked in on him. Sure, she wasn’t entirely convinced that he knew who she was, after all, he was the star of the Football team and she was but a mere wallflower, but for some reason, she couldn’t idly stand by. Thus started their unconventional (and unprecedented) friendship.

“Hey,” Tate greeted, twirling her pencil nervously between her fingers. “Big game happening tonight, or so I’ve been told. You must be excited.”

“Honestly? I don’t get too excited about these things any more.” Theo slipped his arm behind Tate’s chair and rested it on the back of it as he leaned deeply into his own. “I spend a lot of time training, doing drills, lifting weights, studying the plays etcetera but at the end of it all that I know that when it comes to the game itself, all that matters is I see my target and I make the first move.” He inched ever so slightly closer to the shy beauty as he spoke. “It’s pretty boring really.”

Theo looked at the quiet artist with subtle confidence. He had learned over the years how to keep up appearances and manage perception. It was a skill gleaned from the learning tree of his grandfather, a hell of a businessman and wiseman to many. His cousins, the Stratton twins, were unabashedly themselves and didn't care about what people thought. Theo was different, he knew that what people thought was the difference between success and failure and TVC never failed, it wasn’t in his vocabulary.

“I’ll tell you what would get me excited.” He began, his voice melting into her ear like butter, his words soft and smooth. “Seeing you in the bleachers. You really kept me sane this summer and I think having you front and centre…well how could I lose with you smiling at me?”

Tatum could feel her body tense as Theo placed his arm along the back of her chair, oh, so casually. She tried to pay attention to what he was saying, she really did, but it was hard to focus when she was so consciously aware of how close he was, how he seemed to be moving even closer.

Now, it wasn’t that she was uncomfortable. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Of course she found him attractive, you’d have to be blind not to see his inherent boyish charm. But it was difficult for her to believe that someone like him could even be remotely interested in someone like her, so she tried to play it off as just him being nice. After all, his breakup was still pretty recent. She knew who his friends were, knew who he associated with. He was in the spotlight when she kept to the shadows, and for good reason. Tatum couldn’t seem to put two and two together.

She fought back a blush as he mentioned wanting her to be at the game. “Oh, I uh… I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m going. Well, I wasn’t planning on it at least.” She continued fidgeting with the pencil in her grasp, “If I’m being honest, I haven’t been to a football game since well, never.”

“First time for everything isn’t there?” Theo could read the subtle movements of her fingers around the pencil, the tenseness of her shoulders. Tate wasn't used to this kind of attention but she didn’t hate it. The fluttering of her big blue eyes staring at him; she was flirting or trying to. It was cute.

She was cute.

Tatum was something different than the other girls at Beverly Hills. She was beautiful, there was no doubt about that but she had spent years attempting to fly under the radar, to pass as one of them. The way she carried herself; hiding behind her overalls and bandanas, it was all an act. Maybe even she didn’t know it but Theo knew differently. He had been watching her, the same way he knew how to watch everyone else, to learn, to absorb their idiosyncrasies and their vibes. Knowing people was his business because if he knew them, he could control them and if he could control them, then there would be no stopping him.

Tate was the perfect first step in making his plan for the year happen.

“Listen; I would never force you to do anything you didn’t want to or felt uncomfortable with.” Theo shifted his body to face her, giving their audience the nod that this was a “private conversation”. He reached over and placed hand on her arm gently, his puppy dog face smiling at her. “It’s just an invitation, that’s all. You’ve really helped me this summer and I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you. There’ll be a seat at the front with your name on it. You don’t have to take it, I won’t be mad if you don’t but seeing you there, I reckon I might just play my heart out.”

Tatum felt herself growing a little warm with all of his attention focused on her. It was consuming, in a way, how he looked her directly in the eye, how he placed his hand reassuringly on her fair skin, how the rest of the classroom seemed to fade into the background as he spoke. This was a new feeling, one she had yet to experience.

Maybe, just maybe, this could be good for her.

The brunette swallowed, her throat having grown dry, “I mean, I guess I could try and convince JJ to come with me… I’ll see what I can do.” She smiled shyly, “No promises though, but I’ll try. It is our last homecoming after all.”

“That’s all I can ask.” The red haired boy softly let his finger trace her arm, just enough to entice and only lightly tickle. “Bring as many friends as you want. There’s likely to be a party afterwards, so we could all go together.” Theo knew how to reel her in. It was all in the way she carried herself. “It’d be like our two worlds coming together. Plus if you come, I just have to take you to this little place on the beach, I think you’d really like it. You’ll want to paint it immediately…” The Franchise lifted his hand up from her arm and gently moved it to her face. “Speaking of, you got a little paint just there.” He gently wiped and caressed her chin with his thumb. “There you go, all gone.”

Theo’s touch sent goosebumps up Tate’s arm. She willed herself to play it cool, to not show her cards, but she was absolutely certain he could tell she was getting a bit flustered. The blush she had willed away was now blooming on her cheeks as he wiped away the stray paint on her chin. Bashfully, she turned her head and looked down at her desk, “Not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’m not much for parties, so that one’s another hard maybe.” Tatum stated, taking a moment before lifting her gaze back to Theo, “Besides, won’t your friends think it’s a bit odd that we’ve started, well, hanging out all of a sudden?”

“Who cares what they think?” Everybody did. Everybody cares what they think. Theo’s friends were the Elite, the Hive Five, the Jocks, the God damn Illuminati, they controlled everything. “Plus, what’s there to care about? We’re friends, you helped me when I needed it and I really enjoy your company. Don’t worry about anything anybody else is doing, Tate.”

His plans were working even better than he’d hoped. Getting into Tatum’s head wasn’t really the big challenge but getting her to see the world through his eyes? The veil lifted? The rose tinted glasses broken? To get her to see those around them for what they were, empty vessels void of anything remotely considered human decency. Nepo babies and troglodytes destined for internet viral videos and brief sojourns onto reality tv.

Now that was the challenge he craved.

“But like I said, I’m not forcing you to do anything. It would just make me real happy to see you there, that’s all.”

It was easy for Theo to not have to worry about what everybody else was doing, he was at the top of the food chain and didn’t answer to any higher powers. But Tate lived her life in constant recognition that she was at the bottom of the totem pole - not that she minded being there, it was exactly where she wanted to be- and thus was always thinking about how other people perceived her. “If you say so…” Tatum replied doubtfully, moving to close her sketchbook.

The girl had made it her goal not to attract any unnecessary attention over the past four years. Her philosophy about high school was simple: get in, get shit done, keep her head down, and get out. It’s what had always worked for her, what she needed to do to get by. But for some reason, the prospect of being around someone in the limelight didn’t scare her as much as she thought it would. Maybe it was the way Theo was looking at her, actively choosing to notice her and get to know her, that opened her up to the idea of not standing on the sidelines. “No, I know, and I appreciate that. I’ll think about it, really.”

“Alright then.” Theo’s face was chipper. He knew that he had won. Even if her words were dripping with self doubt, he knew that a few more words from him through the day would send Tatum off the edge of the map and into his world. By the end of Homecoming, she would be his.

Too many people overthought everything, life really wasn’t that complicated. High school certainly wasn’t that complicated. It was survival of the fittest, a Serengeti or jungle with its own ecosystem and wildlife fighting and fucking until they were dying or dead and the rules of attraction were built in primal instincts embedded into their very core. Theo was the master of those rules.

“So.” He leaned back; giving the artist her own space back. It was like a taster; Tate had experienced his touch now, his presence, she would miss it, crave it, want him. “What are you working on? If you don’t mind me asking?”

Tate gave the red haired boy a soft smile, opening back up to the page she had been previously drawing on. She held the book out to him so he could take a closer look, “It’s nothing special, I just saw the stack of plays on Mr. Phoenix’s desk and thought it looked interesting.” The brunette watched Theo’s expression as he viewed the sketch, taking the opportunity to get a better look at the boy while he was preoccupied. She took in his muscular frame, the way his chest moved as he breathed, and how his hair brushed over his forehead and eyes. “Shakespeare inspired me today, I guess.”

“Shakespeare, really?” Theo’s eyes didn’t leave the page for a moment. He could feel her big blue eyes staring at him. He let her see everything. He balled his fist ever so lightly to tense the large muscles in his arm. “Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love.” He held a pause long enough for his words to sink ever so slightly into her alabaster skin. Everything with purpose. He lifted his head to meet her smile with one of his own. “Yeah I know Shakespeare. Mom is a big fan. Surprised she never forced me to do theatre.”

Tatum tried to stifle a laugh, caught by surprise from his words, “I would have never taken you for a Shakespeare enthusiast, guess you learn something new everyday.” She commented, mentally noting his choice of quote and the fact it was a deeper cut than your average ‘a rose by any other name would smell as sweet’. The brunette motioned to the tower of books that she was referencing, “Caught my eye when I walked in. Something about it being stable yet unsteady, haphazard but also orderly, kind of spoke to me.” Tate shook her head, realizing she was probably giving him much more context than he desired. “Or it’s just a pile of books. Dealer’s choice.”

Theo leaned his chin onto a balled up fist to look deeper at her, “You basically just described this entire class.” He chuckled lightly. “You know that right?” Tate carried an energy that not many of those that he actually knew possessed. Most of his friends, if you could even call them that, were vapid and plastic, Theo knew this. He knew by association he may be viewed as such but he did enough to differentiate himself from the norm, it seemed, at least to him, that Tatum was the same. At least in her eyes anyway. “Then again maybe you’re right, maybe it’s just a dusty pile of old books but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So if you think there’s something there, there probably is. Connection can be an inexplicable and undeniable thing.”

“I mean,” Tatum looked around at their peers, contemplating Theo’s statement, “You’re not wrong, but I feel like there’s more to it than that.” She countered, returning her gaze to him. She placed her pencil down on the desk before clasping her hands together in her lap. “I probably sound a little bit crazy, but you learn a lot from just observing things. I’ve had nearly four years of practice,” A small laugh escaped her lips, referencing her quieter tendencies. “There’s always more to something than meets the eye.”

If only she knew. Theo too was a student of the human condition, probably more so than most. He had spent years learning body language, tone of speech, nervous tics, everything he could possibly read from a person he had studied so that he always had an advantage. Tatum didn’t have to know that though, she was trying to share with him. One of the things he had discovered is that women love to share, they love to just talk and they love it when they think you’re actually listening. “Oh really?” He increased his attentiveness, shifting his body around just a little more and leaning closer. “And what has all your observation told you about me, Tate?”

The brunette looked at him, really looked at him. If he had asked her that question before this summer, she would have cited him as the typical Elite archetype. She had seen him in the hallways between classes, joking with his friends and talking shop, and he always oozed confidence and privilege, the kind of guy who knew he was just that good. He was in league with Ethan Green and Jack McDonough, guys whose arrogance and ego preceded them. He fit in with them almost as easily as breathing, so she assumed he was just like them.

But he was asking her this post-summer, after she had seen him at quite possibly one of his lowest points. The girl was surprised with herself, someone normally so perceptive, at how she had put him into a specific box without scratching the surface, before she actually got to know him better. She was slowly realizing how wrong her previous observations were. “Honestly, I don’t know,” Tatum paused, a subtle smirk gracing her features, “Ask me some other time, I’m still trying to figure you out.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” Theo took out the reading glasses from his letterman pocket and slipped them onto his face, letting his lips curl into a sweet, almost innocent smile. “It’s a date.” He was blessed by boyish looks, it was very hard to not smile with him. The Franchise knew how to turn it on and how to make them see what they needed to see. The glasses alone he didn’t actually need, they were all for show. A subtle way to pull those around him into security. It was a stereotype of course, the harmless glasses wearer but it was one that was ingrained into society that it was unavoidable. “I guess I better get my own list ready so I can read out and count all the reasons why I like you.”

A date.

Did she just hear him right? Tatum’s face went from playful to surprised in two seconds flat, an instant blush staining her porcelain skin. She quickly looked down at her clasped hands, hoping Theo wouldn’t see her visceral reaction to those three words he so nonchalantly stated, or how she somehow blushed more at the next sentence that flowed from his lips so freely. So maybe he wasn’t just trying to be nice… it seemed that he was genuinely interested in her. In her years at BHHS, she had never actually been asked out, always too much in the background to garner any admiration. Or, she would get asked out, but jokingly only because people thought she shared her mother’s well-known knack for debauchery.

Taking a breath, she lifted her head back up to Theo, biting her inner lip in an attempt to fight the smile that she so naturally wanted to show. She didn’t want to seem too eager or desperate. So as her baby blue eyes met his light brown gaze, she spoke softly, keeping her composure. “We’ll see.” The brunette picked back up her pencil and continued to draw, paying no mind to the way her heart was racing.

It was all there, the ringing of the hands, the subtle lip bite that she didn’t want him to notice; the smile. She was his. He had led the horse to water and it was oh so easy to make her drink. “I suppose we better start paying attention otherwise people are gonna start to think I’m a bad influence on you.” Theo smiled that damned smile. It was a mirror to the lips of a rattlesnake, enticing and deadly in equal measure. One just couldn’t look away. Theo was the apex predator of Beverly Hills High. He was Godzilla. He was King Kong; and he had found this night's prey, her name was Tatum.

He was going to ruin her.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Fabricant451
Avatar of Fabricant451

Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 18 hrs ago


Room 302 in Beverly Hills High had the best acoustics in the whole building, at least according to Andrew Green. It was anyone’s guess if it were true or not, and really Andy didn’t even think it was. The reality of it was that 302 was tucked in the back corner of the third floor, and no one ever went up there by choice. Andy had been able to secure a key to the room years ago, and he quietly used it as his personal practice space in the mornings and between classes when he managed to sneak away. It was his happy place! The only other person who had a key and wasn’t a staff member was his brother, though Andy was hopeful Ethan wouldn’t bother him this morning. He was in the zone.

He stood in front of a podium at the front of the empty classroom, with his violin tucked behind his neck. Slowly, he plucked at the strings as he found the rhythm of the song. He had heard it a thousand times, maybe even more than a thousand, but hearing wasn’t the same as playing. His brother always called it ‘downloading’ and Andy liked that phrase.

It really did feel like he was downloading the music sometimes! He played the first few notes once, twice, a third time and then it clicked. He had it! His bowstring moved across the violin as his deft fingers slid up and down, pressing down on the different strings to manipulate the instrument to speak the language he wanted it to speak. Quietly, Andy began to sing the lyrics as he played. “I can’t remember anything, can’t tell if this is true or dream…” He did not have a bad voice. Of course he didn’t, his grandmother was the songbird of her generation, but Andy did not sing with his whole chest. He was not offkey, but he wasn’t loud either. There was skill with the way his fingers moved, but his voice was low and almost shaky as he sang and allowed his mind to wander.

“Deep down inside, I feel to scream… this terrible silence stops me…” He shouldn’t have started thinking about things. He got in his own head too often. Andy found himself thinking about the traumatic experience he had, and wondering if he was ungrateful for being so… squishy as a result of something that happened in the past. By birthright, he would have no future problems. He could, and likely would, always get his way. His parents were both in their own way extremely confident individuals. His brother ran the school and would probably run the world when it was all said and done.

So why couldn’t Andy even take control of his own destiny? It was a bit sad, he reasoned, locking himself in a room where no one could hear him so he could practice the music he actually liked in the best way he could: shredding violin covers. In and of itself, that was kind of stupid. He should have had the balls to at least show his family and friends the work he’d done, to show them his passion for music that wasn’t written a hundred years before he was born.

A frown had crept upon his face as he approached the harder part of the song, near the end. Was he pathetic? Maybe, but he wasn’t sure how not to be! Andy wasn’t even able to tell his grandma, who had groomed him carefully for success ever since the incident, that he wanted to show her his covers. How was he supposed to tell her he didn’t even want to play violin? How was he supposed to tell her he wanted to be a rockstar?

He just didn’t have the courage.

Amy Kwon had never met a door that she couldn’t open or a line she couldn’t cross. Before the end of last year, before everything changed, doors just had a habit of opening themselves for her whenever she needed. Hapless members of the student body trying to appeal to her and maybe be acknowledged with a passing word of thanks or, better, a nod of the head as she walked through; now those same people shut the doors in her face like teens running away from a slasher movie villain. But doors were no obstacle for someone with a violent streak and a need to slaughter dumb teenagers and neither were they for someone whose streak ran a little less violent but still as insatiable a lust as blood. But of course, she was getting ahead of herself.

When Amy Kwon walked the halls, she moved in slow motion in the eyes of those not wise enough to turn their heads. The halls of BHHS were like her own personal Red Sea, students parting the way for entirely different reasons than they did when non-pariahs like the Hive walked by. For the populars, students getting out of the way was expected; for Amy, it was out of self preservation. Ever since her big debut at the start of senior year, where she showed up wearing knee high heeled boots and a skirt short enough that simply turning and not moving her leg fast enough would flash onlooking eyes a brief look at the Fruit of Eden, and a top that only technically met the definition of a shirt by way of having holes for head and arms to go through. The disciplinary staff in the slip they gave her said that ‘Strippers had more modesty than Ms. Kwon’s outfit’.

On Pajama Day she wasn’t even allowed to attend class until she went home to change. “I sleep nude, you know.” She was heard saying to the staff that formed a little barricade to protect the eyes of the student body. She didn’t show up naked, of course. She had underwear on. And a short robe. They were silk.

Pushing the envelope and embracing what people thought about her was who Amy was. The pink aegyo princess was dead and the fiery phoenix that turned boys to men and women to jealousy had risen. As was the case today, Amy had little desire to attend class and she had even less to show up at the pep rally later. Who gave a fuck about school pride, about a meaningless football game, about a dance where everyone in attendance was just waiting for it to be over so they could go fumble while putting a condom on and giving someone the most disappointing ride of their life in the backseat of their overpriced ego boosts. She wasn’t even wearing school colors today, but she was wearing black.

As she did most mornings, Amy was wandering the halls like an animalistic predator searching for her meat in the grass. The ones that knew her well knew to give her a wide berth. Those that didn’t would quickly learn that Amy Kwon didn’t chew her food after she finished playing with it: she devoured it whole. As her shoes clacked along the floor, the sound of music wafted to her ears. Well, some would call it music, others would call it the warblings of an instrument beloved only by nerds and those softer than soft serve ice cream. Perfect. The music carried her forward, towards a back corner on the third floor. It grew louder as she came closer, and the singing joined the chorus as Amy licked her deep, perky, ruby red lips. Under her smirk were teeth sharpened to such a fine point that her victims would have their flesh separated from their body as soon as she sank said teeth into them.

Metaphorically, of course.

The door to 302 was locked. But Amy had a bobby pin. And Amy had various skills. No door could keep her out. Or in. The door unlocked after she stimulated the pins and Amy stepped inside, eyes spotting the rabbit in the grass. She’d seen worse. She’d tasted better. But she was hungry. And she was bored. “You shouldn’t be here, little Green. You’re going to be late for class. I didn’t say to stop playing.” Her eyes were narrowed towards Andy as she stood in the doorway, her left leg bent just slightly forward enough to show off more leg under her short, black dress that clung to her body like it was made of leather. “Sing for me.”

When she let herself into the room, Andy immediately came to a halt, with the music stopping abruptly. He knew who was in the room with him, but he wasn’t sure how she’d gotten into the room. “Did you pick the lock?” Did she call him little Green? There were so many questions in his head. It wasn’t even fair to call him the ‘little Green.’ No one ever believed him, but he was almost two inches taller than Ethan was, and he was older too! He did not think Amy would believe him if he said either of those things. Honestly? Andy didn’t think she would go for anything he said. Why was she even here? Would she even answer him?

He didn’t know what to do or say. What would Ethan do in a situation like this? Probably say something cool. Andy had nothing cool to say, and hardly anything interesting to offer. As he stared at her, he dropped his violin to his side and shook his head. “Sing what? I have to know the words.” He tried to deflect as best he could, but he’d never been so close to someone so dangerously attractive before. How was he supposed to act? He felt a burning desire to do what she said, and a smaller voice in the back of his head telling him to tell her to fuck off. Andy had been ignoring that voice for close to decade, and this was no different.

“I’m not really a good singer though.” He said, his eyes darting around the room as he searched for an exit plan. Briefly, he couldn’t help but let his eyes land on her. She really was dangerously attractive. Were there more girls who were that attractive at their school? How could anyone think someone that pretty was a bad girl? Quickly, he put his eyes back on the door.

Unfortunately for Andy, Amy noticed the moment when his eyes wandered just enough to make Amy widen her grin from playful to dangerous. She had spun her little web as soon as she entered the room - of course she had picked the lock - and now the little fly was caught. No escape. No going back. Amy took a single step further into the room, inching her way towards Andy the way a hawk circled its prey before diving in for the kill. “Sing me something romantic. Something that will make my skin shiver in delight. Something that makes a girl want to throw her panties on the stage. Something…sexy.” Every word she spoke was deliberate and every sentence had her stepping closer and closer to Andy. Her tone was like honey but she spoke them like poison; how could something so sweet be so…dangerous?

Andy had never made eye contact with someone for as long as he was holding it with Amy. For a second, his breathing hitched and as his breathing picked up he wondered if he was going to die or have an anxiety attack. Why was she even here!? He locked the door for a reason! It was evil to step inside like this. But he didn’t speak, he just found himself staring at her.

“Don’t think, little Green. Look at me. Look.” She snapped her fingers. The acoustics really were good in this place. “Sing anything that comes to mind when you look at me. Impress me. I’m worth it. Don’t you think?”

In what was considered somewhat groundbreaking for the Green family, Andrew Green had never smoked the devil’s lettuce. And yet, he found himself desperately wanting a joint at that moment. He’d never even been high before, but he’d listened to his father and his brother sing THC’s praises enough that he felt he knew when a puff or seventeen might come in handy. Unfortunately for Andy, when he inhaled, it wasn’t Mary Jane that he took a drag from. It was Amy Kwon, and she smelled… “Whoa. You smell good. Oranges are my favorite.” His cheeks immediately ignited red after he spoke; that was the wrong thing to say from anyone’s perspective he reasoned. He bit his tongue, and wracked his mind looking for songs.

There were a thousand songs about sex. There were a thousand songs about pretty girls. Were there any songs about Amy? He knew so many, yet in that moment it felt like he knew so few. He searched, and searched and he found one. The look of clarity on his face was obvious as he placed the violin on the desk with the sheet music he’d made as an arrangement for One. He went to the supply closet in the room and opened it up, pulling out a guitar case.

This wasn’t really what she asked for, and he knew that. It may not have even been what she wanted. The problem was, the only song he could think of that made him think of Amy wouldn’t work on a violin. “I’m not as practiced on guitar. And please - nevermind.” Andy found himself thinking about warning Amy to not tell his grandma, but then he double guessed himself and figured if he said that to Amy, she might leave. He did not want her to leave under any circumstances. He undid the clasps holding the case closed, and pulled out an acoustic guitar. Only his brother knew about his tendency to practice the instrument, and it had been Ethan’s idea to hide one in the room so he could play it when the mood took him.

And it had taken him. If he were a bit more flowery, he could have said Amy was his muse. He sat down on the desk closest to Amy, carefully placing his feet on the chair to steady himself and brought the guitar to his knee, strumming across the guitar. As he moved his fingers, it took a second for the song to take shape, but this was a song he’d downloaded long ago. When he began the lyrics, it was obvious what the song was.

“Special, you think you’re special, you do
I can see it in your eyes.”

For the first time in his life, Andy tried to sing with his whole chest. It wasn’t easy, but with Amy’s icy gaze and the scent of her orange perfume still in his nostrils, Andy found the motivation to discover the voice he had done his best to hide. Though his eyes darted down to his hands once or twice, he did his best to keep their eyes locked. This was, frankly, the most intimate and sexually charged moment Andy had ever had in his life, and he was more than well aware that anything could fuck it up.

I can see it when you laugh at me,
Look down on me and walk around on me,
Just one more fight… about your leadership.”

He still wasn’t sure it was the kind of song she wanted, but Andy was singing as best he could - still keeping his voice low enough that prying ears might not hear him. He wasn’t sure he could handle it if more than one person were here when he sang.

Amy would be lying if she said she was familiar with the song, but in truth the song itself didn’t matter; what mattered was that Andy Green had known Amy for all of a few minutes and was already willing to serenade her at the snap of a finger. What mattered was that Andy Green behaved. They all behaved. The ones who thought they could turn the page and control Amy were boring. Chest pounding brutes, foot tapping bitches, a legion of losers who thought they could be Captain Saveaho by trying to exert a little social media domination and get Amy on her knees instead of on top where she was comfortable. Amy Kwon didn’t need to be saved. Amy Kwon didn’t want to be saved.

How long would this toy last, she wondered. He didn’t seem as… hardy as some of her other toys, but considering the name that came with this one it was like finding something valuable in mint condition. Little Andy Green… whisper the right words in his ears, give him an intoxicating scent… Amy could utterly ruin this boy and he’d thank her for doing it. The thought alone kept the smile and knowing, narrowed eyes aimed in his direction; he probably thought she was smiling for the song but the only sounds she was hearing were the future cries as Andy experienced a taste of heaven.

It sounded like bedsprings.

“You look better with a guitar than a violin.” Amy spoke as the song tapered off. “Your fingers must be…talented…to make the strings dance like that.” Amy was done being subtle. She draped a hand on Andy’s shoulder, standing just beside him but still standing over him. Her head was lowered and tilted, filling his nostrils with more of that perfume he so clearly liked the smell of. Who knew the devil on the shoulder wore Chanel Coco Mademoiselle? “Do you want to duet with me… little Green?” A deadly whisper, like a viper moments away from sticking its venomous fangs into the throat.

“He doesn’t,” Ethan sharply cut in, hearing the music at the end of the hall and knowing exactly who was playing it. He was the one who knew his brother’s secret and it was Ethan who heard his brother practice. No one else. He stood under the door casing not liking what he was seeing at all. His nostrils flared and his jaw tightened, all while he cracked his knuckles. Amy Kwon had her reputation and it was hard to deny the evidence that clearly showed she was not a good person. His brother didn’t need to be involved with someone malicious and cruel as Amy Kwon and Ethan doubted she was here with good intention. His twin was too inept in the social scene to see that he was prey and he was standing next to someone that wanted to kill him slowly but kill him no less.

Maintaining eye contact, his shoulders tensed, the Alpha of the Elite stormed deeper into the room, approaching his twin and the unexpected acquaintance Andy was making. “Get your hands off of him,” Ethan growled, hovering over the girl, clearly in defense and keeping his attention on his brother. He went from the she-devil to his literal other half. “Andy, seriously. Don’t listen to her. She’s a bitch trying to take you down with her and the last thing you need is to get stuck in a cage with a tiger.” Maybe, just maybe, that analogy would get Andy to think twice. He hoped so because the last thing Ethan Green wanted to do was touch… the devil herself.

“I wasn’t asking you.” Amy hissed towards Ethan without even looking in his direction. Ethan was a nuisance, a distraction, interference on the hunt and unfortunately for Amy it seemed the only thing he cared more about than hooking up with naive girls with loose lips was protecting his brother. The hand on Andy’s shoulder remained firmly in place, gripping a little tighter like her fingers were staking a claim, planting a flag of intent so Ethan would know that this wouldn’t be the end of things. Not if she had her way - and Amy Kwon always had her way in the end. “You can leave now, Ethan. I’m sure you have an STD test to take or something. Maybe a girl to disappoint for three minutes. Run along. Your brother is fine where he is.”

Her attention remained on Andy and a single finger traced from his shoulder up towards his jawline. Amy’s breath was hot on Andy’s skin, a deliberate heat that swam with the residual scent of her perfume. She wanted to intoxicate him with her very being, to make him so drunk on Amy that the only thing he would want was another hit. A single taste. “Isn’t that right, little Green?”

“You’re digging your fingers into my shoulder.” Andy was sensing a lot of tension between his brother and Amy. He wasn’t dense, he knew that Amy didn’t have a good reputation, but he was confused that someone had such a bad reputation his brother didn’t want to interact with them. The tiger comparison, Andy thought, was a little harsh. He threw his shoulder back a bit in an attempt to get Amy’s hand off of his shoulder and it didn’t budge - her fingers just tightened.

Was she for real? Amy was the last person to be talking about STDS. And why was his brother being so… fuck, his parents really did a number on him. No one would think they’re actually twins because there was nothing cool about Andrew Green at all. He was such a nerd. “Bitch please, your vagina has been used more than Google.” Ethan really did not want to put his hands on a girl, even if she was demonic and a whore and evil. His parents taught him that it doesn’t matter how much a girl makes you angry, don’t fucking put your hands on them unless there is consent. At a standstill, the twin took a step back to give the two breathing room. The only person that can actively do something in this moment was shrinking in his seat at the sheer power this girl exuded. Ethan took a deep breath in. He needed to change his method. Exhaling, he apologized, “...Sorry that was uncalled for. Please, can you give me a moment with my brother?” Ethan Green wanted to die.

Amy couldn’t help but to widen her smirk, her eyes flicking once towards Ethan before trailing back to her preferred prey. She didn’t even have to do anything and Ethan Green was saying please. To her. To the she-devil on campus. “I bet that took effort, Ethan. Asking a girl ‘please’. Don’t worry. I won’t tell.” Amy released her grip on Andy and placed her palm on his back, gently nudging him towards Ethan. “Go on, then. Take him. But we both know I’m all he’ll be thinking about. All. Day. Long.” Her words were spoken to Ethan, but they were whispered into Andy’s ear. A parting gift for Andy and a threat for Ethan.

It wasn’t until Amy stopped digging her fingers into Andy’s shoulder that he realized how much he liked it. He took a step forward when she pushed him forward but it was clear even from the way he moved that he was disappointed in the way things were ending up. There was not a lot he could say or do, all he could do was try and make sure that he didn’t forget the scent of her perfume. After he stopped being nudged forward, and was standing beside his brother, Andy spun around to look at Amy and blurted.

“You’re coming to our party, right?”

Ethan grumbled when Andy offered to invite the succubi. Even if he wanted to protest, this was actually a huge milestone for his older brother. Andy was inviting a girl to a party. He was going to have a date. He might get laid. It would be wrong for Ethan to ruin this when all he wanted was his brother to have confidence and for some reason, he was finding it in Amy. Begrudgingly, Ethan followed his brother’s lead, “Tomorrow, after the dance, we’ll have transport ready. It’s at our family’s vineyard. Theme, Risky Business.” He paused for a moment to look at his brother, hoping there was a sign of disgust, or fear, but all he saw in his eyes was how in lust Andy was already with this girl.


Teeth clenched, the King of the school added, “We… would love you to come… and if you like, you can…” He was going to regret this. He definitely was. But Andy was happy. Andy was making progress. Andy was… relaxed. “Ride with us.” At this moment, Ethan could only think about his mom and wondered if she had sound advice for this situation. He doubted it, but still. He wanted to talk to his mom.

An eyebrow raised as Amy listened to the Brothers Green, her perfect poker face unbreaking in the moment. How was it that Ethan came into the music room calling her a bitch and a tiger but now he was practically rolling out the red carpet for her? The way to Ethan was clearly through Andy - an unexpected but certainly welcome side effect. “I’ll be there.” Even if she hadn’t been directly invited, Amy had a wonderful habit of showing up even when she wasn’t invited. “We can talk about that…duet then, little Green.” Even if Andy was leaving with his brother, Amy was confident that her little fly was stuck deeper in the web. Fine. That was fine.

The best meals were the ones you savored.

Her hunt properly interrupted, but certainly not ruined, Amy offered a parting shrug of her shoulders and began the uncomfortably long walk back into the hallway. She didn’t look back at either Ethan or Andy as she walked past and opened the door. She knew that if she did, she would’ve seen Andy leering at her. Possibly Ethan as well. That thought alone helped her maintain that dangerous, ruby lipped smirk as she departed the room, the brothers free of her miasma for the immediate moment.

After he’d watched her leave the room, biting down on his bottom lip the entire time, Andy let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “Hey, Ethan.” He asked, finally directly addressing his brother. Andy had no idea what he was doing; he didn’t know what Amy was going to be like, but for the first time in his life, Andrew Green had caught himself thinking with the wrong head. He figured it had something to do with the orange scents she wore. He ran a hand through his hair, and asked the question that had been burning in his mind ever since Ethan had joined the room, “do you have any weed?”

He paused, and then meekly added. “Why did she keep calling me ‘little?’ Doesn’t she know I’m taller than you are?”

Weed was a fantastic idea. Ethan needed weed too after that. “In my locker.” He turned his head toward his twin and furrowed his eyebrows. With a baffled expression, he asked, “You serious right now?” It was rhetorical. He knew Andy was being serious. His older twin was too naive. Too innocent. Too good. “You’re so fucked, bro. Come on, let’s go. Maybe we have enough time to smoke.” He looked at his watch; they didn’t. The bell would go off in five, four, three, two…

The second warning bell went off.

“I mean if you want to skip homeroom, I’m down.” Would his brother agree? Well, if he was into Amy, this could mean a new era for Andy Green. It was 50/50 right now but maybe Andy would live a little. Only time could tell. Unfortunately for Stella, Ethan had his phone on silent so he didn’t see his text from her.

“What? I’ve never done that before. What if Dad gets mad?” Andy asked, turning his head to look at Ethan. After a moment’s thought, he felt like he’d figured it out already. “Dad doesn’t care does he?” He shook his head, and reminded himself of Amy’s voice and the feeling of her breath on his neck and it breathed life to the embers of confidence he’d gained that morning.

“Screw it, let’s skip homeroom.”

Ethan smiled. Internally, his gut was telling him this, meaning Andy and Amy, would be nothing but a disaster, but right now, as they strode out the room and down the hall, none of that mattered. Andy was carrying himself differently and Ethan liked seeing his brother assertive for once, and certain of himself. Greens were all about taking risks and finally Andy was taking them.

“Hell to the yeah! Let’s smoke some weed bro!”

The Brothers Green would not make it to homeroom today.

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Aces Away
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Aces Away Phantom by Circumstance

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@Aces Away @LovelyComplex @smarty0114

When Jamie Callaghan entered the door with her sister and even chose a seat with empty spots next to it for her to join, Parker did little more than raise her eyebrows before hunching back down over her journal and trying not to think much of her sister’s habit of picking up friends like strays. Moments later, Decky also made his way through the doorway just as Jamie did his announcement of the party tomorrow and JJ took her seat beside him, something PJ noticed that the broody boy in the doorway clocked immediately if his heavier-than-usual scowl was anything to go by. PJ was in the same row as him and her sister, an empty seat between the two girls, and doing a very good imitation of an extra falling outside the scope of a camera lens: she didn’t exist until your visual panned back to her and suddenly you recognized her face again. Even wearing her outfit today was strategy over school pride, as people are more likely to recognize those not participating in spirit week so it only made sense to keep up the look for the sake of her anonymity. It’s not like it was a far cry from what she usually wore, anyway, just a black half tank for modesty beneath a faded red spaghetti strap jumper dress and black shorts and boots.

She knew though, she knew that without Monarch, or Scott, or any of Decky’s other friends by association being in class yet meant that there was only one seat he’d grab where he felt safe on both sides, and that was in between the Jones twins and adjacent neighbor to the boy he couldn’t keep himself in check around for the life of him. Now it was going to be PJ’s job. She did it already, whether he realized it or not, whenever the idiot was close to her sister. It’s not that she didn’t trust him or anything, it’s just that if he was too oblivious to realize why he kept looking JJ’s way or perking up when she talked to him, it was PJ’s job to make sure that that stupidity wouldn’t hurt her sister until the rough transfer student figured his shit out.

PJ didn’t hang out with the Gearheads outside of school, just the ones that hang out at the back of the school to skate or smoke regardless of class period, she being one of the few burners that didn’t cross over or spill into multiple other cliques. Knowing and befriending a bunch of people was JJ’s job, directing and informing people was DJ’s job, and Addie had her whole thing with the PLC. Parker’s job was to protect her sisters and finish her classes. Sure, they all ended up in detention, but Parker was the one that ended up there for fights while her sisters’ charges tended to be more geared toward general mischief. She didn’t need to know about people for her fists to know them. Any other time she had her head in her journal or a manga or comic, there and aware but not quite absorbing anything being said around her. Because of this disconnect, however, PJ had no idea why Decky suddenly had such an ugly change of heart for Jamie Callaghan, whom he previously seemed to at the very least treat civily. Aside from the too obvious answer of his break up with one AJ Tyler, but that alone couldn’t have been it, right?

Decky dropped into his seat between the Jones twins just as JJ told Jamie one of her truly terrible puns, and Parker found herself smirking alongside Jamie at how bad it was. It had done the job her sister intended though, because a smirk was still a smile and she got one to break out on the blonde boy’s face. Whatever interaction she’d been having with him, she won this round.

“Mornin’,” Decky grumbled, arms crossed and chin tucked into his chest like he was already ready to take a nap.

“Morning, Grumpy,” PJ responded in a bored tone while he rolled his eyes. She watched him glance towards her sister, who was still angled towards Jamie, and rolled her eyes when he opened and closed his mouth before returning his gaze to the front without saying anything to the other girl. Not having any of that stupid shit, she leaned further over her desk in order to grab her sister’s attention, needing to do no more than stare at the back of her head for the other girl to feel her and turn around to catch her gaze. “JJ, Decky says hi.”

Jordyn was aware of the gearhead that shuffled in and made his way beside her. While she might’ve been focused on cheering Jamie up, she still felt her sister’s presence and didn’t feel the need to say hi. They saw each other like everyday. Even while she laughed at how hilarious she was, JJ listened to the conversation happening behind her. When Parker tagged her in, the excitable gremlin swiftly spun in her seat, causing her tote to lay flat on the ground. She beamed a bright and serene smile at her friend (at least she assumed they were friends, he said hi to her in the halls! That must count!), “Hi, Bashful. How you this lovely morning?”

If her sister was going to call him Grumpy, that left six other dwarves to pick from. Bashful seemed fitting if he was having a hard time saying hi to her. She could’ve gone with Sleepy but some people don’t like being called tired and she didn’t want to upset Decky more than he already seemed. “… oh, and do you notice something different about me?” When she asked her curious question, JJ sat up straight and stopped talking entirely, trying her best not to draw attention to the obvious thing she wanted the boy to notice. The dash of red on her face. Specifically: her lips.

He had noticed. In fact, after her eyes it was the first feature he was drawn to when JJ spun around in her seat; bright rose red on petal soft lips stretched into a smile full of sunshine. The color glowed like a beacon and he found his eyes unable to pull away for a long moment before he regained control of his gaze. He looked away to his left to gain his composure only to see a darker pair of eyes staring into his soul while PJ glared at him, sharp pencil poised menacingly over her journal while her leg jumped a couple times as if waiting for an excuse. Cautiously, Decky swallowed his confusion and responded back to JJ.

“It’s red-” Pain flared in his left shin as Parker’s booted foot connected, quick and sharp, with his outstretched leg. He choked down a reaction and continued to look at JJ as though nothing happened, taking the course correction for what it was. “You’re wearin’ lipstick, it looks really good on ya.” He held his breath, waiting for another correction, but when it never came Decky took it as a sign he’d done something right this time. His eyes dropped down to her red smile once more, unsure why but unable to take his eyes off of the pop of color.

“And….” JJ’s voice trailed off as she leaned forward, noticing he had forgotten her first question. “Your morning?” She should’ve paced herself better in her greeting. Sometimes her mind thought faster than her lips moved. It could be frustrating especially when she had so much to say and not enough time to say it. “No rain clouds or active volcanoes going on inside you, Chai?” Her gaze was filled with warm honey and sweet caramel, mixed together with a hint of new spring growth. A touch of green gleaming; the light peering inside from the large window touching her skin, giving it an iridescent sheen.

Whether she knew it or not, she was an attractive girl but what made her even more enthralling to look at was how she carried herself. How unbothered, how happy and how focused she was, staring at her peer like he was the only thing that mattered. Her twin might be right behind him, making it known that she was her protector and she’d be damned to see her sister fall and get hurt, but that just made this encounter more enjoyable. She liked seeing Mordechai’s reactions, no matter how subtle they were. She liked seeing him and all his shades. She liked seeing him. He was nice to look at.

It was sophomore year when JJ realized she felt a spark between her and this Tootsie Pop boy. Mordechai was rough on the outside but she knew right away he had a soft center. It just takes time to get to the chewy, chocolate part. Prior to that, they only saw each other in passing or in class. While she wanted to introduce herself way before PJ did, she could see how happy he was with his friends. How relaxed and calm he was. She didn’t think it was her place to intrude in his world like that. She was a stranger, and a weird one at that. On top of that, she had nothing in common with his group of friends so at the time she could only assume she had nothing in common with him. But then there was this one time, in December, right before winter break, she found herself locked in the music room.

Don’t ask her how, but somehow these things happen to her all the time, and she was pretty sure she would be sleeping there overnight. Her phone was dead and she was too lazy to grab anyone’s attention. So instead she decided to rat-tat-tat-tat. By pure dumb luck, he looked through the glass window on the door and locked eyes with her. She sheepishly waved with one of her drumsticks. Turns out the door lock for the music room is notoriously known for being defected. No matter how many times it gets fixed, someone ends up breaking it in the end. Decky ended up taking the doorknob off and retrieving her. It was amusing to watch and when he finally got in, she offered him some xxtra flamin’ hot Cheetos.

That marked the day she decided she’d actively talk to him even if it was moments in the hall or like now, sitting next to each other in homeroom and saying little things that may not matter to anyone but them. In her benefit, her best friend was Rye and he always had a lot to say about Decky. He just wished JJ actively talked to him like she did with literally everyone else but it was different with Mordechai. She didn’t want to be too careless and scare him off for being an absolute menace. Plus, what they had was good! She was happy he felt comfortable enough to sit next to her. What more could a girl ask for? “Chai?” She repeated, noticing he hadn’t answered her yet.

The nickname threw him off for a moment. Not just the name itself but the girl’s proper pronunciation of a part of his full name, something that wasn’t said out loud unless you wanted his immediate response of his fist in your face. But she didn’t call him Mordechai, she just called him Chai, Life. As unintentional as he’s sure the additional meaning of the word was to the curly haired girl, it had his face heating up a bit in…what, was that embarrassment? No, not embarrassed, he liked the way that name sounded falling off her tongue, and he wanted to hear it again. Wanted to hear her say anything to him again. Was he being bashful like she’d said? What was that feeling? There had to be a word for it. Another boot to his shin had him scrambling to respond.

“Uh-no I, uh…I left ‘em at home?” He answered, suddenly very unsure of what he had been asked to prompt the nickname in the first place. Shit, had he even been paying attention or was that when he was focused on her lips- her lipstick? She had asked about clouds or something? He could hear PJ’s head meet her desk beside him and he refused to turn and see her judging him without even looking his direction. “Any…any with you?” He glanced past her and quickly returned his sight to her face when that one glance showed Jamie Callaghan right over her shoulder, and he refused to let the scowl threatening to take over his features win.

Her smile widened. He was cute. “Sameeeeeee. No need to bring bad vibes with us on a Friday. Plus, it’s almost the weekend.” Which reminded her. The party. Ethan Green’s party. The Risky Business party. Maybe they could spend some time together there. It wasn’t often that JJ found herself excited to go to a party (she prefers quieter scenes, truth be told), but if Mordechai was there, maybe she had something to look forward to. “You’re going to the party, right? The one that Jamie announced?” JJ roundly asked, shifting her position in order to talk to both boys beside her. Looking from Decky to Jamie then back to Decky, she eagerly waited for his response. She didn’t realize pushing her seat back allowed the two boys, who had natural disdain for one another, a better and unwanted view of the other. Then again, Jordyn had no idea these two had bad blood. She simply was enjoying the company of two friends, and her sister.

The scowl finally took over when Decky got an unfiltered view of the blonde on JJ’s other side, mouth twisting as if he’d tasted something unsavory. This was not something that he wanted, Jamie’s inclusion, and he had a feeling this was no longer going to be a good conversation soon. Another booted heel to his shin had him stepping back from the ledge before he could tip over, PJ doing her job to keep him in check as she’s had to a couple times already. He did his best, and failed, to pull his emotions from his face before answering the person he actually wanted to have a conversation with. “Unfortunately. AJ’s probably already planned ta bring me and the others along by force if necessary, so I’m gonna be showin’ up however he is. He handles all that shit and I don’t really make any party decisions until I’m actually there.”

Jamie didn’t like Mordechai Boaz. Up until about fifteen minutes ago, he wouldn’t have had much more to say on the subject. Decky worked on cars, dressed like a Kenickie understudy, and was generally what he considered “rough around the edges.” Jamie worked on papers, had only seen the inside of a Walmart once, and considered himself an upstanding member of society. Their only overlap was one AJ Tyler, but AJ was not a factor anymore, and Jamie’s casual dislike had just boiled over into a juvenile loathing. Decky was a reminder of everything JJ had just taken his mind off of. To Jamie, he represented everything that had scared him about AJ, and he hated that feeling. He could not do anything about him and AJ, but he could do something about this.

“Did I forget to mention? No Gearheads allowed. I don’t think Ethan wants the place smelling like asphalt and cigarettes.” Jamie didn’t turn to face Decky, or raise his voice. He kept his voice cold, even, almost bored. Perks of being the engine that turned the school’s rumor mill? He could make the social scene a minefield if he needed to, and at this moment, he’d decided that he really needed to. He wasn’t sure if he really didn’t want AJ to come, or if this was a gamble for attention from his freshly broken heart. He didn’t care much.

I’ll give ya an up close and personal chance at those smells ya pretentious fuck, Decky’s mind supplied as soon as the other boy’s words hit his ears, fist curling up against his thigh. He was far too sober for this interaction. He smiled sharply at the blonde, a Boa humoring a corn snake, head tilting dangerously. He opened his mouth to speak and felt PJ’s foot nudge his in warning, and at any other moment he may have been more appreciative of the fact that she didn’t kick him once his anger flared. That she knew that much about him. As it was, it simply had him holding his tongue long enough to form a reply instead of just a threat or insult.

“Oh really?” He asked, aware of the boy’s blunder due to lack of information. Decky wasn’t usually one to stir the pot by way of dangling knowledge or gossip, but Jamie was, so being dead wrong so immediately was going to piss him off. After all, Ethan Green was paying Decky to hang out with his twin brother so this party would be legit enough for him to be allowed to use the vineyard. However the fuck that works. He didn’t ask after Green laid out his price. In fact, even without that instance, Ethan Green had an odd affinity for most of the Gearheads, and wouldn’t personally ban them from his parties. So, Jamie was fronting, talking out of his ass, and it was time to knock him down a peg. “‘Cause Green asked me an’ Sully Harper along the other day already, personal invite, and I may not be the best at math but that’s two Gearheads right there. So, looks like your info’s a bit dated.”

There. Not exposing too much, just dangling the fishing line like the fucker on the other side of JJ loved to do so much. The use of the term ‘dated’ may have been pettier than he usually goes for, but so was the bitter twink he was talking to.

Jamie’s mouth twitched down, and his pencil tapped rapidly against his desk, a sharp rhythm to match the rising tide of anger within. “Ethan’s getting started with philanthropy early then? I should probably get started on my community service hours too.” Of course Ethan had personally fucking invited them. Ethan was like a golden retriever with nymphomania. He’d hump any leg that was available. Some called it friendly, but at times like these, when it began to interfere with Jamie’s peace, he called it stupid.

“Oh ya should, I’ve made up all my hours an’ now that I’m off probation, I’m sure they’re lookin’ for people ta fill the spots. And don’t worry, really, they’ll take absolutely anybody,” Decky sneered back, sick of the interaction already. Sick of Jamie just like he had been for a long time. Things had started off good between the blonde and AJ, but Decky was there with the rest of the gearheads of the Tyler crew to see the slow descent into toxic chaos it became. Decky was there every time a bad moment with Jamie was being erased by a white line, every time smoke in the eyes was used to replace tears and alcohol was used to drown the parts of AJ that just felt too much. Too much for…that. The boy in front of him that could get folded in seconds but talked big shit like he could actually back himself up if cornered.

Pushing Rye toward AJ was a logical decision after the break up. Neither boy liked spending the night alone and they’d known each other long enough as friends that they could actually handle a no-strings situation. Decky took a step back with sleeping with Rye because at the time, the other two needed each other more to sleep at night than Decky needed another hook up, so he was more than happy to give them that push. They’d flirted back and forth for the whole time Decky knew them anyway, the newer transfer having been left to assume that nothing happened between the two because he quickly came along and swept Rye up for himself when he showed up halfway through Freshman year.

Jamie and AJ had then reconnected on a friends with benefits basis, something he had very strongly discouraged but lost the fight on with AJ, and Decky has been simmering on the back burner waiting for his moment to boil over. This was going to hurt AJ. This was going to hurt Rye. He no longer gave a fuck about what it did to Jamie Callaghan.

Was it her or did these boys have a lot of tension they needed to release? It wasn’t JJ’s place to add her two cents to this interaction and the last thing she needed was another detention because she got caught in the middle of two boys who couldn’t see eye to eye. Though once upon a time, last year, they did like each other, or so she thought. When she saw Rye next she would need to get more information on the situation. He was both media and an honorary Gearhead (he didn’t know much about cars but he liked hanging with them). It only made sense he knew the most. He would be able to read between the lines and understand this. She needed her best friend.

Dazing out, JJ continued to think deeper on the two boys throwing quips at one another. Did she even care? It wasn’t her business. Whatever beef they had with each other was just something they needed to tenderize and throw on the grill for a bit. Something good could come out of it, or the meat could get burnt. Either way, this could be a conversation they needed.

What was really on her mind was what was she going to wear tomorrow? She had a chance to impress Mordechai and get him to see her more than the rat girl. If she went all out, he might even consider her attractive. He did like her red lips. Red lips could be a thing for tomorrow’s outfit. Oh she was getting excited thinking about the possibilities. Normally, she’d ask her sisters for help but she might as well kill two birds with one stone. Go to the mall with Rye, go shopping, get pretzels and tacos, and ask him a million and ten questions about Jamie, Decky, and the hate they share. This was a good plan and she was sure he’d love it. At least the food and shopping part. Not so much her probing to know what her crush and his fuck buddy’s ex got going on but still, he loved being with her so she was sure she could get him to talk.

Her mind snapped out of its trance when she saw a familiar rodent walking the window ledge, by her sister. JJ made a face.

Oh no… oh no.

Trying not to interrupt the boys and their heated conversation, but clearly interrupting their conversation, Jordyn awkwardly slid down her chair and whispered, “Don’t mind me…” From there, she grabbed her tote and glimpsed inside it. Goddamn it, Biggie. Her cheetos aren’t meant for mice! This is why he was so fat! How dare! Pulling her tote with her, she crawled, looking toward Ms. Belmonte whose eyes were on her laptop, and hopefully, not on her. She went around Decky’s desk, unintentionally giving him a nice view of her apple bottom jeans, and found her way in front of her sister’s desk. On the ground now, in a standing-crouching position, she soothingly assured her twin, who had gone stock still and wide eyed when she spotted Biggie on the ledge, “Hey PJ… I’m just going to..”

She reached toward the window to grab her mouse.

There was a loud roaring outside, which caused JJ to lose her train of thought. Looking outside, she saw AJ in his red car, revving it up. That red car was only one of his usuals for school. “Oh, speaking of AJ, isn’t that him leaving?” Biggie pranced off the ledge and right onto PJ’s desk. He turned to her and stared up at his mother’s twin. Beady eyes and all.

squeak, squeak.

“EeeeeeeeEEEEWWWNOOOOOOBIGGIE!!!!” PJ screeched, all thoughts of invisibility and peacekeeping Decky gone, buried beneath pure panic as black beady eyes locked onto her, creepy little rodent fingers grasping towards her hair as she threw herself back and out of her chair. Biggie was sitting on her journal. Biggie was sitting on her journal. Heart now beating out of fear and rage, Parker looked desperately to her sister and screamed, JJ!!!

“Jordyn Jones! AGAIN?!” Ms. Belmonte was standing up now with furrowed eyebrows.

She had such a hot mama voice and she looked incredible in red. STOP. Focus, JJ. “... sorry, sis.” With a single swoop, Jordyn grabbed her son, placed him in the tote, and rushed to grab her things (mostly just her backpack), “Can’t wait to see you both at the party!” Rushing to the door, JJ looked at her teacher and gave a playful salute, “You don’t have to say a word, Ms. B. Detention, all next week. You got it, teach. Okay, gotta’ go. Please-don’t-call-my-mom. Okay, thanks, byeeeeeeee.” And with that, the eccentric Jones was off to the media room. She needed to see Rye.

PJ didn’t so much as give anyone a second glance as she too gathered up all her things, hands shaking as she wiped at her journal pages as if to get off the essence of rat, and tore out of the classroom in the opposite direction of her sister. There was a disabled bathroom on this floor that wasn’t often used but it had good ventilation and a window that actually opened to the outside, so it was a good place to get both privacy and fresh air, something Parker desperately needed all of a sudden.

“Wait, where are you going, Parker?” Cat called out, having lost yet another student to some chaotic rodent incident — only at BHHS. At least she saw them so she can mark them as here. She didn’t get paid enough to deal with this. Ms. Belmonte just threw her hands up in annoyance, with Italian flair, before settling in her seat, ready for the Morning Show to begin so she could dismiss her class and move onto the next unpredictable thing.

Decky spared a moment of conflict for everything that had just happened. JJ suddenly sliding out of her seat and across his desk had given him a view of the girl that he was sure he’d lose a layer of skin on his shin for later, a la Parker once he’d got her calmed down. The way she had done it so casually, her jeans accentuating her assets just as much as the temporary perch against his desk had, had him completely distracted from his verbal battle with Jamie and completely lost in thoughts that he can’t say he’d had for her previously. He’d always been drawn to her warmth and passion, whether he spoke to her about it or not, ever since he found her casually playing on the drums in a locked music room instead of freaking out to be free. Now…he was wanting to feel that warmth on a whole other level, and he was wholly unprepared for that revelation seconds before AJ’s car peeled out of the parking lot, followed closely by another shift in attention as one of JJ’s pets jumped on PJ’s desk and set the girl off.

Christ, had the bell even fucking rung yet?

With Ms. Belmonte having already settled down and having no chance of beating him to the still open doorway, Decky took his own chance to escape. Not, however, before he leaned over JJ’s now empty desk and got close to Jamie’s face, letting the little breakable blonde see the distrust and contained rage burning deep in his mahogany eyes. He held that gaze for a threatening moment before he snarled out his accusation.

“What the fuck did ya do ta ‘im this time, Callaghan?”

Without letting the boy respond, Decky stomped out of the classroom and in the direction he knew PJ will have gone, having played this routine out many times over the past few years when he and the twins shared classes. As always, he’d be providing the blunt she needed to regulate and calm down. Good thing he didn’t let Sin steal the ones he’d already rolled this morning.

Jamie resisted the urge to follow them out. Instead, he ground his teeth together and ignored the curious gazes of their classmates. What the fuck did he do? For a moment, his thoughts turned sharp, harsh. Not enough, clearly. Pain and guilt and nausea were leading an overzealous conga line through his nervous system as he replayed the last few months over and over in his head. Then he bundled those thoughts up and tucked them away, somewhere dark and dreary, so he wouldn’t have to think about them. This school was about survival of the fittest, and feelings were starting to seem like a god damned liability.

They usually were, but was that such a bad thing? JJ rushed her way through the hall until she got to the media studio. Looking through the narrowed glass window on the door, she stared inside the room and watched her friend and the other anchors host the Morning show. There was so much she needed to tell Rye but now she, and her dear Biggie Cheese, had to wait until the camera was no longer running.

Ugh, she hated waiting. But as she stood there, she thought about her brief moment with Decky, how he looked at her and how that made her feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

She smiled to herself.

Some things were worth waiting for.

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by NeoAJ
Avatar of NeoAJ

NeoAJ Fine. I'll High Five Myself.

Member Seen 6 days ago

Timestamp: 7:30am
Location: BHHS parking lot, near the skate park
Savannah "Payout" Payton, Everly Rigby & Nevaeh Morgan
Cameo: Mei Midnight & Jillian "Ashes" O'Brien
@NeoAJ, @Fabricant451 & Cameo work by @BrutalBx

There weren’t many things to be thankful for with a move halfway across the country, but one of the advantages was that the biological clock often took a while to adjust itself, and led to earlier wake-up times being easier to handle. It’s why ever since Savannah Payton arrived in her new stomping grounds of Beverly Hills she was able to get up for school at a time she could easily manage. It was still 8:30 am in Austin. Not that she didn’t loathe having to be productive so early, but when one doesn’t have the choice of determining when they wake up, among other things, it becomes tolerable.

By now her routine was pretty simple. With her mom preferring to sleep in, and Chris going off to the office bright and early to try and deal with the traffic, Savannah was left to her own devices to prepare for the day as she saw fit. Right now, that was harder to do than when she first arrived from Texas. Word had gotten out that when you wanted the good shit, be it marijuana, pills or alcohol, Savannah and the PLC always had the hookup. People put money into her pockets and got what they needed. She earned her Payout moniker in Texas, but it spread even quicker here. That meant the money was already coming in at a speedier rate than it did when she was working with Chapolita, and that suited her just fine.

She even had a vehicle to work with in California. While she wasn’t all that thrilled with the Sorrento her step-father decided to bestow upon her, it did have a lot of space. Both obvious and not so obvious. Anything she didn’t want to be seen easily got hidden in some of the hollow spaces of the Korean SUV. No one searching her car without a warrant was going to find anything. Savannah was certain of that.

It was a much quieter ride to school than usual. Of her assembled PLC regulars, only one wanted a lift today. Everly usually went to the school even earlier than Savvy did, intent on grinding the jumps at the park that served as their primary office. The skater girl was determined to nail tricks at a 100% rate, the kind of dedication Savannah respected in her right-hand woman. Ever since Miss Rigby joined the Crew, it was clear she was inspired to better herself in more ways just on the board. Whether that was her own self-realized action plan or Payout actually managed to have a positive influence on someone was not of her concern. The girl worked her butt off and it was appreciated.

The usual source of the noise in the back seat came from one of the most crucial members of the PLC, but Addie wasn’t on board either. The supplier of the best-selling product that Payout had to offer, the hypersonic Addie was always bursting with enough energy to power the Sorrento on a jaunt to Vegas and back. However, she was also absent from proceedings, with the only message sent to the PLC WhatsApp chat being “PANCAKES!!!” before she was unreachable. Every crew needed a livewire after all. Tesla was that member in Austin. Seemed like every time that girl wanted to do something, she’d put her foot down on the accelerator pedal and it would get stuck there. That was Addie here.

Which left the lone occupant of the backseat, the black sheep of Beverly Hills High. At least that’s what she’ll tell you. Nevaeh Morgan was well known for a fall from grace so spectacular the Russian judge had no choice but to give it a 10. The former cheerleader was a pariah following her brief stint in a juvenile correction facility. She was abandoned by her former plastic friends, excommunicated from her fellow drug runners, and left to drift along her remaining year and a half of high school. Right into Savannah’s arms.

Neveah was slow to open up to the Texan after Savannah spotted her skulking about the parking lot that June afternoon. Tough to miss a girl wandering around the California sunshine dressed in all black. However, once the shadow started to reveal bits of herself to the pink-blonde who didn’t shoo her away, what happened to her that left her such an outcast, Savvy couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. Another survivor of the “justice” system, only she had so much more to lose when it happened. It allowed for an empathy that was foreign to Savannah at the time, but now proved very useful. Just as Nevaeh would.

It was the Morgan girl who linked Savannah up with Addie, Nevaeh being well acquainted with ADD on the outskirts of the popular cliques. That gave Savannah an opening with the specialty strains the botanical genius was cooking up. It was that success that got the attention of the rival Stratton cartel to the point where she convinced Everly that there was a better path than tailing the twins, who already proved they couldn’t be trusted to watch your back. Nevaeh backed up Savannah with words rarely heard at the time, and rarely heard since. In essence, there is no PLC without the Strattons casting out this… surprisingly well-built goth girl. Maybe that's why they were so pissed off.

But Nevaeh still kept to herself for the most part, the gigantic black headphones latched onto her head like a protective vice to keep her placated with the latest episode of whatever podcast she was listening to, getting her through school, lifting sessions, 10-minute breaks at the Cheesecake Factory, whatever she needed. Her obsession for the past couple of months was Midnight Frequency, a serial podcast blending music and mystery out of Boston that adorned the tank top she wore underneath her jet-black cardigan, the same one that was wrapping up another episode as Savannah arrived at BHHS.

"And that was Pool Kids with That's Physics, Baby. I don't know about you Mei but I definitely vibe with that song more now than I did when I was actually taking Physics!

“Honestly I don’t even remember taking physics, pretty sure I was wasted most of senior year?”

“Completely understand given a lot of the shit that happened! But back to the matter at hand, I know we were talking about what exactly happened to Erika Miyashima all those years ago, but we still don't really know why she had that plastic wrapped around her fingers!"

“The mystery of Erika Miyashima has endured for a long ass time and will continue to do so until a pair of intrepid explorers with fat asses and bad attitudes solves the damn thing.”

"So we will be back to the cursed shores of Lake Eden at some point to see if we can't wash anything up from the depths, and if we don't, well the bad attitudes will be on display. That won't stop us though! You MFers know it won't!"

“Don’t forget to submit your own hometown mysteries to us! If we find them interesting enough, we might just come to your town, empty your best bar of its alcohol, fuck your wives, steal your daughters and look fine as all fuck doing it!”

"Send us something really tempting and we will shout you out on the podcast, just like Caitlin Dubinsky of Noblesville, Indiana, who got us to come to the Hoosier State to investigate the horrific story of the Tenth Street Bank fire! That got Caitlin a free 'Fine as Fuck' t-shirt, a 1 on 2 meet and greet at Syd’s Fine Food and Spirits, and something that only she knows! So if you want the same experience, find your best mysteries and get in touch with us! Ooh, especially if you're in the Los Angeles area and can get us there around late November! I heard Violet Orlandi is playing a secret show, and I want to get a certain someone VIP tix for our anniversary! I mean, that someone is definitely not Miss Midnight! Nope!"

“She is talking about me because I not only want to hear Violet sing but I also want to bring her to our bedroom to do unspeakable things but I digress. But seriously, submit your stories and we may just wind up at your door. Until then, my ghouls and gals, here’s some slow tracks to bring your mood to where it needs to be. I’m Mei Midnight, this is the burning girl herself Jill O’Brien, you’re listening to the Midnight Frequency and this is Sex & Violence by Pensacola Mist.”

It was easy for the goth girl to adhere to the dress code of the day, black being all she seemed to wear, but Savannah, rebel that she was, refused, sporting a blue crop under that bulky leather jacket that she was so reluctant to give up no matter the weather. Besides, it was October, it was technically getting colder. The ripped black leggings and dark combat boots were the only things that might have counted as showing some Pirates pride, but in reality, Savannah didn’t care. This was just a place she had to be in for another year. Then? Who knows?

The Sorrento pulled into the parking lot of BHHS and Savannah quickly spotted Everly’s board rolling up an incline, although Everly wasn’t on it at the moment. Was it another wipeout? She couldn’t tell. “Shit, let’s go see how busted up Ev is this time,” she commented, unsure if Nevaeh heard her over the synth-pop in her ears, but Payout hopped out of the vehicle, bag in tow, and the dark-haired Morgan girl followed.

As the Sorrento beeped closed and Payout approached the park, she finally shouted down, “Ev, you nail any of those tricks yet or are they just nailin’ your back?”

There was probably no other student at Beverly Hills High School who spent more time on her back than Everly Rigby. Even before the staff begrudgingly allowed for the construction of a mini skate-park rather than adding another extension for more parking spaces on school grounds, Everly was hitting her ass on the sidewalk, the asphalt, grass, even into a filled pool a few times. It came with the territory of being more comfortable on a board with four wheels than her own two feet. She could do simple tricks with the best of them, kickflips, ollies, board slides, but no one was ever truly interested in someone who could only do the basics and if Everly wanted to do anything with a skateboard…then she would have to deal with falling on her ass and getting back up. No one ever accomplished anything without working hard for it. Well, other than the elite kids of gajillionaires that went to school here. But the good thing about rich kids? They always needed what the PLC provided.

If Everly’s fiercely political parents knew that their daughter was, effectively, part of a drug empire, they would likely ship her off to the military to learn discipline or secretly hope she got killed or incarcerated for going AWOL, but Everly never sought out to get involved in the wild world of supplying and dealing illicit substances for students and the teachers who the PLC totally promised to keep secret - it just sorta happened. The Strattons just kind of adopted her when they saw her trying to break her own record for manualing. At the time, Everly needed three things: friends, a support system, and someone to help her step out of the closet publicly. The Strattons provided enough of the three to make Everly shrug and go along with them. It wasn’t until Savannah came around that Everly realized that the only one who thought she and the Strattons were friends was Everly. The PLC provided Everly with what she needed, and not just the pocket change from their little empire.

Everly was often one of the first ones at school in the mornings, not because she had morning sports practice or morning tutoring, she just didn’t want to hang out at home. She often didn’t sleep at home if she could avoid it and when she did, she entered her bedroom by climbing in through the window rather than risk the verbal berating that would happen if her parents saw her walking through the front door. But every morning, at least every weekday morning, Everly was at the parking lot skate park, wheels down, hair blowing in the wind, helmet only sometimes on her head. It didn’t matter if all she did before school hours was fail the same trick a hundred times, if she nailed it once then she was golden. For someone who was dangerously close to flunking out of high school, it was almost shocking how diligent and focused Everly could be with skating.

Today was, of course, no exception. Progress was slow but she was wiping out much less on the backward rotation this time. She was feeling good as she dropped in but the confidence faltered as she came down in an awkward landing on the first take off the ramp. Everly was on her back again, and it was only now that she was looking up at the sky that she noticed it was lighter now than it had been since the last time she bothered taking a break. How long had she been going? Had to at least be an hour and a half, maybe more. School would be starting soon but Everly would still be here. She wasn’t even following the theme of the day other than her jeans being black. Her shirt was a white t-shirt with a pink logo and her baseball cap was purple with the CR logo of the Colorado Rockies. School spirit was for people who would look back on high school as their peak and if Everly ever thought high school was the best part of her life then she’d probably hate herself more than she hated her parents.

The familiar voice of Savannah caused Everly to raise her left hand in a thumbs-up before she rose to a seated position. “You just missed it, dude. I got it twice this morning already. And I didn’t get it like forty times, but hey, I’m not bein’ graded on this so I only fail if I give up.” For the moment, Everly remained sitting but her attention was on her partners in crime. Her friends. And then she stood, brushing her pants with her hands and leaving the comfort of the skate park for the asphalt of the parking lot if only because it was uncool to make friends shout at each other so early in the morning.

“Shit, I’m not missin’ a business meeting or anything am I?” It wouldn’t have been the first time Everly was late for one of those. “Shit, Nev’s wired in again, huh? We gotta get her some AirPods or something. Anyway, what’sup, Sav? Adds didn’t come in with you?”

A laugh was the first thing out of Savannah’s lips as she heard Everly go off. Everly Rigby was never one to be concerned with marks or anything that wasn’t related to her own goals and ambitions. Once she was set free of the Strattons’ influence, it was clear she was more than happy to focus on what gave her fulfillment, and that was one of the things Savannah liked about her. Sure, when they initially met it may have only been on Nevaeh’s tip that Everly could offer a clearer picture of what the Toxic Twins were doing, but once she got to know the skateboarder, she saw more there. It was a refreshing change of pace after a month of watching Nev’s thoughts on the student body at large hold true.

“Nah, no meetin’,” Payout assured Ev. “Not ‘til after class. That’s when everyone’s gonna be lookin’ for that extra bit of school spirit ahead of the game. That’s what we gotta be ready for. Glad you’re hittin’ that five percent land rate on the trick though. You’ll get double that by the end of the week for sure.”

Savannah was also happy to see that Ev was embracing her own style and not dressed in red. That was one of the biggest things that annoyed her about this school. Everything was so cliquey, everyone had to be their own special specific thing, together as one. It sickened her. At least in the TCJCF, it was done out of survival. Maybe it was here, but the stakes were so far under what the other students here made it to be. That’s one of the things that she liked about her current crew. They crossed the various thresholds of the school. An outlaw, a skater, a goth and a brain. So close to a Lesbian Breakfast Club. Her mom loves that movie.

“I tried to get holda Addie, but ya know how that girl is. She is fuckin’ free-wheelin’ at all times. I think she got some breakfast? All she texted me was pancakes, so I dunno what that girl’s on. ‘N ya know I ain’t gettin’ Nev to ditch the cans. I told her before that she don’t need them giant things, but she wants the immersion.” Savannah turned around and pulled one of the cups off the black-haired girl’s head. “Hey Nev!”

The goth girl snapped out of her podcast-induced trance. “Hmmm?”

“Ya got anythin’ ta say to Ev before we check-in to class?”

Nevaeh thought for a second before finally uttering. “Not really. Hi Ev. Skateboarding looks good. Maybe we can have another lesson.”

Savannah shook her head and put the headphone back down. The Texan had no idea what Nevaeh was really like before Savannah arrived, but if reports were any indication, she would have been far more excited for today’s game. Also, she would be saying more than 12 words in a conversation. The Twitter handle and the few pictures that escaped deletion bore out that she once was a cheerleader, but now? Cheerbleeder was more accurate. She still wanted to be in class though, worried that any marks against her that were blatantly obvious would result in another lock-up. It made sense to Sav. Couldn’t make any money if you weren’t there to let the people know what they had. Still, it would be nice if she could get some talking out of Nevaeh that didn’t make her feel like Miss Morgan was operating on a character count.

“Anyway, just checkin’ in witcha. You know I like to keep you up to date on everythin’, so we’ll just meet back here after class ‘n start gettin’ the word out to our usual sources that we are open. I’d like to sell everythin’ before this big shindig I hear is in the works on the weekend.”

There was a big party over the weekend? Of course there was. There were parties all the time, it was exhausting how often rich kids liked to get together and party, though fortunately the big ones were often focused on big events: holidays, school events, the birthday parties of the crusted gunk in the grooves of a shoe that were the Hive Five and the Elite. Typical enough. As far as Everly knew, the only thing happening this weekend was the Homecoming dance. "Shit.” The Homecoming dance. Everly didn’t have a ticket but she also didn’t have a date and there was absolutely no way that she could ask Her to go; Everly was pretty sure that She already had a date, probably had one before tickets were even on sale. Was this the kind of shit Everly missed out on by ditching class?

"Wait, what party?” Though her thoughts were still on the fact that she once again missed out on a chance to tell Her how she felt, Everly was chill enough to focus on the important thing. A party. She didn’t know if she was invited but that hadn’t stopped her before. "We’re gonna wanna hold a sale or something. Fancy parties means some of these dudes are gonna want more than just dimes and nickels. I’m seein’ green in our future. Not, like, you know, weed but, like, cash. Cash green. You get it.” Business was potentially good on a day like this. Sure, people could go to a store but the PLC prided themselves on quality as well as quantity, not to mention convenience which could not be understated.

"On an unrelated note, and feel free to answer too if you want, Nev, but you thinkin’ of going to Homecoming? I know it’s kinda lame, it’s a school dance and all, but I mean..” Everly shrugged. She had no idea where her train of thought was going when she started and the destination remained cloudy even as she spoke. "So…anyway…big day for us today, then.”

Savannah looked at Everly for a second. The Homecoming dance was the furthest thing from her mind at the moment. Too many teachers there who didn’t know what was happening on the side. Too many snobs among the revelers who liked to stick their noses in where they didn’t belong. There wasn’t a lot attracting her to that sort of thing. There was no money to be made.

But if it meant something to Everly… it had to, otherwise she wouldn’t be asking. Savannah tried to think about what it really could be. If she thought about anything other than the business for one second… It was tough to do that. The business succeeding meant survival, and survival was the name of the game back in Texas. Here, there wasn’t a dogfight just to get through every day. Could it mean she could take the time to just try and do something for the sake of doing it?

That still sounded kinda sappy in her mind.

“I dunno, Ev. I mean, I’ve never been one for all the fancy dos and such. I always end up stickin’ out like a sore thumb. Between the height ‘n the hair and all? It’s why I didn’t end up goin’ to prom last year either. Not much point in me showin’ up for only two months of bein’ here.” She looked over at the still-silent partner and lifted up the cup again. “What’cha reckon, Nev? You want to go to the Homecomin’ dance?”

Nevaeh thought for a second before sliding the rest of the headphones off her head. “If you had asked me six months ago, I would have said no. I didn’t go to prom either.”

“I remember. Think I found ya skulkin’ around the setup for that blowfest. That’s when we got ta talkin’ about things.”

“Right, so I wouldn’t have gone then. But now? Things are going well. We should have a night to enjoy ourselves. I still have some sleeveless dresses I would fit into. I would go.”

Savannah was a bit stunned by this admission from the excommunicated cheerleader. “Really? Shit, I thought at least you would be a dissentin’ vote. ‘N I know Addie by now, if she were here, she’d be sayin’ something like ‘Addie goes where she pleases, and everywhere needs Addie, so that means Addie is goin’ to Homecomin’!’ Or somethin’ like that.” She looks down and shakes her head before turning back to Everly. “I guess I can’t leave y’all to go without me. Fine, I’d do it if all the PLC is goin’.”

“Hey, look at the bright side. If it sucks we can just bail and go do something fun.” Everly wasn’t showing excitement, but internally she was happy; sure it meant having to raid her mom’s closet for something and yeah the music would probably be lame and the majority of the people even lamer…but the PLC would take a hell of a Homecoming photo…and maybe, just maybe, there was a chance that Everly could score a slow dance with Her. The window of opportunity to do something about the unbearable weight of having a crush so out of reach that She might as well have been on fucking Jupiter was closing by the day and the only thing worse to Everly than getting rejected was not doing anything about it at all. Why could Everly wipe out on a skateboard and get back up a thousand times but the idea of asking a certain girl to dance seemed like the most impossible task in the world?

“I’ll text Adds and tell her we’re goin’. And to have her tell Belmonte that I attended.” Everly was, of course, not going to go to homeroom. It was senior year, who wanted to be bogged down in going to class? “You two headin’ to class? Nerds.” Sometimes, Everly’s comments made her giggle. This was one of those times. “Save me a seat at lunch, though, yeah?”

“Yeah, but you know my idea of fun don’t involve bein’ in a dress, Ev,” Payout confirmed. “But fine. And yeah, Nev don’t need the absences, and honestly, neither do I. When you ain’t showin’, that’s when questions get asked. Least people here know where you are. But yeah, see ya out here for lunch, amiga.” She snapped her fingers at her homeroom classmate. “All right, Nev, let’s go make appearances. And thanks again for havin’ my back on that topic.”

Nevaeh smiled, those black lips standing out on her face even with the tanned skin around it. “You’re welcome, Sav.” Her headphones slid back on over her ears and she followed Payout as the two made their way to class, leaving Everly alone with her dreams of a 15% hit rate on that new trick.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Aces Away
Avatar of Aces Away

Aces Away Phantom by Circumstance

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Immediately after: Love Is a Battlefield
Location: First floor disabled bathroom, previously used by Trixie in Thoroughbreds
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of past child abuse


To: AJackass
U better be goin 2 c Chris
Dont do smthn stupid

Decky Boaz

Decky’s hands shook only slightly when he pocketed his phone after sending a text off to AJ. Whatever was going on right now was not his place, AJ had already fled and that usually meant he was fleeing towards his best friend for comfort. AJ would get a hold of him if or when he needed him and at that point if school was still on then he’d either entrust Danny to Sin or grab him and ride out, but until then there was someone else that needed his attention and supply. Decky pushed open the door to see Parker pacing back and forth, frantically swiping her journal pages with a dry paper towel and mumbling curses to herself while her lip was trapped dangerously between grinding teeth.

He hated that habit, Danny had it and they’d only gotten him to stop by making sure he had access to gum 24/7 so that his baby brother didn’t turn to less savory vices like the rest of them had. Their cousin, uncle Eiran’s son Zion, was basically a walking candy shop in the school hallways, his bag stuffed to the brim and prices unwavering, but any time he crossed little Danny in the halls, the Junior was throwing himself over the smaller boy’s shoulders and stuffing a pack of gum into his pocket. One of Decky’s biggest fears when he and Danny had joined up with Sin and her older brother Rian to move down to California and settle where his newly-discovered uncles had made their lives, had been that the loss of support from Sunshine and the rest of the Gravette crew would be damaging for both him and his brother. Luckily it became the opposite, and they maintained contact with their found family back home and found even more support in their new one.

His uncles, Aunts, and Zion had all been receptive to and understanding of the two damaged boys that arrived on their doorstep, Decky fresh out of Juvie and leaning heavily on a sheepishly waving Rian, wounds from the last ambush inside still feeling fresh even after a couple weeks. They reconnected with Monarch, whose family had moved out here while Decky and Monarch’s brother King had been serving their sentences. The Wilsons were there, AJ befriended him when his uncles introduced them and got him work at Dom’s, and with AJ came basically all the Gearheads and then some. Decky’s fear had turned out to be unwarranted, and the Boaz brothers found themselves surrounded with more family, both blood and found, than they even knew what to do with anymore. All that being said, everyone had their own way of helping, and tough love always got through Decky the best so he didn’t really know the soft approach to things.

“Hey, no, you’re gonna chew through,” He said, striding right up to the girl stuck on loop and grabbed her cheeks in his hand, pulling her face up from the journal and making her look at him as he squeezed until she opened her jaw and released the abused flesh from her teeth. Parker reeled back as she caught up with what was happening, and as she dropped her journal while raising her hand to push Decky away, he had suddenly dropped down to catch the treasured item before it hit the floor. The consequence of this was an open palm shove to the chest becoming and open palmed strike to the face, and Decky’s head snapped back while he let out a sharp, “Fuck!” as his free hand flew protectively to the abused area. Stumbling back out of his crouch, Decky glared at the wide eyed girl across from him.

“Shit, I’m sorry!” PJ fretted, stepping back too in order to put more space between them and let Decky recover. Decky just took his hand off of his face and held it up, signaling her to stop talking. Her jaw clicked shut as he scrunched his face a few times to chase away the tingling feeling spreading from the contact point.

“I’m fine, it didn’t even actually hurt,” He assured, snapping his fingers loudly when Parker went to bite her lip again. “Stop that, christ, bite literally anythin’ but your own flesh for me, okay?” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a Swisher foil, tossing it to Parker who fumbled before gently trapping the pouch against her chest. She opened the seal to find two blunts sitting inside, likely rolled by the boy this morning, and looked back over to him in time to see him putting her journal into the back pocket of her bookbag. She tensed again when she realized he’d been in contact and possession of her open journal this whole time.

“You didn’t look at the pages did you?” She asked, tone suddenly sharp instead of anxious. Decky rolled his eyes at the change in demeanor but shook his head for the girl’s benefit so she could relax.

“I don’t care about your secrets,” He answered, signature scowl back in place. “You’re welcome for fuckin’ savin’ it from this nasty ass floor by the way, don’t need ya goin’ off the rails before the Mornin’ Show’s even over. Now light the blunt, Jones, or I’m takin’ it back.”

“It’s not a diary, dumbass, it’s a journal. You know, for like, poems and lyrics and stories?” PJ argued, but complied with his demand and pulled one of the sticks out with shaking fingers. “And Biggie was all fucking over it…” She knelt down to her bag and grabbed a lighter so they could both move over to the window. Decky reached up to crack it, having a much easier time with the task at his height. Parker took a long first hit and held it as she passed the blunt to its creator. The heat traveling through the roll had stung as the temperature hit her tender lip, and Parker realized she had bitten through the skin before Decky had gotten her to stop. No wonder he’d been so insistent. As if it were an afterthought, she threw in, “Thanks, by the way.”

“I ain’t a dumbass, of course I know. One’a my boys back home is an incredibly talented writer,” Decky countered, thinking of his friend Charlie from Gravette. That boy consumed and produced literature like no one else Decky’s ever known, it was honestly astonishing, and little Danny loved his moments during video calls where he got to talk to the older boy about whatever he was reading at the time. “They’re all secrets if y’ain’t sharin’ ‘em with anyone, and I’ve seen ya almost bite off people’s heads over so much as glancin’ your way when you’re workin’ in that thing. So: secrets.”

“...Okay, fine I guess,” Parker conceded when he stopped to hit the blunt himself. “But I’m still not letting you see any of it.”

Decky let out a rough sigh, all the smoke billowing out towards the window before he turned to give her an exasperated look. “I just fuckin’ said I don’t- ya know what? Nevermind. But if ya really care ‘bout that shit ya should be sharin’ it with someone. Jus’ sayin’,” Before she could argue with him, he soldiered on. ”Anyways, how the hell is your rat thing still so bad when your twin has like twelve of ‘em stashed in y’all’s bedroom?”

Parker gave Decky a confused glance as she hopped up to sit on the decommissioned radiator under the window, trying to remember if she ever mentioned that she and JJ shared a bedroom and coming up blank. Did he know for sure or did his mind just default to siblings sharing a room? Maybe he assumed because they were twins and just happened to be right. No matter.

“Because JJ is a lax parent and lets them get out and into my bed at night,” PJ dismayed, accepting the blunt as it was passed back to her. “Can you imagine waking up with a rat half an inch from your face, staring you down? I mean it’s jus-” She stopped when she noticed he was smirking at her with a look of entertainment, head tilted to the side. ”What?”

“Jones, I used ta wake up in the back yard after a night’a lockout with rats and raccoons lootin’ my pockets for scraps,” He answered honestly. “I’m not tryin’a knock your fears or anythin’, but ta me that sort’a phobia is a luxury ta have.”

“Ok, that? That right there? The vaguely horrifying shit that you say so casually like it makes sense? It doesn’t,” Parker pointed out, trying to steer away from any rodent talk while also expressing genuine concern for the boy leaning against the wall in front of her. “A night of lockout?

“Sometimes, if they got sick’a beatin’ me and I was still bein’ obstinate or they didn’t wanna hear me moanin’ in pain all night, they’d just toss me out in ta the back yard and lock up the house so I couldn’t get back in,” Decky referred to his parents’ actions with absolutely no variation in his tone, a complete disconnect between the words he was saying and the emotions and memories that they risked provoking. As it was, in his mind there was nothing exceptionally cruel about what he was relaying, just another day in the life for him back then. He still never could refer to Alana and Benjamin Boaz as his parents when talking though, so it was always simply they or them or those people. “If I wasn’t still there when they checked in the mornin’, they’d hurt Danny, so I always just stayed where they tossed me. Raccoons can actually learn some pretty cool tricks if ya gain their trust and have food on ya.”

“Decky…” PJ whispered in disbelief. Without the heartbreaking reasoning behind it, the fact that Decky just randomly trained raccoons when he was a kid would be a really cool thing to learn about the dude, in fact PJ was sure it was just another thing that would endear her lovely twin sister to him. But what he’d just said…her sister was going to have more baggage to deal with than any of the Jones girls could have imagined. What he’d just revealed to her explained so much but also added on a book’s worth of questions that she was honestly still a bit too high strung to delve into now. Not that she thought he’d give her any answers just because she asked. His ability to speak so casually about the event, as though that was just the way parents acted, the way children were punished, was so telling of how commonplace such horrendous mistreatment likely was in the Boaz brothers’ lives before California and Beverly Hills High. She took another drag, her stomach now twisting for reasons completely unrelated to rodents.

There were a few things that Parker truly knew about Mordechai Boaz, and that was honestly only a thing or two more than most people knew about him, but it was that extra bit of insight that meant she knew he considered her a friend, if not in the inner circle the likes of Monarch, Sin, and the Gearheads. Decky Boaz transferred into BH alongside Sin Donaghue in the Spring Semester of Freshman year as an ex-gang member on probation, he has a little brother that came in as a freshman this year and had a couple more family members in the school. AJ Tyler had basically claimed him before he ever hit BH hallways and he works for the Tyler family at their garage. He’s an angry fuck, a drug addict, an incredibly dangerous fighter, and you either want to have his loyalty or not be known by him at all, as catching his ire is not something to be taken lightly. Everyone learned these things about him within the first couple weeks of his transfer.

Things she’d learned since were that he loved and protected his baby brother more than any other older sibling she knew, and that was saying something coming from her. Only a small handful of people, and that’s including from his laundry list of sexual partners, have ever seen him without a shirt, and those who have seen his bare torso are extremely tight lipped and protective on the matter. Decky bobs his head along to music without realizing, so you can tell when he’s vibing with your tunes. He sucks at comforting words but makes up for it with action, he flinches if you touch him without warning but he reacts and learns best from well-intended physical corrections, an extremely confusing and concerning dichotomy to PJ, but he assured her long ago that the shin-kicks were understood and even appreciated for keeping him in check sometimes. Just now she’d learned he suffered abuse far worse than any rumor around school could ever fathom, and survived things that even some of the more warped minds in these halls couldn’t dream up. Another thing she’d learned over all these little chats with him?

Decky hated pity, and loved dark humor.

“Dude, your life fucking sucked, no wonder you’re such an ass,” She settled on after another hit, turning away from him immediately after in order to ash out the high window, arm stretched out so she could tap it all the way outside the window and avoid the wind blowing the ash back in. She froze in her action and looked over with wide eyes as Decky threw his head back and laughed, loud and sudden like a clap of thunder, and so genuine that PJ was suddenly sure that she’d never once heard his real laugh before this moment. His smile stretched out across his teeth and exposed a dimple trying to hide in the shallow laugh lines now present on either side of his face. PJ has always been aware that Decky was considered attractive, long before her sister developed a crush on him, but in that moment, with his eyes crescents of mirth and a glint of joy shining through like pure moonlight through darkened curtains, Parker finally understood the higher potential that her sister saw in this boy wrapped in barbed wire and brass knuckles.

“Thanks,” Decky finally answered, head lolling to the side from where it was now resting against the painted brick beneath the window. He turned to face her fully and grabbed the blunt from between her still-frozen fingers, raising an eyebrow at her reaction as he wrapped his lips around the dwindling swisher wrap. “I’ve been told I need therapy. Like, a lot’a it.”

“You do, but honestly so does everyone in this place,” She replied, voice still soft from the shock of seeing him like that. “You just need extra sessions, maybe a specialist or five.”

“Yeah yeah, I’ll get back ta ya when when money and time ain’t an issue,” He snarked before taking a long pull. Which, like, Parker couldn’t argue with that, so she simply gave a small smile and rolled her eyes at the gearhead. Comfortable silence stretched between the two after the conversation reached its natural conclusion, and the next couple minutes were spent playing puff puff pass in silence while both students rallied all of their thoughts and emotions from the events of homeroom. With everything finally regulating, Decky’s thoughts were returning to one very distinct memory that he couldn’t stop replaying in his head.



“How come I ain’t realize before that your sister’s got this amazin’ ass- fuck!

Dammit, he’s finally figured it out, Parker thought dispassionately from her seat on the radiator as she watched Decky crash to the ground, thrust straight down by her swift boot to the back of his thigh. As the boy groaned on the cool tile floor, PJ spared a moment of silence for the loss of that last bit of peace that she knew in her life. Jordyn, you better be ready for this idiot now that he realizes he wants you. He’s gonna be a lot of work.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by smarty0114
Avatar of smarty0114

smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Location: Front Office
Mentions/Interactions: Naomi & The Hive @Fabricant451@Aewin@LovelyComplex@NeoAJ

The Hive had descended upon the school with all the glitz and glamour they advertised. Truth be told, this was why he did it; for the attention. He relished every gaze that fell on him, gulping it down like it was the secret to everlasting youth. He was going to need it. As The Hive passed the front office, Levi bid them adieu. “I’ve got a meeting with Mr. Mackenzie. Indy, Angel, don’t let anyone take my seat.”

He didn’t offer up any more info than that. Indy and Angel had hardly proven themselves worthy of an explanation, Lottie would forget it in two minutes, and Naomi was more clued into his movements than anyone else at this school. She’d been there when he made the appointment with Mackenzie last week, a preliminary step before he began mailing in applications. This all felt like formalities wrapped in formalities; his last name would probably get him farther than any personal essay would. Still, he knew how to play the game, and he would not ever let it be said that he wasn’t any good at it. Not to mention, the guidance counselor had a good eye and he needed someone to look over his portfolio.

Butler followed him into the front office, down a narrow hall, and stood stoicly as Levi sat in one of the surprisingly comfortable chairs that had been bought and paid for with Green money. Butler followed him everywhere, always had, always would. He hadn’t been in Naomi’s car, of course. That would be ridiculous. He was following them at a safe distance in an unmarked, black sedan. Duh.

Four doors, spaced evenly down the hall, marked the different BHHS guidance counselors and their offices. Levi hadn’t bothered remembering the other ones. He’d been assigned to Mackenzie at the beginning of his freshman year, and he’d never been given a good enough reason to request a swap. He didn’t really like anybody, other than Diana and Naomi, and Lottie on a good day, but he tolerated Mr. Mackenzie, mainly because he was a good listener who was legally bound to keep his mouth shut.

Levi sat and waited, tapping his Italian leather shoes against the linoleum as the clock ticked forward. Five minutes, then ten, then fifteen. He was about to have Butler bang on the door when it opened and some poor little freshman came scurrying out, eyes freshly dried. Mr. Mackenzie leaned against the doorframe, dressed like a lumberjack with a thick, greying beard to match. He watched the girl leave, before turning to Levi with a warm, welcoming smile. “Levi, come on in,” he said, gesturing inside his office.

Mr. Mackenzie’s office was decorated with motivational posters (Levi’s favorite featured a cat and the words “Hang in there!” in bold font), bookshelves packed with tomes on psychology and self-help. His desk featured pictures of a happy little family in front of a quaint little house. The room was warm in a way that Levi found alien, but comforting. He figured that was the point. Butler took his place at the back of the office, and the counselor smiled. “Stoic as ever, Butler.” Butler nodded. “So, Levi. College applications. Can I ask you a question?”

“You’re going to regardless, right?”

Mr. Mackenzie leaned against his desk, still smiling. Did he ever stop fucking smiling? What is it that you want to do?” Levi blinked. “I’m looking at your portfolio and…well, I’m not sure you’re giving me a very clear idea of who Levi Green-Locke actually is.”

Despite appearances, Levi was very accustomed to failure. He had lost MVP on his Little League soccer team every year until he finally quit, he’d always struggled with science and math no matter how hard he tried, and he’d been failing to win his moms’ approval for pretty much his entire life. He knew that feelings were reserved for after the conversation, in private. “Are you saying it’s shit?”

Mr. Mackenzie clicked his tongue. “Language. I’m not saying that. Technically, you’re very good at what you do. The pictures you used are compositionally great, it’s just…well, they don’t seem to say much. I know what these places want, and it’s somebody with a message.” The counselor threaded his fingers together and placed them on the desk. “They lack heart, Levi. Vulnerability.” Mr. Mackenzie opened a familiar binder and splayed out a series of pictures that Levi had taken. A picture of the ocean, taken from one of the family’s boats, and a series of shots from his summer trip around Europe. They were beautiful photographs, but they weren't anything special. Every queer kid with a camera and a way to get to Florence had taken a picture of David. “I mean, where do I see you, in these?”

Behind his eyes, a small star was exploding, boiling his blood. He clenched his jaw and his fists, desperate to keep his composure. “So…I should be taking pictures of my friends? Family? My adoption papers?” The indignance in Levi’s voice was unmistakable. He might’ve grown accustomed to failure, but he’d never grown to enjoy it.

Mr. Mackenzie leaned back, and offered up a measly, useless shrug. “Is that what you want to show off? I mean, comeon, art is about having something to say. I know I'm not the first person to tell you this. Do you even want to be a photographer?”

“I want to travel the world on my parents' Black Card.” This was not quite a lie. Levi, for all his pomp and circumstance, had no earthly idea where he’d be in ten years. Everyone else seemed to have been born knowing, while he had spent the last seventeen years trying on different hats, desperate to find one that fit. He’d been good on stage, he thought he’d been good behind a camera, but really, he just liked new things. New places, new people, new experiences. Everyone wanted him to go and be something, and he…well he just wanted…okay so he had no idea what he wanted.

“See, you’re sitting here, at 7:45 on a Friday, discussing this with me, so I have to believe that’s at least a little bit of a lie.” Well, he had him there. “You don’t have to know what you want to do right now. Most people don’t figure it out until years after high school! I mean, when I was your age, I thought I was going to be a lawyer.”

“And now, here you are, helping spoiled kids like me live out their dreams? I think a lawyer would’ve made more sense. Financially speaking.”

“I am really gonna miss that sense of humor, Levi,” Mr. Mackenzie said, with a tone that made it clear that he would not. “I’m just trying to say that, if you spend this time actually trying to figure out who you are, instead of pretending to be someone you aren’t, you might end up happier for it. What do I know, though? I’ve only got a masters in psychology.”

To his credit, Levi’s thoughts did not immediately jump to ways to get Mr. Mackenzie fired. Those would come later, and would likely fizzle out by the time he got home. His initial thought was, What the fuck does this guy know? followed by, Maybe a little bit. Levi stood up, collecting his bag with a huff. “Are we done?”

“We’re done when you want to be done,”

Levi spun on his heel. “Great, thanks for nothing.” If it wasn’t for the stupid little mechanism that forced the door to close slowly, it would’ve slammed behind him. He made a mental note to see if those could be removed. They really killed any dramatic exit.

“You’ll talk to him, Butler?” Mr. Mackenzie asked from his desk, as Levi stormed out. Butler nodded. “Good. He might actually listen to you.”

Stupid, stupid, stupidstupidstupidfuckingstupid. At a certain point, as Levi stalked down the now empty halls of BHHS, it became unclear if his thoughts were directed at Mr. Mackenzie, the school, the universe in general, or just himself. He wanted to be anywhere but these halls, he wanted to be anyone but Levi Green-Locke. He tugged at the collar of his shirt as his face began to heat up, and his breathing began to accelerate. What was he going to do, who was he going to be, how the hell was he going to get there? His heart pounded in his ears, his chest grew tight, like his body was betraying him and squeezing the air from his lungs. Fuck, fuck, fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. This was not happening.

He was vaguely aware of Butler coming up behind him and ushering him into the bathroom. At least someone is good at what they do, he managed to think. His fingers grew sore as he clung to the sink, white-knuckled and shaking with adrenaline. It took five minutes to clear his mind, five more to slow his breathing. The panic left as suddenly as it came, and he felt his body relax as it did. He looked up at his reflection, flushed and flustered, perturbed by this brief flash of imperfection. He fixed the strands of hair that had fallen out of place, adjusted his shirt, and wet his face, waiting for the redness to subside while Butler guarded the door.

As he stood and stared at his reflection, his posture straightened out, the anxiety was put away, and the unfiltered emotion on his face faded into his usual stonefaced expression. He was going to be perfect. Perfectly perfect. He dried his hands and glanced up at a flyer on the wall. “VOTE CALLAGHAN” was printed in large, black and red block letters. He paused. Katie had been talking about her student government campaign for a few weeks, though he’d mostly tuned it out. It hadn’t seemed important until now. A thin smile crept up his face. This was who he was.

To: Nomes 👑
Crazy idea, but hear me out. Let’s run for office.

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Hidden 11 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
Avatar of Grimoire Gaming

Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Timestamp: Before School Starts
Location: The Crawford’s House → Ms. Belmonte’s Homeroom
Main Characters: Cael Crawford @Grimoire Gaming & Philomena Ramsey @LovelyComplex
Aesthetics: Credit to @LovelyComplex



Cael Crawford was a napper. From infancy to rambunctious childhood and all the way through an effervescent adolescence, a full night’s sleep had always eluded him. Cael got his rest in short sporadic bursts throughout the day, and night, hardly ever sleeping for longer than five hours at a time. This insomnia of sorts is especially magnified when Cael has something to look forward to upon waking, as was the case this morning. Friday — Black & Red Day — the final day of BHHS’ Homecoming Week! So, even though he and his bestie had stayed up to the wee hours of the night perfecting the recipes of their school spirit-filled confections, Cael’s eyes were open long before dawn's light crested the horizon.

After about a half hour of stifling giggles and gasps as he reacted to muted reels in bed, the clock finally read five AM — an acceptable hour for neuronormal humans to wake up! Probably. It hardly mattered either way! He and Minnie still needed to frost the red velvet cupcakes and wrap the french vanilla black & red sprinkle funfetti cake pops in cellophane to hand out to their friends and teachers all day PLUS get dressed — and they hadn’t even fully planned their outfits yet!

“Min?” Cael whispered, leaning his lavender bedhead over the edge of the blankets to peer down at his friend sleeping on the air mattress below. Unlike most of their peers Cael’s family home was modest and lacked an abundance of guest rooms, or any for that matter, so his sleepover buddies either took to the floor, or shared his twin bed like the most intimately acquainted of spoons. “Minnnnnie, are youu uppp?” he drawled out, whispering a little louder now as a curious finger sailed down to poke her cheek.

Buried under a herd of squishmallows, hugging the purple octopus, Philomena Ramsey dreamed that she and her best friend were in a haunted house, coming straight out of coffins like vampires. While the house was gothic, they were not. She didn’t even know how they got there. All she knew was when Cael rose from the dead he was swiftly on the move, ready to spread chaos and mischief, which was something he did best. Minnie found herself chasing him, getting out of breath, which never happens since she was always full of energy. Her friend was on a mission and for once, she didn’t know what that mission was.

Suddenly, he disappeared right in front of her eyes, evaporated in thin air, and she was left alone, in the scary house. She checked every nook and every cranny. She checked every room and under every bed. Cael vanished and she was growing increasingly sad without her friend. He probably found one of his FWBs or maybe he found a new toy. Whatever he found, she knew nothing about it and it made her sad. She found herself hearing his giggle and decided to follow it, going straight into the unsettling, spine-chilling basement. She would go anywhere, if she knew Cael was there.

When she got to the basement, Minnie looked around and observed her environment. This wasn’t Dracula’s manor anymore. No longer in the haunted house, she found herself at her dad’s funeral home and straight ahead there was an open coffin. She was at a funeral and she was dressed in a black, long lace dress. Those sitting in the pews were that of her classmates. She made her way down the aisle, chewing on her bottom lip and wrapping her arms around her waist, to hold onto something. Anything. Her heart was pounding the closer she got to the coffin. When she reached it, her heart dropped. There lying cold, motionless, and ‘asleep’, her best friend was dressed in his red cap and gown, no longer moving. He was gone. He promised he wouldn’t leave her but here he was gone. He promised!

Stirring awake, little tears trailing down her face, just when her alarm went off, Minnie searched in the dark until she found Cael’s head. She sat up and ran her fingers in his hair, letting her music continue to fill his room. She leaned her head forward and pressed it against his forehead, allowing her racing heart to steady. She sniffled, “I had a bad dream again.” Once again it was some distorted version of her fear of losing touch with her best friend after graduation. She had the Candies, sure, but Cael was her best friend and she knew after they graduated, things wouldn’t be the same. They’d be forced to grow up. She didn’t want to grow up. She didn’t want to lose Cael. If she had the power, she would extend senior year so it would last forever. That was Cael’s burden to carry for being Minnie’s favorite person. She was needy and the only channel she had was him.

The pastel prince of Candyland smiled lazily down at Minnie as she ran her fingers through his purple locks. Whether it be romantic or otherwise, Cael loved the feeling of having his hair touched and played with, a fact his bestie knew full well. It brought them both comfort in quiet moments like this. From the outside looking in, one might think them a perfectly happy couple, and at one point they were, and would probably still be if not for the sexual incompatibility. But the real truth was this is what a close friendship with Cael looked like — his love overflowed without restraint, he flirted with, doted upon, snuggled, and even sometimes kissed the majority of his favorite people, because they deserved to feel good. To feel loved. That’s what being a Candy meant to him.

“You wanna talk about it, Minty?” The usual mischief in his mismatched gaze was replaced by a warm, genuine concern about her nightmares. He tucked a lock of pale pink bed-mussed hair behind her ear and smirked, a hint of naughtiness returning to his expression. “Orrr,” his voice dropped to a devious whisper, “...we could go eat cake for breakfast!”

“Or both!” Cael chirped happily, jumping out of bed with way more energy than a teenager had any right to be well before six AM. “I hope the white chocolate on the cake pops set okay in the fridge overnight with all the red coloring we added…”

The sadness was buried when the pace changed from nightmares to sweet dreams. Minnie scurried up, bringing an armful of plushies with her like she was a muscle woman. Narrowing her eyes at her opponent, she impishly smirked. Cake for breakfast? Her mom would have a heart attack. CLEARLY, she had to indulge! What were daughters for? To give their parents grief! There was a spark in her eyes and then it happened. She attacked, smooshy-smooshes straight to the face. “Take that, and that!” She called out each move, putting some umph in each throw.

She had the powah!

Suddenly, her smirk turned into a grin. It was time to bring out the big guns. As fast as lightning, or really as fast as an athletic, hyperactive teenage girl with ADHD, Minnie threw the rest of the creatures onto her best friend, overwhelming him with cuteness, before squealing in liveliness, fully awake, “Last one downstairs has to do a dare!” This was tradition. Randomly, no matter what time or day, what place they were at or what mood they were in, whether or not they were in class or at home, they could challenge each other with WHATEVER. Whoever wins gets to dare the other. Of course, this was all for funsies.

What were friends for if not to push you out of your comfort zone? What were friends for if they failed to help you not let your dreams just be dreams? What were friends for if they didn’t know how to have fun? As Spongebob sang: F was for friends who did stuff together. U was for you and me. N is for anywhere and anytime at all. Down here in the deep blue sea! It was as if Philomena was no longer haunted by her fear of losing her friend and ever present, in the moment, matching his infectious vigor. Her mood was already shifting or at least she was putting the bad thoughts in the back, back, double back burner and will only worry about it if Cael actively pressed on about it. Right now though? They were both distracted.

With her cute PJs on, the dancing princess did a near ballet leap to get over the clutter and giggled, “You’re too slow”. Rushing, she threw the door open and raced down the hall to get to the stairs. This wasn’t just a race though. Both Minnie and Cael were about FLAIR and being DUMB. Humming Lazy Town ‘Cooking By the Book’, which she had sung all night while they made cupcakes, she leaped over the railing and gracefully landed on the stairs, having done this plenty of times before.

“AM NOT!” The pastel pixie yelled out after her fleeing form. His dancer feet nimbly prancing between the landmines of squishmallows, blanket piles, and scattered pillows now littered throughout his room. Cael chucked a few of the mini squishies after her, eliciting a peel of giggles from the stairwell. Philomena might know the lay of the land well from their countless sleepovers, but not as well as Cael knew his own home.

While Minnie had leapt over the side railing in an attempt to gain further advantage, Cael bravely chose the upper rail. It had been restored by his master carpenter father’s own hands two years prior, which meant it was nearly as strong as the foundation of the house itself. The lavender-haired boy leapt to perch on top of it, gripped the rail, and then recklessly swung himself underneath and forward, skipping the stairs entirely.

Having never made the jump before, he overestimated the amount of force needed to swing himself past the stairs, and instead flew straight into the opposite wall of the hallway downstairs. “Shit!” he hissed as the wind knocked out of him. He barely managed to slap his hands against two picture frames to prevent them from falling, but a third — an embarrassing baby photo of his — went crashing down to the wood floor below. Shattered glass scattered across the hall that led to his parents’ bedroom.

“CAEL LEE CRAWFORD!” His mother’s voice bellowed as the door flew open, revealing a tired woman wearing slippers and a powder pink house robe. Her scowl lessened only slightly when Minnie cautiously peeked around the corner of the stairwell. WHY are you two destroying the house at 5:07 AM?!”

“SORRY MOM!” Cael peeped, still holding the two other photos in place against the wall. “It was my fault! I’ll clean it, promise!”

“You better, and keep it down, I still have another forty minutes to sleep. And do NOT leave the kitchen a mess. Again. Please.” With that final request, she closed the door and prayed the teenagers had some measure of mercy on a weary middle school health teacher.

“I sowwie…” Minnie whispered, with her indoor voice, as she joined her best friend by the wall and the lady of the house disappeared into her bedroom. Apologizing here became a common thing because the hyperactive squirrels couldn’t help themselves. They had too much energy that not even their parents knew how to contain. Regardless of the amount of times they got scolded, grounded or disciplined, they never seemed to learn and their punishments weren’t ever that bad. That’s why the pastel pixie pair got away with murder. They were menaces. Well, they both were neurodivergent too… still, they were so hyper that kids on sugar highs, bouncing off the walls, seem mild in comparison. It was honestly a feat their friends enjoyed their presence and didn’t get too drained.

“I WIN!” Cael whispered in quiet victory over his bestie. “Dare’s on hold till we get this cleaned up. I’ll get a broom, can you pull out the cake pops and get everything set up for us?”

Saluting to her charge, Minnie grinned, “Yes sir!” Her eyes widened when she realized she raised her voice too damn high. “Oopsie. I mean: sir, yes, sir.” She immediately apologized, lowering the octave. She could be quiet. How hard could it be? Quiet was in her blood! Or well she was forced to be silent a lot of times when her dad needed her help at funerals. If she wasn’t crying loudly then she had to hush and be respectful to the grieving family and the dead. That’s just how sad etiquette worked.

Going to the fridge, she opened it and went to grab the cake pops, chilled on a large lined baking sheet and already frosted. It was time to wrap them up and make the frosting for the cupcakes. As she set up the island with the ingredients for the frosting, the cake pops, the cellophane, the cute ribbons to secure the pops, and the silver aluminum foil pans to help with delivery, she backtracked and finally explained her nightmare, “You died. In my dream. Or you were already dead, like a vampire. It made me really sad.” She sniffled a little at just the thought. It was too early in the morning to think about losing her best friend. “It’s our last year together and I think that really scares me.”

“A vampire?” Cael inquired curiously as he dumped the dustpan of broken glass into the trash. “Was I hot? Sparkly??” He washed his hands and sided up to his best friend in the whole state of California. His face was once again nothing but warmth and love as he spoke. “I know you’re worried, but I’m not going anywhere, Minty, honest!” Cael started adding the frosting ingredients into a mixing bowl as he spoke.

“I’ll be going to college nearby, and I don’t have any big, grandiose, globe-trotting dreams or anything… I mean, honestly, what other city in the world would suit me besides Beverly Hills? Do you think I’m gonna go crawling back to fuckin Ohio after tasting all that the sunshine state has to offer? No ma’am!!” The cream cheese frosting blended together, probably making far too much noise than his mother would like, but at least this activity was pre-planned and vetted by the Crawford matriarch the day before. He removed one of the mixing beaters and licked it to test the flavor, having approved of it, he gathered a dollop of frosting from the other side with his finger.

“Then I’m probs just gonna open up a cute lil bakery, and maybe you can work there too, and we’ll both find cute boys to smooch on, and we’ll be best friends forever!” Cael swiped the glob of frosting on her nose with a giggle. “So, the only thing you should be worried about is the fact that you’re STUCK with me!”

He was rewarded with a sweet like cake smile and she gave a faux, shooketh gasp when he booped her nose with frosting, “Oh no you didn’t!” Intrusive thought taking over, she grabbed the mixing spoon and slid it down Cael’s face, frosting and all. It wasn’t until she saw the mess she made that she realized what she did and giggled in both happiness and embarrassment. She blushed, taking a couple of steps back, “Sorry, sorry, sorry! I couldn’t help myself. I just saw all the frosting and I was like what if I just covered your whole face. You started it anyways.” She tried to defend her childish behavior. “It isn’t like I’ll find anyone! So, Cael, you really are stuck with me five-ever.”

“Min-NIE!!” Cael shrieked the latter half of her name shrilly as he wiped at the frosting smeared all down his cheek. He brought the beater he was holding to the sink where he began to wash the frosting off himself as well. “If this gives me pimples, I swear I’m going to bite you with my big, SCARY vampire teeth!” He turned with a snapping chomp of his perfectly squared, non-vampire teeth for emphasis.

Minnie avoided eye contact when he threatened to bite her. It wasn’t like he hadn’t bitten her before. She kind of liked it. Bites were nice. But! She needed to focus. One thing she wasn’t going to do was talk about plans for her future because the reality was all Minnie wanted to do was dance and maybe one day create choreography for celebs. You don’t need a degree to dance. All she needed was experience, which she already had. She’s been dancing her whole life. Her mom, however, wanted her to go to college. Applications needed to be completed by early winter unless you were one of those crazy nerds that did an early decision application. She had no idea what college she wanted to go to because she didn’t want to go to college. She wondered if she told her parents, would they ship her off to her homeland? Hoping her culture would set her right? Or was she just a nervous wreck and overthinking everything and she could pursue what makes her happy? No matter. This wasn’t the time to think about her future. Today was the GAME and the PEP RALLY! They needed to practice their cheer and dance routine during lunch. There was so little time and they had to be perfect and sparkle.

“MAYBE.” She had an epiphany. Her mind was going too fast for this conversation. Not realizing everything she was saying was coming out as one run on sentence and for anyone else it would be hard to keep up but Cael was used to his friend. They were SOULMATES after all. “We should be SPARKLY VAMPIRES for Halloween.”

“OMG living out our Twilight fantasy, YASS, QUEEN!! But first, we need to focus on our outfits. Well… second first, I guess. First first is finishing up these goodies for our friends, and then getting dressed.” A few moments later, Cael’s mother once again appeared. Instead of a scolding that would no doubt be as ineffective as the rest, she sleepily shuffled past the squealing teens and went straight for the coffee pot. Raising a child with ADHD hardly held a candle to teaching middle schoolers about the birds and the bees… she had a long day ahead of her.

The hyperactive besties continued to chatter as they finished up their confectionery project, volume levels now fully unrestricted since Cael’s mom was awake and his father was out of town on business. Once the finishing touches were completed, the pair sprinted back upstairs to spend the next half hour meticulously planning their perfectly coordinated red and black outfits and getting ready for the day. Cael’s outfit most notably included spraying his lavender locks with bright red temporary hair color to further match the day’s theme. It would probably wear off throughout the day, so he made sure to stash the bottle in his backpack for any necessary touch ups.

Cael carefully loaded the trays of cupcakes and cake pops into the back seat of his green punch buggy before hopping into the driver’s side. Minnie sat beside him in the passenger’s seat that was set exactly to her most comfortable settings. It was her daily seat on the way to school, after all. “So… we’ve managed to get everything done perfectly and we’re only running like…” He glanced at the car’s clock and winced. “Ten minutes late, yikes. Anyway! There’s only two of us and like hundreds of classmates, so what’s the plan for not getting bum rushed by the masses? I want to make sure the people we know and like get first dibs on the goods!”

“Hmmmmmmmmmm,” Minnie got herself situated as a passenger princess and pulled out her phone. “I could use my handy dandy phone and tell them to meet us… after homeroom? Maybe we should keep the treats in…” Not the car, that would be too hot. Not in the cafeteria, because everyone would fight to get the goodies. Not in their lockers, they were too small. Maybe they should put the cupcakes and cake pops in… “The nurse’s office! She’s usually super nice and if we asked, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind storing some aside for our friends. Then we can deliver the rest to whoever throughout the day but our friends will have their goodies in her office. I think that is the best plan. What do you think?”

“Hmmmm,” Cael unintentionally mimicked her. “I dunno, kinda weird to get cupcakes from the place you go when you’re sick, isn’t it? Fuck it, just text Mo to meet us in Ms. Belmonte’s room. We’ll bring them all to homeroom, Stella is probably already there, so we can make sure she gets one too.” The plans were finalized as the pair made their way down the streets to BHHS. After tucking his car into a spot in the section of the senior lot where people with perfectly average, non-gearhead cars parked, Cael and Minnie went about executing their plans.

Homeroom was suspiciously empty for them having arrived ten minutes after the first bell. Before the young, exasperated teacher could give them a proper tongue-lashing, Cael offered her the first choice from their school spirited treats.

“Sorry Ms. B! The finishing touches took a little longer than expected, but we really wanted to show our Pirate Pride and sweeten up everyone’s friday!” Cael apologized with a glittering smile that only the devil incarnate could truly get mad at, and Ms. Belmonte was the furthest thing from diabolic. Cael then took to his usual seat, the tray of cupcakes on the desk for his peers to come and have a taste. He leaned over to whisper to Minnie once she sat down beside him with the cake pops on her desk.

“Don’t think I forgot about the dare I won, by the way.” he cooed, wearing a candilicious smirk that dripped with his trademarked fae-like meddling. “I dare you, Miss Philomena Ramsey, to ask someone — that is not me — to be your date to the homecoming dance tomorrow.” His shit-eating grin was cut short only by the desire to finally try his own delicacy, nomming into a big bite of cupcake for breakfast.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by BrutalBx


Member Seen 3 days ago


As he struck the wooden training dummy, Adam could feel the sharp, knife-like sensation shooting down his inner forearm. He had learned long ago how to dull pain. Exhale through the mouth, release the feeling into the air to be carried off by the wind and centre yourself on something else, something that could flood your mind and wash away the sensations of agony and discomfort. In this moment, he thought of the wind in his hair as he rode a rail at the park. The sound of Everly bailing off to the side and Monarch cheering her on.


Another strike, a downward pointed elbow. Adam’s mind drifted, unfocused into memory. He could see his opponents face contorted and grimaced as his patella tendon was ripped apart by the attack. It was almost like an out of body experience. Glancing up, he could see his father's steel blue eyes staring gleefully with mania at the carnage that was unfolding. No Mercy. Win at All Cost. Survive. Lessons learned at the Dojo were not lessons learned lightly. The whites of his father's teeth, the joker-like grin, it was encouragement to keep going. Adam repeated the elbow strike over and over. His enemy screamed. He whipped the boy around onto the floor and the ref charged the Omasta boy to the out of bounds section of the mat, separating the lion from his prey.


Adam pressed a thrust kick into the centre of the dummy. Instead of simply seeing wood, the fighter saw his father, flying through the display window of his large trophy collection case. The glass breaking, shattering into a million pieces of stardust around the crumpling body of the senior Omasta, an image Adam kept in his head almost all the time. He ran from the scene, not stopping until he reached the beach, the ocean and a sense of tranquillity.

Pressing his head against the dummy, Adam gripped onto the bars for support to hold himself aloft. The sweat was pouring from his bare chest as he breathed out the pain, ignoring the swelling and bruising of his hands. Yet the lessons still remained, the teachings remained. He closed his green eyes and searched, he dove into the waters of his past to find a memory, to find his centre. As he searched for a face in the crowd, a hand to take his and pull him from the raging waters that swirled like rapids in his heart, he was snatched away by the alarm.

Stepping back and out of his mind palace, Adam breathed out and found himself once again in his basement bedroom, staring at his training dummy and probably late for school. Then he remembered, he had delayed his alarm three times already. He sprinted into the bathroom to grab a quick shower and wash away the blood that had stained in his hands from his early morning workout. After drying himself off, Adam pulled on a pair of tan cargo pants, black converse and a red v-neck tee with a black jacket.

He was definitely due a wardrobe overhaul as most of the young martial artists clothes were now too small, evident by his biceps and pecs bulging out of his current attire. It was his own fault, he had been on a bulk up all summer and gained a fair amount of extra muscle mass. Now fully dressed, Adam slung his satchel over one shoulder, his camera over the other and snatched his board from beneath his bed before exiting the house through the back door which sat atop the second set of stairs in his room.

There was no point in saying good morning to his parents. They wouldn’t be there anyway.

With bloodstream by Soccer Mommy playing in his ear, Adam rode his board through the streets of Beverly Hills, soaking in the sunrise and plastic popsicles that many called Beverly Hills Elite. This was a world he was born into but not one in which he ever truly felt that he had belonged. Graduation would creep up fast and as soon as it came around, he was riding his Birdhouse straight out of LA and into the great blue yonder.

For many, Adam gave off the appearance of a slacker. He barely spoke, was probably high most of the time and was just skating through life on his Shawn Hunter looks. He was ok with them believing that. Nobody needed to know what was going on beneath his bangs or behind his doors. It was his deal, not theirs. He was ever going to cry, woe is me, my life is so hard. That’s not how he was raised. Adam was raised to strike first, strike hard and leave no quarter.


Rolling into the parking lot, the number one fighter on the amateur fighting circuit snapped photo after photo of his compatriots; not an unusual sight. Adam loved photography, candids mostly. He would say that he loved to catch the world unawares, in its natural state, as it was intended. His girls in the PLC were up to their usual mischief, so he offered them a thumbs up and a photograph. Hanging out of the window of Mrs Belmonte’s class was a tiny pair of legs in fishnets and big boots; could only be Addie, so of course he took a picture of that.

Adam stopped just short of the stairs and hopped off his board to take a photo of the school itself. A monster of a building, probably started very small before various donations from alumni feeling of desperation forced it to be added to until it became a shell that only Frankenstein's monster could truly love. Having it be struck by a bolt of lightning and burn to ashes to be swept away by the wind was not something, he suspected, most would disagree to. He kicked his board into his spare hand and climb the steps towards hell.

”One more year.” Adam thought to himself as he made his way through the halls. Everyone was so busy, everyone was always rushed and running and trying to find something or someone. He was too but he was taking it slow.

One only had to stand still to catch a butterfly.

To find a centre.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Fabricant451
Avatar of Fabricant451

Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

For the fourth time in as many minutes the balding, bearded middle-age-by-age-twenty-seven employee tried to get the attention of Leila Webb, whose attention was on the slow rotating grill where they kept the hot dogs. It was much too early for a hot dog, but Leila watched as the questionable tubes of technically meat remained sickly heated until such a time as they were blessed with the gift of poisoning a customer’s insides. Leila wanted to be that customer. Leila had been that customer many times. Something about the grease and the eternal shine of the heat lamp made the pink cylinder taste horrible but delectable. Leila had eaten so many of those greasy disaster meat tubes that she could recall the taste, texture, and smell of them like she had perfect recall, but the reason she stared wasn’t because she so desperately wanted one despite the time of day; Leila stared because looking at the hot dogs filled her with the sort of melancholy that no one could really describe until it happened to them. It was the same look she gave the worker at the movie theater when they were making a fresh batch of popcorn. It was the same look she gave when someone opened a can of soda or when people clinked together glasses or when people winced when someone accidentally scratched the chalkboard.

Leila Webb was probably the only person who could look at hot dogs and almost start to cry. And for the fifth time, the man behind the counter tried to get Leila’s attention, this time by slamming his hand on the counter. Leila jumped. Leila blinked. Leila turned her head towards the counter and realized in her hand was a cereal bar and a single serving carton of milk she had to pay for. “I’m sorry?” She asked, blinking several times a second as she realized her own error. The man, whose patience was lost well before Leila stood in line, asked Leila the question she’d been asked for all of her life.

Sometimes when Leila watched the hot dogs or the popcorn or even the trees blowing in the breeze, she wanted to ask someone an incredibly difficult question but every time she couldn’t work up the nerve. She doubted anyone would have an answer, but the closest she came to going through with asking anyway was when she was at the Sunshine Diner one weekend morning and watched as bacon fried on the pan, as eggs were flipped to make an omelet, as coffee was being poured into a mug. The waitress saw Leila looking and asked what she was staring at. “What does it sound like?” Leila asked in turn, to a confused response from the waitress. When asked to repeat the question, Leila just shook her head and ordered a strawberry waffle with sausage links.

Some people held the belief that the worst part of Leila’s condition must have been the fear of not knowing if she’d ever hear again, but as frightening a prospect as that was, Leila was diagnosed early enough that she had the better part of her young life to adjust and adapt. Yes, the early days with the implant saw her curling up in a ball and covering her ears and shaking her head as her parents tried to calm her down, but the doctor had said there would be…complications in adjusting to her life. What she didn't know was that those complications would be her parents sounding like alien robots buzzing and crackling in her ear as they comforted her. That music would sound like a record being played in reverse and through a pitch altering program to make it sound like a droning roar or like the stinging hiss of a snake flicking its tongue directly onto her brain. She didn’t have nightmares during that period of her life because her day to day life was already a horror movie of noise.

The voices of others returned over time as the implant rallied the familiar cadence of speech to her brain. Music wasn’t as fast but it returned with a vengeance, with every song she listened to now feeling like a concert was being played directly onto her brain, every snare, every bass line, every voice digging their aural nails into her lobes. Sometimes the pitch was off, sometimes it was a little warbly, but if it meant not having to listen to the scratching recordings of hellspawn then she was more than willing to accept that trade. The day she could hear voices and songs again, Leila hugged her parents like it was Christmas morning and she just got a brand new bike.

But it wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t until later that Leila realized she couldn’t hear little things. The things people heard every day and just paid little attention to. Ice melting in a glass. Leaves brushing against a window. The sizzle of bacon frying in a pan. Popcorn popping in a microwave. Eggs cracking. The doppler effect of a car speeding past. A pin dropping in a quiet room. So many things in her life had sound but she couldn’t hear them. Even her own fingers snapping had to be done close enough to hear ears for her to hear anything other than the muffled nothing. Her eyes could see that a snap happened, but her brain just couldn’t replicate the sound.

How could she ask someone to describe the sound of bacon cooking? Of the wind blowing a tree? It would be like asking someone to describe the color red without using the word red. So all Leila could do when she saw something that she should hear was stare and wonder and wish.

The man behind the counter asked Leila the question she’d been asked all of her life. And Leila replied, “Yes, I am.”

Leaving the convenience store with her cereal bar already half eaten, Leila took a deep breath of the muggy California air and took out her phone. The wallpaper on her home screen was of her, Dani Jones, Parker Jones, and Ellie Walters posing in the middle of Webb-Heads - Dani was giving the middle finger while Leila was giving a peace sign. Just looking at the screen made Leila smile. For some people it was difficult to make friends at a place like Beverly Hills High School especially when a not insignificant amount of students dealt in friendships the way noble houses in Game of Thrones dealt in alliances, but Leila was blessed to have friends who treated her like anyone else. When Dani called her ‘Fingers’ because of Leila’s use of ASL, it didn’t come with Dani widening her eyes and being immediately apologetic like what tended to happen any time someone made a comment about someone being deaf for not answering their phone call while Leila was in ear shot. Yeah, it was annoying being known as the deaf girl, but it was considerably less annoying than people feeling like they had to walk on eggshells around her.

Hell, Leila didn’t even know what that sounded like.

The one benefit to Leila’s condition was that it put her above the social politics of high school. Her royal high cunt, Naomi Davis, basically informed her sycophants and wannabes that Leila was ‘off limits’ which sounded great on paper but in practice was like telling people that you weren’t allowed to make a comment about someone’s very noticeable mole. Leila knew well enough that people talked behind her back because people talked behind everyone’s back. That didn’t bother her. What bothered her was being treated like she had a contagious disease all because of being ‘off limits’. Sure, no one kicked her out of parties, but most of the time when she went there was the unmistakable feeling of knowing everyone was giving the side eye and wondering why she was there. A presence tolerated but rarely welcomed. Off limits. It was no wonder Leila was so glad to have friends like the ones on her wallpaper.

But smiling at the sight of her friends was only part of the reason for opening her phone. During her sophomore year, a classmate asked if she was some kinda robot or cyborg like from Cyberpunk and at the time Leila just blinked and said no by slowly shaking her head. Leila still remembered the look of disappointment on the student’s face. If she was asked that now her answer might skew differently. In a way, was she not a cyborg? She had a machine that sent things to her brain on her ear, that was pretty cool, wasn’t it? And the machine did more than help her hear voices and loud sounds which she demonstrated every single day. Some kids got in trouble for walking the halls or sitting in class with headphones in. They just didn’t know the tech.

Leila thumbed to her music folder on her phone and queued up a song. Her phone connected to her implant with Bluetooth and the sounds of music began to dance their electric signals along every surface of her brain.A concert for her ears only. Suddenly the world moved like a visualizer mixed with a prescription glasses commercial.

Turn Out Right

Every footstep Leila took towards school sent a little soundwave like a drumstick hitting the snare, cars drove past and their tailights left a trail straight out of Tron, the sky above her turned a brighter shade of blue - almost like she had stepped out of the real world and into a rotoscoped cartoon. She walked and her footsteps turned to rhythmic hops. Stepping forward turned her body sideways and then she danced two steps back while the grass next to her danced in the visible gust of wind that made Leila twirl, the colors of her red striped shirt swirl and blend out of her, creating her own little trail of color as she half-walked, half-danced up the sidewalk.

“It never seems to turn out right…” Leila lip synched along to the song, her eyes closing to let the music and the familiar steps guide her forward. To passersby she probably looked ridiculous, swaying her hips, dancing, her head bopping to a song only she could hear, but Leila didn’t care. As she approached the school grounds, Leila extended her arms like an airplane and soared. The colorful winds carried her into the clouds, their pillowy cotton strands passing through her like a hug from an overstuffed plush toy. A plane flew alongside her and passengers stuck their heads out of the window to sing along with her, clapping their hands along to the gentle beat of the song’s percussion track. The sun winked at her and she waved towards that bright, friendly ball of light before beginning her final descent back down to earth.

The song came to an end and Leila opened her eyes to find herself standing in the quad of BHHS, breathing increased like she had just come from gym class warm ups, and the inevitable rush of disappointment wafted over her. Back at school. The music video was over. As much as she would love to go through the school day listening to music on her brain, she knew it would only tank her grades even with an ASL translator dictating the lessons to her. Those blissful moments when she was dancing her way to school were addicting but like with any addiction she had to know when to dial it back. She had to know when to keep herself grounded.

Leila looked around the quad and saw people talking, another group of people laughing, two guys giving each other a high five and an elaborate handshake; Leila saw all of these students and the only thing she heard was her own breathing. Life going on all around her and more than ever she felt like she was window shopping for something she would never truly be part of. Once again she took out her phone and once again she looked at her home screen and once again she smiled. Leila might not have had her hearing but she had something much more important.

Maintaining the smile, Leila hit the replay button on her phone and began her swaying steps towards her homeroom, blissfully uncaring of who saw her. Let them see. Let them talk. They didn’t exist for the next three minutes. For those three minutes, the only thing that existed was Leila and her wonderful, colorful world.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
Avatar of Grimoire Gaming

Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Timestamp: Before School Starts
Location: The Thomas Residence → Outside of Jade’s House
Main Characters: Oliver “Oli” Thomas @Grimoire Gaming
Cameos: Kit & Min Thomas by @Hey Im Jordan & @Fabricant451
Aesthetics: Credit to @LovelyComplex
TW: body weight/dysmorphia


As the sun began its slow ascent over the Beverly Hills skyline, casting golden hues through the windows of the converted 4-car garage home gym, Oli Thomas grunted amidst a symphony of clinking weights and the pulsating beats of GOT7. With the rhythm of the music driving his movements, he pushed himself through another set of deadlifts, the metallic clang echoing in the spacious room.

나 한번 뜨면 게임 다 정리돼
Once I appear, the game is over

His mind was divided between the musical motivation and the mental VOD review of the mistakes made in his final match last night. Each lift was a step closer to perfecting his physical prowess, a testament to the dedication that had propelled him to the upper echelons of both gaming and social media. A dedication that wouldn’t end until he reached the summit of success — there were always more rungs in the ladder to climb.

원하는 걸 전부 다 갖게 돼
I get everything I want

The cool morning air mingled with the faint scent of sweat as Oli's muscles tensed and flexed with each repetition, his determination unwavering despite the early morning hour. He relished these solitary moments, where the only competition he faced was against himself. That said, his greatest competition had always been himself — sacrificing body, mind, and a healthy social life in favor of the rise and grind.

물 타는 법을 알아
I know how to flow with the water

As the final chords of the punchy k-pop banger faded into the background, Oli wiped the sheen of sweat from his brow, a satisfied grin spreading across his face. With one last glance at the clock, he knew it was time to wrap up his workout and prepare for the day ahead. His phone screen flashed to life as he swiped past the myriad of notifications that he’d long since learned to ignore. There were only so many DMs and comments that one high school boy could react to in a day.

난 오늘도 할 일 해 하드캐리해
Again today, I do what I have to, hard carry

Oli made his way to the shower his moms had installed in the garage-now-home-gym, lest he track his nasty man stink into their meticulously curated home. Washing away the sweat of his work out, he stepped out to dry off, snapping a good morning pic for Jade with a very carefully placed towel draped just below freshly cleaned and flexed abs. A good morning tease was, perhaps, a more apt description of the photo. Tossing the towel in the hamper, he got dressed in the red and black themed outfit he had picked out earlier that morning.

The sweet scent of fresh pancakes greeted his nose as Oli made his way back to the main house. The overweight middle school kid that lived inside him lusted after the taste of them, but he couldn’t cave. Being raised on meals catered to his stoner mom’s tastes did not treat his body kindly growing up, and he would do his damnedest to not fall back into old habits of the pudgy kid and preteen that he despised having been.

“Mornin’ moms,” he greeted casually upon entering the kitchen where the both of them were stationed. Oli went straight to the cabinet, pulling out the blender, a jar peanut butter, a canister of post-workout recovery powder, and his daily vitamins.

It wasn’t every morning that Min-seo was at the breakfast table let alone in the house itself. The high profile world of an in-demand fashion designer meant that, unfortunately, sometimes Min had to travel across the country or across the oceans for industry events, but when she was home she made sure to be around as often as possible before disappearing into her atelier. As often as possible tended to last until the youngest of her children were either on the way to school or otherwise not at risk of wandering into her work station and spilling their drink over her pages. Never again.

Presently, Min was sipping a cup of coffee that had the logo of Kitastrophe on it with a label on the bottom that said “MOTHER” on it. So they knew whose it was, of course. In front of her was a bowl with a bright yolked fried egg sitting on top of a nest of lightly fried tofu, a sauce made of Korean chili flakes and soup soy sauce, and rice. A skillet containing a larger portion of the dish was on the center of the table. “You don’t have to have a shake, you know.” Min said, setting her cup of coffee down on a coaster. “I made maewon dubu dalgyal jjim.” The Korean name for the dish she had prepared, spicy tofu and egg, was spoken in Min’s mother tongue for the express reason of trying to help Oli get in the habit of speaking it as well. Min might have been an American citizen now, but Korea would always be her first home. “You used to love my cooking.” Unintentionally or otherwise, Min’s words always seemed to be dipped in the pool of guilt tripping.

“그리고 당신은 요리를 하기 위해 집에 더 자주 있었죠 (And you used to be home more to cook it).” The eldest of Min’s three children replied, matching her energy, as he had learned from the very best after all. Oli held his breath, waiting to be corrected on his poor pronunciation. Grabbing a fork, he stabbed a couple of mouthfuls of the Korean dish, directly from the center skillet.

“And I still love it, it’s good. I just love when my clothes fit more.” He said through chewing, phrasing it in a way that his Momma would no doubt understand, as a fashion designer that worked with the often dysmorphic members of the modeling industry. Oli fetched some ice and sliced frozen bananas from the freezer, gathering the final ingredients to make the aforementioned shake. The blender roared for a few moments before Oliver served the contents into a mason jar swirled with just a touch of chocolate syrup to quell his sweet tooth that craved the flavor of the decadent dessert his other mother was having for breakfast. He snapped a quick pic, including an abbreviated recipe, and posted it for his followers on the socials before enjoying a healthy sip of his creation.

“You’ve been practicing? Just remember, that hard consonant at the end, it has more of a blending of J and Ch. Like you’re saying ‘Choe’. Double consonants are tricky.” Min paused for a moment, listening again in her mind to the words spoken by her son. She waited until he had finished taking his pictures - Min was aware that being ‘online’ was just…a thing for some members of this family - before reaching for Oli’s arm and holding it gently, patting the top of his hand with her fingers, almost like she was trying to console a loved one in a moment of grief.

“가능하다면 내가 집에 더 자주 올 거라는 걸 알잖아요. 난 최선을 다해 아들아 (You know I’d be home more often if I could. I do my best, son).” Min retracted her hands and went for her coffee mug again, sipping the still hot black liquid. “Will you and Jade be going to the game tonight? Will you need a ride?”

“I know, Momma, I was just fu—” Oli caught himself before fully cursing, “I was just messing with you back, that’s all. And yeah, we’re going to the game, gotta support my boys in the Elite. But I’m not gonna smoke or anything, I wanna be able to run some solo queue after, so we can just ride my bike.” He took a few large gulps, nearly downing half of his shake in one go. Working out gave him a hell of an appetite. That, and the pancake smell. “We could use a ride to the dance tomorrow though, ain’t no way I'll make it through all that sober.”

Oli’s other mom, Kit, had been happy to let her son and her wife have a conversation without her involvement. She was pretty focused on her own breakfast anyway; Min-seo had made her favorite, pancakes. Kit had probably eaten about eight so far that morning, but Min-seo had denied her when she asked for more, saying she needed to feed Oli instead. Kit knew that was a fruitless endeavor, but Min-seo tended to not listen to her, so Kit had simply shut up and poured syrup on the final short stack.

“Leave him be, ducky, geeze.” Kit used her pet name for Min to hopefully get her off of Oli’s back, though she was smart enough to make sure she finished chewing her food before talking. Min had let her get away with that in high school and even college, but these days? Kit had to be an adult, or so her wife claimed. “If Oli don’t wanna eat what you made, I’ll eat it.” She offered with a bright smile. Breakfast was the most important meal of the day, and should be the most filling.

She turned her attention to her son, “I’ll give you some we— “ Kit caught herself as Oli’s younger siblings found their way into the kitchen. “Flowers for the dance and the afterparty.” No after party had been announced, but she’d been a high schooler too. So she assumed.

“I can take you to the dance. If you’re going to be out late afterwards, at least call so I don’t have to worry.” Some might have assumed Min was being a touch too overprotective but Min-seo, like her wife, had been a high schooler in America at one point. Afterparties had a tendency to go..overboard. And those were just the normal ones. “Just…be safe. I’m too young to be a grandmother.” It wouldn’t be breakfast at the Thomas household without a healthy serving of awkward.

“Momma! Oh my god,” Oliver reacted with a mortified blush, nearly choking on the last suck of his post-workout shake at the implication of accidental parenthood. He would never risk that.

Fortunately, the arrival of the younger children was like a blade cutting through the vines of awkward parental conversations. The youngest, Alice, gripped Oli’s knees in a bear hug that he rewarded by ruffling her hair. Nessie, the eleven year old with a developing preteen attitude problem, was doing her best to ignore her family because she thought she was too cool for school these days.

“At last, people who appreciate my cooking.” Min offered Oli a little teasing smile before beginning to speak in Mom Mode to the kids. She stood from the table and began setting out plates for the kids, her attention on them for the moment.

“I told you I enjoyed it!” Oli replied with an exaggerated eye roll to show that he recognized she was just teasing. He rinsed out the mason jar and blender pitcher before placing them in the dishwasher. After slinging on a leather riding jacket, he once again tapped at his phone, this time sending a text to Jade that he was on his way.

“I gotta go,” he announced, tucking the phone in his pocket before beginning the goodbye hug train. The tracks stopped at Vanessa, whose eyes blazed like she might hit him with a hellish rebuke if he hugged her. “BYE NESSIE!” Oli said in an exaggerated tone, sticking out his tongue at her before also ruffling her hair, regardless of the consequences.

Oliver left his family to continue to enjoy their morning breakfast and headed to the part of the garage that actually still functioned as such. Despite the Thomas family’s new-money wealth, the only two vehicles parked there were the family van and Oliver’s sixteenth birthday present. Oli roared the Ducati to life and secured a sleek black helmet on before taking off down the streets towards his girlfriend’s house with a loud BRRAAAPPPP. He had noticed that she hadn’t responded to any texts yet, including the semi-lewd one, which was rather uncharacteristic. She better not still be a-fucking-sleep… E-girls and their whack sleep schedules, he thought as he turned the corner to Jade’s road.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Aces Away
Avatar of Aces Away

Aces Away Phantom by Circumstance

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Trixie @LovelyComplex
Monarch / Sin @Aces Away
Tally @BrutalBx



The girls waved in the direction of Decky and little Danny until they walked past the point of sight, knowing the younger boy would be keeping an eye out for them until he couldn’t anymore. Sin still had her arm around Monarch’s shoulder, dragging the smaller girl along with zero complaint from her victim. Monarch understood Sin’s need to deliver her love in a strong manner as an aunt who grew up with her nephews, and as the youngest sibling in her home Monarch was more than used to heavy handed steering and withstanding random weight changes when she was leaned on. Grumbling still about Decky leaving before she could snag a blunt off of him, the blonde pulled out her phone partway through the walk to the back and began to scroll through her contacts until she came across Tally-ho!.

To: Tally-ho!
U here? Back entrance sesh, green for green~
Sin Donaghue

There, short and simple. Either Tally would show up somewhat quickly with weed for her to buy or Sin would just have to suffer for a day. She dropped her phone into her front pocket and pulled Monarch in close, squishing their cheeks together which caused the other to have to adjust her glasses once more. Rolling her eyes, the busy bee put her hand up between their faces and gently but firmly pushed Sin’s face away so that she didn’t almost knock her glasses off for the third time today.

“I think you need to get laid,” Monarch said honestly while Sin looked at her in offense. “No seriously, I love the physical affection an’ all but you know it ain’t gonna be me so-”

“I just got laid like a week ago, are you sayin’ I’m desperate?” Sin asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, challenging her friend as they rounded the corner to the back entrance. “I mean I could literally get that taken care of in a few minutes if my text pans out so-”

“You know that’s not what I meant, Sin. Besides,” She added playfully, “You’re desperate for other reasons,” with that Monarch took off like a shot, laughing as Sin sputtered and chased after her. Unfortunately for the blonde, Monarch was faster on both her feet and her board, so she reached the entrance just a bit before the other and yanked the door open, stumbling in and falling to the ground with Sin landing on top of her as she caught her in a tackle. Her glasses went flying but Monarch started laughing, sprawled out on the school floor as Sin sat up but didn’t get up, keeping her friend pinned to the floor with arms crossed.

“That was just rude, you butterfly brat,” Sin said just as Monarch’s giggles cut off abruptly, prompting her to look down at her longtime friend. Monarch was stock still on the ground, head turned to her right where she could see the fuzzy blur of pristine white and black sneakers and baggy red sweatpants sticking out from under the stairwell, and could hear the faintest, breathiest cries from one of the last girls she expected. Sin, in an attempt to see what her friend was seeing, shifted from where she was sitting on Monarch’s butt to keep her down, dropped her knees down on either side of her friend’s waist and let herself fall forward until she was almost level with the girl underneath her, tilting her head until her hair fanned down onto the other’s head.

“Trixie?” Monarch asked, squinting her eyes to see the person beyond the blur, still on the floor and unfazed by her friend’s nosy actions atop her. Monarch knew Trixie as well as she knew anyone in the school, but she and Trixie, along with Jamie, had a special relationship only in the sense that Monarch was an amazing info broker and the Salt & Truth co-hosts paid and reciprocated well. They never tied her down as their source, not that they could if they wanted to, but something she respected about them was that they knew to not even try. She appreciated good intuition. She tilted her head, a bit of a task since she was still trapped beneath Sin, silently asking her friend to get off her so she could do what she needed.

“Oh,” Sin put simply, scrambling off and crawling forward a bit to grab Monarch’s glasses and hand them back to the smallest girl. Monarch sat up and scooched closer to the third girl under the stairs, putting her glasses back on while crossing her legs now that she was in front of Trixie. Sin, terrible in situations of comfort, awkwardly pulled out her phone and turned her back on the two in a mock of privacy, sending Tallulah Stratton an additional text. If she was going to have to deal with this before class?

To: Tally-ho
More than usual.
Sin Donaghue


Beatrix didn’t pay attention to the time. Hell, she could barely see where she was and where she found herself hiding. All she could feel in this moment was the aftershock processing through her body. It wasn't a great feeling. Gingerly, she pulled her head off her knees, her makeup running down her face, to meet the concerned eyes of her classmate. Someone she adored but she would never outright tell her that to her face. It wasn’t until she could clock that her hands were shaking from being in the state of fear that she knew she was in trouble. Trixie wasn’t as strong as she presented herself. They’d believe it was all false pretense. Trixie knew she really had fallen, just like Theo said, and now it was time to do her best and clean up her mess; the little they asked, the better off she’ll be. She didn’t need anyone airing out her dirty laundry, especially a girl who was a human computer full of confidential files.

Wiping under her eyes, trying her best to clean the eyeliner smudges, she softly apologized, “Sorry…” Her voice didn’t have as much passion, sass and firmness as it usually has. Her voice was uncertain. Scared. Unlike her. “I’ll give you your spot back. Just a moment please.” She didn’t intend to be here. Rarely did Trixie find herself in one of the smokers' spots. She had no need to, she didn’t smoke. But with her flight response activated her legs just naturally took her here because it was the last place anyone that was in her circle would find her. The last place Theo would expect her to be. The last place she even saw herself in. Anxious but trying her best to hide it, Trixie patted her pants pocket and sighed in relief. At least she had her phone.

“That wasn’t my goal,” Monarch answered honestly, looking the girl up and down as she tried to fix her makeup. Shaking, tears, soft voice, lack of eye contact. Confusion, embarrassment, fear. Fear did not fit Beatrix Kingsley. Monarch didn’t like it. “I just wanted to see if you were okay, and I don’t think you are right now,” She grabbed her hair scarf from her backpack and handed it over to the other girl so she could properly wipe her eyes. Sin glanced over her shoulder at the two girls. “You can get that messy, I have my ponytail wrap for the ride home so I wasn’t usin’ that today. Sin can fix your makeup if you want help, but I don’t really use it too much.”

“Volunteer me again today, why don'tcha.”

“I will, thanks,” Monarch replied, mimicking Decky from earlier.

Hesitantly, Trixie grabbed the scarf and dabbed her cheeks. “No, no it’s fine. I just need to get my bags and I can clean myself up. It’s really not a big deal.” Retreating emotionally, Trixie forced the fear to the back burner, down her throat and to the pit of her stomach, so she could find a prompt exit plan from this situation and act like this morning never happened. To be honest, she was strongly considering taking another sick day. Adjusting herself, she pushed herself up and stood tall. While not smiling, her tears had stopped. This was unbecoming of her and if anything unexpected like this were to happen again, hopefully, she would be more prepared, ready to fight and not shirtless. Trixie offered her hand for Monarch to grab, letting a tired smile grow on her face. “Thank you though, I appreciate the check up,” she assured.

Monarch accepted the hand up but didn’t release it once she’d gotten there, going the extra step to cover Trixie’s hand with her other. She wasn’t keeping her there, the other girl could easily remove herself from her grasp if she so wished, but Monarch was giving her a grounding point. She’d done it plenty of times, even more so since Decky and Sin moved out to California too and suddenly there were two flighty, emotional isolationists to deal with and no Poppy James or Charlie Decker to level them out. At least she had little Danny to help her with them, and she’ll occasionally message the two friends of Decky and Sin’s quartet that are still back in Oregon when she doesn’t know how to deal with them.

“You look like you need’a smoke a blunt more than just walk away. I’m sure your shit’ll be there, or at the lost ‘n’ found,” Sin gave her two cents, raising her eyebrow at Monarch as if asking, ’What?’ when the more socially aware of the two gave her a look over her shoulder.

“I know you don’t smoke, Trixie,” Monarch clarified, more for Sin’s sake than anything. “But if Sin’s plug stops by, since we ain’t got nothin’ right now, you’re more than welcome to try. She didn’t say it well but she’s right, you gotta relax a bit before headin’ out, not just bottle up an’ go. Do that and you never know when those emotions from whatever happened will rear their ugly heads again. You also don’t have to smoke just to stay, I’m sayin’ it would be appreciated if you stuck around so I really knew you were actually okay.”

“Well well.” A siren called from behind the glimmering sunlight. The voice was raspy and oozing sensuality. From the parking lot, Tallulah Stratton arrived looking every bit like the succubus she proudly claimed herself to be. Dressed in a figure hugging red dress and spiked leather jacket, Tally looked like she’d just stepped off the set of a goth rock music video rather than dressed for school. Her bright orange hair was illuminated like a naked flame by the high California sun and her skin shone enticingly with a smooth and soft glow. Tally Stratton was dynamite and she knew it. “Having an orgy and not inviting me? Tsk tsk.”

She tipped her sunglasses down the bridge of her pierced nose and with pale blue eyes she surveyed the congregation at the church of her feet. Sin and Monarch were no strangers to her; if anything they were two of Tally’s best customers. The third vixen though; also not a stranger but not someone she expected to see in this location; Trixie Kingsley. She has been close to her cousin Theo once, hell in another life they could’ve been friends or even sisters. Lucky for Trixie though, hells favourite harlot could give town flying fucked about her cousin’s personal life. She and Lex were toxic sure but Theo was fucking crazy.

Tallulah took a step into the shade, slapping Sin on her perky rear end and resting her hand there as she did before booping Monarch’s nose with her free hand. “Hey button.” She purred before turning her attention to the girl at the center of it all. “I come bearing gifts. How much do you want?”

Sin had been smirking since she saw Tally's fiery orange hair in the sun outside the foyer door, feeling a bit of excitement not just from the prospect of actually being able to get this smoke session going but from having Tally around as well. Tally was one of the few people that could handle the way Sin plays, and she was of the even fewer that played back. Add on that she and her twin were a wonderful source of more than just some weed, and Sin had truly found her match. She enjoyed releasing control to the other in a way she hadn't with any of her previous relationships or hook up, in fact Tally was the first one to flip that switch in her, and had anyone else approached her with such confidence and dominance she would have had them on their ass on the ground immediately. Not many would say that they went to the abrasive girl to feel relaxed or free and not be talking about the product she provided, but Sin could easily admit that Tally is the most fun she's had since coming to BH.

Because she could, and because the actual question was being deferred to Trixie- funny considering she didn't smoke according to Monarch- Sin took Tally's resting hand and slid it up and into her back pocket before leaning on the taller girl. Monarch’s tease about her needing to get laid may have been right, she may have been interested in seeing Tally more often than usual, but she was here now with her physical attention on her and that's what matters. It was a casual relationship, just like all the ones that were meant to last; it was when Sin let people put labels on what they were doing that suddenly the way she played around became a problem.

No way she was becoming a problem for the best lay she'd ever had.

This was turning out to be more lively than Trixie had expected. Not only did Monarch suggest she smoke a blunt, knowing well enough she never tried, but her brother, Noah, smoked so much that she felt like someone had to just not. She couldn’t tell if he did it because he was depressed or because he just liked to smoke. She couldn’t judge him though since he did make bread, via streaming and seemed happy. How he chooses to use his freetime is his own business. Her mother made it seem that weed warps your mind, just as much as any drug, so maybe there was a mild fear of trying it because of that. Trixie didn’t know any of these girls ‘side for Monarch, and didn’t know if she could trust them. What if one blunt turned into two or three blunts and she became an addict? What if it took her away from her productivity? What if she never left her room because all she did was smoke and play games? Sorry, Noah.

Even with all these questions, Trixie did find herself curious and looking at Theo’s cousin, which only reminded her why she needed to chill. It wasn’t like it was booze and she’d start opening up about things she didn’t want anyone to know. It was weed. How bad could it be? Worst case, she might get a little sleepy but she totally could still conquer her school day, tired. She has before. She doubted weed could be worse than a back-to-back all nighter. Keeping Monarch’s hand in her’s, Trixie observed the two baddies before cautiously asking the professional, “I… just want to relax and not worry. I don’t know what to ask for. I really have never done this before. My… morning sucked and I’d like to forget it, please.” In front of strangers, Trixie spoke with absolute honesty, without giving the details, of course. She hoped she made the right choice to put her guard down in front of these girls. She hoped this wouldn’t bite her in the ass next week. “Just show me and I’ll follow.”

Tallulah’s blood red lips curled into the smile not too dissimilar to that of a rattlesnake. It was a family smile; she had it, her sister had it, Theo had it. For all intents and purposes it seemed like the only one that didn’t was Bronwyn; then again maybe she just hadn’t grown into it yet.

The drug dealer could feel Sinead pressing herself against her body and it elicited a strong chemical reaction in her brain. Tally knew that her looks and behavior were proximity to power and control. Sin was a plaything that also made her money, how could she not want to invest? Greed was good, greed worked and Tally was greedy all the damn time. She gave the biker girl a playful squeeze before removing her hand and placing it into her own jacket pocket.

“The first one is free.” She reached deep to pull out an old cigarette tin that looked straight out of the early twentieth century and popped open the lid. “Since I’m a generous gal and all.” Tallulah took out a single pre-rolled blunt and stared deep into the gossip queen's eyes. “Open your mouth, let’s get you what you need.”

Taken aback, Trixie, with her warm, brown eyes gazed into Tally’s sharp, steely, and sensual stare. Never had she imagined she’d be in a situation like this, accepting a blunt and letting someone put it in her mouth. Putting anything in her mouth for that matter. She was a good girl, at least that’s what she told herself, but even the best girl’s have fangs and claws. Releasing Monarch’s hand, no longer needing the stability, Trixie relaxed her shoulders and said, “Fuck it.” Taking a step closer to the dealer, she offered her lips and opened her mouth, slightly, just enough to slip the cigarette in.

Tallulah unpursed her own lips and placed the joint between them. Her eyes never leaving Trixie, she lit the white stick of pure joy with her custom VCP zippo before taking a long drag, making sure to stain the roll up with her lipstick. With the signature devious twinkle in her gaze, Tally took a hold of the blunt and moved it to a short distance between her mouth and Trix’s waiting one. She turned and blew her smoke into Sin’s face before swinging her head round in a fashion reminiscent of a horror doll. “Take a good puff baby girl. Let it fill you up and then when you’re ready, breathe all those troubles away.”

With the blunt now in her lips, Trixie grabbed ahold of it, putting it between her index and middle finger. With the filtered end in her mouth, and the other end already ignited, all she needed to do was lightly suck and pause. She went slow, taking a ginger drag, followed by another one. She didn’t want to break in a coughing fit like she had seen her brother’s friends do countless times. She watched the head of the cigarette light up as the mellow heat passed through her mouth. The smell wasn’t the most pleasant and the sensation was tickling her throat. Still, Trixie was committing and refused to back down. She already got this far. She blew her smoke away from Tal, and the other girls, and then passed the blunt to Sin.

Puff, puff, pass, as the stoners do.

Sin easily received the joint from Trixie while Monarch watched the girl with analytical eyes, watching the way the first timer’s shoulders shook as she tried to hide her small coughs. Sin didn’t see how that was her problem, pretty much everyone coughed through their first time smoking, it’s just that the people they grew up- and surrounded themselves- with all got an early start compared to most. This whole being supportive to others thing really wasn’t her shtick, and neither was teaching or coddling new smokers. Trixie was tough, she’d survive. But no, Sin could already see the little gears turning in Monarch’s crazy computer brain, probably processing Trixie’s stress or discomfort levels or some other crazy shit that the bombshell blonde didn’t understand. Sighing out her hit, she passed the joint to Monarch and slid up to Tally, taking a moment to return the other girl’s earlier favor, with interest. She slid fifty bucks into the orange haired dealer’s back pocket, giving her a squeeze back, and made sure she saw the extra ten in her other hand before tucking it in the small pocket on the front of the girl’s jacket. Her fingers danced along the spikes for a moment before she dropped her hand from the leather entirely. The extra ten was for the last minute inconvenience, but the extra touches were for her. She grinned, looking up just slightly to meet Tally’s ever-challenging eyes.

“I’ll just get my usual then, thanks for showin’,” She said, pulling away now that she’d paid and played with the other girl.

Tallulah would never deny the electricity she felt through her body when it was touched. What she’d learned over the years however was that everyone had their own spark, their own voltage that was noticeably different from another. Some were middling, boring even, some were surging but short and then there were the rarer ones, like Sinead, that left a hunger, a want for something more. This girl from Oregon had a charge inside of her that Tally had never experienced before but was craving to experience more of.

“I love to please.” The redhead said suggestively before reaching into her handbag and pulling out another cigarette case different from the first. She slipped it into Sin’s pocket before turning to Monarch. She recognised the girl from the skate park, she also knew that she was close to the PLC. On the battlefield of the Parking Lot; she was an enemy. Here underneath the stairs, with a sister in need, she was a strange bedfellow and ally. “You.” Tally lifted her finger and placed it beneath Monarch’s chin. “Play nice.” Her sultry voice sang as her eyes drifted to Trixie and the back again. “It’s her first time; be gentle.”

Tally straightened her jacket and then ran both of her hands through her beautifully colored hair, arching her body as she did to allow her curves room to breathe. “You girls have got this covered, I’ve got more business to do.” She looked with starved eyes at Sin and smiled. “Find me later, if I’m not too busy maybe I can get you the rest of your product.” She blew all three of the girls kisses and the hidden fourth one that had been watching them the entire time. “Ciao ladies. It was your pleasure.” With the final word, Tallulah turned and began to walk back towards the hellmouth from which she came; swaying her hips to tease and hypnotize those she left behind.

“I know how to be gentle,” Was all Monarch had mumbled, obstinate at the warning but unwilling to truly combat the taller girl. The Strattons and she were aware of each other, and that was all they really needed to be. Monarch liked to skate so she spent a lot of time out back around the PLC, and she was a freelance infobroker that they made use of, and Monarch liked Addie and their friendship. Addie was a fun person to be around and her energy was intoxicating, as many that cared for the girl knew. The Pixie girl and social Butterfly had an understanding when they hooked up that Monarch was in no way looking to go deeper into any romantic aspect of the matter. The busy bee simply needed to destress and Addie knew multiple ways to help the overscheduled and deceptively tightly coiled girl relax. So, by default of association, the Strattons did little more than call her diminutive nicknames when they did cross paths and boop her on the nose like she was some silly kitten. There was no animosity until they hit the concrete out back.

That suited her just fine.

With Tally now gone and the girls in silence once more, Monarch turned to Trixie, taking a quick hit of the joint and releasing the smoke slowly while staring at one of the few girls in school smaller than her, no expectation in her eyes as she let the smoke rise from her barely parted lips. To the side, Sin raised an eyebrow, now aware of why Tally had thrown a warning at her normally responsible friend. Monarch liked to help, especially if she knew how to make something easier, but Monarch is also from generations of gang members and experiences that most people don’t see outside of a crime novel. Monarch liked to help, but sometimes her understandings of a normal person’s emotional processes or limits were…skewed.

“Hey, I’mma just keep watch if you wanna do you, it looks like you’ve got it handled,” Sin said as she clocked the face of a freshie peeking through the window of the hallway doors. She pushed her way through the doors, making the kid stumble back and almost drop the items he was carrying. Like she said, Monarch had things handled. Sure, Sin didn’t get to smoke nearly as much as she wanted to before class, but it wasn’t often that the Monarch she knew got to come out and play in Beverly Hills, so she was willing to give up the weed just this once so that her overbooked social butterfly could partake in some mischief. She was just a good friend like that. And as she’d mentioned in her earlier thought process, Trixie was tough, she could handle it. Monarch was just a hell of a way to get introduced to something. As the doors swung shut behind her, Sin looked down at him, leveled her best unimpressed stare and asked, “Can I help you, kiddo? You’re kinda intrudin’ here.”

“I uh, I have to get these to Trixie Kingsley-”

“Oh okay thanks, I got that from here,” She cut him off with a harsh and condescending pat to the cheek, shocking him into silence as she used her other hand to swipe the belongings from him. In a practiced move she used to use on her nephews, Sin spun the boy around by the shoulder and lightly booted him on the ass, sending him tumbling back down the hallway he came from. She waved merrily at his back and called after him, “You’re a real peach an’ all, but fuck off okay!”

Back inside, Monarch had received the joint back from Trixie after another pass, and once again watched as the girl attempted to power through her cough instead of just let it out. “Y’know it ain’t healthy to hold in a cough,” She said simply and without judgment, ashing carelessly onto the floor as every smoker that uses the stairwell does. It rubs into the school rug just fine, and that gets cleaned every night, no harm no foul until you drop something that’s lit. “So there’s a way to do this where you don’t have to hit it directly and it won’t risk burnin’ your throat, if you wanna try it, but it involves me helpin’. As a delivery system’a sorts.”

“You make that sound like a bad thing,” Trixie coughed in response, trying to process the itch in her throat and the tingly feeling coursing through her lithe, small body. “What? Like you’re going to kiss me or something?” Trixie jokingly replied. Already feeling the effects of the weed hitting, her shoulders were more relaxed than usual, her senses were heightened, seeing more detail in Monarch’s face than she usually had, and it seemed she lost track of time, or it felt like time was lapsing right before her eyes. Monarch had a pearly white smile, tight cheeks, and a refined nose. Honestly the closer she got to it, the more she realized how perfectly symmetrical it was. “I hope your friends tell you everyday how pretty you are, Butterfly.”

Monarch flashed her pearly white teeth right at Trixie, braids cascading off her shoulder as she tilted her head and her whole face scrunching up with the smile as she laughed. Trixie was certainly already feeling the effects of the joint, but she didn’t really seem to be enjoying the process of getting there and that was the part Monarch was here to help with. Trixie was cute like this, a bit faded and more open with her words and praise, and she was finally relaxing which was the main goal of this whole thing.

On top of that, the dual meaning of Monarch’s name matching her so well that she gained nicknames from both interpretations never ceased to amuse her. She and her siblings were all named after types of royalty, but Monarch’s birth name as well as the name she used while running in the Trip-S were both as chameleon-like as she was. Monarchs were queens and kings but also the most well known butterflies in the world, and an Atlas moth developed wings that mimicked the appearance of snake heads as an evolutionary technique. In the Trip-S, it was her job to always be one of the most dedicated Serpents while also never appearing to truly be one, and she had been great at her job. Part of the Trip-S or not now, that kind of role doesn’t just leave you.

“Yes, they do actually,” Monarch responded easily before slowly sliding into Trixie’s space as she hit the joint. Her close friends were almost always extremely supportive, and where they weren’t complimenting her or her looks there was always an acquaintance or bedfellow to keep stoked the small fire of ego she contained. Looks like today was Trixie’s turn up to bat. “And yes, I am,” She continued in regards to the girl’s first question, pulling in another hit but this time not inhaling the smoke. She gently grabbed Trixie’s chin with two fingers and a thumb and guided the other girl’s face until it was tilted to the perfect degree for their minor height difference. “If you’ll let me, of course,” Her voice was thickened by the smoke, lowered to a register that would likely be called sultry were it falling from someone else’s lip. Looking Trixie in the eyes one more time for any sign of rejection before guiding their faces together with deliberate intention.

When Trixie jested about this being a kiss, she didn’t exactly expect it to be a kiss. For someone who made sure to know the ins and outs of school, and collect information on her classmates, she was completely and utterly out of her element. While her big eyes widened a little, staring intently in the other girl’s tender, crystal-thimble gaze, she wasn’t scared. Not like how she was in the bathroom with Theo. She felt safe, intrigued and maybe a little turned on, but Monarch didn’t need to do that. When Monarch edged closer, in a way that allowed Trixie to process exactly what would happen and to pull away if needed, making her actions clear as day, the latina didn’t fight or pull back. Letting the crashing wave hit her, riding the high, she leaned forward, to meet the other girl half way, giving her consent.

Closing her eyes, Trixie thought to herself: fuck it. What happens under the stairs, stays under the stairs. If Monarch was speaking honestly, this would take the edge off of her and she so desperately wanted to forget what just happened to her. Theo would no longer be on her mind. Theo would be buried, six feet under. Theo would disappear. She would be numb to it all and be able to carry on with her school day as normal. Just a little high.

She let the girl kiss her.

Monarch fought the proud smirk that threatened her features when Trixie reciprocated. She’d given the other girl ample time to pull back, to deny her, to make her choice. Monarch was no fool, she was very well aware that the state she’d found the normally controlled latina in could be product of very few things, and she wasn’t about to be an added stressor due to any similar actions. She may have been giving the options, but she was letting Trixie be the one to take it. Take back control.

Something told Monarch that the other girl really needed it, and she was happy to provide.

When their lips finally met it was gentle, Monarch making sure to keep the pressure light for the shortest moment as she allowed Trixie to continue processing at a relaxed pace. She’d taken her fingers away from the brunette’s chin when she’d leaned in on her own, and they ghosted along Trixie’s jaw as her hand traveled all the way to gently cup the back of Trixie’s. All this was in the matter of a single moment, and before it- like the smoke circulating behind her full lips- had a chance to stagnate, Monarch used her grip on the other girl to press their mouths together more firmly while tightening her grip on the back of her head and brushing Trixie’s bottom lip with her teeth, waiting for that surprised breath that would transfer the smoke from her parted lips into Trixie’s eager lungs.

Parting her lips, following Monarch’s lead, Trixie found her hands now resting on the other girl’s shoulders. The kiss was soft, smooth and secure. At this point, she understood what was happening. She opened her mouth just enough, for the smoke to seep in, when she inhaled, but not wide enough where it felt like she was going to eat Monarch’s face. She hadn’t been kissed in awhile. Not because she didn’t want to be kissed or anything. Kissing was meant for her lover and she didn’t have one since her break up with Theo. She wasn’t looking to date right now. Her priority was her studies, her newspaper and her portfolio.

However, to say this didn’t feel good would be an absolute lie. She just hoped she wouldn’t regret it later. In this instant, after the smoke flowed into her mouth, Trixie found herself leaning into the kiss more. The high shifting to something beyond the weightless feeling. Her body heat grew, her heart rate began to race, and her concentration was barely focused. She wrapped her arms around Monarch, subconsciously. She needed to. She didn’t understand what was happening to her but she needed to be grounded, rooted to the ground, and the closest person to her was her friend. When their lips separated, she giggled, “Wow.” This was intense.

Monarch had released Trixie’s head when her sudden eagerness shone through, dropping her hand to rest on her hip as the other girl put her own arms around her neck. It was increasingly obvious that Trixie really needed this, and that the weed was circulating nicely through her system before their lips ever met, meaning the relaxation was coming from more than the smoke she inhaled from the darker girl’s lips. Despite Trixie pulling back enough to speak, their bodies were flush against each other as Trixie leaned into her, and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t also feel a reduction of her own stress at the physical contact. It was why she had friends like Addie, and people like Levi Green-Locke. Addie understood, and Monarch found multiple forms of release from the way she toyed with the king of Drama and his control issues. It was another reason why she offered this avenue to Trixie in the first place, because Monarch understood the power of physical intimacy in all its forms.

“That’s technically called shotgunnin’,” She said with a quirk of her lips. The joint had burned out between her fingers as they kissed, and she tossed the dead filter towards the open trash can in the corner. “Whaddya think of it? Feelin’ good?”

“...I dunt know how to feel,” Trixie admitted, allowing Monarch and Sin to manhandle her and bring her to the comfort of her car. “It’s like… I feel like I’m in a forever state of dejavu or maybe I’m just confused. Or maybe I’m like in the sky. Am I in the sky?” What was she even saying… “It’s just a lot happening right now.”

“Jesus, Einstein I thought Tals told you to be gentle.” Sin admonished from where she stood outside the smallest girl’s car, having helped Monarch set Trixie down in her backseat. She’d come back out to the back entrance foyer from the hall just in time to see the first timer leaning all her weight onto her diminutive friend. It had taken the entire following walk to Trixie’s car for the girl to answer Monarch’s last question, and the girl seemed like she was functioning in slow motion. “Have we ever gotten this fucked up on just weed?”

“Maybe when we were like nine and first started, our bodies were pretty small back then, easy to smoke too much,” Monarch responded, ignoring the blonde’s jab at her seemingly reckless actions with the newspaper Co-Editor.

“Your body’s still small now.”

“Even smaller back then, and tryin'a keep up with all the older kids.”

“Yeah, I guess we did use to green the fuck out back then,” Sin conceded, putting a steadying hand on Trixie’s shoulder as the girl began to list to the right in her seat. “Girl you gotta get some sleep. Here, I got your shit from the bathroom,” Which was true in a sense, despite her not going all the way to the bathroom herself to get it. Monarch was back to watching the parking lot for any witnesses while Sin guided Trixie back into her car until the barely coherent girl was lying comfortably with her head resting on Monarch’s folded up hair scarf, the fabric she’d previously used to wipe her eyes. “You gonna be good out here, Trixie?” She asked the other girl, not really expecting a response with the state she was in.

“I’ll check up on her between periods,” Monarch assured, unbothered by the situation. “Bring her her favorite snacks and all. It’ll be the best first high she’ll barely even remember.” Sin stared at her best friend with a lack of concern that most certainly should have been present over her actions.

“You’re gonna break someone one’a these days.”

Monarch’s responding grin was sharp and dangerous.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
Avatar of Hey Im Jordan

Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 1 hr ago


The smell of breakfast was what woke him from his slumber. With the constant physical activity he did, Michael tended to sleep like a rock, but the smell of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns brought him back to life. He slowly threw one leg over the bed and lazily sat himself up. Was he always this tired? Maybe his mom was right, maybe he did need to quit the job if he was going to be this focused on his fitness, sports, and trying to get into a good college. His head hurt, something to do with staying up too late the night before — or maybe overworking himself at the gym? Staying up wasn’t his fault! Between all of the obligations he had, he basically only had the dead of the night to do what he wanted.

He moved slowly, but he eventually made it up and out of the bed, grabbing the Rubik’s cube on his desk as he headed toward the door. It took him even longer to get downstairs, and when he made it to the kitchen he was still wearing his pajamas - flannel pants and no shirt. It wasn’t like it mattered, his mother was working another overnight at the lab, which left only Michael, his dad Damian, and his youngest brother Samuel at the house.

Which was probably why as he approached the table, he could hear the sounds of a Nintendo Switch emanating from the dining room. His father was still standing over the stove, flipping blueberry pancakes over. Samuel, however, was sitting at the table and pressing buttons on his Switch. The tired Mikey took a seat across from Sam and stared at him. “Didn’t mom say not to play games at the table?” He asked as he turned the Rubik’s cube in his hands. Rubik’s cubes were easy, they had patterns.

“Mom’s not here!” Samuel chirped in response.

“I didn’t know that turned her rules off.” Mikey hissed as he narrowed his eyes. There was a certain bitterness to his tone, nothing out of line for an older sibling talking to a younger one, but it was still notable. In his hands, he shuffled the Rubik’s cube, getting it ready to play with while he ate his breakfast. His dad walked to the table with a huge plate of food that he dropped in front of Michael.

“Come on, Mike. Your mom’s at the lab, so that means it’s dad’s rules. And dad’s rules are: breakfast, served twice a day, video games at the table, and best of all —” Damian, his father, explained with a grin toward his younger son as Samuel’s eyes lit up with excitement.

“We get to watch scary movies and stay up late!”

“That’s correct.”

Michael didn’t respond, mostly because he was busy shoveling food into his mouth as fast as possible. His body had a desperate need for fuel. It was almost impressive how fast he was getting through the plate, but of the people in the house, Michael certainly burned through the most calories. He tore a piece of bacon with his teeth and spoke while chewing, “whatever! I don’t want to listen to Fortnite while I’m trying to eat, man.” He said, glancing at his father, but Damian just shrugged and returned to the stovetop. Michael would want more food after he was done with this plate, Damian remembered what he was like when he was a teenager.

“Don’t worry about it, dad. He’s just mad because he’s never won! Even though it’s a game for kids. Samuel’s voice was undeniably smug as he taunted his brother, before there was a loud THUD! followed by Samuel squeaking, “OW! DAD! MICHAEL THREW HIS STUPID RUBIK’S CUBE AT ME!” Michael had pitched the puzzle box at his little brother, tagging him square in the chest.

“Boo frickity hoo, mom’s not here. So her rules don’t apply.Michael leaned across the table, reaching for his Rubik’s cube, but Samuel dropped his Switch and snatched the cube up in one smooth motion. He jumped away from the table as his older brother complained. “Give it back, dude! Do you know how hard it is to find a genuine one these days!?”

“I’m gonna mess it all up first, you butthole.”


“You hit him with a Rubik’s cube, big dog! What do you expect?”

Michael sunk back into his chair in frustration. “Fine. Mess it up. It only takes me like thirty seconds to fix it! Did you forget about that?!” He demanded, with a mouthful of potatoes in his mouth. He was talking with his mouth full way more often than he would have with his mother there, but he figured if the rules were different for Sammy… they were different for him too.

“Okay… I guess I’ll just do this.” Samuel lifted up his arm, like he was going to spike the cube onto the ground, but he tensed up as Michael jumped out of his chair, a piece of pancake still on his fork. Samuel watched closely as his older brother tore the flapjack from the fork and chewed it aggressively with wide eyes that could only be described as ‘crazy.’ He slowly brought the Rubik’s cube back down and placed it gently on the table.

Michael nodded and sat back down, using the side of his fork to rip off another piece of the pancake. Samuel wasn’t going to let his elder brother have the last laugh, though. “You’re just mad because you’ve never gotten a Victory Royale.” He said with a devilish grin, and Michael immediately dropped his silverware.


“What the fuck is a victory royale?” Damian asked as he walked back into the kitchen, dumping another pile of food on to Michael’s nearly clean plate. “And don’t call your brother a dick! He’s a kid.” Damian shook her head as he unloaded the last couple of pancakes onto Samuel’s plate. “You need to take Sammy to school today. I gotta do… house stuff.” Damian had been given a list by his wife before she’d left, but he hadn’t even started yet. Some of it, he decided, he would call Trevor for.

Michael looked up and sighed, “after he was just a little butthead!? Come on, dad. You take him. Make him walk or ride the bus. I don’t wanna have to deal with him. And a victory royale is a Fortnite thing. It’s just what winning is called in it —”

“And Mikey’s never won because he sucks. He even makes me lose when we play together!” Samuel said, and Michael scowled. Damian sighed and shook his head.

“Be nice to your brother! He’s gotta take you to school, little dude. You wanna walk?” Damian asked, and Samuel seemed to think about it for a minute before shaking his head no and starting to eat in silence. Damian let out a relieved sigh and smiled, “I told Joy I had it under control.”

A few minutes later, Michael and Samuel were in his car and heading down the road toward Samuel’s school first. As they drove, Michael decided — perhaps foolishly — to open up the conversation that had started at the breakfast table. “Listen, dude. I can win a fuckin’ game of Fortnite, okay? I just haven’t yet because I don’t really play.” Michael said, glancing over at his brother only briefly as they pulled into the parking lot of the elementary school Samuel attended.

“No you can NOT, dude! I’ve watched you play video games, and like, you’re good at everything else in life… but man when you pick up a controller you run into the wall like an idiot!”

“You’re lucky I didn’t run this car into oncoming traffic, you little brat!” Michael clapped back, slapping the steering wheel. He did not give a vocal response for the simplest reason: he did not have one. Samuel was right, he sucked at video games, it was so embarrassing sometimes. Video games were meant for children, and Michael even liked playing them! But he had no Victory Royales, no Fall Guy crowns, no Warzone Dubs… He barely even made it through 2K’s career mode.

“Listen, dude. If you can get a SINGLE Victory Royale, I’ll do all your chores for a month. I mean, it’s like, pathetic at this point. You embarrass me when you join my lobbies and you don’t even have the umbrella.”

Michael swallowed his pride and nodded. “You have a deal.” He said through clenched teeth. Samuel grinned and threw open the door before he froze with eyes as wide as a deer in the headlights. Michael knew something was wrong, something was horribly wrong. Cautiously, he asked in a gentle voice. “...everything okay?”

“I forgot my backpack! Usually mom grabs it, but she’s not here so I just… forgot. Can we go back and get it!?” Samuel was having a moment of crisis. His backpack had his whole life in it, including most importantly the homework he’d worked so hard on the night before. Homework, he’d found, was a lot harder when dad was helping him with it instead of his mom. It wasn’t his dad’s fault; Joy O’Connor was a once-in-a-lifetime genius, and Damian O’Connor was a retired professional football player. The gap between them when it came to math, even fourth grade math, was astronomical.

“What!? No! I have to go to school too… I’ll just text dad. He’ll grab it for you, okay? Don’t worry about it, just go to class. If your teacher says anything, just try to ignore ‘em. Dad’ll be here lickety split, we both know he’s got nothing better to do, alright?” Michael said, and Samuel meekly nodded, the look of despair still in his eyes. Michael got it. He’d had the same fourth grade teacher, and Ms. Wik was a fucking bitch - though Michael would never vocalize that to Samuel.

He reached across the center console and ruffled Samuel’s hair, and grinned. He was trying to reassure his little brother. As much of a little shithead as Sammy was, he was ultimately Michael’s little shithead, and he wouldn’t change his brother, or really any member of his family, for anything. “Trust me. You’re gonna be fine, and if you’re not? Me, you, and Ethan will go TP her house. Got it? Now go get it done.”

Samuel seemed to accept this and he nodded, “okay… Thanks, bro.” He opened the door and returned the thumbs up that Michael gave him. A sacred promise between brothers.

With that out of the way, Michael quickly wrote a text to his dad to bring his brother’s backpack to the school and then he drove off, headed toward the high school where his own life awaited him. As he drove, he schemed in his head - how was he supposed to get a Fortnite Victory Royale? That game was fucking hard; he didn’t even understand how his brother did so well in it, but then he and his brother had never won together before… Did he know anyone in BHHS who was good at video games…?

Small FT: Dylan @smarty0114

As Nicky Snyder sang, he scribbled with his pencil on a piece of printer paper he’d snatched when Phoenix had looked the other way. Frankly, Nicky didn’t see the point to a homeroom class like this. Shouldn’t they be in classes where they actually learned something? Or, if not that, doing anything else? He didn’t get why there were so many requirements in high school. It was high school. Arrive. Do school work. Leave. Why was it anything more than that?

He was doing an excellent job of ignoring everyone else in the world, but maybe it was the THC that was still flowing through his bloodstream that kept him locked in on his ‘artwork.’ Bobbing his head up and down to the music that was blasting in his headphones, Nicky was currently doing his absolute best to make a Flip-o-Rama reminiscent of the Captain Underpants books he and Dylan had read in the past — and sometimes in the present. The future? Most definitely.

“Ain’t no other man can stand up next to you
Ain’t no other man on the planet does what —”

Nicky’s shitty whisper-singing came to a rapid close as he felt his headphones ripped off his head. He whipped his head to the side, shooting a glare in the direction of whoever it was. “Mikey, what the FUCK?! I was jammin’, dude. You never break someone’s concentration while they’re jamming.”

“I need a favor.” Michael sighed, shaking his head. Wasn’t there anyone else in this class who could win a game of Fortnite? His only options to win the bet with his younger brother were Cheech and Chong? Michael wasn’t sure who Nicky thought he was fooling, he could still smell the scent of marijuana radiating off of him. People knew, Nicky. They definitely knew.

“What!? Aren’t you elite! Get the elite to do it - this ain’t a charity case, broski.” Nicky said, before turning his attention back down to his drawing. He did, however, let his headphones fall around his neck. He was listening, for whatever it was worth. It was also made quickly apparent that he wasn’t done talking, “man, you gotta be truly desperate to come to me for help. This is gonna be some of the dumbest shit I ever heard, huh?”

“I need you to get me a win in Fortnite by Monday.”

“What?! That’s a ridiculous request! That’d be like me telling you I need a date to homecoming and the part-”

“Done. Easy.” Michael said, ready to make a trade offer that was heavily Nicky sided if it meant he could finally have that stupid umbrella that had eluded him for so long. “I’ll get you a date, and you, the date, and Dylan can kick it with me and the boys the whole time. King treatment.” Mikey didn’t think to ask his friends if that was okay, but then he found himself not really caring. Chances were, the only one who might say anything was Theo - and Theo could be drowned out by others.

Nicky thought about it. Michael grew visibly frustrated, but Nicky seemed to be enjoying this temporary exchange of power, “yo, Dyl. What do you think? Deal… or no deal?

“This is stupid! This is like a hold up. What else could you two possibly want!?” Michael was getting openly exasperated, and quickly remembering why he did his best to avoid this particular duo.

Dylan slowly spun his chair around, slouching with his arms across his chest. “You come to us, on this day of celebration, and you ask for a favor?” Dylan said, his voice contorted into what might’ve been the worst Marlon Brando impression ever performed. He almost asked Mikey to kiss the ring, but he figured that would be pushing his luck. Besides, there was something else he wanted wayyyy more than a kiss from Mikey O’Connor. A boy was simply not complete without his bullhorn. Dylan steepled his fingers and grinned over them at Mikey, a fox in teenage boy’s clothing. “Tell me, Michael, how good are you at breaking and entering?”
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Timestamp: After first bell, during homeroom
Location: The Morning Show news studio
Dani @Fabricant451, Sully and Rye @Aces Away


“Gooood morning BHHS and welcome back to another day of chaos and classes!" Rye opened up from his spot to Sully’s left, television smile in place and tapping fingers hiding safely behind the front panel of the newsdesk. Why had Sully had to bring up him and AJ literally minutes before airing and then leave him with no answers? The dude really didn’t know how to talk to people properly, he should know by now that leaving a conversation with no closure stressed Rye out. On top of that, he had clocked movement in the window of the door to the hallway and saw his best friend peeking through when she absolutely should have been in her homeroom. Oh god, what happened? The day had barely even started and he was going to end up hyperventilating in an empty classroom by the end of it. “What a week, and it’s still not done!"

“Nobody slept on Pajama Day, in fact y’all really ate with that pancake contest. Ate and left no crumbs, in the case of first place winner Dash Day," Sully stepped in, barely glancing at their notes. He couldn’t believe this was part of his work scholarship requirements.

“Everyone sported their best attire on Tuesday, really dodging embarrassment," Rye emphasized, doing his best not to roll his eyes at how cheesy they were being.

“I am legally obligated to say that on Wednesday you all dressed as cowboys." DJ, on the right of the broadcast table, was very clearly not reading from the pre-approved script. If she had, she might well have died at having to mention how well everyone lassoed up a fit for cowboy day. “You know the movie for Wednesday was Wild Wild West, right? That’s not even about cowboys! They’re cops! You can see Will Smith’s di-" The camera, naturally, abruptly cut away from the wide shot of the three hosts for the moment.

“And you were all super crafty on Thursday," Rye continued in a monotone, already dropping his cheek into his hand and flapping the papers in disgust. “Come on you guys are you trying to get us blacklisted from parties with this cra-"

“And today!" Sully cut in, smile still perfectly in place despite how much he wished to act like his fellow co-hosts. This position really was used as a punishment, wasn’t it? “We’re sure y’all’re really Bringin’ It On in your fierce red and black fits. Keep that pep up for the pep rally later today, you’ll be excited to know it gets you out of class early."

“Hear hear!" Rye chanted with little enthusiasm.

“Of course, attendance isn’t mandatory but it is highly encouraged. After all, the high school athletes really like having their egos boosted before they go off to college and fail to get scouted by the professional leagues!" DJ’s smile was as bright as Sully’s, though her tone of voice was so dipped in sarcasm that in a weird way she almost resembled a professional broadcaster in cadence if nothing else. “And for all you dateless losers out there, don’t forget that today is the last day to get tickets for Homecoming. And no, no one believes you that you have a girlfriend in Canada who couldn’t come to the dance because of travel issues. Sure, you might spend the whole time sitting by the wall, but at least the punch is free! You two have dates for the dance, don’t you?" DJ threw back to her co-hosts, her smile remaining so wide that it was almost starting to look deranged.

Rye went static next to Sully and the boy in a baseball cap tilted his head down so that the camera couldn’t capture his eye roll past the brim. That was just vindictive for no reason.

“You know we don’t," Sully’s smile never broke as he turned to stare Dani in the eyes, and he nudged Rye’s leg with his own beneath the desk so the other boy could cover up the look on his face. “I’m too busy buildin’ sets and fixin’ all the things people break around here to be askin’ someone out for a single night. Why would you ask someone out for one night?"

“Holy- wow I’m not touching that one, buddy. That was such an innocent statement," Rye cut himself off, trying to turn away from furthering the conversation. He grinned largely at the camera. “Speaking of innocence, if any of you are planning on losing yours at or after homecoming, condoms and other barriers are strongly encouraged. We Pirates support safe practices."

“You heard it here first, Pirates, we encourage a healthy sex life for the students!" Dani placed a finger to her ear and after an uncomfortably awkward pause turned to the solo camera like she was about to deliver a breaking news story. “I’ve just been informed that while BHHS isn’t an abstinence school, the affiliates of BHHS do not condone or endorse students having sex. And remember: if they keep trying after you say no, it doesn’t mean they love you and counseling is available during all hours of the school day." Dani turned back in her seat, facing forward as the feed went back to the wide shot.

“So, any announcements for the school, gentlemen? News for the student body?"

The Morning Show, as it was every day that DJ was in front of the camera, was chaos on one side of him and disaster on the other. Sully didn’t even want to be on the Morning Show, it had been a requirement, yet somehow he was working the hardest to keep this train on its track and he had no idea why that became his job too. Sully looked down at his notes, taking a deep breath.

“We do, Dani! In recent news, the Arts club set up a new mural facin’ the back lot, meant to represent the blossomin’ opportunities and friendships created and fostered by the school," Sully’s interpretation was that that was a bunch of bullshit. It was just a bunch of flowers and some sun rays but hey, whatever keeps your funding he supposed.

“The wads of gum stuck to the wall of the hallway leading to the boiler room have been cleaned off and the wall repainted, the maintenance staff has asked us to remind the students that there are trash cans every twenty feet in this place so really, no need to be so ratchet, y’all have so much access and amenities-"

Don’t forget, Pirates," Sully cut off before the boy got on another rant about how rich kids treat the custodial and maintenance staff. It would run out the whole rest of the time limit. “That the theme of the dance is Hollywood! So bring your best and be ready to walk the red carpet for your paparazzi, played willingly by the Photography club underclassmen, so be sure to strike some killer poses for a chance to end up in the yearbook."

“And don’t make any scenes or mistakes, for the same reason!" Rye chirped with a large smile while Sully clenched his jaw in a sign of frustration. Ope, moving on then. “Dani? Any club cancellations or changes in schedule?"

“Of course there are, Rye! The chess club has canceled its meeting today; no reason was given but it’s probably due to lack of anyone giving a crap about chess!" DJ paused long enough for what she imagined to be laughter from the audience watching in their classrooms. “The film club’s Friday screening has been postponed due to the events of Homecoming, because why watch something entertaining when you can watch the thrilling world of high school football - a sport that is beloved only by middle aged dads who peaked at their Homecoming game! I’ve also been told that due to the earlier schedule today that tutoring will be unavailable after the pep rally, so you’d better hope you’re prepared beforehand but if you need tutoring at this school it just means your parents don’t have enough money to bribe your teachers!"

Another pause, complete with DJ looking absolutely thrilled with herself, especially as she looked around to see the response from the behind the camera staff. Sure, she might get another detention out of it, but studies showed that students retained information when it was delivered with such sarcastic glee. The study, of course, was made up by DJ but pepper any bit of information with enough words and people would be willing to believe it as truth.

“For other club inquiries, check with your club advisors! And maybe tell them to let us know next time so you can cut out the middle man! Because we work for you, for free, which technically makes us slaves. Isn’t that right, Sully?"

“I think I’m technically an indentured servant," He answered plainly before he could think of what he was saying. Letting Dani’s last shot finally break his professional air as he realized what he said, Sully slumped over the desk on his elbows, hands grasping the back of his own neck desperately, kneading at the tensing muscles beneath. Staring blankly at the desk panel before him, thinking about the terms of his scholarship, his contract, he muttered, “Oh my god, am I?

“While Sully has an existential crisis that should have come about when he first signed his soul away on the dotted line," Rye jumped in, patting the other boy’s back consolingly but not looking his way. The show must go on. “Remember upperclassmen, it’s never too early to send in your college applications but there is absolutely a point where it becomes too late, and your counselors will be getting a hold of you all for individual meetings regarding your life trajectory. Because that’s something to decide when you’re barely legal and up to your eyeballs in hormones, real great time to agree to spend tens of thousands in tuition and be sure of what you’re gonna do for the rest of your life. DJ," Rye turned to his best friend’s sister, happy to be matching energy with her now that he wasn’t the target of her comments. Sully was still staring blankly into the middle distance , and he’d certainly check on the other boy once the recording light turned off, but for right now they had a show to finish and Sully was not even here behind his eyes anymore. “any final words before we sign off? Sully tapping out gave us some free airtime today."

“For those in the know, I was informed that the theme of Saturday’s totally unsanctioned and unaffiliated event has a theme of Risky Business, because nothing says ‘good party theme’ like a movie where Tom Cruise has sex with a prostitute! If you’re not in the know, well ask yourself why that’s the case and then try to befriend someone who is! But finally, and this is straight from me, if I wind up in detention, please don’t talk to me because I hate you. You wanna sign us off, Rye, before Sully starts acting like Howard Beale from Network? Look it up, people, it won four Oscars." Dani turned her head towards her co-hosts, a look of pure satisfaction on her face. It was no wonder they rarely let her in front of the camera.

Rye grinned back while Sully honest to god groaned into his own forearms. Mr. Wells was giving him the cue to wrap things up and Rye had a lot of respect for the man, even if his actions in front of the camera never showed it. When you spent enough nights over someone’s house and in his daughter’s bed, you develop a weird understanding of each other.

“ARRRRRRRRRRRRRight Pirates! And yes, I have to do that per my contract, let’s seize this day and all the treasures it can offer us, plunder that booty well, and maybe find me at that party if you wanna make that more literal," Mr. Well’s hand motion became more demanding and sharp, telling Rye he may have pushed the envelope a bit, but honestly if Riley wanted the three hosts to follow the script he should demand the writing team do a better job, and if he didn’t want them saying lewd things then he should have someone at the ready for live censorship. “This is the slaves of the Morning Show, signing off for the day, see you psychos in the halls!"

As the cameras were cutting, Dani held up the back of an index card where her script notes were written. In bold writing were just the words ‘SEND HELP’ as Dani pointed at the message before the feed was cut entirely. As soon as she got the sign that the cameras were off, Dani once again placed her feet on top of the desk as she leaned back in her chair. “I think we’re gonna win the Emmy for that one, guys. Truly our finest work. I honestly thought you were gonna start screaming, Sully. Maybe next time." If today’s broadcast had been a trainwreck, then Dani was happy to have been one of the conductors on the train. In a weird way, she was gonna miss this job when she graduated.

“I’m gonna lose my scholarship in the last semester because’a you guys," Sully mumbled into his forearms before finally freeing himself of his own grasp and looking at the two creatures of misfortune that loved to sit on his shoulders. “What did I ever do to you?"

“Does rejecting my flirtations when we first met count? I didn’t take it personally, but that is something that you did."

“Your what? When?"

“Nevermind, buddy, stay pure. DJ, I’m gonna go see why your sister has had her eyes locked onto me through the door window for the past ten minutes, see you later," Rye popped out of his seat with no further fanfare and made a beeline for the exit, only stumbling once along the way as he got distracted trying to get his earbuds out of his pocket and connected to his phone. The silence after the lights go off always made the ringing in his ears much more apparent, and he had a feeling he couldn’t be overstimulated for whatever conversation had JJ literally waiting for him in the hall.

“Am I really an indentured servant?" Sully asked DJ quietly, managing to look like a kicked puppy and a aggrieved kitten in one fell swoop.

“I’m sorry you had to find out this way, Sully." DJ offered condolences by way of a patronizing pat on the back. “But if it makes you feel any better, you can call it an apprenticeship. You might save some dignity that way." DJ looked towards the door window but Rye’s swiftness meant she barely caught a glimpse of her sister. It had to have been JJ. If it was important, DJ would find out later. “Look, you didn’t say anything off color…for the most part. You’ll be fine. Buck up, or whatever. No one’s gonna even remember this by last period." She could not have sounded any less interested in this pep talk, but with Rye off flirting or whatever with JJ, the responsibility for perking up the sad puppy unfortunately fell to her. “Come on, it’s too early to be so depressed. Can’t you internalize it, like we all do?"

“What do you think I’m doin’ most of the time?" He asked back with little heat, releasing a heavy sigh and pushing his chair back. That was much less assuring than she probably thought it was, but he also didn’t think the girl cared much. Just as she’d suggested, he got to work on internalizing it and returning to his normal school persona. He didn’t care much for upholding reputation, but he also wasn’t a fan of open vulnerabilities. “I’m gonna go get another coffee before the underclassmen dump it, you want any?”

“Nah, one cup is enough for me. If I had any more I might lose my charming personality." DJ at least joined Sully in pushing her chair back from the table. As much fun as it was to be granted a late pass for class, she couldn’t stay in the broadcast room all day. She’d tried. “But seriously, Sully, don’t worry about it. Everyone could see you were trying to keep things on track or whatever. Every good entertainment act needs the straight man. I don’t know where I’m going with this but just…you know…relax. Because it’s really exhausting trying to cheer you up. I hate doing that. Cheering people up. Like in general, not just you specifically. You’re fine, okay?" Another pat on the back from DJ. It was the only move she had.

“I-" He had no idea how to respond to that, brows furrowing and head tilting to the side as words and reaction began to escape him. He wasn’t genuinely worried about losing his scholarship; slowly, he’d built up enough of a following that he was comfortably paying the majority of his uncovered tuition. If it truly came down to it, Sully could be dead broke for the rest of the year and put all his income toward paying tuition, but that would mean having nothing to make his ma’s life easier, and that shit could not slide. Add to all of that that Dani’s announcement of the Risky Business party reminded him of his deal with Ethan Green, and Sully was realizing that once he walked outside the studio doors there would be no peace or calm for the next forty eight hours in the very least. He needed that coffee.

Shaking his head to clear the fog that was rolling in, Sully just nodded to the shorter host and reached up to fiddle with his hat’s brim as he turned and walked away from her, no longer even connected enough to the conversation to remember to say goodbye. Coffee always helped when he started struggling with thoughts and words, just like anyone else. At least, that’s what he always told himself.

“I should be a motivational speaker. Every time I talk I’m motivated to never talk to people again. Nice." DJ looked proud of herself though kept herself from pumping her fist in delight. “Good show, Mr. Dubs. Let’s do it again some time, say, next week? Alright." Dani was out of the door before Mr. Wells could even think of giving her a detention slip.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
Avatar of Hey Im Jordan

Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Hey Im Jordan & @Fabricant451
Location: The Library
Timestamp: After homeroom
Starring: Michael ‘You Like True Crime?’ O’Connor and Sara ‘Uhm, Ackshually’ Delgado


If Michael said he had a plan, that would have been a lie. It wasn’t even safe to say that he had an inkling of a plan, he’d agreed with what Nicky had requested so quickly that he hadn’t even had time to formulate a plan of attack. There were few options to fulfill his ridiculous request; Dylan’s had felt dumber in the moment, but was success was more immediate. Easier to find. How the hell was he supposed to find someone to date Nicky Snyder? He wasn’t a fucking magician. Nicky was loud and proud about it, and while that wasn’t necessarily a negative in the dating world, it was far from a positive. People like Nicky were supposed to be like Ethan: drowning in pussy. All that unearned and undeserved confidence, and for fucking what?

Nicky needed a special type of girl, Michael knew that much from the five minutes they’d talked together that morning before exchanging Discord IDs. This was a lot to go through for one night of playing Fortnite, but if this guy was as good as Michael assumed he was? Then he’d probably get enough wins in one evening to stop his brother from ever bringing it up again. It had taken almost the entire homeroom period and nearly the entire travel time between periods before it had dawned on Michael.

He knew who to set Nicky up with! Or, at least, he used to. Back in the before times, when he favored his academics over his athletics, Michael had been the captain of the mathletes. He had hardly interacted with his old teammates in the years since, but there was something to be said about being in high school: numbers never changed. Now, he just had to hope that she answered the call when it was put out into the air.

To: Sara from Mathletes 🤓
Hey Sara! It’s Michael, I don’t know if you remember me.
Can you meet me in the library? I was wondering if I could ask a favor! Ten minutes of your time? Do you still have study period after homeroom?
I do! I’ll be in the library waiting if you want.

It took more self control than it honestly should have for Michael to not physically pat himself on the back as he grinned and headed toward the library. In his head, this was already a done deal. What was she going to do, say no? Everyone wanted to roll with him and his friends, so he had that to his advantage. And besides, she was a bit geeky — there was a chance she might know who NIcky was, and then his battle was more than halfway done. As he took a seat at one of the desks in the back corner of the relatively large library, he smiled. All he had to do now was wait.

When her phone buzzed, Sara naturally assumed it was another automated message asking her to vote for some candidate or another spam email notification that she enabled just so the vibrating phone message would make it seem like people were actually interested in talking to her. No one would really need or want to contact her other than her mother or abuelta and one of them was at work and the other was not presently around a phone and certainly wouldn’t know how to send a text message anyway. So when her phone buzz, Sara just ignored it and went about her day, heading to her favorite location in school once home room came to an end - the teacher hadn’t called her name during roll call because of course she was present. Where the hell else would she be?

In the library, Sara checked the tutoring roster. No one had signed up today, at least no for her, and she chalked it up to the fact that on pep rally day the only thing students cared about was getting out of class earlier so they could start the weekend that much sooner. It was no bother, she had doodles and reading to catch up on anyway. To the back of the library Sara went, to the back corner table that was quiet and out of the way of general foot traffic. On most days Sara’s biggest hurdle when studying on the back desk was that some students used the back corner desks for making out, but Sara had gotten quite good at writing notes and studying when hands and asses were right in the corner of her eye. She sometimes cleared her throat to try to get them to leave, but it was like trying to hear a single bell in the middle of a raging concert.

Sara paused as she turned towards the back corner desk and saw that it was occupied not by students engaged in a rousing game of tonsil hockey, but rather a student who looked like he was waiting for someone. Probably so he could play tonsil hockey. Sara didn’t say anything as she took the familiar seat and pulled a book from her backpack. She didn’t exist. The intruder would mind his own business as if she wasn’t even there. Such was the symbiotic relationship Sara had with the school.

Michael didn’t ignore her. In fact. he found himself staring at her. Was she trolling him? Had she checked her texts? Was she ignoring him? Did he deserve this? He racked his brain and tried to think of a time where he had hit on Sara. There wasn’t anything that immediately popped up, but as he gazed at her… he wondered if he’d made the right choice texting her. Seconds ticked away, and Sara was reading a book. This was a punishment, it had to be, but Michael was stubborn. He got it from his mother, one of the most stubborn people on the entire planet.

Seconds turned into minutes, and in the game of chicken they were playing, neither of them moved. Other students walked by the scene, observing it for a few seconds with a scrunched up nose of either confusion or distaste. Michael did not see them. He was focused on Sara. It was on the fourth minute that he decided something had to be wrong with this girl and tapped the table to get her attention.

“Hey, did you get my text message, or…?” Michael left the question rather open ended, unsure what the deal was here. He wasn’t used to being ignored, even when he had been a nerd, he had a commanding presence. This, though? This was fucking ridiculous. “If you didn’t want to help me out, you could have just said so. I know I’m more interesting than that book, dude.” Though he spoke in a whisper, his tone was still firm, almost harshly so. He did not take being ignored very well.

At least he was whispering while he was talking to someone on the phone, though Sara couldn’t remember the last time she knew someone her age to speak to someone on the phone. It must’ve been a family member who hadn’t learned how to text yet. The question by Michael went unanswered for another full minute before Sara reconsidered; he had mentioned something about a book. “Are…are you talking to me?” She had to ask, her voice almost scratchy like she needed water. This was officially the longest conversation she had had with another student. “Did…you want to read my book? Are you interested in the history of toxicology? Charles Norris, the subject of this book, was a pioneer of what we now know as forensic toxicology, it’s a really fascinating book even if you’re not interested in the subject matter. I don’t know if the school library has it, but it’s called The Poisoner’s Handbook if you want to buy your own copy.” It had been so long since she spoke that it all just sort of…flowed out of her. She half expected the guy to have up and left during her lengthy reply.

Had she always been like that? Michael honestly couldn’t remember, even when they’d been on the team she hadn’t been much of a talker. When she started rambling about her book, he started realizing this plan was genius. Both Nicky and Sara were yappers, this was going to go great. He relaxed into his chair and shook his head. “Uh, no I’m not trying to read your book. Check your phone, I texted you like 20 minutes ago.” It could have been an eternity, with how long he’d been staring a hole into her skull. At least he knew he wasn’t being blatantly ignored; it turned out that Sara was just… a little weird. “I didn’t know you were interested in toxicology though, that’s kinda… interesting.” He didn’t want to say creepy, but the message was probably received. He shook his head.

“The Sara I remember wasn’t really like a True Crime Podcast girlie. She brought snacks to all our mathlete meetups.”

“It’s not a true crime podcast, I listen to NPR, true crime podcasts are basically dramatic readings of Wikipedia articles but that’s beside the…you were in mathletes?” Sara paused and looked away from her book and towards the boy who had been able to see the ghost in the library. Sara had been in mathletes but only lasted a semester and a half, not because she was bad at it but because the team never really included her in the competitions against other schools. She warmed the bench even though she knew a lot of the answers and believed she would have been a great asset. But things just sort of went that way for Sara: unrecognized, unknown, unwanted. Her abuelita had said that the best way to fit in was with food but every time she brought homemade cupcakes and donuts, they were simply eaten by the others and assumed to have been bakery bought.

Unlike others at the school, though, Sara remembered faces. Names. The guy didn’t look it now, but if she squinted and added puberty growth spurts…”Are you…Michael O’Connor?” Why would Michael O’Connor talk to her? Why would he text her, if what he said was true? Why would he know her name? “You don’t need tutoring, you already know how to factor trinomials. What…what…what do you want? If…if this is…like…some popular kid prank…just…just do it now, okay?”

“What do you think this is, a Mean Girls sketch? I’m not… me and the boys don’t do that.” That was mostly true, though Michael knew that there was one person in the Elite in particular who was cold-hearted enough to actually pull a prank on someone of ‘lesser’ social standing. But that definitely was not him, he just needed a favor. Why was she making this so difficult? He’d needed to wrack his brain hard as fuck just to find a name that he thought would fit, and now that he was talking to her, she didn’t even seem interested in him. That wasn’t really surprising, something told him that shredded jocks were not Sara’s type. “Sounds to me like you know a lot more about true crime podcasts than you want to admit,” he mused, circling back to Sara’s comment about dramatic readings of Wikipedia articles.

This was going to be perfect, he reasoned silently. Sara, it seemed, needed friends… and sooner, rather than later. Nicky, as far as Michael knew, had friends. They could share! It worked out. “Since you didn’t check your phone I guess, I’ll just repeat myself.” He hated doing that. “I was wondering if you could help me out with a favor? I have a friend who really needs a date to the dance and the party tomorrow. I was hoping you didn’t have anyone in mind already?” He paused, letting her chew on it before he launched in again, this time focused on sweetening the deal.

“He can come pick you up from your place for the dance, then at the party you guys can hang out with me and the rest of the crew. There will be free food, booze, and weed. You gotta like at least two of those, right?” Having shot his shot, Michael sank back into the chair and relaxed. What was she going to do? Say no?

Sara hadn’t been to a dance or a party in her four years of going to BHHS, but even if she had, would anyone have even noticed her presence? Dances were one thing, but parties? Parties were basically the social events of any given month; she’d heard that Halloween parties were particularly crazy and that one year some people woke up the morning after in the hospital. Hardly her idea of fun. If she went to a party, she’d somehow find herself on a couch sandwiched between two different couples each engaging in drunken, sloppy makeouts but be too timid to say anything and too squished to prise herself away from the situation. Not that she was speaking from experience, of course.

“I don’t…alcohol and…weed…they…impair senses…I just…isn’t there someone…better for this? I…I have plans…” She didn’t. Not unless making a steak torta and watching a Ken Burns documentary about the Central Park Five counted as plans. “I think…I…I don’t…I never…I…plans…” Was she hyperventilating? Why did it suddenly feel so hard to breathe? Was she sure this wasn’t a prank? “No…ticket…I…”

“Don’t worry about that. Me and the boys will handle your ticket, you just need to get a dress and be ready when he’s there to pick you up. If you don’t like him, ditch him at the party and find someone you do like. Trust me, Sara. A little alcohol and weed impairs your senses and you’ll have the time of your life.” Was there a chance that it ended poorly? Sure, there were usually a few bad decisions made, but Michael felt pretty confident he could keep an eye on Nicky and Sara for a couple of nights. “You’ll have a ride there and a ride back… and we’ll keep you entertained.” He didn’t say it, but part of him wanted to point out that after a weekend of hanging out normally, she might even have a couple of friends.

“I feel like I never see you at the parties. This is our last year, so party hard and see where it goes.” Michael hadn’t been expecting any resistance from her, let alone basically a panic attack… which he hadn’t really addressed. He reached into his backpack and pulled out his sports bottle, filled with a red substance. “Here, drink some water. Well, I put a pre-workout packet in there, but it’s fine… water is good for you. It’s fruit punch flavored. Well… watermelon and strawberry.” Technically, it was called ‘Tiger’s Blood,’ but something told him Sara wouldn’t drink it if he said that.

“Just drink it and take a breath before you pass out, dude.”

Under normal circumstances, Sara would have questioned the drink offered to her. Water wasn’t supposed to be red and people who put the little flavor packets in their water were better off just drinking juice, but this was an unusual and unprecedented circumstance so she grabbed the offered bottle and half of the contents were rolling down her throat before she stopped, panted to catch her breath, and quietly handed it back. “You’re not supposed to accept drinks from strangers…” Sara didn’t think Michael had any nefarious plot in mind, she was just reverting to general trivia and information like a loading screen of a video game.

“What…what were you talking about?”

This was an experience. Michael had never dealt with someone with so much anxiety. How was it even possible to cram that much anxiety into that small of a body? He didn’t want to fuck this up by being rude, so he took the sports bottle back. It was nearly empty, but he supposed that was okay, at least she was able to talk to him now. With a sigh, Michael repeated himself — again, a landmark moment for him, but then this was a desperate time and called for a desperate measure.

“I want you to go to the dance and the party over the weekend with a friend of mine. He will pick you up, you just need to have a dress and an overnight bag. And maybe slightly more willingness to get drunk.” Without wiping the nozzle clean, he slurped at some of the drink still in his bottle. “Come and have fun. The library will be here on Monday.” This time, he hoped, she wouldn’t launch into an immediate anxiety attack this time. “Do you have Discord? I can give you bro’s.”

The library might be here on Monday but Sara had no guarantee that she would be. She paused and let hundreds of questions pour through her head, each one starting with the damning phrase ‘what if’. What if something bad happened, what if she got in trouble, what if someone died, what if what if what if what if. And within the storm of anxiety and excuses her thoughts went back to her bedroom, to that empty cell of a room and to the desk she did her homework and studies at. To the college acceptance letter that greeted her and the loudest question in her head became ‘What if I go to college with zero experiences?’ followed ever so closely by ‘What if I do something I regret?’ The question swirled and morphed and silently she pondered the more important question: would I regret not going? It wasn’t like they could…unaccept her from college…right?

“What…what’s Discord? I don't have to..like…” Sara looked around. The only ones within earshot were herself and Michael but even so, Sara leaned in and whispered like she was confessing to a priest. “I don’t have to…[size=64]have sex…[/size]right?”

“That’s between you and your date, not me! But I’m not hiring you to be a prostitute! That would be insane, I just need you to be this guy’s date, okay?” He felt like she’d agreed, but he was holding off on telling her her date’s name for now. He was worried that giving her a name would make it too real. “How do you not know what Discord is? How do you keep in touch with like… anyone?” He asked, frowning as he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contact list; at least he’d had the brain power to get his phone number too, rather than just a Discord contact. What kind of person didn’t have discord?

“You’re agreeing, right? I honestly can’t tell, man. This’ll be good for you.” I think.

“My mom texts me or calls me if she needs to contact me.” Sara responded to the rhetorical question before she realized it was, in fact, rhetorical. Her social stock was already in the gutter but now it had to be barrelling its way to the core of the earth. “I…” Sara closed her eyes. The voices in her head were screaming, debating one another like the ancient philosophers in Greece, but sometimes the voices had to be silenced. Sara knew many and more things…but that wasn’t a skill so easily learned by any book or research paper. Her second most important mentor of her youth always said to take chances, make mistakes, get messy…maybe it was time for Sara to try one of those. “...Okay.”

“NICE.” Mikey couldn’t help but pump his fist in front of himself as his voice went a few decibels above where it should have been in the library. It was like a huge weight had lifted off of his shoulders as he was locked in for his deal with Nicky Snyder. Things were put into motion, and he was going to do his best to make sure the adopted nerds had a good time. He scribbled down a number on a piece of paper and pushed it across to her. “There’s his number. Text him if you want, maybe if you’re all mysterious and anonymous it’d be cute, I dunno. If you don’t wanna do that, tell him you got it from me.” He stepped up out of his chair and shouldered his pack again, grabbing his sports bottle and starting to walk away. As he departed, he dropped the library whisper and added. “Hey bring some of those Mexican donuts you used to bring to mathletes, yeah? Fuckin’ loved those things.”

It wasn’t quite how she imagined it happening, but Sara got her first phone number from a classmate. It might not have meant much to most people, but it was quite the big deal for Sara. Was she supposed to bring the pan dulce to the dance? Was that allowed? Wouldn’t that be weird, showing up with sweet bread for an entire dance? How many was she supposed to bake? That would take her, like, most of the night and into the morning if she wanted enough to go around. How many people showed up to a dance? To a party? Like…sixty, right? That seemed right. Sara looked at the slip of paper and looked over the number, already doing little equations with the number in her head. It was fun for her. Maybe she’d try sending a text after school - doing it during school hours was against the rules after all. “Wait…” Sara paused, looked at the paper. At the numbers. That’s all that was there. Numbers.

“Who the heck am I going to the dance with?”
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@smarty0114 & @Hey Im Jordan
TIMESTAMP: Just before The Morning Show
The Halls
FEATURING: Jamie Callaghan & Owen Lyon

This was the first day of the rest of Owen Lyon’s life. He was free from the burden of reputation that followed him around in his past school, he had basically gotten to hit the reset button, and it was oddly freeing. Even homeroom, which he hated, seemed like something that he could easily overcome. That was why he strode up to the teacher with so much confidence, and handed her the paper he’d been given as part of his welcoming packet. Owen was being assigned a guide to show him around the school, which was something he desperately needed.

His last school had been a lot smaller, and a lot easier to navigate. Owen was already almost ten minutes late when he managed to make it to the homeroom class. After he talked with the homeroom teacher a bit and introduced himself, Owen was directed to Jamie’s desk. He walked across the room and stood in front of it, holding his right hand out to shake as he introduced himself.

“Hey, I’m Owen.” He slightly furrowed his brow, barely noticeable unless Jamie was paying close attention to his expression, and then he added after the briefest of pauses. Owen Lyon. You’re supposed to show me around the school for this period? The lady said the office told you.” Owen pointed at their homeroom teacher. The office, of course, had not said a damn thing to Jamie, but Owen slid a piece of paper across the desk that explained he was in fact telling the truth. Owen Lyon was, for the day, Jamie Callaghan’s ward.

There were better days for it.

Jamie looked up at Owen and tilted his head, lips pressed tight as he decided how much potential he saw in this new face. “Lyon. You’re Scott’s cousin.” He’d been doing a wonderful job ignoring the uncomfortable fact that his sister was dating AJ’s best friend, so of course the office sent his cousin to follow him around. “He’s about ready to elope with my sister, so I guess that makes us almost family. Which can be useful around here.” He finally decided he saw a good deal of potential, and stood to grab his bag. “They sent you to the right person, lucky for you. Let’s go, Owen Lyon, this place is way too big for its own good.”

He was glad to get out of Belmonte’s class after Decky, and the Jones’ abrupt exit, and he quickly led Owen back into the hall, letting out a sigh. He didn’t bother explaining where they were, or where they were going. Jamie wasn’t a map. He was, however, a trove of knowledge concerning the school’s social scene. Consequently, his tour was less about locations, and more about the dangerous creatures you might meet along the way. “So, like, what does Owen Lyon do? What’s your thing? You’ve gotta have a thing or you’ll just drift the halls alone like a sad, teenage ghost.”

Owen followed Jamie as he stepped out of the room, listening to him talk. It was about forty seconds into Jamie talking that Owen realized he’d been paired with a classic yapper. “Uh, teenage ghost doesn’t sound too bad to me. I had a bad time at my last school… so I’m sort of hoping to just skate under the radar?” He presented it as a question, as he wasn’t sure that skating under the radar was something that could be done at BHHS. Between what his dad and uncle had said, and what this guy was already saying… he wasn’t about to hold his fucking breath, that was for sure. “Scott and I aren’t really close, but my dad said I should try to hang out with him. He made it sound like this place is like, an active warzone.”

“I don’t really have a thing, by the way. I go to the gym, and I train a lot. I played football in my other school, but I’m not interested in trying out here.” Owen explained, hoping that Jamie wouldn’t dig too far into what he was saying. He didn’t want to cross that particular bridge quite yet, but he was trying his best to be sociable. “My parents and I are re-opening the gym my dad went to when he was here, so I’m thinking that’ll take up most of my time anyway.”

Jamie studied the boy next to him, curious as to just how genuine this kid was. Genuine people tended to mix poorly with the kids here, for better or worse. “Scott’s fine, but his friends suck,” he said, all too happy to throw AJ’s name in the mud. “Under the radar is an option here, but that’s boring, and you don’t seem boring. Broody, but not boring.” He sped up his pace and spun around so he could face Owen, walking backwards as he began to list off the potential safe havens for a new kid at BHHS. “You’ve got your classic band geeks, but that’s social suicide. If you smoke there’s the PLC for all your illicit substance needs, and if you’re serious about flying under the radar, the gamers like to practice there,” he said, pointing towards a closed door.

“You don’t seem like any of those though.” Jamie came to a stop in front of a large trophy case, filled with pictures of sports teams, past and present, and the myriad trophies that had been won for the school over the years. An empty space was reserved in the middle, where this season’s oversized golden cup was expected to eventually rest. “You, my friend, are an Elite.”

This was not the kind of tour Owen had expected. In his head, he’d imagined a quick trip around the school, a little ‘here’s the classrooms for the classes on your schedule,’ then bam, right back into the homeroom to finish up the day. Instead, he was getting the real tour of Beverly Hills High. To him, it almost felt like he was stepping into a TV show. “An Elite? What the hell even is that? It sounds like a boy band, and I ain’t no pop star.” Had he mentioned a PLC? Owen only knew PVC.

Owen shook his head as he could already feel that Jamie was trying to typecast him as a jock. He looked at the trophy case in front of him, and tried to defend himself before it became too late. “Dude, I’m really not trying to join a sports team. I get too competitive.” He hoped that Jamie wouldn’t pry any further, but every single fiber of his being said that he would. At least he hadn’t been Googled yet, though he could almost sense in Jamie’s aura that he would be shortly after this conversation. “What about you? What’s your group? I’m gonna guess it ain’t band geeks or the gamers.”

“They aren’t a boy band, unfortunately. And they aren’t all jocks,” Jamie said, quietly running through the mental list of Ethan Green’s band of brothers. It would be kind of nice if they could perform synchronized choreography to pop music, but alas, that was a fantasy for another day. “Okay, well, I guess that part’s not really true, but you don’t need to be a jock. They’re just,” Jamie let out a particularly perturbed sigh, “the ‘bros’, y’know? Not to typecast you or anything but like…is that not your thing? I mean, your parents own a gym.”

He crossed the hall and pointed at a poster advertising the school paper. “Trixie and I run the school paper, and keep track of everything that’s happening around here. Well, everything that matters. You can grab lunch with us if you want, but you don’t strike me as someone with a passion for journalism,” Jamie said. He crossed his arms and tilted his head. “Ethan thinks with his dick more than he should, but he’s not the worst person in the world.” He walked further down the hall, gesturing for Owen to follow. “What I’m saying is, you can either be a loser burnout, or you can put the biceps to good use and go get your parents some new gym patrons?” Jamie looked back at Owen with a smirk and a shrug. If he was being honest with himself, he needed a man on the inside of the Elite more than he needed Owen Lyon to survive his senior year, but sometimes you could kill two birds with one stone, and it always paid to get the new kid in your pocket. You never knew what tricks they might have up their sleeve. “Here, give me your phone,” Jamie extended his palm, tapping his fingers as though he had anywhere else to be.

Owen stared at Jamie as he held out his hand expectantly. Was this guy serious? Had Owen died and gone to hell? After Jamie asked for his phone, Owen didn’t hand it over. Instead, he focused on a particular part of what Jamie had said, “dude, are you hitting on me?” He asked, then looked down at his arm, absentmindedly tensing it slightly. They did look good, he supposed, but he wasn’t sure how to take what was happening then and there.

“Who’s doing the typecasting now?” Jamie replied, one eyebrow raised as he looked expectantly down at his empty hand. Owen was hot, Stevie Wonder could’ve figured that out. He was much too focused on a certain Gearhead however, and the events of thirty minutes ago, to even consider exploring that feeling. Besides, he knew a straight man when he saw one. “I’m making sure you don’t spend your last year of highschool as a complete and utter nobody. You will thank me later.”

He hesitated at first, and then thought back to his father’s words. BHHS was weird, and the number one rule was simply to not trust anyone. But where had trusting his parents ever really gotten him anyway? There was a hint of caution, but he dropped his phone into Jamie’s open palm.

“My gym’s not like… a weightlifting gym. It’s more for MMA, y’know? Self-defense. That kind of thing. You know anyone that might want to sign up? I can teach ‘em how to throw a mean 1, 2.” Owen quickly threw a couple of punches in the air, shadowboxing as if he were fighting with the very idea that he ‘belonged’ with the jocks. After he did so, he looked at Jamie almost as if he expected to impress the other boy with his half-hearted swings. “Are you a journalist? Cool. My last school didn’t have a paper.”

“Journalist, paparazzi, school’s biggest gossip. Pick your favorite I guess.” Jamie’s focus remained on the phone as he added two numbers. The first belonged to Ethan Green, and the second to Jamie himself. God, he really was starting to hand that out like candy. “Tell Ethan that I said he owes me one for not telling any of his girlfriends about eachother. He’ll get the hint,” he said, handing the phone back to Owen. “MMA?” He was hardly impressed by Owen’s shadowboxing, but he could still feel AJ’s breath on his neck and he took the bait. “You wanna teach me how to deck my ex-boyfriend? For legal reasons, I don’t think I actually want to. I just wouldn’t hate having the option.” He rubbed the mark on his neck, almost absentmindedly, and looked up at Owen. This was not his usual kind of friend, but this was not his usual kind of day, and the more he thought of it, the more he realized…he didn’t have a lot of fucking friends.

“Dude? Totally. I’ll text you the gym’s address, you can come by after? If you sign up for classes, you’ll probably be working with me. I can teach you how to throw a couple punches. Since you’re like… the first friend I’ve made, you don’t even have to pay. We have a discount.” Owen was making a hell of an assumption, but he could kind of feel it in the air. Neither one of them would normally socialize with the other, but fate seemed to have brought them together. And also, Owen wanted to make a good impression because meeting people was stressful and Jamie seemed connected enough to introduce him to a few different people. Including… the Elite, whoever that was. “For legal reasons, I can’t tell you to do it, but if your ex deserves it, they deserve it.” Owen opted to be gender inclusive, a little unsure of how he was coming off after the jab about typecasting. He didn’t mean anything by it! He just couldn’t help but notice when miring was happening. It wasn’t like he minded. What was the point of all the muscles if people didn’t look at them?

“Who’s Ethan?” Owen asked, looking down at the number in his phone. It was a bit weird to have someone playing friend matchmaker for him, but Owen was tentatively going to explore the option that Jamie was giving him. It seemed like the right thing to do, but that didn’t stop Owen from asking a second question. “Hey, if this uh, boy band tryout doesn’t work, you’re gonna teach me how to be a good journalist, right?” He grinned, and for the first time in a while, Owen found himself not feeling the weight of his past mistakes on his shoulders.

“Ethan Green. Lead singer of the boy band, so to speak. He’s throwing a party tomorrow, and you should be in attendance. ” He returned Owen’s smile with one of his own, more reserved, but still, surprisingly genuine. Another idea was beginning to take shape, featuring this new kid, his best friend, and some forced proximity. “The Newsroom is always open. You should talk to Trixie, she’s a much better teacher than me.”

Green? Owen frowned almost immediately after Jamie said the surname, as he recalled what his father had to say about that particular family. “Green? I don’t know about that one… my dad said everyone with the last name Green is evil.” He paused for a second, thinking about it to himself. What else had his dad said? “No, wait. He said the women were heartless demons and the guys are sometimes okay.” He shrugged, and pulled out his phone, quickly penning a text to the mysterious Green.

“Eh, it’s hit or miss. Ethan, Andy, and Diana? Safe to engage. Levi and Celeste? Keep your distance.” Jamie said, habitually looking over his shoulder to ensure they weren’t being overheard. You could never be too careful. “Which does bring me to the most important rule of surviving Beverly Hills High. Don’t piss off The Hive. Whatever mean girls you had at your last school pale in comparison to Naomi Davis.”

To: Ethan
yo, im new. my name’s owen. jamie suggested i text you
he said i need to be in attendance for your party tomorrow
he also said you owe him one for telling your girlfriends about each other

Owen dropped his phone back in his pocket, only then starting to realize how much blind faith he was putting in this guy he’d met only a few minutes ago. Unfortunately, there was no way for him to take it back, as the tweets were already flying over the airwaves. That only left one question burning in his mind, and Owen couldn’t help but blurt it out. “Trixie? She cute?”

Jamie smirked. He loved being right. “I’m sure you’ll decide that for yourself sooner rather than later.” He paused, debating just how hard he wanted to play this before deciding that he wouldn’t be a very good best friend if he didn’t take some risks. “But yes, she is.” Jamie’s next thought was interrupted by the slapping of shoes on linoleum, and the quickly passing figures of Levi Green-Locke and Butler. “Speak of the devil,” Jamie muttered, once they were out of earshot. “That’s Levi. Naomi’s red right hand.” Jamie took his phone out and checked the time. Perfect. “He doesn’t know it, but he’s got a meeting with me in ten minutes. You’ll be good on your own right?” He didn’t wait for confirmation. “Send me the address for your gym, and don’t flake on the party tomorrow. I’m your first real friend here, so you kind of have to.”

Owen had to admit, in his high school career, he hadn’t really had a friend do this much for him. He’d only known Jamie for a few minutes, but the other boy had already set him up with a party, a friend group, and was shilling a cute girl. This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, at least as far as Owen was concerned. Owen had been unable to do anything but stare as the pair of Levi and Butler walked past. He ended up not responding to Jamie’s question, or even acknowledging the request for the address - though that went unspoken.

“Does that kid have a bodyguard?”

Jamie gave a solemn nod. “Yeah, you’ll get used to it.”
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by BrutalBx


Member Seen 3 days ago

TIMESTAMP/FLASHBACK: Before start of school


@NeoAJ & @BrutalBx

The universe has a way of putting order to all things. Every organism, every molecule has a place to be, a role to fulfill unique to itself in what it does. That’s what’s right and just in the world.

It hasn’t felt that way for Lex Stratton lately.

Another fall day was starting to hit Beverly Hills, and it was another day where Lex Stratton seethed to begin her ritual. Things had not been going according to plan at BHHS, there was no order lately. The natural selection had been upended and she was still feeling the reverb. It made each of her actions carry that latent tinge of aggravation. Looking at the sun, picking out her clothes, applying her makeup, all was scored with the undertones of anger at the loss of her position.

As she came downstairs, there was one little bit of joy that was keeping her intact, but even that upending of the natural routine was coming to an end. While the Van Cise Promotional Agency required occasional tending from its CEO, Jacob Van Cise was never one to stay too long in the sunshine. He was a man who worked best in the shadows, making deals and securing roles for his clients and acts while taking none of the spotlight for himself. Not anymore. He didn’t have to. He had his legacy secured. He was one of the wisest men in the game.

And he doted after his granddaughters. One of them was interning at his New York office, the one Jacob would return to later today. But the other two were here, and one of them was already smiling at him in the breakfast nook. “Good morning, Grampa,” Alexandria offered to her elder. “Ready to fly out today?”

“Honey, Gramps is always ready to fly.” Jacob Van Cise had made his fortune as a young man. His mother was a holocaust survivor and his father a World War II veteran. Through their hard work and dedication, Jacob had learned the skills he needed to survive a dangerous world as a short, fat Jewish kid growing up in Yonkers.

His family's company, the VCP, goes all the way back to the days of PT Barnum. Albert Van Cise was a poor German immigrant looking to make a quick buck when he fell under the learning tree of the illustrious showman. Through Barnum, Albert learned the art of the deal and the power of promotion. Soon he gathered his puppets and playthings and opened the first Van Cise Cabinet of Curiosities in Coney Island. Albert soon branched out into a burgeoning sports world and eventually began promoting Boxing and even the Olympics. Since those gold dust days, a Van Cise has always had a hand in promoting sports, music and culture in the Western world.

In the modern era, Jacob was the patriarch, his son Kip, was making waves after a stellar basketball career, his daughter Penny was still training the future stars of women’s basketball, even his son’s brother-in-law was working for them as a promoter for nightclubs. What made him most proud was watching his grandchildren follow in his footsteps. Scarlett was studying business at Columbia, Theodore was the best high school Middle Linebacker in the country and Bronwyn was creating a name in the ice skating world. The twins however, Alexandria and Tallulah, were his favorites, in them he could see so much of himself.

“Are you ready to make those rich bitches bow at your feet today?”

“We’re always ready, you taught us that.” From behind Lex, Tally turned the corner into the kitchen. Her bright orange hair was illuminated by the California sunlight but sat in stark contrast to the harsh black make-up she had applied to her stunning face. The twins were not identical; with each taking various aspects from their mixed heritage but what they lacked in mirrored features, they made up for in presence and personality. There was a reason that Lex and Tally were known as Toxic. They were dangerous to touch, deadly to love and they would burn you from the inside out.

“And if those bitches aren’t ready, we’ll swiftly teach them that they should be,” Lex confirmed, even if the subtext seemed to be less smug and more angry. While her makeup was usually a little more subtle than her twin sister’s, that was like saying a lion was more gingerly ripping up your torso than a bear. Both aimed for lethal damage, and they knew they had the ability to flaunt it. “You’ll have to give Scar our best, Grampa. Miss her sooooo much, but I know she’s getting ready to take New York by the balls and make it her own.”

Scarlett was a big reason the Toxic Twins had the success they did from the second they entered BHHS. The groundwork that the eldest Stratton had laid out enabled them to build their network quickly and assert themselves as the source for all the devil’s pleasures that could be had under the sun. Lex missed that every day guidance, but every Stratton had to be able to fend for themselves at some point.

“Your sister is on the thirteenth floor, Alexandria. I barely see her but I’ll make sure she gets the message through one of my assistants.” Jacob straightened his tie as he meandered around the kitchen nonchalantly. It was a beautiful tactic, appearing absentminded and wispy when facing down a fellow predator. It lulled one into a sense of security before their inevitable end. Those of the Van Cise blood were born to take what they could and give nothing back. They were pirates, they were an encroaching nation, they were inevitable. “I hear you’ve been losing business. That’s not really becoming of one of us, let alone two. What’s happening girls?”

Tally bunched up her fists, her painted nails digging into her palms. She knew Grandpa would ask about this. He knew everything, hell she wouldn’t be surprised if he had a spy somewhere in the school. He’s played dirtier games before that was for sure. “It’s this stupid southern bitch, she’s got some product that we just can’t compete with and she ended up stealing our fucking patzy too.”

Of course Talullah was pissed, she and her sister had worked to earn their patch in the parking lot. They’d spent years building clients and keeping their name alive. However, Tally didn’t really mind as much as Lex did. The younger Stratton enjoyed what she did as much as her twin but recently she had really began to feel a pull on her mind. A pull towards something else beyond the realm of business in which she was raised. She would never admit it to her grandpa but Tally had simply outgrown the brand and wanted to do her own thing, out of the shadow of the VCP.

“Both our fall girls,” Lex confirmed. “The one we burned and the one we hadn’t yet.” There was always going to be a cost to doing the business that they had chosen, but that cost was easily mitigated if there was someone else to take the blame. Nevaeh was gullible enough to think her status in the community and as a cheerleader would protect her from the police, but she was wrong. She served her purpose. Losing Everly though? That stung. She was the perfect person to set up if they needed to take some heat off. It’s why Nevaeh was thrown out first. She was never believable as someone who would fully break bad. Plus, getting Everly to come out of the closet was the bit of altruism that Lex felt made their “partnership” worth it.

“That Texan trailer trash just seems to be one step ahead of us. She got the drop on our business by bringing in our dead weight, and then she got a hold of this new strain that’s become the people’s choice. It was not a part of the plan.”

“If you can’t compete with the product kids, then get a better product or better yet, take theirs.” Jacob pulled out his phone and began typing. “Everybody has a price, everyone. You get their supplier, you get their product and your business will be back up on top in no time. That’s not a prediction, that’s a spoiler.”

Lex smiled at hearing one of her grampa’s favorite lines. The elder Van Cise was always full of confidence, and it was something she tried to emulate in everything she did. When she started playing guitar in public, she made sure her persona matched that swagger that he embodied in everything he did, matched with her mother’s tenacity and willingness to play dirty if she had to.

Was that why it was so shocking that it wasn’t working in the face of this challenger from the South? Anyone else who had tried to horn in on their racket quickly wilted under the intense financial, mental and physical pressure that the Twins were able to put on people. Now, given the PLC boasted people who knew all sides of that triangle choke, what were they going to do? Again, Grampa had the answer. They had to find the source.

“I have some ideas on how to take care of that problem,” Lex assured her grandfather. “Their supplier is… erratic, but has a very exploitable weakness. We just need to figure out how best to coax her to our side. Once we do that, there is no way she can resist the… attraction.”

“Figure it out, girls. Make them acknowledge you.” Jacob finished typing on his phone and placed it back into his jacket. “I’ve got to go catch my flight but I just transferred you both some allowance and I left a new guitar and surfboard in Tallulah’s Jeep.” Leaving his post behind the kitchen island; the shyster from Bronx played a kiss on each of his granddaughters cheeks. “Don’t be good, my babies. Be better.” He turned towards the exit and waved one final time to his girls. “Top guy, out.” Jacob departed the Stratton house quite swiftly for a man of his portly size but the simple fact of the matter was if money was to be made, nothing would get in his way.

Tallulah let out a sigh as she felt her phone vibrate in her jacket; a notification to say that the money had arrived in her account. She glanced towards her twin with her pale eyes which she soon rolled. “So basically what he said is that he wants one of us to fuck that tiny blonde chick that’s always with the PLC? Rock. Paper. Scissors?”

Lex was checking her phone to confirm that Jacob’s gift was indeed in her account. Sometimes it was tough to tell, there was so much money in there. “I mean, I did say it was a very exploitable weakness. Feels like I can’t make it through the parking lot without hearing her making a pass at every woman from here to that shithole Fresno.” The older twin sister assumed the position for the RPS game. “One, two, three, shoot!” Alexandria, sharp as ever, decided to throw down the pair of scissors.

Tally shot for rock and smiled as she defeated her older sister. “On the bright side, I hear she’s a good lay.” She slapped her sister on the arm before taking a step back and picking up her car keys from the counter top. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll have yourself a good time being tongue deep in the pixie.” The orange haired Stratton lifted her bag from the floor and tossed it over her shoulder. “And if she sucks I’ll cook you a hell of a meal to wash the taste out. Come on sis, the peasants await.”

“Shit,” Lex cursed as she gathered the rest of her stuff. “You better not be lying about that. All that energy has to be good for something.” She grabbed a banana and a bagel before picking up her bag.

The trip to the school was uneventful, and Tally had a customer to take care of, so Lex solemnly headed to home room. It was mostly her clientele that had been suckered away by the PLC, so she had time to seethe and think about her next plan of action. Addie Davies-Jones wasn’t there, so she would have to be tracked down at some point. No small task given her penchant for flinging herself around the school like a drunken pinball. No matter. Grampa said it had to be done. She had to keep the business alive… right?

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Bee
Avatar of Bee

Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Timestamp: 6:50 AM, October 18th, 2024
Location: Nguyen Residence -> Oli Woli’s Bike :3

‘Twas the morning of October 18th.

All through the house,

Not a single creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

Except for Jade Nguyen.

She was clicking hard on her at her computer,

And she couldn't have been any more ruder.

An ally has been slain.

Jade sat at her desk, her legs up and mostly covered by the comically oversized hoodie she had on, the hood covering her disheveled hair and headset as she clicked at her mouse furiously, before stopping to start typing rather quickly, and with a lot of vinegar behind the words..

25:19 [Team] itmejade (Akali): r u fking serious rn
25:22 [Team] onepieceisreal (Jinx): wat

The cool blue lit up Jade’s face, her face slightly tensing up as she had to deal with yet another idiot on Summoner’s Rift. It had been a really poor night for her in her endeavors today. All she wanted to do was get some games in before she had to go waste her time at school, and maybe get some LP for her time and effort. But nope, there always had to be that one idiot to ruin it all.

Jade swore that it was only her games, and she had to attract some of the biggest idiots to ever grace the face of the Earth in her games. Currently, Jade was trying her hardest to carry yet another game as the midlaner of her team. She had ten of the team’s fifteen kills, yet the team was up by what was currently seven kills.

The seasoned League player knew that number was going to keep going up at this rate. She was almost checked out and nearly went into auto-pilot mode, but something about how this Jinx was playing was bothering her immensely. Maybe it was the time of day, Jade wasn’t really a morning person. She was just a really really really late night person. Maybe it was the immense amount of League she’d been playing for the past few weeks. It seemed like every waking hour of her day, she was doing something on League of Legends.

25:27 [Team] itmejade (Akali): wat u mean wat? are u stupid? lmao
25:29 [Team] itmejade (Akali): why would u go in LMAO who said u could do that
25:32 [Team] itmejade (Akali): lmfao imagine starting a fight as a 2/7 two item jinx
25:36 [Team] itmejade (Akali): are u ok, do u need help?
25:37 [Team] itmejade (Akali): no person with a brain would ever do that lmfaoooooo
25:38 [Team] itmejade (Akali): i bet ur bus to school is really short

Jade continued to type, before stopping to move her mouse around and click around to see what was going on in the rest of her game as her little ninja lady stayed in her lane and continued on her way back.

25:42 [Team] onepieceisreal (Jinx): what is ur problem dude
25:44 [Team] itmejade (Akali): ur my problem
25:50 [Team] itmejade (Akali): do u need help? do you need someone to pay for your therapy? i will pay for u

Jade glanced over at the chatbox once her message was sent, before seeing that stupid magician man come up to her and try to hit her with his cards. Clicking off to the side, Jade was trying to dodge like her life depended on it (which, it sort of did).

25:53 [Team] Papas gatito (Aatrox): akali can u stfu
25:54 [Team] Papas gatito (Aatrox): you’re actually not helping.
25:56 [Team] BIG BOY (Lee Sin): lmfao right?
25:57 [Team] lil peeper (Yuumi): So fed but you’re still not doing anything for us LOL.
25:59 [Team] itmejade (Akali): stfu yuumi you're literally more useful as a walking ward that's all ur good at LOL

Jade was clenching her jaw so hard that she was practically mewing after reading the chat. However, her screen turned gray as her ninja girl yelped out and fell to the ground, followed by a blind monk as the fedora-wearing man danced in place for a good five seconds.

Enemy Double Kill!

Now that Jade was dead again, and she handed over a bounty to the other team, her (basically non-existent) mental fortitude had snapped and she immediately went back to typing.

26:05 [Team] itmejade (Akali): omg this game is actually over ff team gap
26:06 [Team] itmejade (Akali): ff
26:07 [Team] itmejade (Akali): ff
26:08 [Team] itmejade (Akali): pls ff lmao
A surrender vote has been started! Type /surrender or /nosurrender.

Enemy Triple Kill!

Your team agreed to a surrender with four votes for and one vote against.

Once she saw the boxes fill with green, Jade felt a weight lift off of her shoulders as the camera panned to the nexus. However, she had just one more thing to say.

26:20 [All] itmejade (Akali): i would literally have syphilis than play with this team again lol team gap

The game client exited, and Jade looked down to see her little black rectangle light up on her desk as her screen transitioned to the game client. She didn't even bother to look at what was on her computer monitor as she remembered there was actually a world outside of her two monitors and whatever else she was sitting in front of. Who was texting her right now?

It was none other than her precious Oli Woli (:3) and he was on his way! Jade smiled, before (mentally) replying to him and locking her phone away. Jade absolutely did not see the thirst trap that Oli had sent her either, all she had seen was the text stating he was on his way. For someone who typed so much in video games, it was very hard to be a worse texter than Jade was. She constantly claims that it’s due to her mentally replying and forgetting to actually type the response, but not even Jade knew why she kept doing that. Though, she was somewhat better with Oli, but not this time. She got too into her games.

The zealous gamer then slowly realized that she had to put on actual clothes and not just shorts and one of Oli’s hoodies. The hoodie could stay, but the shorts not so much. Nobody was worthy of seeing her in these shorts, save for one person.

Throwing on a pair of black jeans, Jade moved the pile of clothes stacked on her bed back into her computer chair, before grabbing her super dope Cinnamoroll backpack and matching helmet that Oli absolutely helped her pick out. Opening the door and leaving her room, Jade walked out to the absolutely vacant foyer of her house. The house was dead quiet as it usually was around this time - her parents had left for work a few minutes before Jade’s game had ended.

Pulling her phone out, Jade opened up her “Find My” app and immediately looked for the circle with Oli Woli’s goofy, shit-eating grin get closer and closer to her house. Plucking the keys off of the holder next to her, Jade opened the door and left her house, turning around to see her beloved boyfriend’s bike finally pull up in front of her arms.

Jade walked gleefully toward Oli, putting her arms out for a hug as she greeted her boyfriend. ”Oli! :3” Jade smiled, before climbing on the back of his bike.

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Melissa
Avatar of Melissa

Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Wells Residence(s) → The Road → School.
Timestamp: Honestly, they're definitely late.
Small FT: Savannah Wells @Melissa
& Mason Wells @Aces Away


Hope & Helen Wells
@Melissa & @LovelyComplex


Hope was up with the sun, like she was most mornings, not even needing the sound of her alarm to get out of bed. Her older brother often joked she was likely a Disney Princess in another life because no normal person woke up that happy, and he had a point. The redhead rose each day eager and excited to tackle whatever challenges came her way, head on. This morning especially, she was looking forward to the day ahead. Spirit Week was by far one of her favorite BHHS traditions, which made sense because Halloween was her favorite holiday, and each day was like a mini version of it.

She sat on her bed scrolling through her phone (since she had been ready for a while already) and over the sound of her music she heard a familiar car horn sound, signaling that it was time to get a move on. Hope loved nothing more than carpooling with her cousins to school, as it was quality time they got to spend together each day, no matter how busy she was with extracurriculars. Not to mention, it was also extremely convenient as they lived right across the street from each other.

“Hope!” Her mother yelled up from downstairs, as if she didn’t think her daughter heard the obnoxious honking outside.

“Yeah, I’m going!” The redhead called down before grabbing her things, turning off the lights, and shutting her bedroom door behind her. She tore down the stairs in a hurry, not wanting to keep her cousin waiting for too long, but quickly popped into the kitchen to grab a granola bar. The girl moved quickly, darting in and out of the pantry and making a break for the front door.

“Not so fast,” A voice tutted, stopping Hope in her tracks. Savannah Wells leaned casually up against the island, savoring her morning cup of coffee poured from the pot her husband had brewed for her before he left for work. Hope was often told she was the spitting image of her mother; the woman was now in her late 40’s but still somehow managed to look ageless and youthful. “Can you please double check with Michael today what time he’s coming to pick you up tomorrow for the dance? I texted Joy to ask but she doesn’t know either and I want to make sure we have enough time for pictures.”

“Okay, I will.” Hope nodded and turned to leave, but hesitated. Without missing another beat, she ran over to her mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek goodbye. “Love you! See you tonight.”

In a flash of red curls, she was out the door, running towards Helen’s car and sliding inside nimbly. “~Good morning!” She chimed in a sing-song voice, all too cheerfully.

The same routine as usual. Helen Wells, the goth bitch of her class, who was the daughter of Riley Wells, a beloved teacher of her school, and cousin to Little Miss Sunshine, spent a couple hours finding the perfect look to stand out from the crowd. Within those same hours, she had a long beauty routine, making sure her skin smelt like cherry, crushed pistachio and whipped vanilla. Most importantly though? Her make up was on fleek.

Today, however, was the day everyone would dress like her because their school had edgy colors and she was the literal queen of edge. Since it was October, she decided to take her aesthetic to the next level spirit week, using it as her opportunity to cosplay as goth characters people knew in mainstream media. PJ day, she was Shego, because let's be real, PJs are best when watching cartoons. Tuesday she was dressed as Sam Manson from Danny Phantom, transferring her main outfit to look sporty. Who doesn’t like a goth bitch in their jersey? Wednesday she was Wednesday Addams dressed as an Indian from Addams Family Values because before there were cowboys, there were Indians. Thursday she was Raven from Teen Titans, but she made the look: hippie goth. Once again, who doesn’t like a goth in loose clothing, especially one who is the daughter of a supremely powerful and dangerous inter-dimensional demon? Obviously, Helen knew exactly what she was doing and knew how to make the boys, and girls, and everything in between go wild. Finally, today, she chose to be Katherine, from Vampire Diaries. A seductive, evil, and venomous vampire. Red eyes, a dress that would make Mo moan in excitement, sharp nails to kill, and fangs that were meant for biting. Now add her hearse that her grandpa Jareth gave her? She was a dark goddess, a walking nightmare, and a bitch in hot red stilettos. A dame to kill for and a dame to die by. The Queen of Hell.

Usually she took so long to get ready that her brother would head out first, and she’d have very little time to eat anything. She’d rush downstairs, grab her things, and say ‘Love you dad, bye dad’ before rushing to her car and pulling out of the driveway, just to drive into another one, straight ahead, that belonged to her Uncle Trevor and Aunty Sav. It was freshman year when she stopped wanting affection from her fathers and while she knew it broke their hearts, she just had enough going on and didn’t want to seem needy for her dads. Plus, she didn’t always smell like her perfume and the last thing she needed was them to ask questions.

Like clockwork, she found herself dressed to impress, in her hearse, waiting for the brightest person in her life and oddly enough, best friend (by blood) to come prancing out the door. Amy Kwon was also her best friend but that was more like soul sisters that were each other's ride or die. Someone she met and was like yeah, you’re my bitch. Hope was her cousin she grew up with and couldn’t help but want to look out for her. Before there was Amy, there was Hope. And Troy, of course, but ew, her brother could fuck off and do his own thing. “You’re chipper, as always,” Helen responded to her cousin who nestled herself into her seat, as the passenger princess. Glancing in her side mirror, she could see her father, the sex therapist one, coming out of the door. She grumbled, “Here we go again.” Bringing her window down, she called out, “Dad, it’s fine! We can just get a burger or something.”

“You name me one burger place between here and school that’s as nutritious as my homemade meals,” Mason responded, pout out in full force as he leaned down to her window and thrust the bags past her towards Hope. “They’re made with love, Hellie! That’s the most important ingredient! Hi there Hope baby I put some snacks in there for you too,” He added, grinning at his niece. His husband’s family was his too after all, and he had to take care of family.

Hope gave Helen a once over, her jaw popping open at her cousin’s choice of outfit for the last day of spirit week. “You look HOT! I wish I could pull off a vampire look like you can. Maybe I’ll have to borrow that for Halloween…” She trailed off and began to look around the car, clearly searching for something. “Speaking of borrow-” The redhead started, but was interrupted by Helen calling out to her dad who was racing down the driveway trying to catch them before they left. Hope gladly accepted the bags of food as they were handed to her, offering her Uncle a bright smile in return.

“Thanks Uncle Mason! You’re the best.”

“I do my best to be my best!” He replied with a dopey grin at the girl. His smartwatch started blaring on his wrist and the father of two shot up in response, only to hit the back of his head on the inside of his daughter’s car from when he’d leaned in. “OWWwww Dammit!” He whined, rubbing the wounded spot harshly. His watch continued to ring, alerting him of his first patients having entered the virtual waiting room for their session, and he looked frantically between the two Wells girls and the window to his home office. “Okay! Love you two, I’ve gotta go but there’s three bags there! Troy left so early this morning and he didn’t take it either,” the blonde man huffed in disappointment, looking like a kicked puppy. Before she could react, Mason finished his interaction by laying a quick kiss to the side of his daughter’s head, careful of the exceptionally done makeup on her face, and ran back toward the house while yelling over his shoulder, “Bye Hellcat, kick ass today at school baby I love you!!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he gets it. Bye, love you!” Hope called out to her Uncle as he retreated to his office, turning to her cousin and laughing at the affection ambush. “Anyway, as I was about to say, did you bring them?”

“Yeah, backseat,” Helen replied, watching her father through the rearview mirror. She was glad Hope did all the talking. Less effort for her if her cousin did the back and forth with her dad. Thankfully they were saved by one of his client appointments. It was too early to entertain him, especially when he always seemed to want affection and validation nowadays. She loved her dad but she certainly had enough going on. He didn’t need to worry about her, she could take care of herself.

Even if she got up early to do her makeup, making sure it was on fleek, Helen Wells was not a morning person. She thrived at night and became her most creative when the city of fallen angels was asleep. Her cousin was the opposite and had so much bounce in her step. Whimsical, carefree, and walking on sunshine: those were a few descriptors that Helen would use for her dear Hope. Their family either flourished under the sun or under the moon and it seemed that the two girls in a black hearse were a different side of the same coin. Once she directed Hope to the backseat, Helen revved up her engine and backed out of the driveway.

While turning the car, she brusquely probed, “Got any plans this weekend? Like going to the dance with Mikey or something? Seems like something you’d do. Go to the dance with your best friend.” This wouldn’t be the first time Helen tried to get Hope to cave and spill the tea. She wanted to see if there was more to her relationship with the tall, handsome, blonde boy next door than she was giving. There was no way they didn’t have something. In Helen’s head, she had already made up her mind: they were totally fucking.

Hope sighed in relief, “You’re the best, Hellie.” The redhead nimbly maneuvered over the center console into the back of the hearse, spotting a canvas tote propped up on one of the seats. Opening the bag and looking inside, she grinned, “Can you believe I don’t own anything black?” She asked, rhetorically, as they both already knew the answer. Even though Hope theoretically could have worn red and still remained spirited for Homecoming, she rarely did so since she felt it clashed with her vibrant locks. So, she often raided her built-in bestie’s closet, which had an abundance of options in the black variety. Hope pulled the clothes that her cousin was letting her borrow for the day out of the bag, inspecting what she had selected for her this time- a simple pair of black jeans and a cropped polo tank that would show off her midriff.

One of the perks of Helen driving a hearse? Tinted back windows, which meant Hope could change without fear of anyone seeing her. The redhead began to strip as the vehicle started to move, grasping the hem of the tee shirt she was wearing and pulling it over her head. “Spiff and I aren’t going together, silly. He’s just driving me there.”

The Wells’ and O’Connor’s weren’t just friends, they were family. Hope’s father and Michael’s father grew up together and had been best friends for their entire lives. Once they settled down and started their own families, it was only fitting that their children be just as close. Raised in the same neighborhood, the four children were practically inseparable, Hope and Michael especially. They were the same age, born only a few weeks apart, and did just about everything together. High school may have changed a few things - they ran in very different circles and had vastly different schedules- but their friendship never wavered.

“No one asked me to go, and I guess Michael couldn’t pick who he wanted to take between his many, many flings.”

“Why don’t you ask—” Him. “ —someone? or are you waiting for your Disney prince to sweep you off your feet?” Helen teased, rolling her window down a crack. As she drove, she brought her sunvisor down to check her makeup. With her left hand, she held onto the steering wheel and with the other she used it to grab her phone. Her phone was already connected to her radio by bluetooth and unfortunately (or fortunately) for Hope, Helen Wells absolutely needed music while she drove. She kept the volume low enough so they could talk. The Sacrament by Him resounded through her speakers. Another distinction that separated her from her cousin, their music taste.

Subsequently, the raven haired girl opened her center console and took out her cool tone lipstick to touch up her lips. Helen glanced at the road briefly, making sure she was not swerving or coming up behind anyone. She smoothly applied her lipstick, nonchalantly. She drove with little care in the world, focusing on the main thing that mattered to her: herself. Afterwards, she grabbed the cover and closed her lipstick tube, dexterous and nimble, just how she was in bed. “Like baby, we’re seniors and you’re still a virgin.”

From lipstick to cigarettes, Helen kept herself busy, one way or another. She wasn’t one to sit still as she drove. Although her mask hid it well, her mind was running a mile a minute. Keeping her console open, she grabbed a cigarette out of her pack of Camel Turkish-Domestic Blend and placed it in her mouth. She wasn’t going to roll her window completely down until Hope was done changing but this was her car and she was going to smoke. Her car, her rules. Hope knew the deal.

At this point in their drive the gothic goddess had already taken a couple of turns and now she was slowing down to a red stoplight. In quick motions she grabbed her black luxury electric lighter (it had a dragon on it). When she lit her cancer stick, her shoulders relaxed. Placing her lighter down and closing the center console, she leaned in her seat. Breathing the smoke in, letting it sit in her throat, having craved the taste, she enjoyed a moment of peace. This was the calm before the storm. School was a nightmare and she knew she’d hate today just how she hated everyday.

Exhaling in relief, Helen directed her smoke out of the window. What was it like to be a virgin? She wouldn’t remember. She wasn’t a nympho; she just knew what most people wanted wasn’t her. It was her body. Sex was good, especially if you were a good teacher and weren’t afraid to tell your lover what you wanted. Sex could be great if there was a proper line of communication. Usually there wasn’t and most of her peers couldn’t help but let her down. She was a good teacher and sex was one of her greatest skills. Some people didn’t like to listen and it was their loss in the end because she wasn’t the one disappointing people in bed. They were. “I guess it’s a positive thing you’re such a good, little girl. I’m sure it makes your dad proud he hasn’t lost his princess to some fucker.”

Hope continued to change in the back of the hearse, peeling off her leggings and tugging on the pair of jeans. It took some additional effort to get them over her thighs and hips, they were so tight that they left nothing to the imagination; neither did the cutouts where the pockets should have been. Skinny jeans were not the norm for the redhead; most of the clothing she thrifted tended to be baggier and looser, more free. In fact, most of the time she opted to wear skirts or dresses, foregoing pants altogether.

She shook her head at her cousin’s teasing, carefully manipulating the provided tank top over her defined curls without separating or ruffling them. “I really don’t need to go with anyone, I promise! I’m fine on my own. Trust me, I’m not waiting around for Charming to show up when he feels so inclined.” The shirt was almost as tight as the pants, hugging her chest, the v-neck revealing some (thankfully) tasteful cleavage. “Sure, Hel, say it a bit louder. Hope’s a virgin, whoop-dee-doo! Not all of us can be as tantalizing as you, you know.”

The hearse started moving again.

Of course, deep down, Hope wanted a romance just like her parents. They were high school sweethearts, one might even say soulmates, if you believed in that sort of thing. Picture perfect- the kind of couple that’s featured in the frame when you buy it at the store. They met her mother’s junior year, her dad’s senior year, and instantly clicked. He even gave her a promise ring when he went off to college; they were a timeless, old-school love story. The redhead would be lying if she didn’t say she yearned for the same thing. But she was far too busy to date, and even if she did in fact meet someone, she’d run into the issue of bringing them home to face her father… her police officer father. Definitely a mood killer.

Fully dressed, Hope climbed back into the passenger's seat, rolling down the windows to let out the remainder of Helen’s cigarette smoke that had been circulating the cabin. “Like he would ever let that happen,” She laughed, “I love my dad, but I truly fear the day I have to introduce my future boyfriend to him. I don’t think he’ll take it well.”

Helen flicked her cigarette out the window. Her cousin’s words went in one ear and out the other. It was the same-o, same-o. Nothing seemed to change and they were already in their senior year. Car rides with the sweet cinnamon roll was part of the routine, which also included Helen only partly listening, picking and choosing what she wanted to hear. Hope feared to take risks and get out of her comfort zone and that was likely due to the mere fact that Uncle Trev was a cop. If they switched parents, Helen would see that as a challenge.

Sure, Hel, say it a bit louder.

Helen sadistically smirked.

Hope should know better. Be careful what you say around the Hellcat; your words might come back to bite you in the ass. With both windows down and the school fastly approaching, Helen pushed the pedal to the metal, going over the speed limit, no longer caring about the law. With her powerful, well-trained and robust voice, Helen tactlessly hollered, “MY COUSIN IS A VIRGIN. SOMEBODY COME GET HER!”

The redhead’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head, her cheeks rapidly turning the color of her tresses. Slowly, oh so slowly, she craned her head at her cousin in pure disbelief, her jaw slack and mouth popped open. “You did not just do that, you did not just-”

Realization hit, and Hope exploded in a fit of panic. “HELEN!” The girl rushed to roll up the windows, praying they’d close faster, before burying her face in her hands and attempting to disappear altogether. She hoped the hearse would swallow her whole and carry her casket far, far away from prying eyes and ears. “I can’t believe you right now!” She shrieked, “Some of us are not as comfortable with their sexuality as you are, Hel. Not all of us have sex therapist fathers who have been handing out condoms on Halloween since the early aughts!”

“How many redlights do you think we can ride past without us getting hit or a cop pulling us over?” Helen’s eyes sparked with excitement as she immediately undid Hope’s hard work of bringing the windows up, locking them afterwards when they were halfway down. She was enjoying herself too much. They were now going down a long, busy street with multiple stoplights. Their school was near the end of this, after another right turn and one more left. They could cut ten minutes down to five, if they didn’t stop and obey the law. “If you don’t want to die, I want you to scream something. First thing that comes to mind. I will stop when you let go. Oh, look, first stoplight.” She raced through it, a blue sedan stepping on its brakes and profusely honking. “Come on, Hope, stop being a pussy and SCREAM.”

“Helen Wells! You’re kidding me right now!” Hope squealed as the car continued to coast, bringing her hand up instinctively to hold the handle above her seat. She kept her eyes pierced on the dark haired girl as they rolled down the street with no signs of stopping. The redhead loved her cousin, truly, but in moments like this she questioned her sanity and overall well being. Not desiring to have an untimely end or ending up an unsightly pile of debris, the redhead chose to scream at the top of her lungs, deciding in that moment to not be concerned in the slightest with those around them,

“FUCK, HELEN! I JUST WANT TO BE PUT FIRST!” Hope screamed, the first thing that came to her mind.

And she meant it. For so long, the girl has always put others before herself, and deep down she wanted someone to put her needs before their own. It definitely wasn’t what Helen was expecting to hear, but something about the situation, the anxiety it caused, forced her to speak.

The music turned down and the Undertaker, that’s what she called her baby, slowed a bit, going a normal, legal speed. Unlocking her windows, she brought them up and didn’t say anything in response. Not right away. She wanted Hope to think about what she had just said for a moment. She wanted her cousin to sit in her thoughts and let the weight of her words fill the atmosphere of her car. She loved her cousin, dearly, but sometimes it was like pulling teeth to get to the root of her emotions. Sure, Helen sometimes went about things… uniquely and perhaps a little batshit crazy but at least it got her best friend to talk. Helen knew how she was feeling before hearing it come out of Hope’s mouth — she grew up with the girl, she wasn’t that hard to read — but she wanted Hope to hear herself say those words.

She wanted Hope to be selfish.

I want to be put first.

If she was being transparent, full disclosure, Helen wanted to take pages out of Hope’s book and do some good for others. Learn how to touch hearts and make them remember her name not because of her body, but because she was a decent human being that cared about things. Helen knew she was selfish and it had nothing to do with how her fathers raised her. It had everything to do with her anger. Freshman year taught her many valuable lessons and was a wake up call. Freshman year was the chapter that changed her forever. Freshman year sucked.

She wasn’t one to deep dive into her past. No one knew what she went through that year, it was irrelevant at this point, and she was determined to keep it that way. But she knew that year changed her, for better or for worse, past the point of no return. Helen promised herself that year no matter what, she would always put herself first. Before her friends, before her family, before anyone, Helen Wells was going to take care of HER. If that made her a selfish, fucking bitch, so be it, who cares what they had to say? This was her life. The person that she was always laying in bed with at night was herself. Rye a lot of times too but that’s beside the point. He didn’t like being alone and she got that. He was her twink, so by nature, he was an extension of her and would always be welcomed into her bed like a teddy bear was for a child. (Weird comparison, but you get what I mean.) Hope was the exact opposite and both her and the gorgeous redhead beside her leaned heavily one way or the other that it was: unhealthy. Hope needed to live and Helen needed to be still. Would they ever be able to achieve such challenging feats?

Only time could tell.

“So,” Helen spoke, breaking the silence and stopping at the last redlight, right before the turn that led to their school. “You’re waiting for someone to put you first.”

Hope peeled her clammy hand from the grab handle and attempted to slow her heartbeat and steady her breathing. She inhaled and exhaled deeply, audibly, as the car paused at the signal, a welcome reprieve from the chaos that had just ensued. She broke eye contact with her cousin, letting her gaze wander out her window, and wiped her sweaty palm on her jeans. It was out of character for the girl to admit such things, completely contradictory in fact, of her long term goals and aspirations.

She’d never dared to utter those words out loud, but she’d felt it for a while. The redhead had aspired to be selfless for as long as she could remember. Her work as a CNA and her dreams of joining the Peace Corps were all about serving others, and she loved knowing the profound impact she could make. But between the honors classes, the tutoring sessions and the volunteering, Hope wanted to be taken care of. Of course, her doting mother and father always had her back and supported her, but she wanted someone, not blood, to care just an ounce as much about her as she did about everyone else. It was something she struggled with, something she felt guilty about, and Helen’s unconventional methods had pulled those rogue thoughts straight to the surface.

The girl crossed her arms and continued to divert her gaze away from her cousin as they waited at the stoplight. She bit the inside of her cheek as she stared out the window, contemplating what had just occurred. Hope sighed, exasperated. “Yes, I do.” She finally looked at Helen, letting a glimpse of displeasure flicker in her normally positive eye. “Are you happy now?”

“Ecstatic,” Helen sarcastically retorted, knowing she hit a nerve. She didn’t pity her cousin nor did she care that she put the passenger princess in a vulnerable place. In reality, the songstress wanted to set things in motion for the innocent bambino that was Hope Wells. Life wasn’t going to conveniently give her a prince charming to swoop her off her feet to take care of her and even if it did, their rare breeds. Rare breeds were still only human. Even prince charmings were deeply flawed. No one person could check every box that her cousin had on her ‘dream boyfriend’ prerequisite list. That’s why communication was key and would be essential for any successful relationship her cousin would pursue and any future endeavor her cousin would tackle. Helen anticipated this year would be different for Hope but the only person who could make it different was Hope. If she really wanted it to, her dreams could be more than just dreams. All she had to do was be a little selfish and chase this feeling, this deep desire to be loved and be loved in return. Finally, Helen entered the school gates and decided to drive Hope to the front (she’d park afterwards).

After shifting her car into park, Helen offered one last piece of advice, “Hey Hope, I love you, I do, but bitch.” Okay maybe she wasn’t the best communicator, but she meant well and aimed to get her point across one way or another. “How do you expect someone to take care of you if you are just wasting your time waiting? And don’t use your studies and all that extra shit as an excuse. You drown yourself in work and other people’s problems and what does little Hope get in the end?” Nothing, obviously. “Late at night you wonder: why am I like this? Well, Tiger, that’s all you baby girl. You better start changing up how you do things because you only got one more year here. One more year to be a kid and fuck up without carrying the weight of being an adult. Don’t waste your last year being such a good girl. Like sheesh. Live a little. Take a page out of my book. See where it takes you.” Helen grabbed her phone to check her text messages, waiting for the emotional Wells to exit so she could park and smoke another cigarette. What? She had a problem. She’ll quit eventually. For sure, for sure. That day wasn’t today.

The more her cousin talked, the more upset Hope got. She may have had a solid point or two, but it was evident that Helen’s priorities and motivations were very different than hers, and that was what the dark haired girl was missing. Sure, she knew that packing her schedule to the brim probably wasn’t the healthiest thing in the world, but other than that she wouldn’t change a damn thing. Hope was sure of herself, she was confident, and it was unfair for Helen to assume that “living a little” would miraculously solve all of her problems. The redhead's deepest desire and dilemma, wanting a fraction of the compassion that she put out into the universe, was not going to come to fruition by making juvenile mistakes. Helen didn’t get that though, because she was too consumed in her own world to see it.

In the redhead’s eyes, she could have her cake and eat it too. She was a good student, a good friend, a good daughter, and an objectively good person. It was enough for her. And hopefully, one day, it’d be enough for someone else.

Hope bit her tongue, aiming to take the high road like she always did, but hurt still showed in her eyes. Arguing with her cousin right now was not going to solve anything, especially as they were parked right outside the school where prying eyes lurked, but that didn’t mean that she was going to let things slide easily.

“Don’t bother waiting for me at the end of the day, I’ll catch a ride with someone else.” Gathering the change of clothes from the backseat, her bag, and the snacks from her Uncle (plus Troy’s lunch because Hope knew her cousin wouldn’t bother bringing it to him herself), she departed from the hearse, slamming the car door behind her. The redhead marched towards the school, cheeks flushed and eyes damp.

In that moment Hope wasn’t sunshine, she was a storm cloud.

As Hope marched, Helen was never one to give her cousin the last word. She was the Hellcat for a reason, and she loved bringing hell on Earth. “I wasn’t planning to! But love how reliable you think I am. Bye baby girl, I’m sure the next time we talk there will be nothing exciting to talk about!”

Helen honked her horn to bid the redhead adieu before driving off to park.

She wasn’t afraid of storms, especially ones named after Hope.

Hurricane Hope. GOD she couldn’t wait.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by LovelyComplex
Avatar of LovelyComplex

LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 19 days ago

LOCATION: Sunshine Diner Parking Lot ➜ The Diner
TIMESTAMP: Who knows. They're high.

@Hey Im Jordan & @LovelyComplex

This was new territory for Andrew Green, and he was nervous. He was breaking rules like never before! Leaving the building at 8AM when he wasn’t sick was a landmark moment for him. In the back of his head, he reminded himself this was probably what dad would have done. Dad, Aunt Hailey, both grandmothers, and his grandfather would have approved of what he was doing. Sneaking away to smoke weed was pretty par for the course for a Green, especially the generation before him. So why did Andy feel so bad about it?

Even as he settled into the passenger’s of his brother’s car, Andy still had the smell of oranges in his nostrils and the feeling of her breath on his neck. Andy was, for the first time in his life, infatuated. He wanted to chase it forever, but his brother had warned him off of it initially. As much as he didn’t want Ethan to say something he didn’t want to hear, Andrew found himself with a need to ask.

“Is Amy really as bad as everyone says?” Andy asked earnestly as they pulled away from the parking lot, heading toward the Sunshine Diner where they could grab a bite to eat. Andy hadn’t been sure about skipping so many classes, but Ethan had confidently assured him there was nothing to worry about. Besides, this way he’d have some time to pick Ethan’s brain before he made any more stupid fucking decisions.

As the air of silence filled the room, he looked out the window and watched the city roll past them. He thought about it, wondering how much of the encounter he wanted to tell his brother about. He adjusted his glasses, and wondered if his father had ever been in this position. His brother? Was he the only Green who had ever been motivated by a pretty girl? “She said I looked good with the guitar.”

“And she complimented my singing. No one’s ever done that.”

“So I’m no one?” Ethan questioned, his tone was flat and unamused. With his backpack on his lap, having stopped at his locker to get some of his stash prior, he pulled out his grade school lunch box. Placing the vintage lunch box on his lap, he tossed his bag to the backseat before putting all his focus on his treasure. He had customized it to have its own compartments rather than go out of his way to look for a good weed storage system. Plus, he loved TMNT. One compartment had his weed (which he had different types of flower in small lidded jars). The others were for his rolling papers, his tips and his grinder. It was all organized and placed in a way that made the most sense to him. His vape was actually in his pants pocket but he didn’t want his brother’s first time to be a vape.

This was an important moment for Andrew Green so he was going to do what any little brother should do. He was going to roll his brother a joint with hash. He preferred blunts because the mix of cannabis and its tobacco wrap gave an added buzz. It also had more flavors available in wraps. Most people thought it was gross so he could only assume his brother from the same mother would think the same. Nothing was wrong with a good joint and he was always down to clown if someone was offering. He loved a good joint. This was a celebration though! Andy deserved the best and honestly, his brother was the best of them all.

Sorry, Diana.

He was biased.

Hash would give off the same effect as a blunt anyways. He’d do a nice Maradona hash joint and before Andy knew it, he’d feel euphoria, relaxation, maybe some creative stimulation, a bit of a cerebral effect, and obviously, increased appetite. Good thing they were in the parking lot of Sunshine Diner. This was going to be lit. Splitting the layers, breaking his hash up into tiny pieces, Ethan continued, “I’m kidding, I know what you mean. You want someone to notice you that isn’t me. Amy is just…” His voice trailed off as he grabbed the rolling paper and filter. “Trouble. She made an enemy out of someone that had a lot of dirt on her. Like this person was wired in conversations and hacked her phone or something with her nudes….” He looked away from his workstation (his lap and lunchbox) to briefly meet his brother’s gaze. “I don’t want you to get caught up in that mess, man.”

“I don’t think you’d let any of that stop you.” Andy said, and shrugged. “It shouldn’t stop me either, right? I mean, sink or swim, y’know?” Andy watched his brother work as he talked, wondering what he was getting himself into. It was hardly his first time being in the presence of the drug, but it was his first time being this close to it while it was its rawest form. There was something mystifying about it. The smell of weed filled his nostrils, burning away whatever remained of the orange scent he’d tasted earlier.

“I can’t sink or swim if no one lets me jump in the deep end.” Andy was well aware it could end poorly. He didn’t know that much about the situation at hand, but even from what his brother had just said, it seemed like she was the victim. Not the other way around. “Isn’t trouble a Green thing, anyway?” He asked, letting the question hang in the air. He wasn’t sure what he was doing. He’d never stood up for himself this hard before, and he was starting to wonder if all he really needed was a girlfriend. It seemed to work for Ethan - in fact, it worked so well that Ethan had three, or four, or five. Andy had lost count.

“I’m not scared. I’m usually scared, so I want to see how this plays out. It can’t end that badly. I mean, doesn’t grandma always say she can buy our way out of any problems we get into?” She did. That was true. But bringing his grandma up as a positive? Andy really was pulling out all the stops he could to try and get his brother on his side. He knew Ethan well enough to know that in the end he’d side with him, but Andy didn’t want it to feel so terse. What would have happened if Ethan had interrupted a few minutes later? “I’ll be fine.”

Tapping the filter gently against his lunch box to get everything settled, Ethan didn’t respond right away. Instead he focused on the joint. It was almost ready. Since they were going to smoke it now, there was no need to twist the top. He grabbed his gold zippo lighter and lit the joint slowly and evenly. At this point he could make a joint in his sleep if he really wanted to. It was second nature to him. Smoking in general was second nature to him. A nasty habit his girlfriends didn’t like but something he thought made him look just like the characters in the movies he enjoyed watching. Truth be told there really wasn’t anything complex or deep about Ethan Green. He did what he wanted and what he liked consisted of three things: movies, freedom, his specifically, and girls. In the grand scheme of things, to those that knew him, knew he was just a teen boy trying to have a good time, not necessarily a long time. His stash box was a testimony in itself of how young he still very much was at heart, not thinking about his future, only thinking about the life he lived right now. Ever present, ever in the moment. Here.

Taking the first drag, closing the zippo while he did so, he took his time, allowing his brother to observe him. He drew the smoke in, deeply, and held it there for a few seconds before letting it seep out of his mouth and into the air. Offering the joint to his older twin brother, he gave a lazy smile, “Lesson number one. Don’t ask for permission. You want this girl? Go get her. It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission. At least then you’d already done the thing and won’t be missing out.” Missing out especially at this school was the worst. There were plenty of things going on and he knew once they graduated he, his brother and his cousins would have to buckle down. If his brother didn’t want a life jacket on anymore, he wasn't going to stop him. Safety’s off. He was the last person to lecture him on good and bad decisions but if this is what he wanted. Like really wanted. He’d support him, no matter what. And if he sank, he’d make sure to save him. That’s what brothers were for. Though if he was in the deep end with him, they could drown together too, but neither was alone and that was what mattered. He had Andy’s back, regardless if his choice in women was questionable.

“Also shit man, don’t bring up grandma. You talk way too much about our family. Lesson number two. Stop thinking about everyone else. You wonder why everyone helicopters you? If you’re like mom this, dad that, grandma this… bro. Stop. They ain’t going to hold your hand when you're in bed with Amy. What about you? What can you do to be the man you want to be? Without the Green name attached, I mean. Make this YOUR year. Fuck everyone else. Including me.”

Andy frowned. It wasn’t like he was asking people to helicopter him, they just did it. He didn’t ask his grandmother to have a direct hand in guiding his future, but she did it anyway. He didn’t ask his parents to treat him like a baby while their golden boy got to do whatever he wanted. They just did it. Andy didn’t know what he was supposed to say, and so he watched his brother hitting the joint he’d rolled in silence. He made some solid points, but Andy wasn’t fully sure Ethan understood his position. How could he? Ethan was everyone’s golden boy! Andy was… Andy. Getting out of his comfort zone to try new things was hard for him, hell skipping class was a big deal.

But that was okay, he supposed. It wasn’t even going to be the biggest deal that week, he had a date. At least, he thought he had a date. Had he even gotten Amy’s number? How was he supposed to contact her, especially if they were meant to give her a ride? Andy was thinking, and thinking long and far too much. He was lucky, though, that Ethan was a bit of a rambler. By the time Ethan was talking about making this his year, Andy's mind was made up.

Ethan had a point, he did need to start seizing opportunities. He stared at the joint that he awkwardly held between two fingers, and found himself wanting to say more negative things. It’s easy for you! He wanted to scream.

No one had ever even asked him how he felt about the tiger incident. No one had ever asked Andy how he got into the pen. The truth was… when his dad turned away, Andy had jumped in. When his mom was crying though? It was hard for a nine year old to admit he’d done something so stupid, so Andy had just lied through pursed lips. I fell in, mama. I’m sorry I scared you…

He lifted the joint to his lips and pulled in, drawing the smoke into his lungs. He sucked and he sucked until he couldn’t take anymore. He held it in, like he’d seen his brother and his father do a thousand times before, and when he couldn’t anymore he coughed with a closed mouth, desperately trying to do a good job. The smoke spilled out of his nose, introducing Andy to an unpleasantly unique feeling he hadn’t known was possible before that moment. He opened his mouth and drained the smoke, hacking and coughing as he did so. For a first timer, Andy had done well.

Unfortunately, his coughing didn’t stop as he handed the joint back to his brother. Andy had done well slurping the marijuana into his system, but now was the hard part: handling it. As he coughed and coughed, he shook his head and looked at Ethan for desperate approval. “is it… kaff supposed kaff kaff to be like this? kaff kaffHe looked at his brother, and wondered aloud. “This is kaff kaff kafff where I die, isn’t it?”

Ethan couldn’t help but smile at his brother as he watched him take a hit. A bigger one than he expected for a first timer to do but he respected it no less. Gladly, he took the joint back and assuringly said, “Just ride it out. You’ll be fine.” Placing the joint between his lips, freeing his hands, he reached in his back seat and pulled a bottle of water, just in case his bro needed some. While placing it in the drink holder in the center console between them, he took a long drag himself, sucking it deep enough so he could join his brother in a coughing fit, so he didn’t feel like he was alone. “See.” Ethan coughed. “Totally kaff normal.” He offered the joint again. “We ain’t eating until we smoke it all, so you best keep going.”

As he took the joint back from his brother, Andy was slowly beginning to realize what it meant to be high. He felt like every hair on the ends of arms stood straight up. He blinked a few times, amazed at how quickly his mouth and lips were drying out as the effect of the weed really started to sink in. Shit. Is it supposed to feel like this? He stared at his brother, waiting for a response. It was almost a whole minute before Andy realized he hadn’t actually used his words, and he had just been staring at Ethan with his mouth hanging slightly open. Maybe, Andy thought to himself, dad’s right. Maybe this shit is good for you. He lifted the joint up to his lips, either unaware or not caring about how goofy he looked, and took another fat hit.

This time, he mimicked his brother, tilting his head back before he let out the smoke, blowing it into the roof of the car. He licked his lips, and rubbed his eyes. “That’s pretty good,” he offered the joint back to his brother along with his words before another coughing fit struck and Andy found himself wondering how his brother could smoke as much as he did. It was a miracle Ethan could speak clearly with all the cigars, weed, and cigarettes he smoked. “I’m going to be so high. Do I look high? Oh man, I know I look high.’ Andy was rapidly approaching the state of highness where paranoia crept in, something that would either pass with time - or with smoking even more weed. After Ethan took the joint from between his lips, Andy picked up the bottle of water that Ethan had sat aside for him.

He ripped the cap off of the plastic bottle and dropped it in the floorboard, and tipped the bottle back to his mouth. He pushed it forward, smashing against his lips as he drained the bottle in seconds. He dropped the crushed water bottle to the floor alongside the cap, then looked at his brother. “I need more water. Or food. Or both.”

“Good thing we’re at a diner. Come on, let’s get some motherfuckin’ pancakes.” Ethan grinned, excited to be part of this experience with his brother. His phone beeped loudly with an iconic jingle that was like the bat signal for the Elite. He checked his phone, seeing the other texts from his girlfriends and deliberately ignoring theirs to focus on what mattered. His boys. Looks like they had an impossible task they needed help with later. Seemed easy enough. After texting bet in response, he pocketed his phone again and puffed the joint one last time. Man, this shit was good. “You ready big dawg?”

SMALL FT: Sully's Mom


When they walked into the door of the Sunshine Diner, Andy’s eyes welled up with tears. For the first time in forever, Andrew Green was not crying tears of sadness, anxiety, or fear. These tears? They were tears of pure and unadulterated joy. Andy had never been overcome by such a ravenous hunger before, and the scent of breakfast food wafting out of the kitchen was simply overwhelming him. Was this the munchies he’d heard so much about? His eyes had to be bloodshot, they had to be glassy. He could feel it.

The hostess spoke to them, but once again Andy couldn’t find words. He was lucky his brother was there to handle the talking. Andy wasn’t sure why, but he was having a rough time understanding what the hostess was saying; was it just him, or did she sound like the adults from the Charlie Brown movies?

He may not have grasped what she said, but he could tell from her expressions that Ethan must have said something flirty. After twenty years of staring toward the kitchen with watery eyes, Andy felt Ethan’s hand on his wrist, tugging him along. He followed his brother to a booth and sat down. He was wordless as he sat there, but his mind was active. I probably look so high. Man, I wonder if my mom will be impressed a girl likes me. Does she like me? Ethan doesn’t think so. Fuck I probably look so high. He couldn’t help it anymore. He pulled out his phone and switched on the camera, lifting it up to look through the lens…

And he found staring back at him, his brother. Andy blinked a few times, and then commented. “I didn’t realize we looked so alike, E. I thought we were fraternal twins?” He frowned, and when the image on his phone didn’t frown, he came to the realization that he hadn’t flipped it to the selfie cam.

Andy Green dropped his phone and started to have his first fit of giggles.

Ethan’s face was beginning to hurt from the amount of smiling he’d been doing since they both got high in the car. He loved seeing his brother like this. Genuinely enjoying himself. He took a moment to pull out his phone and record, to eventually send it to his parents, to make up for the inevitable scene where his father would get upset he couldn’t be part of Andy’s first high. Speaking of cameras, he needed to catch some b-roll of the school next week for his documentary and maybe even some for his senior project. Luckily he had a whole year to work on both projects, this semester was pre-production and filming, next semester was post and reshoots, if needed, and then he’d have his senior capstone film and for extra credit, a documentary. Documentaries were easier to film but harder to make engaging and he really wanted to make a sort of love letter to his classmates and gift them with something sweet before they embarked on the next chapter of their lives. Ambitious, yes, but worth it.

Regardless if it seemed like it or not, Ethan’s mind was always thinking about film. Whether it was for himself or just in general, he had it in the back of his mind and when opportunities came their way, he seized it. This was Ethan’s passion and he would drown himself in it, if it weren’t for him needing a social life too. He was the Man. The guy that made shit happen and he was determined to bring as many of his peers along the way, to make this last year the best year of their lives.

“Ethan? Andrew? Shouldn’t you two be in school?” The twins were interrupted and pulled down from cloud nine when Sullivan Harper’s mother appeared in front of them, ready to wait and take their order. She observed the two with part understanding, smelling the weed right off of them, and part motherly concern. “You two okay? I expect this from one of you.” Her sharp gaze intently stared at Ethan. Even if he knew she was calling him out, he couldn’t help but give her a shit-eating grin. Her acute focus went from one boy to the other, resting on Andy, who wasn’t someone she saw often but heard plenty of, because one twin couldn’t stop talking about the other.

Ethan, of course, was the first to speak up.

“I know what you’re thinking Mama Darc. Ethan is up to his bullshit again, but this time, I promise this isn’t me actively avoiding my responsibilities.” Darcie was one of the few parental figures that Ethan spoke with full transparency. He wasn’t planning on playing hooky today. His brother needed him and it was his job to take care of him. And now that he was here, the ideas were coming at him full force. “Rough morning, but let’s talk about something worth both of our time. How would you feel about me setting up a little interview with you for my documentary? And to peak your interest even more, in the end, you can give a shout out to your baby boy so we can see him cry at graduation.”

“Slow down, Ethan. One thing at a time. I won’t pry into what happened this morning, but please, stop making it a habit to come here when you don’t want to be at school. You too, Andrew, don’t let your brother be a bad influence on you. You’re only high schoolers for so long… Sunshine diner isn’t going anywhere.”

Andrew… who called him Andrew? That was weird to him, even his grandmothers just called him Andy. Ethan was off talking about something that Andy wasn’t involved in, and the words of the pretty woman tending to them were barely legible to his poor, first time stoned ears. “Uhm. Andy is fine.” He offered in response, his syllables dragged out slightly and emphasis on the words, as if he were having trouble directing himself to speak. It was harder to lock in than he had thought it would be. Had speaking ever been this difficult? He needed a guitar, desperately. With music, he could talk even if he struggled to find the words.

He drew in a deep breath, almost comically so before he let it out slowly and tried again. He was focused on what mattered now, dialed in. “Can you bring me some French toast? With fruit, and bacon that’s extra crispy, and…” He sniffed the air, closing his eyes. “Some parmesan potatoes, and then I think I smell muffins… do you have banana nut?” After speaking, Andy relaxed and visibly slouched into his chair. That was… the hardest thing he had ever done in his entire life. Maybe all he needed to stand up to his grandma’s tyrannical reign of terror was to smoke a bunch of weed before they talked. That thought made Andy snicker, and then he straightened up as he had a realization.

“Oh! Please.” He was rich, but that didn’t mean he was an asshole with no manners.

“Yeah, sure kid. And Andy, got it,” Darcie commented, not one to call kids by their nicknames until given the okay. Plus Sully was detailed in his explanation on things, so Darcie knew more about the boys than they probably realized. “Usual for you, Ethan?”

“Yes ma’am. A giant plate of scrambled eggs—”

“Six pieces of burnt bacon, you want it so hard and crunchy, like a teenage boy getting laid for the first time. Hash brown casserole, drown it in cheese, five hotcakes, soaked in strawberry and whipped cream, and our cereal milk milkshake, extra lucky charms.”

“You got it pretty mama,” Ethan happily grinned. His stomach had the rumblies that only breakfast food could satisfy. “Can you get my bro the shake that tastes like birthday cake? We’re celebrating something big so I think he needs a good shake to go with his breakfast.”

“Got it,” Darcie answered, not needing to write any of this down. A long time veteran at this diner. She knew the menu and most people’s orders just as much as she knew every birthmark on her son. “As for your request, sure, you know where to find me when I’m off. We can get something going for your film.”

“Wait! That just reminded me,” Ethan raised his hand, trying to get Darcie to not walk away to go to another customer or the kitchen. “Could I borrow this diner for like a whole day? I’ll pay! I just think it would be dope if I made a one location film for the 48 Hour Film Project. No Sleep ‘Till Film Fest 2024, coming soon.” Ethan was so enraptured with himself that he was barely paying attention to his brother who was in need of food and sleep, desperately.

Andy ignored Ethan’s pleas, and turned his attention to Darcie. “Please go put our order in. He knows perfectly well you can’t give away the diner for a day, and I gotta eat. I might die.” Andy was being truthful, or at least he thought he was. He had never felt this hungry before, and he’d had two bowls of cereal before leaving the house that morning for school. Was this the munchies? How did people deal with this?! “I’m so hungry. I didn’t know you could get this hungry. Can you bring me orange juice?”

Darcie smiled, glad her son was making good friends (even if it baffled her that the two boys in front of her were exceedingly rich). They were good kids and she loved that her son surrounded himself with good people. It was nice to see rich kids not be so full of themselves. Well, more so Andy than Ethan. Ethan liked to talk a lot but she could tell he meant well. He just thought he knew what was best for him and his circle but she knew if Andy spoke, simply by how Ethan looked at his twin, that Andy could get his brother to do anything for him. The power dynamic wasn’t obvious but it was there. One boy didn’t think about much, besides maybe film, and the other boy thought too much, and had a better idea of how to make himself heard with fewer words. He might not be as aware of it as she, having been exposed to a similar personality, but she knew in time Andy would be the one leading the charge, not Ethan. “Absolutely, hun. And Ethan, next Wednesday night. That's when the boss and his daughter will be around. Can’t guarantee this place but maybe you’ll intrigue them.” Shrugging, Darcie walked away to get the boys their beverages, which included a side of water because both desperately needed it.

“Bro, you ready to devour all this food?!” Ethan bursted out, feeling ecstatic that he had a chance, albeit a small one, to get the diner as a film location. “And sorry man, you know how I get. I just love film so much.”

Andy nodded slowly. “Yep. I’m ready to eat, maybe it’ll help me come down. Maybe you should get a job at that video store in town. I bet people there would talk about movies all day with you!” Andy knew his knowledge of films was a bit too stunted to really engage with Ethan the way he wanted, so he instead tried to make a suggestion that, to his very high brain, made perfect sense.

“Yeah right,” Ethan chortled, finding it hilarious his brother would think he’d get a job right now when he didn’t have to. “Why am I going to waste my last year WORKING? I don’t need a job. We’re rich. And if people want to talk movies, that’s why there’s a FILM CLUB. It’s fine, I got you anyways. My girls don’t understand good cinema even if it hit them in the face.”

“To meet people, I guess.” Andy meekly offered with a shrug, though Ethan had a point. He definitely didn’t need a job.

“Like I need a job for that. Thanks though, bro, I will not be considering.” Ethan countered, extremely firm that a job would only ruin his year. His attention shifted when he saw Darcie coming out of the kitchen with their milkshakes, water, and OJ, “Oh look! Our drinks are coming.”

Hell to the yeah. It was time to feast like Kings and the brothers Green were definitely kings. Stoned ones but Kings no less. KINGS.

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by BrutalBx


Member Seen 3 days ago

Timestamp: 7:15 AM
Location: Beverly Hills High Gymnasium
Romi Rae Carling



Romi Rae spun her body to the seductive synth rhythm that was dancing in her ears. Gripping the oak panel walls of the gymnasium with her violet colored nails, a bead of perspiration dripped down her neck and collarbone, down towards the sports bra that protected her modesty. She sharply and swiftly lowered herself down and back up into a smooth as silk body roll. Light fingertips traced bronzed skin as Romi felt herself to the beat. Post homeroom, there was time for a quick session, time enough to work up a decent sweat and burn off any extra unneeded calories. She had to keep the machine in perfect working order.




There was absolutely nothing in this good world better than the roar of the crowd. It was like a drug, one taste of it could send one deep into the throes of addiction. To claw at their own skin, to thirst for that indescribable feeling, to breathe the rarified air which only comes from the voices of a brotherhood of misfits and miscreants chanting a name; cheering or booing dependent on their own deep rooted feelings of worth and want. No chemical substance could replicate such a rush. It didn’t matter if the crowd was a hundred or a hundred thousand, the craving, like Angelica Skylar, would never be satisfied.

Romi Rae could vividly remember the first time she had ever been struck by the bolt of lightning that for the rest of her natural born life she would be forever chasing. She must’ve been about five years old. It was Starcade, AWE’s biggest show of the year. MetLife stadium. She had been taken to a few shows in her young life but this was something different; there was magic in the air, you could smell it.

Her parents were so busy that day. Romi would come to know later in her life that every match day was like that for them. She remembered waking up that Sunday morning in the hotel room, snuggled up and bundled in bed. She opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was her dad scribbling on his notepad, he did that all the time; still did. Her father John Paul was always writing, always creating. Entire rooms in their house were dedicated to his creative process, mirrors, walls, napkins, if it could be written on, it was written on. Hotel rooms were no different. She held herself tighter into a ball and that’s when a thick lock of neon pink hair fell across her face and she felt the comfort, the warmth of her mother, squeezing her tiny frame with love.

Mileena Jayne Winslow, a goth girl outta Fairfield, Connecticut and the daughter of AWE legend The Faceless. To her adoring fans, she was MORGANA, the high flying technical wizard who enticed, delighted and destroyed all those that were graced with her presence. To Rosemary, she was just Mom. The day flew by quickly; with her Dad shooting off immediately at their arrival at the arena to go let the wrestlers know their creative for the night. Romi stayed with her Mom for the most part, at least until it was time for Mileena to go and get ready for her own match; a women’s title bout against Barbie Summers and yes, her gimmick was exactly what you think it was.

Romi Rae, sat on the lap of her parents' good friend the Death Adder and watched on the monitors in what’s known as the Gorilla position, the place just before the curtains where wrestlers await their entrances. Seeing a sold out crowd turn electric when the lights turned off and a single beam illuminated the most beautiful woman in the world, she was in awe. Even to this day, Romi remembered every move, every bump, every submission and hold like it was what she ate for breakfast. Then the bell rang and her mother hoisted the title above her candy floss hair. Rosemary looked up and saw her dad standing behind her, she didn’t even know he was there and he was crying. The little firecracker could not contain herself and took off through the curtain, she sprinted down the runway, security frantically chasing her until her grandfather, still a mountain of a man and a producer for AWE stopped them. Romi jumped into the ring and wrapped herself around her mothers leg and the sound in the stadium was deafening.

That’s when she knew that she was going to do it too.

Be a wrestler.

Be like her hero.

Be like her Mom.

The last twelve years, Romi Rae had dedicated everything she was into being a pro wrestler. As soon as her mother would allow her, she was in the ring which sat in their garage, running the ropes, taking bumps and watching lots of tape. She took martial arts lessons, worked summers at a trampoline park and then there were her favourites, gymnastics and dance. Over the years, Romi had honed her body into a walking weapon. Many of the other girls she came to know as friends and peers were gifted with fat asses and big tits but Romi Rae was something else altogether. She was a cardio machine, blessed with abs that would make grown men weep, beautifully toned legs and glutes and a work ethic that could not be matched, nobody could out work Romi Rae.

When she was sixteen, she asked her parents if her could go get her wrestling licence and start full time training with the AWE, her dad said yes, her mom said no. Undeterred, Romi knew what she wanted from life and if she had learned anything from anyone, it was that you take what you want. With her father in tow, Romi Rae got her licence and decided not to tell her mother. Soon after, she began working independent shows under the moniker of Gumiho, the Toxic Idol. A gimmick inspired by ghost stories her grandma back in Korea used to tell her and following the family tradition of macabre characters like her mother the witch and her grandfather the serial killer.




Sweat clung to her body as Romi placed her hands behind her head and rolled her hips to the beat of the song. She didn’t know how it caught on but fans chanting her name like Rufio from Hook had become an internet meme, not that she hated it mind you, it was kind of cool. Although it had also generated a concern within her that Morgana herself would find out that Romi was wrestling illegally. Hell, when she got that tattoo last year, she was grounded for a month. Of course, Rosemary wore a mask in the ring but she knew that even shrouding her face would not stop a mother recognising her daughter. She just had to last until her eighteenth birthday, then it would be fine. A few more months and she could stop having to perpetuate the lie. Plus, she didn’t want to get her dad in trouble. Romi loved her dad, he was an absolute idiot but he adored her and only ever meant the best.

Leaping forward, the performer pressed her left foot to the flat surface of the wall and pushed off it with a three hundred and sixty degree kick and mid air tornillo before landing low with her long leg outstretched in her best Black Widow pose. ”Fuck.” She said to herself, the exasperation in Romi’s voice was thick as she tried to catch her breath. Placing her hands on her waist, she wandered towards a nearby bench where her bag awaited. Picking up a towel from the top of her holdall, she revealed a glint of purple, the mask of Gumiho, smiling at the world. Another thing her mother taught her, never leave home without your gear. You never know when you might get booked.

Drying off her face and dabbing her lithe body with the soft white cotton, Romi looked around the room with the soft brown eyes, just to make sure she had no unwanted guests. Loving the whole Hannah Montana double life thing was undeniably exciting and fun but the wrestler knew that it couldn’t last forever. Anyone at any time could figure out her secret and then her whole world would come crashing down. No more wrestling, no more dance, no more MMA.

Romi couldn’t think of any more of a tragedy than losing the things she loved.

Timestamp: Following Zooted
Location: Beverly Hills High Hallway > Gymnasium
Romi Rae Carling & Diana Green-Locke
@Brutalbx & @Aewin

Shotgunning felt like such an intimate thing. To take a puff then breathe it out into someone’s mouth. It felt more than a kiss, something that would make even a seasoned degenerate fanfic reader like Diana blush. Well, not that it was difficult to do so, but considering the kind of content she consumed on the regular? It was surprising she never came across anything like it before.

Now, why was shotgunning on her mind? Diana wasn’t exactly a stoner, despite her family being rather weed positive and plenty of dealers within her peer group alone. No, in reality, Diana saw the light.

The light being Monarch Wilson and Beatrix Kingsley shotgunning under the stairs. Before homeroom. Whew.

Diana left the scene with her heart racing and face buried in her phone, lit up by the reflection of Archive Of Our Own and scrolling through all the fics tagged as shotgunning, a new hyperfixation found. Maybe even—god forbid it—inspiration. Her butler remained stoic as ever beside her, keeping up with her hurried pace with ease. A silent sentinel to protect her who happened to be born into the Green family.

“Oh my god…” Diana turned to Butler in disbelief. [color= 69353f]“Over three thousand works and I’ve never encountered—NARUSASU?!”[/color] Diana cut herself off with a gleeful huff, thumbing her screen to open the yaoi fanfiction without a second of hesitation. Butler seemed unphased, too used to Diana’s many special interests.

Before shotgunning, it was Call of Duty fanfics (Diana understood the mask girls a little too well). And before COD, it was wrestling. Thanks to Romi Rae, Diana was introduced to the world of physical soap opera and she was obsessed. Diana particularly took to one Gumiho. Maybe it was the way she moved in the ring, or how powerful she seemed. Or, also a very valid option that Diana had come to learn, she really liked the mask.

“What… what if I write a Gumiho shotgunning fic…? Butler, thoughts?” The man remained silent, which Diana took as a sign. Yes.

So that is how the Green heiress found herself in the gymnasium, Butler standing guard at the entrance. Not for Diana to work out her very unholy thoughts, but to seek out the one person that seemed to know the most about Diana’s favourite wrestler. The young woman in question sat on the bench, dabbing away sweat as the music swelled around them, clearly having just finished her workout. Diana stood beside the bench, swinging on her heels as she captured Romi’s attention. Silent as a mouse, no doubt taking her pensive friend by surprise by getting straight into the topic as a greeting.

“I… I have an idea.”

“Fuck me sideways!” Romi had been lost in her own world until the moment the Green girl made her presence felt. “Where’d you come from?”

She had grown close to Diana over the last little while, she wasn’t exactly sure why. Romi Rae always had a heart for the lost and lonely things and Diana always seemed a little of both. God, she was talented though. Di had such a creative mind and watching her work was fascinating. Sure, some of the stuff she made up was not Romi’s speed or particular interest but she was still vaguely obsessed with her beautiful friend all the same. Recently, Diana had started asking questions about Gumiho and Romi Rae was sure that her fellow Korean queen had figured out her other identity.

“Idea? What idea?”

Diana's cheeks flushed a rosy pink as she fiddled nervously with the hem of her plaid skirt. Her doe eyes darted around the gymnasium, carefully avoiding direct eye contact with Romi as she tried to gather her courage. Come on Di, you can do this!This is just Romi.

“Home. S-so, I was thinking...” Diana began, her soft voice trailing off hesitantly. She took a deep breath, squaring her petite shoulders as she forced herself to meet Romi's curious gaze. “You know how I've been really into Gumiho lately? I had this idea for a new story...” She paused briefly, nose wrinkling. How the fuck was she supposed to bring this topic up like a normal person?

Granted, was she ever ‘normal’? Romi knew what she was signing up for when she befriended Diana.

“I-I wanted to write about Gumiho... you know...” Diana made a vague gesture, her slender fingers fluttering like pale butterflies. “Shotgunning? With another girl?” The last words came out in a single breath, almost too quick for even Diana to understand what she was saying. But maybe Romi would understand, she never judged her tastes before. Maybe she'd be the voice of reason that warns her that it would be totally ooc for Gumiho to even do that kind of thing.

But that's the beauty of fanfiction.

Diana ducked her head, dark lashes fluttering against her heated skin as she peeked up at Romi through her feathery fringe. “I just thought, since you seem to know a lot about Gumiho... maybe you could help me? With the details and stuff?”

Gumiho? Shotgunning? With another girl?

Romi had known that Diana’s kinks were pretty harmless and from what she had learned over the course of her friendship with Di, she wasn’t trying to be weird; something had just inspired her. Part of Romi was unsure about her friend's recent obsession with her alter ego but she also didn’t hate it. As a wrestler or performer of any kind would tell you, they love attention. To put oneself out there in front of whatever God was out there, if any and a billion people, you had to have an ego. Diana was certainly someone who stroked Romi’s.

She was slightly taller than the Green, not by much but she still found herself looking ever slightly down as she played with her cute skirt. “Well, from what I know…” There was a sparkle, in the bottom corner of Romi’s eye. She slightly glanced leftwards and noticed the Gumiho ask she had previously found herself admiring. Shit, what if Diana would see it? She quickly tossed her towel onto the bag to cover it up. Now standing slightly closer to Di, Romi also became very conscious of the fact she was barely wearing any clothes and her activewear was riding up in all the wrong places.

“Gumiho has never really, er, well I don’t think she can actively promote shotgunning but I wouldn’t be surprised if she has.” If Romi was to fill in Gumiho’s backstory with her own then the truth was yes, she had definitely shotgunned with another girl but if she was to follow the true history she then also slept with that girl. Diana would have a fit if she knew the truth.

Romi Rae placed her hand on Di’s soft chin and pulled her face up to meet hers. “Hey, I’ve told you to stop looking at the floor when you’re talking to me. Or anyone for that matter. This face is too beautiful to hide.”

Diana's breath hitched as Romi's fingers gently grasped her chin, tilting her face upwards. The wrestler's caramel eyes bore into hers with an intensity that made Diana's knees feel weak. She swallowed thickly, pulse fluttering wildly beneath the hollow of her throat like a caged bird desperate to take flight. Whoa... is this what it's like when the bishi does The Thing? No wonder the ML fangirls get the flutters and uwaa everywhere.

“O-okay,” Diana managed to squeak out, her voice barely above a whisper. She was acutely aware of Romi's state of undress, the way her taut muscles glistened with a sheen of sweat, how little was left to the imagination in that form-fitting sports bra and shorts. Interesting...

“So...you think Gumiho might've done it before?” Diana asked tentatively, trying to steer the conversation back to safer territory even as her mind raced with scandalous possibilities that could fry her brain. “Maybe with like, a really cool rival or something? I bet it'd be super dramatic, all that tension finally snapping...”

Oh she could picture the scene already. Close proximity with a rival, maybe smoking to take the edge of and having to share the only blunt between them, but instead of offering the blunt Gumiho reaches forward an—

Ahem. Railroaded.

“Who would be THE rival?” She asked instead.

“I don’t know.”

Romi Rae suddenly became very aware of just how close she was to Diana’s face, her fingers curled around the Green’s alabaster chin, soft spheres of chestnut staring up at her. She had often thought just how breathtaking Di really was and up close like this. It was cemented. She had learned that as Gumiho, she found her confidence had increased ten fold. By no means was the daughter of the women’s world champion shy, if anything many considered Romi to be quite bold. However it was all controlled and manoeuvred by a stream of conscious thought. There was a freedom beneath the mask of the Toxic Idol which allowed her to do pretty much anything. Gumiho could say what she wanted, take what she wanted and be whoever she wanted to be. In this instance they were talking about shotgunning and Romi’s eyes could not help but fall towards Diana’s lips.

There was an age old question asked in comic books, who was the real man? Bruce Wayne or Batman. Romi was starting to understand that more and more. The lines between herself and her alter ego were blending further and further. “I don’t know. She repeated. “She hasn’t had that big feud yet, she’s still really early in her career. Well at least I think she is. In Lucha Culture, anyone under a mask’s legal documentation is not a matter of public record unless they consent or lose their mask.”

Much like her Diana, when it came to wrestling, Romi Rae had tunnel vision. So when she opened her mouth, sometimes she just vomited hyperbole. “I mean she’s still waiting for the one that could really challenge her. So you may have to use that big brain of yours to make something up.”

Diana's heart fluttered wildly in her chest as Romi's gaze drifted down to her parted lips, the air between them simmering with an unspoken tension. Her mind raced with a dizzying array of possibilities, each more scandalous than the last. What if Gumiho's rival was a childhood friend turned bitter enemy? Or a smouldering antihero who couldn't decide if they wanted to fight or...


“Y-yeah, I guess you're right,” Diana stammered, ducking her head shyly as a rosy blush bloomed across her cheeks. “Gumiho is still pretty new to the scene. I'm sure she'll find her ultimate rival soon enough!” She bit her lip, worrying the tender flesh between her teeth as she peeked up at Romi through her lashes. Ideas swam in her head, her imagination taking over as she began to plot the one shot now turned multichapter angst in her mind. Maybe she could even draw her own art of it to enhance the written medium of the fanfiction? “Maybe it'll even be a super cool unmasking storyline, you know? Where the rival is someone Gumiho knows in their unmasked life!”

Diana trailed off, her voice barely above a breathy whisper as she lost herself in the fantasy. In her mind's eye, she could see it all so clearly—Gumiho, standing tall and proud in the center of the ring, her sleek mask glinting under the harsh spotlights. Across from her, a shadowy figure emerged from the smoke, their face obscured by a mask of their own. They circled each other like predators, muscles coiled tight with barely restrained aggression.

Until finally, in a moment of shocking revelation, the mysterious rival reached up and tore away their mask, revealing...

God, Diana couldn't wait to make this damned OC.

She was so precious. God, Romi would probably do anything for this girl.

“Let's hope it’s not too soon.” She didn’t find the idea of unmasking eventually a bad thing. She had already seen on some of the wrestling forums out there that there were several theories as to who was under the Gumiho mask. Many centered on it being a Joshi wrestler from Japan under a learning excursion. There were also a handful that had accurately guessed it was the daughter of Morgana, mostly in part to her penchant for purple and her use of the Anaconda Squeeze during her matches. Luckily, most had debunked that theory thanks to Romi only being seventeen. “There’s still some mileage in the character. Maybe once she gets signed to an actual contract she can unmask?”

Moving away from the girl who was walking temptation, Romi Rae sat back down on the bench next to her bag and reached for her phone. She felt a twinge in her lower back, a reminder of the match she had the previous weekend where she took a suplex across a crowd barricade. Although the pain was unwelcome, it did give her an idea. “You know Di, if you want some face claims for your thing, I’ve got a few here. Some female wrestlers that I follow.” Double R handed Diana her phone and motioned for her to swift left to see a few of her more recent opponents.

1, 2, 3

“You've also got to remember honey..” Absentmindedly, Romi reached up and touched Diana’s leg. “Gumiho is a heel. So whoever her rival is would have to be a babyface.”

Diana swallowed thickly, her mouth suddenly dry as she tried to focus on the phone screen Romi held out to her. The images of the fierce, beautiful women in the ring swam before Diana's eyes, blurring together as her mind raced with possibilities. All so pretty... Diana cursed herself for not joining her Mom sooner on the wrestling hype.

A heel and a babyface… The classic dichotomy, the yin and yang of professional wrestling. It was a tale as old as time, the villainous rogue facing off against the noble hero. “I think I'm getting some ideas,” Diana murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she handed the phone back to Romi. “Maybe Gumiho's rival could be like, a childhood friend who always looked up to her. But then Gumiho betrays her, and she has to fight to bring her back to the light…?”

Diana trailed off, lost in the fantasy unfolding in her mind. She could see it so clearly—the heartbreak, the angst, the simmering tension between the two rivals as they clashed again and again in the ring. And of course, the inevitable moment when that tension boiled over into something more. Somehow, somewhere, Diana had to squeeze in that shotgunning scene that got Diana hyped up for this creative madness. Self-indulgent for sure after seeing how Monarch and Trixie seemed to... well, enjoy it.

The thought of Gumiho doing that to her caused Diana's vision to spin like some heroine in her favourite shojo. Thankfully with no nose bleeding. Would Gumiho be gentle? Or would she TAKE? God, when was it going to be her turn?

“I wish we knew what Gumiho looked like under that mask.” Diana threw herself onto the bench beside Romi with a pitiful whine. As much as Diana had a thing for her mask, Diana also had a thing for wanting to know things. And what Diana really wanted to know—for science, of course—is what the elusive Gumiho looked like under that purple mask.

Romi Rae couldn’t help but see this as an opportunity to mess with Diana a little bit, to tease her. The pining whine from the smaller girl's mouth was enough to let the girl know that at least she had one dedicated fan. “Let’s look at some facts.” She said, as she leaned back on both of her palms. “The name, Gumiho. It’s Korean for Nine Tailed Fox, so there’s a high chance that our girl is one of us. Though her skin is a shade darker than say yours, though I’m also pretty sure she uses a touch of body paint. So she’s likely mixed, like me.”

When under the mask, it was true that Rosemary did go to great lengths to hide her identity. She did paint her body, she wore contacts and hair extensions. She covered up her inner arm tattoo with her elbow pad. It took a great deal of time and effort but so far, it was successful in keeping her secret alive.

“She’s playful, a trickster like the Gumiho of legend but you can tell from the grace of her movements that she’s had more training beyond just wrestling. She moves like a dancer and a gymnast. Her footwork, impeccable.” Romi could see Diana hanging in every word she was saying and it made the butterflies in her stomach even more ferocious. “She flows and crashes like water. Her strikes on point and her submission, clean, crisp and tight. Our girl likely got martial arts training.” She did. Romi had been trained in Taekwondo as a girl and had taken some classes with Adam in Brazilian Jujitsu. “Lot there for you to follow, Sherlock.”

Diana's eyes sparkled with fascination as she absorbed every detail Romi divulged about the enigmatic Gumiho. Her mind raced, weaving together the tantalising tidbits into a vivid tapestry. Mixed race, a trickster's grace, the discipline of a martial artist... Each new fact was another vibrant thread taking shape in her imagination. It not only helped Diana with Gumiho's characterisation (so she's more canon, of course), but it just solidified Diana's need to know more.

Leaning forward eagerly, Diana tucked a silky strand of ink-black hair behind her ear, exposing the elegant line of her porcelain neck. Her nose crinkled slightly as she pondered the delicious riddle Romi had presented. “So you're saying she's like a kunoichi?” Diana breathed, a giddy smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Beauty, brains, and brawn... Guh!” A total heart-throb. “How old do you think she is? She doesn't seem that much taller than, say, you, but it could be a video thing.”

”I’d say she’s around five foot four, give or take a big breakfast.” Romi followed Diana’s laugh with one of her own. She truly did enjoy the girls' company, her creative whims and funny soliloquies about her latest craze and obsession. It was even more fun to know the current one was her. Romi couldn’t deny that she enjoyed the attention and watching Di tuck that little strand back, all hers was on the girl sat next to her. “She hasn’t been around too long and there’s definitely some room for improvement so I’d hazard she’s maybe twenty to twenty five.”

Diana processed this tantalising new information about her wrestling obsession, her breathing heavy. It was certainly a weird sight to anyone not familiar with Diana’s ‘quirks’. Twenty to twenty-five, huh? The gears were already turning, piecing together a profile of the enigmatic Gumiho.

But why the secrecy? What was she hiding behind that sleek purple mask?

The questions swirled in Diana's head, stoking the flames of her insatiable curiosity. She had to know more. No, she needed to know more. It wasn't just about crafting the perfect fanfiction anymore. This was a mystery begging to be unravelled, a puzzle that called out to the depths of Diana's very soul.

Leaning in close, the Green heiress fixed Romi with an intense stare, her voice barely above a conspiratorial whisper. “Romi... We have to find out who she really is. Imagine the story I could write if I knew the truth!” Her eyes were alight with a feverish gleam, a woman possessed by the thrill of the hunt. Romi had goaded her too long, giving her just enough information to tantalise the curious mind, and now the need had grown into a full blown itch that she couldn't scratch. She had the resources—the Greens were filthy rich. Not that Diana intended on using them... yet. She wanted to lead the charge herself.

Butler shifted beside the door, no doubt steeling himself for another wild goose chase stirred by Diana's hyperfixations.

“What do you think? Wanna join me, Ro?”

“Why the hell not?!” Romi returned Diana’s excited whisper with a twinkle in her eye. Had she really just agreed to find herself? Isn’t that what college was for? Not that she planned on going to college though. “If I get the time, of course I will. You know how my schedule is.”

It was true, her schedule was always jam-packed. When she wasn’t wrestling, Romi Rae was always busy. Dancing, gymnastics, MMA, rock climbing and none of that even included the stuff she did with the Adventure Club. It was part of the reason that in her years as a BHHS Pirate, she hadn’t really found anyone to truly say she connected with, save Di. Sure, she had friends, former lovers and exes but the real connections? She was extremely lacking in that department and it was her own fault.

“Okay!” Diana exclaimed, practically vibrating with giddy anticipation. Her mind was already racing, piecing together a plan of attack for their thrilling new mission. “First things first, we need to gather intel. I'll scour the internet for any clues about Gumiho's identity—social media, fan forums, wrestling databases, the works.”

She whipped out her phone, slender fingers already flying across the screen as she opened a new note titled 'Operation Sly Fox'. “I'll get us tickets to Gumiho's next match. Live. Best way to learn is to see her in action.” Getting said tickets would be no problem considering Diana's surname alone. She could get anything, and right now Diana wanted nothing more than the know. Diana Green-Locke was on the case, and there was nothing stopping her from finding out the truth.

At this stage, Romi Rae didn’t know whether to be frightened or excited. Was Diana really the person that would reveal her secret? Or would she play right into Romi’s hands? All she had to do was keep her off the trail for another few months then she could reveal the truth herself! Oh, she could just picture Diana’s reaction when she found out that the girl she was sitting next to was her beloved Gumiho. In a way, Romi felt almost guilty keeping the secret from the Green but she didn’t have a choice. She couldn’t risk her Mom finding out. She couldn’t risk losing the one thing she loved most in the entire world. Not even Diana was going to stop her from achieving her destiny. From being a pro wrestler.

Wait, did she just agree to go watch herself in a match? How the hell was she going to get out of that?!!
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