Yeah... THAT Green.

18 • Female • Yes • She/Her • I wish
(FC: Kim Yoo-Jung; Dialogue: 69353f)
► reputation
Yeah, she's a Green. Yeah, she can't look you in the eye without going wide eyed or tongue tied, but that's okay, because she's rather nice when she can speak properly. Diana has social anxiety to the EXTREME. Cannot figure out social cues for the life of her, requires tone tags IRL but she would have to settle with a secret language developed with her Butler for now. Yet somehow, somewhere, the crown of becoming the next Candy Queen fell upon Diana's lap and now it is up to this social abomination to figure out who looks good with who. Good luck.
► current dilemma
Objective: Survive.
Hidden objective: Figure out how to talk to people outside her comfort circle without relying on her crutches.
Hidden objective: Figure out how to talk to people outside her comfort circle without relying on her crutches.
► social media handles
@DianaGLocke — Instagram, last picture uploaded a year ago of a particularly pretty sunset.
@mrznanami33 — Alt Instagram, where she actually engages with the JJK community as well as the wider anime community as a whole. May tentatively post cosplay pictures here.
@xDiiana_ — X, Discord, Twitch, TikTok, you name it.
@mrznanami33 — Alt Instagram, where she actually engages with the JJK community as well as the wider anime community as a whole. May tentatively post cosplay pictures here.
@xDiiana_ — X, Discord, Twitch, TikTok, you name it.
► style
Diana's style is a blend of comfort and elegance. She likes her academia style clothing with the crisp blouse, sweater vests and plaid skirts, but she also loves her anime merch. She blends the two by always wearing some kind of accessory that reminds her of her favourite characters — a hair bow for Tohru Honda, or glasses for Haruhi Fujioka, to interesting contact lenses or polkadotted thigh highs. Anything goes.
► ride & everyday items
Butler drives her. She doesn't care what the vehicle make and model is as long as Butler is in the front seat.
...Does Butler count as an everyday item? Well, he's not an item — Oh, you know what she means.
...Does Butler count as an everyday item? Well, he's not an item — Oh, you know what she means.
► extracurricular activities
When she's not in school or nose deep in her manga collection, Diana can be found hanging out with the other Candies... plotting.
Friends would describe me as _______.
"Um...I-I think my friends would probably describe me as...creative? And like, s-sensitive too..." She fidgeted with the hem of her navy blue sweater vest, "But...they'd also probably say I'm kinda weird or, um, peculiar I guess. You know how I am, always getting lost in anime fantasies and making dumb references...zoning out and stuff. I-I know I seem spacey and aloof sometimes when I do that... But I'm trying. Is that okay?"
In my free time I like to _______.
"I-In my free time, I...I like to immerse myself in different worlds, I guess? Drawing and writing are my biggest passions. I've been working on some art for a story... It's still just scribblings in my notebooks for now but..." She trails off with a small, bashful smile. "A-And of course I spend way too much time watching anime and reading manga too. Or on Twitch watching Oli or someone from school play something. It makes me feel less alone."
I would like to learn _______ in the next year.
"Social cues. I'd like to know when I'm... 'being too much'. Or how to render backgrounds. It's difficult."
This is how I define success and failure:
"Ugh...s-success? Failure? Those stupid words have haunted me forever. Omma always says not to worry about it, can I not? I-I guess for me...success is, um, pleasing Mom? Doing everything expected of me without messing up? I don't know..."
I'm inspired by _______.
"I-I'm probably just being silly as always, overthinking things. But I believe in the power of…of love and personal growth and all that mushy stuff. It's what gets me out of bed every day."
These songs are the soundtrack to my life:
TWICE | Cheer Up Baby!
TWICE | Fancy
Animal Crossing New Horizons OST | 4AM
Stardew Valley OST | Flower dance
TWICE | Fancy
Animal Crossing New Horizons OST | 4AM
Stardew Valley OST | Flower dance
My fondest memory as a child was _______.
"My fondest childhood memory? Hmm... Well, it's a little embarrassing, but...I guess watching anime and dramas cuddled up with Omma has to be one of my happiest memories. We'd be all cozy on the big plush sofa, and I'd giggle at the over-the-top *ahjusshis* and their silly antics. I always felt so safe and content wrapped up in Omma's arms like that. Or when Mom showed me Gundham... It was so cool seeing mom chill out and relax."
If I could tell my younger self something, I would say:
"You're... more scared than you should be about something. I still have to tell myself this every day."
The things that make me smile are _______.
The interviewer simply bullet pointed the following due to how long it took to transcribe everything.
...It was a long list.
- Anime
- Manga
- Romance
- Manhwas
- K-Dramas
- Fanfiction
- Stardew Valley
- K-Pop
- When Mom is happy with her
- When she correctly identifies someone's 'trope'
- Watching Oli play his video games
- When she gets the hand in her drawing anatomically correct
- When Butler doesn't have to give her tips
...It was a long list.
My whole life story in one sentence:
"Have you seen A Silent Voice? I think I'm a lot like Shōko Nishimiya... just without the deafness, I guess. Is that worse? I somehow feel like that's worse..."
► extra information

"Uh... have my husbands?"

”The sun is on my side
And takes me for a ride
I smile up to the sky
I know I'll be alright”
18 • Female • Straight? • She/Her • Uh...
(FC: Nicole Wallace; Dialogue: dc9da2)

► reputation
"Omigod, I'm like, so popular it's crazy!" She proclaimed. "Being a Quinn means everyone knows who I am. Daddy throws the best parties and always gets me onto the VIP lists at clubs." She smirked and examined her manicured nails nonchalantly before continuing, "Plus with cheer and dance, I know all the athletes. And I use Daddy's black Amex to take my friends on shopping sprees so they adore me!"
She tapped her chin thoughtfully, "I guess the teachers get kinda annoyed when I show up late with a frapp, or fail another midterm. But like, I try but its like reading alien to me. Like. What does A need a little 2 for?? Why not make it bigger so we can all read it, right? Not everyone has perf vision."
She tapped her chin thoughtfully, "I guess the teachers get kinda annoyed when I show up late with a frapp, or fail another midterm. But like, I try but its like reading alien to me. Like. What does A need a little 2 for?? Why not make it bigger so we can all read it, right? Not everyone has perf vision."
► current dilemma
Lottie bit her lip anxiously, twisting a lock of blonde hair around her finger as she pondered how to respond. After a few moments, she let out a dramatic sigh and launched into a rambling confession. "Ugh, so I've been stressing about senior year and getting my GPA up for cheer and college apps and stuff. I wanna get into UCLA's dance program but that's like, so hard, like I'm not smart like that" she began, punctuating her words with lots of hand gestures. "My guidance counselor is always hounding me about taking harder classes but calculus sounds like actual torture!" She stuck her tongue out in disgust. "Daddy said he would buy them a new library wing so I guess that's okay...?"
"And I've put on a few pounds recently from late night Wendys runs which is totes messing with my head," She admitted with a frown, subconsciously touching her stomach, pressing against the skin forcefully before inhaling deeply. "If I don't slim down soon I think I'll actually dieee."
"And I've put on a few pounds recently from late night Wendys runs which is totes messing with my head," She admitted with a frown, subconsciously touching her stomach, pressing against the skin forcefully before inhaling deeply. "If I don't slim down soon I think I'll actually dieee."
► social media handles
lqttie. on everything (Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat and Twitter)
Yes, she does have a Finsta. No, she will not give it to you (unless you ask very, very nicely).
Yes, she does have a Finsta. No, she will not give it to you (unless you ask very, very nicely).
► style
"I'm, like, obsessed with Y2K fashion," She gushed, gesturing animatedly which caused her numerous bracelets adorning her wrist to jingle. "All the crop tops, low rise jeans, butterfly hair clips. It's so cute!"
"I pretty much live in my collection of designer bags too - my faves are Louis Vuitton and Prada. And don't even get me started on shoes! Jimmy Choo, Manolo Blahnik, Louboutin. I have, like, a whole closet just for heels and sandals." She twirled a lock of hair around her finger, adding, "And accessories are everything. I have drawers full of chokers, hair clips, rings, earrings. Just tons of bling." She flashed her diamond encrusted Apple watch. "I don't really care too much about brands and stuff. I just wanna look cute, you know?"
"I pretty much live in my collection of designer bags too - my faves are Louis Vuitton and Prada. And don't even get me started on shoes! Jimmy Choo, Manolo Blahnik, Louboutin. I have, like, a whole closet just for heels and sandals." She twirled a lock of hair around her finger, adding, "And accessories are everything. I have drawers full of chokers, hair clips, rings, earrings. Just tons of bling." She flashed her diamond encrusted Apple watch. "I don't really care too much about brands and stuff. I just wanna look cute, you know?"
► ride & everyday items
Lottie pouted her glossy lips as she thought carefully, as she played with a lock of her hair around her index finger absentmindedly. "Well, like, Daddy got me a cute lilac Tesla for my sixteenth birthday. So I pretty much drive that everywhere. It's got my name monogrammed on the seats and everything!" She tittered. "Just don't mind the scratches, 'kay?"
"And I always, always have my phone. How else would I take selfies and update my Insta story? Plus my designer bag. Which one depends on my outfit, but it’s usually Chanel or Dior." She gestured at the quilted white Chanel dangling from her arm as an example.
Her eyes then lit up suddenly. "Ooh! And I never leave home without my pepper spray! You wouldn’t believe how many weirdos try to talk to me whenever I’m out. As if!" She cackled. "So yeah, phone, purse, pepper spray. The holy trinity for surviving as a hot girl," She proclaimed with an aborted hair flip as her eyes widened and she scavenged through her Chanel bag. "Fuck! Forgot my vape again!!"
"And I always, always have my phone. How else would I take selfies and update my Insta story? Plus my designer bag. Which one depends on my outfit, but it’s usually Chanel or Dior." She gestured at the quilted white Chanel dangling from her arm as an example.
Her eyes then lit up suddenly. "Ooh! And I never leave home without my pepper spray! You wouldn’t believe how many weirdos try to talk to me whenever I’m out. As if!" She cackled. "So yeah, phone, purse, pepper spray. The holy trinity for surviving as a hot girl," She proclaimed with an aborted hair flip as her eyes widened and she scavenged through her Chanel bag. "Fuck! Forgot my vape again!!"
► occupation
babygirl er, aspiring prima ballerina... okay, none.
► extracurricular activities
Lottie perked up, her eyes lighting up eagerly. "Omigod, I'm like, the ultimate social butterfly! I'm a cheerleader so I have to go to all the football games and pep rallies and stuff which keeps me super busy after school."
"And, like ballet is also my thing, so duh. Sometimes I get to hang out with the dance squad. Oh, oh and I take them out for fro yo. Ugh, now I'm craving some right now." She tapped her chin thoughtfully before adding, "Hmm, what else? Oh yeah, I have a little study crew to like, help me study. Honestly they're like the only reason I'm not repeating junior year."
"And, like ballet is also my thing, so duh. Sometimes I get to hang out with the dance squad. Oh, oh and I take them out for fro yo. Ugh, now I'm craving some right now." She tapped her chin thoughtfully before adding, "Hmm, what else? Oh yeah, I have a little study crew to like, help me study. Honestly they're like the only reason I'm not repeating junior year."
Friends would describe me as _______.
"My friends would totes describe me as, like, the funnest, bestest, bff ever!"
In my free time I like to _______.
"Omigod, in my free time I'm always hanging with my squad! We'll go shopping and get froyo and frappes at the mall, or sometimes get our nails done. Also Caramel I miss her when I'm at school so I like to spoil her when I can!"
I would like to learn _______ in the next year.
"Ugh, daddy said I need to learn how to parallel park or else he'll take my Tessie away. But like, the scratches aren't that noticable. I found a permanent marker and covered it up and everything like TikTok said."
This is how I define success and failure:
"Success to me is being, like, super popular and having tons of followers on social media!" She giggled airily. "And failure is wearing last season's outfits or not being invited to the best parties, obvi."
She stopped twirling her hair for a moment, chewing on her lower lip before the momentary seriousness washed away her usual easy grin. "I guess success is also doing well in school and stuff. My parents are pretty strict about grades so I have to work on those... But I mean, Daddy would always just donate another library if I was failing anything, so like I don't see the problem," She said with an exaggerated eye roll, but the way she worried her lower lip betrayed her act.
She stopped twirling her hair for a moment, chewing on her lower lip before the momentary seriousness washed away her usual easy grin. "I guess success is also doing well in school and stuff. My parents are pretty strict about grades so I have to work on those... But I mean, Daddy would always just donate another library if I was failing anything, so like I don't see the problem," She said with an exaggerated eye roll, but the way she worried her lower lip betrayed her act.
I'm inspired by _______.
Lottie's face scrunched up as she pondered the question, her pink glossed lips pursing in concentration. "I'm, like, so inspired by Paris Hilton. She's just so fab and rich and glam, you know? Plus she has her own perfume which I'm totally jealous of!"
She continued dreamily, "Ooh, and every ballerina I've ever seen! They're all so graceful and beautiful when they dance. I wish I could be a prima ballerina like my big sis one day! But my career counselor said being an influencer would be easier for me. But like, I wanna be more than that, ya know?"
She continued dreamily, "Ooh, and every ballerina I've ever seen! They're all so graceful and beautiful when they dance. I wish I could be a prima ballerina like my big sis one day! But my career counselor said being an influencer would be easier for me. But like, I wanna be more than that, ya know?"
These songs are the soundtrack to my life:
Lottie grabbed her phone and started scrolling eagerly through her playlists. "Omigod, here, look at my Spotify playlist!!"
My fondest memory as a child was _______.
Lottie's face lit up, her eyes sparkling with delight as she recalled her fondest childhood memory. "Omigod, my absolute fave memory was getting to dance as Clara in the Nutcracker when I was, like, eight!" She squealed excitedly. "I got to wear the most gorgeous costume with a glittery tutu and these adorbs space bun. And all my friends and fam came to watch me on opening night! I was so nervous but it felt magical being on stage." A dreamy look crossed her face and she sighed wistfully.
Then her expression changed to a slight frown. "The only bummer was that Mom said I looked chubby and made me go on a juice cleanse for a week after." She shrugged it off quickly, her megawatt smile returning. "But it was so worth it! I lost like a kilo after and felt like a star again."
Then her expression changed to a slight frown. "The only bummer was that Mom said I looked chubby and made me go on a juice cleanse for a week after." She shrugged it off quickly, her megawatt smile returning. "But it was so worth it! I lost like a kilo after and felt like a star again."
If I could tell my younger self something, I would say:
"If I could, like, go back and tell my younger self something..." She tapped a perfectly manicured finger against her chin before continuing enthusiastically, "I'd be all 'Lottie, girl, you are totes fab just the way you are! Don't let anyone ever make you feel not good enough.' I'd just want little Lottie to know she's already perf and doesn't need to try so hard to please everyone else." Lottie gave a firm nod as if to reinforce her point.
The things that make me smile are _______.
Lottie's eyes lit up and her smile grew even brighter, causing her cheeks to flush a rosy pink. "Omigosh, the things that make me smile are like, my besties, cute puppies, getting tons of likes on Insta, and drinks from Starbucks!" She punctuated the last item with an enthusiastic squeal and vigorous nodding.
"I'm also super smiley whenever I have a new crush. You know that butterfly feeling you get?" She placed her hands over her heart, sighing dreamily. "And obviously anytime I find a super cute new outfit. Or get surprised with shopping money from Daddy."
"I'm also super smiley whenever I have a new crush. You know that butterfly feeling you get?" She placed her hands over her heart, sighing dreamily. "And obviously anytime I find a super cute new outfit. Or get surprised with shopping money from Daddy."
My whole life story in one sentence:
"My whole life story in one sentence? Like, I was born a super cute baby who's now grown into an even more fab teenager destined for awesomeness!"
► extra information

"Look at my little honeybunch shnuckums...!"