Avatar of Ojiro Mashirao


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current hi. i'm gonna be very busy for a while so i'll get on whenever I can
3 mos ago
It's a character from Mha Bud ^^;
3 mos ago
Are there any Kaminari's here?
3 mos ago
"Name a Yellow fruit"
3 mos ago
after drowning myself in a hot bath (not literally) I think things are going better ^^


I love Demon slayer, Mha, Wings of fire, Last kids on earth, Creepypasta, Fnaf and other things. Always open to Roleplays or chats ^^

If you're feeling down or need support, pet the tail. it's calming (jk, if you need to chat about something important or feeling lonely, down, etc, I'm here to help and listen the best i can)

Remember to take care of yourself. You get caught up always trying to help others and you forget to take care of yourself in the process. it's not bad to ask for help, I would know. I still need help at this exact moment. if you need help, say something. it doesn't stop you from being an amazing person.

A little about me, I am actually 17, but I am a total noob hehe. I have DID (alters are Polli, Toby and Julia, which I based some of my Oc's off of them, so yeah. If you wanna know more, PM me). I also have mild tourettes and ADHD, so things can be a bit hard for me at times. I tend to be unpredictable at times so I can be really happy at times and really sensitive others. Most of the time, things don't hurt me, but sometimes, things hurt a lot, especially when it hits around my PTSD or my feelings (if you have any question about any personal things such as what my PTSD is from or my alters or anything else, please just PM me. and don't tell other people unless you ask. I have a severe attachment trust issue thing going on, so you have basically my full attention and trust until you break it. If I accept you back is up to Toby) if I missed anything, let me know, Bye-bye! ^^

I put my gender as male, but you'll never really know if i'm male or female hehehehehe

*preparing to send you to Shigaraki* Now... You're either gonna buckle down and be my friend.... or things aren't gonna end well for you....

Most Recent Posts

It's been almost a century since the merge of the two continents and now they all live in peace. More hybrids are appearing, dragons from different tribes are collaborating. it's paradise. But now there's a new threat. The Sandwing prince, Prince Jackal, who was supposed to be the first true king has disappeared and a devilish dragon named Tumbleweed is set on stealing the throne. If she does, then all the tribes will go to war... again... But rumor has it that an Animus Nightwing named Sleepless enchanted ten teardrop shaped diamonds and hid them around the world. Whoever shall find a pair, if they are to accept the stones as their very own scales, they will grant one wish to the dragon. There are four pairs still hidden around the world and as no one knew, there's been a secret kingdom of entirely new species hidden below their very feet. Underneath, A new species of dragon with four different variants lives in peace, afraid of the surface. One queen and one king ruling the hidden tribe The stormwings, Queen Velicity and King Archaeopteryx face new threats. A young sandwing hybrid with four wings sets out to save the continent and hidden world, All with a veteran Skywing named Chicago by his side.

Will you join Dusty and Chicago to help save a bunch of innocent dragons lives, find the tears to return them to Sleepless at her impossible to find home, the Shifting Oasis?


Anyone can join, but there are some rules

No OP dragons
Hybrids allowed
no hate
No bullying
Ask before killing or severely injuring another person's character (scratches are fine if they are minor)
No controlling another character


Age(dragon years):
The Collenn Files: part 3
Angel of Death

“Oh My God!- Run! Run!-” Brett cried, shoving Cally and Corbet forward. “Brett- What are you doing-” Corbet rushed, stumbling over his own feet. “Just go! It’s right-... behind.. us?” Brett paused, looking around the dark abandoned living room. It was just as it was when they’d arrived. Brett was a sixteen year old boy who’d invited his friends to explore a supposedly haunted mansion. At first when they arrived, he tried spooking them with pranks, but things began to take unexpectedly dark turns. He had the big idea of hiding in a closet and waiting for Cally to walk by so he could jump out and scare her, but when he realized she wasn’t gonna walk by, he tried opening the door. It wouldn’t open. The doorknob didn’t feel locked, but more like someone was holding it from the other side. Although it felt like a few minutes of struggling in the dark closet, it’d only been about twenty seconds. He burst out of the closet expecting to find Cally giggling, but no one was there. Only the red carpet that led down both ways of the hall. “Are you sure you’re alright, Brett? Maybe coming here made you paranoid” Cally said, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Maybe she was right, and he was just paranoid. “Yeah, we should probably skedaddle before we end up bringing home bad Juju,” Corbet said, half chuckling. “It’s not funny guys! I saw something-” Brett pushed, looking around again. At that moment, Cally dropped her flashlight and something further in the mansion crashed, causing a chain reaction. Things began to fall and both Corbet and Brett jumped, dropping their flashlights as well. All They could hear was the crashing of objects and each other’s screams. It took about two minutes and then another for things to calm down. Two of three flashlights were still on and working. Cally and Brett took the working ones while Corbet took the dead one, shoving it into his backpack. “W-What was all that?..” Cally asked in a shaky voice. Brett shone his flashlight across the old living room and found shattered glass and broken picture frames scattered all across the floor. “Looks like something fell into another and caused everything else to fall” Brett answered. Corbet sidled up beside Brett, seeing from his perspective. “Like Dominos-” He piped in. Brett nodded in agreement, then looked around a bit more. “We should probably get out of here..” Cally squeaked. In a nod of agreement, the three of them made their way to the front door. As Brett opened it, they all gasped. “I'm sure this was the front door-” He said, scratching his head as he shone his light through the door into what looked like a ballroom. “You probably just got confused,” Corbet said, taking Brett’s flashlight. “Here, just follow me. I remember where another exit is- remember” He said, carefully stepping into the ballroom as the others followed. “That's right. The door between the kitchen and dining room” Cally ushered. They moved quickly through the giant, dark room, Cally skittishly shining her light around the room. "Hey, guys- Wait a second-" She said suddenly. Brett looked back and found her near crouch walking like in those video games. She finally stopped shining her light at the floor in front of her. "What is it?" Corbet asked, walking over to her. Brett was basically attached to Corbet's arm now, shivering at the cold air. "Look at this-" She said, and both boys hovered over her shoulder. She had her light shining on a white feather that seemed to be lined with gold. "Pretty?" Corbet said, confused. “wait- No, that’s not it-... It looks new-” Brett said. “Exactly! And look- What kind of bird has a feather like this?” She pointed out. Brett reached over to grab the feather, but as soon as he made contact, the feather started fading into a sort of gold like dust until there was no trace of it left. He looked up at Cally and Corbet who looked traumatized and baffled at the same time. “If that’s not a sign that this place is haunted, then I need to do some research on birds with disintegrating feathers…” Corbet said, shivering. “we should probably.. Hurry up..” Brett said, pulling the other two teens up by their arms. They quickly resumed their mission to the Exit, stumbling nearly the whole entire way there. It took about ten excruciating minutes, but they finally made it. Corbet let out a sudden laugh of excitement, thrusting his hands up into the air. “We Made it!!” He cried. Cally joined in and then Brett finally did as well. The three kids trekked out through the door to find the cool night air and the small babbling creek. “You are never talking me into anything ever again” Cally laughed, playingfully shoving Brett back by his shoulder. “What do you think, Corbet?” She giggled, her and Brett pushing each other around. A few minutes passed with no response. “Corbet?...” Cally asked again, looking around. There was no sign of him. “C-Corbet!?” She started calling out. Brett grabbed her shoulders and put his finger to her lips. “Shhhh- Be quiet! He probably just got sidetracked- we’ll go back in and look for him” Brett tried reassuring her. She nodded a bit and they both made their way back inside. At one point, Brett had taken his flashlight back from Corbet so he and Cally had both working flashlights. “where could that idiot have gone too..” Brett said quietly. He was annoyed and on edge, so this didn’t help at all. “I swear to Hathor, if you’re playing us right now, I’m gonna kick your narrow, sorry ass!” Brett called. Cally suddenly shrieked, her flashlight flicking from on to off, over and over. “Oh, Come on you big baby- It’s just flickering-... shit..” Brett pulled Cally closer. Her light was now dead, Brett’s being the only one working now. “d-do you think… it could have been him?” Cally asked, her teeth chattering as she clung to Brett’s arm. “No, Ben is an internet Myth. Unless your flashlight is connected to the internet, it shouldn’t be able to do anything-” Cally suddenly shook Brett really hard. “Don’t call him an it!- You’ll Just make him angry!” She lectured. Brett rolled his eyes. “If you want some people to be scared of, Then I’ll give you some. hmmm.. Eyeless jack, he’s someone you should be scared of” He said, walking again. “No, no, Jeff The killer- He killed his family and tried killing his brother” Cally’s voice shook with fear. “That’s true. Hmm.. There was a rumor about him actually- A son and a daughter. I heard he had a biological son and an adopted daughter” Brett said, thinking back to the articles he read online. It could have been fake though, because it was written anonymously. “The rumor I heard was that he raped a woman and she gave birth to a son that he didn’t know about and then years later, Jeff got lonely and kidnapped a little girl, forcing her to become a killer too” she said. It actually made sense. That crazy guy couldn’t have the heart to rightfully love someone and make a real child. Plus, how did he get the girl if he didn’t kidnap her? Suddenly something big and dark dropped to the ground in front of the two teens. Whatever it was, it started shifting and gurgling. "Cally, Stay Behind Me!" Brett called, pulling Cally behind him. He slowly raised the beam of the flashlight to the heaving mass in front of them, and when he did, Cally screamed. He looked up at Brett with teary eyes, blood pouring from his mouth. "Corbet!!- What happened!?" Brett cried out, kneeling beside his dying friend. Corbet tried speaking, but only blood came from his mouth. Suddenly all of Brett’s hair stood up, and he could sense something coming. “what-” Before Brett could finish, Corbet shoved him back, causing him to fall onto his back. “Dude, What the hell-...” He went silent as he raised his flashlight beam to a little girl. She had her head down, black hair covering her face. It took him a moment to realize that she had white wings. Suddenly Corbet started struggling frantically, nearly crawling on top of Brett. “Dont- Don’t interact- D-Don’t look- She’ll- steal… voice.. eyes-'' He gurgled, splattering blood all over Brett. “What are you talking about-” Brett was interrupted by Cally’s screams and he found her stumbling back. “Her face- Her eyes- They’re gone!- Wait- AH-'' The little girl suddenly tackled Cally, grabbing her by the neck and forcing her to the ground. Brett was frozen, unable to move. He could barely see the two’s feet, and when he turned to look, Corbet shoved his head to the ground and shook his head. “Get off!” Cally screamed, trying to shove the little girl off. She only tilted her head, squeezing tighter before reaching towards Cally’s face with her free hand. Brett listened with horror as he could hear Cally screaming and begging for the little girl to stop. His eyes were watering as he stared at his flashlight, which was laying on the ground next to him. “D-don’t… look… or speak… t-to.. her..” Corbet choked. “why-” Suddenly Corbet was yanked off of him and the only sounds were his frantic, gurgling cries and Cally’s crying. He covered his mouth and closed his eyes, trying to stay calm and quiet, although it was rather hard. His body would obey him, his breathing frantic and his arms and legs trembling. His only thoughts were what was she gonna do to him, and when was she gonna get him. He heard little footsteps making their way towards him and he held his breath. He sensed the little girl bending down to inspect him before she flew off deeper into the mansion. He waited a bit longer before opening his eyes and grabbing his flashlight. “Corbet! Cally-” He suddenly screamed, his flashlight pointed at Cally. She was laying limply on the ground, eyes gouged out. He shone his light over to Corbet, whose neck was viciously mauled. “oh my god..” Brett said to himself. He looked around a bit more before finding a message written on the ground- written in blood. ‘Surrender your sight and sound to the angel’. Suddenly Brett realized what Corbet’s warning meant. Cally had looked at the girl in the eyes, so she lost her eyes and he guessed that Corbet spoke to her so she took his voice. “But why the eyes and voice?..” He said to himself. Suddenly something grabbed his shoulders and he whipped around. His flashlight was knocked out of his hand and fell to the ground, turning off. “Shit!-” He cried, bending down and searching for it. If he didn’t find his flashlight, he would have to wait until morning to leave- if he even made it to morning. “Come on, Come on-” He cried to himself, searching so frantically that he was losing breath. It took a minute before finding it, scrambling it up into his hands. Just as he turned the flashlight on, the beam rested on the horrific face of the little girl. Her eyes were gone and her mouth was stitched shut. Brett’s heart nearly stopped as he fell back. This was it- He looked into the little girl’s face. She jumped on top of him and tilted her head before reaching towards his face. She placed her thumbs over his eyes, causing Brett to panic. In that instant, all other emotions faded away, nothing but fear, panic and pain remaining. The little girl had shoved her thumbs into his eyes before pulling them back out. Brett only screamed, rolling over onto his side. The pain was excruciating- unbearable even. “M-Make It Stop!! Make It Stop!!-” he cried, kicking his legs. As if his call had been answered, the little girl’s hands cupped Brett’s cheeks, and his last thought was ‘I’m gonna die..’. And then everything went black, sound, sight, feeling, pain- All gone.
Hey peeps, Debating if I should continue this story. It's kind of dying for me though. I will write other things too if requested. I do Short story one-shots for people such as Character x Y/n or character x character, etc
“Man, It’s been a while since we could just relax and have a nice drink, y’know” Jackson said. He grabbed his can, taking a long drink of the bitter liquid. “I still do not understand why you humans consider consuming such potent liquid” A voice came from the right. It was Spam. “Can it Spam, you haven’t even tried it yet” Came a voice to the left. That voice belonged to Forrest. Mason was the only one who sat unspoken. “Why would I try something so intoxicating to the brain?” Spam said, stiffening when Jackson gave him a pat on the back. “It's alright, You don’t have to drink any” He said, leaning back and taking another drink. Mason seemed to be spacing out, staring at everyone else until he realized Forrest was staring at him. “Something up?” He asked, leaning in towards Mason. “no, no.. everything is.. fine” Mason replied, looking away a little. Jackson suddenly began scooting in towards him, bringing his chair and drink. Mason jumped when Spam’s gentle claws gripped his right shoulder, giving a small, affectionate squeeze. “It is alright, Mason Summers. Today is a day of safety and transportation. Spartan has it under control” He said, letting go and sitting down next to him. Mason nodded, thanking them for the support. “I know it’s been rough lately. I heard you were in a big accident during the last attack. How are the injuries doing?” Jackson asked. “Don’t worry, I’m doing fine thanks to Spam here” Mason chuckled, lightly elbowing him. “Yes. Mason Summers is on a good healing track, meaning he’ll be completely healed by the next full moon” Spam said, almost proudly. This caused the guys to laugh a bit, giving Spam crap. Mason looked around at them, first finding Spam’s bright, violet purple-pink eyes, then over to Jackson’s unruly mop of blonde hair, and lastly, he stopped on Forrest. They were staring at each other, face to face, Forrest’s dark green eyes fixed on Mason’s. That was until they were interrupted by the loud and obnoxious Jackson. “Are you two having a love connection or a staring contest? It’s hard to tell” He snickered, supporting his arm on his leg. “Ha ha, very funny” Forrest said, rolling his eyes. “Jackson Carter is correct. It is very difficult to distinguish between a love bond forming or a contest of unblinking-” Spam said in his generally confused voice. Mason burst out laughing, leaning forward and gently patting his hand on his knee. “Real funny, guys. Let's just finish our drinks, alright?” He said, grabbing his drink. They all nodded, grabbing their drinks and clinking the cans together. The three men downed the rest of their drinks and placed the cans on the ground, each hiccuping nearly on cue. Jackson leaned back in his chair, holding one arm out. “Why do we even need our armor on anyways?” He said. “So your drunk self isn’t sneaking around trying to squeeze people’s asses” Forrest snarked, sinking into his chair. “Ha, ha. But no, like seriously?” He said again. Mason leaned forward, holding his left shoulder a little. “Because, in case of emergencies, we’re ready” He replied. Spam gave Mason a respectful nod, also leaning forward. “But.. we could take it off for at least one minute.. Right?” Forrest asked, to Mason's surprise. He expected none other from Jackson, but Forrest? “Are you alright, or have the drinks got to you already?” Mason asked Forrest, concerned. “Naaaaaah, I’m fine” he replied, suddenly leaning in his weight on Mason’s left. This caused him to wince, pulling away. “careful, Forrest Beckett-” Spam said, jumping in. He gently grabbed Forrest by his sides and lifted him off of Mason, sitting down again once accomplished. “Aw, man- I’m sorry- Here, let me make up for it-” Forrest said sympathetically, leaning in. He kissed Mason’s shoulder a couple of times before moving up a little. Mason could feel his warm breath on his neck, as well as the kisses that gradually moved up until they reached under his ear. Mason felt his cheeks growing hotter, an odd sensation of butterflies in his stomach. “Forrest- what are you doing?-” He tried. Suddenly Forrest started nibbling at his neck, licking the soft skin. Mason started trembling as he felt the warm saliva being smeared on him. Forest continued nibbling until he gave Mason’s neck a big bite, sucking on it like a vampire. This caused Mason to yelp, alarming Spam. But before Spam could do anything, Jackson got up. "Don't worry big boy, they're experiencing a love connection" He said, going over and gently pushing Spam back in his seat. “Now why don’t you let me do the same with you~” And with that, Jackson sat down in Spam’s lap and copied Forrest, starting by nibbling on his neck. Spam looked over at Mason, looking like he was trying to process what was happening. Mason looked at Forrest, who remained biting on his neck. “y-you aren’t allowed more than three drinks anymore-” He said, gently trying to push the other man off of him. Forrest only took this as a reason to try harder and he moved himself onto Mason’s lap to. “Maybe I’m drunk… and maybe this is me knowing that you’re a submissive type~” He said, leaning in. Mason put a hand on Forrest’s chest, stopping him. “Forrest… this is wrong- You are my companion, and my close friend- It would be wrong to do anything… regretful” He said, his voice trembling. Forrest sighed, looking away a bit, revealing the drunk haze on his face. Mason helped forest off and laid him down onto a small bench, patting his shoulder. Forrest fell asleep quickly. “yep.. I knew you were drunk, Mr. 8 beer man..” Mason mumbled, turning around. regret. He wished he could erase what he was seeing. Jackson was making out with Spam, probably sucking the life out of the poor alien. “Jackson- Back off before you suffocate him” Mason called, sitting down in a two seater chair. Jackson luckily obliged, sliding off the Alien’s lap and falling onto his side, passed out. “what in the country name just happened…” Spam asked. It was hard to tell whether he was traumatized, or love stuck. “Jackson nearly suffocated you with a kiss, hehe” Mason replied, patting the empty space next to him. Spam got up and sat next to Mason, blinking a little. “ah… and what is a kiss?” He asked, staring down with his magenta colored eyes. Mason swore that they were glowing most of the time with how radiant they were.
Hello, greetings, hi, hey
...idk, i came here :p
Idk this is just a free thing, I just wanna have something to do :)
I'm new, but can i join this?? (idk how to work things-)
OMG, is this Rp still open or is it dead, and what characters are taken (If i'm allowed to join ofc, if not, that's perfectly fine) :)
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