For a moment, Caddach was honestly caught a bit off-guard; His body tensed as the Orc woman strained against her bindings and the sound of stretching steel filled his ears, his feet moving beneath him to rise into a slight crouch with his back still to the wall. A slight haze in the air around him the only hint of the fortification magic he suddenly began to pulse through his body— amplifying the lad's strength and speed— as his eyes locked onto the potential threat. Not in panic or fear, but something much more clinical— an echo of a life before his current, rather domestic profession, of a youth spent training as a Knight and the under the unorthodox tutelage of a damned Dremora in the Arcane University— a cold, patient resolve that though the red-headed Orsimer had gotten the jump on him last time, it would not happen again...
...Which is why it threw him for such a loop when Roshanarra, after snapping the chains free from the walls, ripping off her mask and laying her eyes on him again... simply apologized. With a vaguely Altmeri accent, to boot. Enough that the haze around the boy faded as Caddach throttled back on his magic, allowed his shoulders to slack and cocked his head to the side. In that moment, not entirely sure how to process the distinct absence of a round two to their previous hostilities... but kinda feeling like an arse at how gung-ho for it he had become for a second there.
He clicked his tongue a little as he realized that his Reachman was showing.
Caddach didn't have time to ponder that or verbally accept Rosh's apology however, as the audible chaos outside the small window near the cell's ceiling and through the halls of the prison itself put an abrupt end to the conversation. As did the corpse of the guy in the spooky red armor that came tumbling down the hallway outside their cell, skewered and bloodied after the Legionaries were done with it and Caddach took note of the permanent grimace on it's spiked helmet now staring emptily into their joined space for a few seconds before fading away, leaving behind an Imperial face twisted into some expression deranged bliss... wearing a scarlet robe. With the lad staring right back, his eyes narrowing in instant recognition as cold realization dawned upon him.
"Oh, Tiber..."
He recognized those robes. He'd seen them in Eldamil's wardrobe after finding that fucking book on the man's desk earlier that very day. Though before he could ponder that particular nugget of awareness and trepidation, that familiar bark of Renault's voice echoed through the cell and rattled in his ears. Closer than it had been earlier, as she stomped into view in front of the door, visibly seething at seeing them all in there, so Caddach just kept his head down to avoid her equally familiar glare as she entered— The Captain having been rather sore about him and his family since breaking up with his brother— and definitely averted his gaze when the fucking EMPEROR of all people entered in behind her. Though he did allow his eyes to flick upward for a moment to share a knowing look with Baurus, who simply gave him a quick nod and a gesture to keep quiet, before Caddach's gaze turned towards Glenroy— the third Blade in their trio— who mumbled a quick apology and shuffled past to reveal that Caddach had apparently been leaning against a the entrance to a secret passage the whole time... before offering out a hand to help the lad onto his feet once Baurus was busy addressing the assembled prisoners and Renault wasn't looking.
"Glenroy." Caddach greeted, grasping the offered appendage by the forearm and grunting a little as the armoured man hauled him to his feet.
"Thraigyr." The Blade greeted in kind, cocking a brow slightly at the young man's condition, even as he stepped out of the way of the towering Khajiit that lumbered past down into the hole he'd just opened up in the wall. "You look like you ran face-first into Stendarr's hammer, the fuck happened to ya?"
For a second, Caddach's eyes flicked over to Roshanarra and narrowed slightly before flicking back to Glenroy again and speaking before the man could follow his gaze.
"Eh, just a bar-fight. Didn't even see who jumped me, truth be told." He lied with a dismissive shake of his head, before quickly changing the topic. "Is it true, then, all that screaming about Geldall?"
"Every word of it."
A cold chill crept up from Caddach's gut alongside a quietly hissed 'Draigh!' at those words, as he leaned back against the wall and out of the way as yet more prisoners hauled their way past, either down the hole or to try their luck in the prison in the midst of the ongoing chaos; It wasn't like Caddach could claim to be friends with the now-former heir to the Ruby Throne, but Geldall had always been good to the castle staff— Even before their little breakfast today— so to hear he died in such a way struck the lad somewhere quite personal.
"But, we're in a better spot than we would've been if you and Baurus hadn't found that bloody book earlier." Glenroy added quietly, using the relative chaos of all the movement in the cell and Renault's barking to go unheard by most others. "You with us? Divines know we could use all the help we can get right now."
The look that came to the lad's face at that moment told the older Blade all he needed to know, as Caddach thumbed his own nose with one last flicker of restoration magic and hocked a loogie full of whatever lingering blood was left in his nostril off to the side.
"Aye, I'm with ya."
"Good lad." Glenroy replied with a nod and a small grin, despite the circumstances, before quickly snapping his eyes towards one of the guards Renault had sent to gather equipment from the lockbox. Pointing at one of the fallen watchmen on the ground as he barked; "You! That man no longer needs his sword! Toss it here!"
And, catching the weapon as it arrived soon after— Scabbard and all— Glenroy offered one last command as he handed the weapon over and Caddach took a step back to attach it to his belt.
"I have to stay with His Majesty, you go on ahead with the others." He ordered quickly. "Help them clear the way if you can, but don't do anything too reckless."
Giving Glenroy a quick nod of affirmation, Caddach cast his eyes back to Roshanarra again as the Imperial Blade turned away to rejoin his liege's side. Offering the Orsimer woman a seemingly amused raise of his brow as he leaned forward slightly and whispered;
"Buy me a beer later and we'll call it even."
Before turning away and heading down the tunnel himself.