Nicolas Li
??? — Forest Shrine
"Ah... Don't worry about it too much," Nick responded, waving off the slightly awkward atmosphere as his joke missed the mark. By this point, Jor had taken the initiative and picked up the smaller foxgirl with
surprisingly little issue. Keeping pace with him in spite of the extra weight was a bit surprising, but it didn't take long for the young man to shrug the matter off and accept what it was at face value. If the alternative was letting her fumble in her run away from whatever was so brazenly approaching, throwing away the logic of his old world was far more reasonable.
Any sort of absent-minded thoughts he could have in the interim, however, were promptly thrown out the window as his surroundings grew
darker despite the rather obvious midday sun that had been shining overhead mere moments before. The encroaching darkness only served to push him to run faster, and in between dodging any trees or detritus on the ground Nick had little time to do anything but make sure that the others weren't lost to whatever it was chasing them.
Unfortunately, whatever it was that was chasing them did not work in the same realm as any creature on Earth; even the briefest glance towards his newfound companions would incidentally reveal to him the slightest bit of the
eldritch creature closing in on them.
The centipedes, obviously enough, made the matter
far worse.
"What the
fuck sort of world did we get chucked into?!" Nick swore as he redoubled his pace. If a monster like this so intent on chasing them down, then there wasn't any feasible way of losing it that crossed his mind beyond simply
running faster. So long as they didn't run into some sort of cliff face or impassable chasm, there was still a
chance that they wouldn't die a horrible second death...
And even then, maybe that would be a better end than being consumed by thousands of centipedes tearing off his flesh piece by piece.
@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Pyromania99The moment that Lena touched the armor upon the dead knight's personage, her mind would be provided with information as to the composition of what had been used to make it—or, more accurately, what was left
of it. What had once been polished steel was now pockmarked with rust, leaving it brittle and far less useful than it had been.
Not like it really helped the deceased beforehand, unfortunately enough.
The same would occur as the doll reached out to touch the dagger, composed of simple steel and a leather grip that had most certainly seem better days. This, at least, was usable; somehow, the blood and open air had not corroded the weapon into scrap metal.
Searching the corpse's equipment proper was a bit less simple; though the body had been mummified to an extent, sifting through it's pockets meant coming into proper contact with the deceased's dried-out husk, if only indirectly. Unfortunately, it seemed that they had not been carrying anything that might have otherwise been useful in the current moment to the group. The most that Lena would find would be a small silver locket, it's luster dull but not tarnished despite the time that had had to have passed to have left the corpse in this state to begin with.
Sephily's move towards the wooden cellar door, however, would cause her to hear the faintest sound of something
moving below. Her now-sharpened sense of hearing would be able to make out what the others couldn't, but the nature as to what was waiting below would be left indistinguishable to her—doubly so given how foreign that new sensitivity towards sound was.
@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin@Rune_Alchemist