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14 days ago
Current Welp, that's as much as I can do in this afternoon. I feel at once like I've barely got anywhere and that I've made progress onto a smooth road when I return to it. (I hope)
14 days ago
K, the groundwork is done. Now for the major reconstruction.
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14 days ago
Got a lot of storyline reconciling and sequencing to do. K! *cracks knuckles* Let's do this!!
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1 mo ago
Me today: *writes action sequence* ". . .actually that doesn't work." *rewrites action sequence* *pauses* *has a good leisurely think* "Actually, if I just change it like that, the first way works."
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2 mos ago
Writer's famous last words: "Oh it shouldn't take long." -3 hours later, it's constructed to satisfaction.


It all never happened ~ but in your mind!
It all never happened ~ but in your mind!

Aspiring Screenwriter. Imagination whiz jumping between many 🌎s.
Self-taught Pic/🎶 Editor, VFX Coordinator & Mixer.
Independent student of 🎞; ever learning.

'The Reality Is: X-Men woke something up in me.
'The Reality Is: X-Men woke something up in me.

The Reality Is: It's getting me through.'
The Reality Is: It's getting me through.'

The comic book world is such a rich sandbox! Perhaps none richer than the X-Men -mutations to mix, slice-of-life elements to turn into anything but ordinary -the lines are drawn but the colours exceed them ~care to embark on the eXploration with me?

*cue 🎶X-Men Animated Series theme🎼swelling into Fox Movies theme🎵*

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Interest Checks:

DeoXys: A next gen X-Men/Comic Superhero RP

Cache of other X-Men concepts.

X-Men Envisionings: one passionate fan's riff on the FOX X-Men franchise.
Call it a fanfiction, call it what you will, but don't miss out!!

Part 2 of 2nd Edition Now Released!
Part 3 of 2nd Edition Now Released!

Back and better than ever!
Back and better than ever!

Consider becoming an X-Envisioner yourself:
Consider becoming an X-Envisioner yourself:


The X-Men continues to be this excellent odyssey
The X-Men continues to be this excellent odyssey

Where ever it takes me.
Where ever it takes me.

X-Men Envisionings, a sector of



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In X-Men: GenetiX 30 days ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
They use humans? That was a different type of unsettling.

"Who--" the question was cut off when Ryder suddenly reacted to her mental probing; Xavier's astral form doing so, as well.

And just ahead of Ryder's warning, it would feel as though a call had just dropped in all the minds Jean was connecting -preceded by ear-splitting static, so to speak, for Cyclops alone.

He immediately knew what must've happened: 'Jean?!'

She'd felt like she'd been wading when she suddenly found the drop-off --or something that lurked there had found her, forcing her down.
Managing to surface, Jean reacted like waking from a nightmare; breath catching, eyes wide. '-I'm fine, Scott.'
In fact, reality was still settling back in for her -her physical surroundings coming back into her visual field like a mood light turning up.
'But this mind is powerful.' Great as the mind of Jean Grey was, and the one adjacent which taught her, she felt concerned.
This experience felt on a different level than even that of Ryder's mind.

'We should keep to our comms. now. Telepathy only if-

The gathered X-Men's attention suddenly went to the radios.
Afterward, Cyclops' reverted to Ryder: "I know you came here for this but if he's as willing to face you alone, it doesn't sound smart. We might have an opportunity here if he doesn't want us engaged with."

"You do not have precedent for how a face-off with him may go," Storm chimed in. "Allowing us to engage him first will not cost you anything."


As one their attention turned again, this time in the direction of the next elevator shaft some distance on.

First thought was that Umbra was making his way up, except the sound had dissipated as though getting farther away.

"Wolverine." The presently missing member of their party.

"Charles' astral projection has gone as well."

Able to move in all directions and through solid matter in this form, Xavier didn't strictly require the elevator shaft to efficiently make his way down; he could travel like someone using a walk-through-walls glitch in a video game.

And he was just as determined as Ryder to have his 1-on-1 with Umbra.
Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: New Orleans - Botanical Gardens
Skills: Power Mimicry - Chlorokinesis

OfAll's intentions to manifest telepathy didn't pan out --in fact, it was though the thought were truly a train, going through her mind before she could catch it. She didn't even feel what she should in her body when she actually made a manifest attempt. Like only deciding to get up but not actually activating your muscles.

Alright, then I should be here, OfAll determined, as the pain in her head disappeared with the familiar warmth of Edus' magic.

She only just managed to get up when another vehicle came her way, sending her back --Whew! Too many close calls, with these past two not even from who they'd thought they'd be fighting. Then one of the entities they did made itself known --flames lashing out from Chrysi/Mary's form. OfAll felt the pain of the burning plants through her chlorokinesis.

There were a lot of moving parts in this fight, now --everything suddenly ramping up: more players -good that the numbers were on their side, evening the power balance, hopefully-- volleys from both sides, some succeeding, though it was hard to see --the visual field reduced first from the flames and smoke, then the subsequent haze from Klara's dousing of the former.

A whoosh up--Edus with his cape. This gave OfAll one idea; more mobility with the potential for offensive and defensive work.
If she could pull it off, she'd join Edus up there. Coordinated efforts from multiple angles could be the winning strategy -if the glow of portals was anything to go by, Max was already implementing an multi-angle assault, and the only gap in the magic was above.

Quickly scanning the area, OfAll looked for a specific object relating to a second idea; one which would compliment her first.

Unfortunately, she didn't find it, and running to search seemed like a foolish idea -for herself.
She had a backup in that respect, but that would come after. For now she switched her attention to manifesting. . .could second time be the charm for a sprightly mutation? . .Apparently not. OfAll felt the effort this time, yet nothing became of it. She grimaced in some distress. Chlorokinesis was feeling like a detriment now. . .If she weren't a beginner in Okichitaw she might consider getting-in close. . .Think. Think!

She was keeping a cool head, yet fast realizing she should've spent at least part of the preceding month in the Danger Room --kicking her brain more in the gear of thinking on her feet. If only she could manifest others' cerebral cortexes. Specifically her little sister's; Holo could always come up with something in a flash.

That could've been a solution right there.
Except OfAll never could manifest Holo's powers.

She kept watchful eyes on the field, hoping if nothing else her observational skills could be of service, while she kept wracking her brain; beyond just what she could manifest: What was it Chrysi had said?
Utilizing their night vision, the X-Men moved forward. Wolverine was wholly focused on getting a whiff of anyone coming near, or that they were coming up on. To varying fraction, Storm, Beast and Cyclops were partially focused on encountering someone, and partially focused on taking in what was presently around them.

Cyclops' eye in particular roved across the lab equipment housed in each room. Some seemed uniform, like the multitude of rooms were simply for executing the same procedure on multiple subjects at once. While other pieces were distinct, telling of some specialization one room had compared to another.

Papers, mostly loose as though spilled from a hastily grabbed stack, though also a couple clipboards mounted beside walls like medical charts on the end of a bed, filled in some of the details of what this floor was used for.

And it made Cyclops' insides churn with vexation.

Even without having a history himself it would've -making so free with the most innocent- but being he had once been "here" himself; a child-turned-someone's test subject. . . he had a particular sensitivity -a particular hatred towards anyone who would be party to that.

It was the same with Wolverine, minus being a child experiment. Though he could smell the fear that permeated this space when they'd first walked in. Had felt the cold splash of unwelcome, triggering familiarity; he didn't feel the need to gawk at charts and contraptions to confirm and brood over it. Only felt a doubling down of wanting to do what they came here for, and finish this place.

Suddenly everyone's attention was taken by the sound of the gunshots --followed by more.

"Shit." He'd just been turning at the scent of something coming up from a door somewhere behind them when it happened. Though following this utterance, Wolverine actually turned his attention back to the direction they'd been going; he knew what happened. Something else that didn't warrant lookin' at.

The others were just in time to see the agent suffer more intense damage to their ribs than Cyclops had previously endured.

The X-Men's leader presently stared at Ryder like 'what the Hell!?' and checked the temper that was rising--towards himself.
Ryder hadn't been craftily deceitful. She wasn't going rogue. She'd made it very clear what this mission was to her: retribution

Cyclops was evidently a fool to think otherwise; what motivation did Ryder have to go easy?
'This can't happen again, team. Let's be sure Ryder isn't left alone.' He communicated via the X-Men's private channel, with a new kind of guilt mixing in with what he was currently experiencing: it wasn't just about a body count, the lives lost, and how that would reflect on the X-Men or mutants at large. It was also about leaving Ryder open to get hurt more. 'I'm sorry, Professor.' Given the link between Ryder and Xavier, he was likely to know every instance of pain she experienced, and more than Ryder being "on the team" with them, Cyclops felt responsible for her as a fatherly proxy in Xavier's absence.

His physical absence, anyway, for he was still there astrally.

'I am sorry- his distraction was what had allowed Ryder to be caught off guard, and so he vowed as much as implied the echoed command to his X-Men: 'That will not happen again. But if it is the only thing I have over you, Ryder, it is years --experience in this world. Your retribution may only lead to a successive need as from it, more come to view you as less than a person, and something which must be put down. I implore you again, for your own sake not m--'

Jean had to interrupt Xavier: '--Guys! We might have a teleporter on our hands. I could detect Becker's signature somewhere before-' -Jean wasn't able to pinpoint him in the facility any more than she could've warned Ryder of the agent who'd come up from behind- '-now it's no where and some new one is in its place.'

Her phrasing had been coincidental; Jean couldn't know exactly "in it's place" this new signature was.

Beast turned. "Ryder, per chance could we be encountering others of your ilk? Though either lacking your will or freedom to express it?"

Cyclops tensed. The Umbra agents were one thing.
If other manipulated mutants --children had to face the same ultimatum for being sicced on Ryder.

He wanted to speak ahead of Ryder having a chance--make it very clear they, the X-Men, would be handling them if that were the case. But Cyclops held back. Just like there was no reason to think Ryder would go easy on the Umbra agents, there was no reason to think she'd extend her retribution to other experimental subjects. Acting on some knee-jerk fear she would was, to put it simply, wrong. And counter to what they represented.
Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: New Orleans - Botanical Gardens
Skills: Power Mimicry - Chlorokinesis

OfAll appreciated Jean's diplomatic response, not that Pietro's had her feeling on the fence -she didn't feel stupid for bringing up the avenue, though did for doing so to the others instead of directing the thought to Chrysi herself. That was like 101: always speak directly to the person.

As it was, OfAll's thought process hadn't exactly been what the others took it for. A protective being could still be malevolent--that fit the "psycho" label quite well, actually: someone with their own idea of right and wrong. Chrysi could think destroying the world was in service to Mary, for example (and happen to enjoy it). OfAll hadn't been positing Chrysi was a good thing so much as, perhaps she was a different entity than they thought -warped, sure, though not an all out, nuance-free, incarnation of evil -or at least that this situation wasn't exactly what they were taking it for.

And it wasn't. . .It seemed to click for everyone at once.

Stalling. . .

Perry seemed to take the tact of breaking whatever this stall was with action, while OfAll watchfully eyed Edus as he stepped forward in a continued attempt at reasoning. Was it pointless, or not? . .in fact, Chrysi did open up. But it came to feel like a kind of. . .sloughing off of pain, a "too little too late" last ditch effort at sharing the problem, in the course of dealing with it in a more destructive way, as Exodus came onto the scene.

OfAll had just been processing Chrysi's words, thinking back on events; what all she could be referring to, when OfAll's processing had to turn to the bus in Exodus' hands. She'd thought too late she should manifest -or should've back in the first place- Edus's protective powers, and then she could hardly think at all as her head hit the ground, rendering her state of consciousness unstable.

A vague course of action then came to her. Or perhaps the course was clear, just the windshield foggy. . .The answers were in Chrysi's mind. Guin and Annie were there, perhaps not exactly trapped. . .perhaps finding a way. . .Now with Jean. . .

. . .perhaps it was time their -rescue- crowd become a party.

After her conscious mind had caught up with her actions on the Mansion Grounds, Jean also felt a sense of renewed security in her telepathy. Her worry about doing inadvertent damage by using Cerebro had fallen away, which is how she was presently staying connected to everyone -and working with certain finesse. For the Umbra agents, Jean was operating her telepathy like an airband radio. If they made an attempt to reach her, she would receive the message. If not, nothing.

Jean was prepared to answer them whether in surrender, ahead of assault, or in repentance after the fact, if their change of mind came only then. Despite how she'd answered Cyclops, she wasn't about to let someone die in a void if there was any remorse in their souls.

For the X-Men, both the channel Ryder was a part of, and the strictly X-Men channel operating through Jean & Cyclops' personal highway, it was like being in the same room or just adjacent as others talking: hearing conversation though able to tune it out, more or less, until something was said that was obviously directed towards her--or that immediately tuned her back in.

It was both said and thought once Ryder started going.

Though the X-Men, by Cyclops' own unrelenting discipline, trained until they could assess and react to things so efficiently it could all be mistaken for gut feelings, and so confidently they didn't have to think twice, knowing what a second could mean between life and death, there was something that bit next level about Ryder.

The difference between being so attuned to the rhythms of a video game you could play it blindfolded,
and having A.I. execute the perfect run.

It bothered Cyclops to see this in action, for what it could mean and what it meant now; they couldn't have stopped Ryder in the pursuit of any other result.
But the X-Men's mandate was to save everyone that they could.

The Umbra agents had, unfortunately, made their choice. And it had been an educated one.

Jean's message to them wouldn't have held any meaning had Xavier's work on their memories remained, so he had restored the Mansion event to the Umbra agents' minds ahead of the message going out. They also had to be aware of how the encounter with Ryder had ended last time.

They were beyond saving even before Ryder reacted.

Sometimes there was just no other avenue. Cyclops understood that. Loss of life was never meaningless to him but he could compartmentalize. Still, he couldn't help feeling this wasn't exactly what they'd agreed on.

"I'm taking point." He joined Ryder in the elevator, follow by the others. "They'll go down just as effectively." 'Without it having to be permanent', his tone implied. "Wolverine, take care of the roof. Storm, wind tunnel."

While Wolverine clawed the roof away, Storm started up--soon making it so everyone was suspended some ways above the elevator floor.

With no guarantee they were all lacking in the NVG department, this was so if Umbra agents were positioned right at the exit point on the level they were descending to, waiting for the precise moment they saw any body part of their intruders, they'd be waiting a little longer.
Granting Cyclops that gap of time to adjust his aim and execute--

--agents were there--


--trick shots took care of their guns before underlining the concussive quality of Cyclops' blast.

The agents were down, though still breathing.

Storm had lessened her winds so everyone could land.

"Allow us to take care of these ahead of our procession." Beast gathered the agents back into the elevator where Storm reverted the shaft to makeshift wind tunnel. The winds would last for a while, ensuring the agents would remain suspended even once they regained consciousness.

However, ahead of their procession, another voice rang out--through the psychic link Ryder had permitted Xavier.

You yourself intimated how you are not a weapon, how you chose to be your own person long before now. Do not lose the identity you've so valiantly clung to. Do not revert to the one they tried to force upon you.

Where Ryder was a picture of apathy, Xavier was of firm care; his voice matching hers in determination, though anything but cold.
Not sharing Cyclops' compartmentalization, the pain Xavier felt at the lives taken by his own daughter, and equally at how she was made to feel it necessary, was a feeling behind the resolve in the eyes of the astral form he projected before her.
Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: New Orleans - Botanical Gardens
Skills: Power Mimicry - Chlorokinesis

A glance at Perry; OfAll was unconvinced they were past the words working stage. Chrysi added to this uncertainty as she proceeded to simply sit down inside the bubble Edus had erected.

Though looks can be deceiving. . .

Following a combined telepathic attempt of some sort, Guin and Annie collapsed while Rogue seemed somewhat jolted.
Chyrsi had either definitely reacted, or this was some kind of "firewall" that did the job automatically. Considering what other entity they were dealing with, that firewall could be literal. . .Which then, might not even be a Chrysi thing after all.

This situation was complex.

OfAll could see Guin and Annie's chests rising with breath, so she knew they were alive, yet if they had just been burned mentally--

Her concerned brow furrowed at Chrysi's response to her. OfAll hadn't exactly been asking for Chrysi to explain her reasonings -- more OfAll was trying to see if she understood what Chrysi was after, making this feel like a person holding someone for ransom responding to an officer's question of "is this what you're after?" with "I don't have to tell you".

Now OfAll questioned to herself: was Chrysi even after anything except, maybe, her idea of a good time?

Pietro spoke, introducing the concept of her teleporting.
Was that really another thing here?

Another idea was building in OfAll's mind. . .it was something she realized she should've asked before this point.

Edus' confident statement of what happened to Guin and Annie was both assuring and supporting to the concept of Chrysi doing more than she appeared, yet still. . .

"How much do we know about Chrysi?" OfAll addressed the X-Men at large. "Disassociated personalities typically result from trauma. Is she actually protection for Mary in some way?" A warped way, surely. Though that was the quiet part OfAll didn't say out loud. "Mary could be feeling burn-out while misconceiving she can't take a break or even let on because she's leader. I don't know what that helps here. . ." OfAll realized, her eyes falling from the others.

But if Chrysi were some way of helping Mary, then maybe. . .maybe the X-Men needed to shift their focus here.
". . .Maybe Chrysi can cope with the Phoenix better," OfAll added, almost like she was processing her thought out loud more than introducing a further one to the group, though she did raise her gaze back to them.
Cyclops eyed the feed Ryder had just engaged as he -and Beast, likewise- initiated the landing sequence - the urgency was understood without words; all on the same wavelength.

While they were coming down and disembarking, Cyclops spoke: "Ryder, listen. Back with the sentinels you could've left me, but you didn't. That's how the X-Men are -we may not see eye-to-eye but we're a team, and you're part of that now. When we leave here, I'd like it be with at least as many of us alive as who came. And in case it needs to be said, that includes you; no matter what goes down from this point."

If there was one thing Ryder was, it was anything but stupid. The existence of a contingency "handle Ryder" plan likely wasn't lost on her, should they hit the worst case scenario of her reaching --being pushed to-- some level beyond carnage. But it still wouldn't be a matter of her life and death where the X-Men were concerned. At least not by any intent.

Presently they were striding into the facility when-
'Scott. Get to the nearest communications room. Have Storm supply the power. We need to get a message out.'

Though the telepathic communication was directed towards Cyclops, Ryder and the rest of the X-Men were able to hear it as well.

It left Cyclops especially curious, though he obeyed without debate - even as Jean added: 'I'll need to speak through you.'

Through use of night vision specs -a visor setting in Cyclops' case- the X-Men could navigate through the now void-like darkness of the facility.
Ryder knew the place like the back of her hand and the floorplan had also been studied - in short, they came to the ground floor communications room directly.

On the way they encountered only two personnel -- knocked out by a couple of optic blasts before they could realize if the sound of approach was from friend or for.

"Wolverine, Beast, sentry positions please." The two named X-Men stationed themselves outside the room facing opposite ends of the hall, while Storm sent a controlled shot of electricity into the control panel.

'Go ahead, Jean.' Cyclops gave his consent, and over the facility's comms his voice spoke Jean's words:
"To all Umbra personnel, this is a message from the X-Men. . .When you were at Graymalkin, you experienced pain and brutality, though only in your minds. It's all in your heads -the threat you take us mutants for, the danger we represent, all only as real as you make it. For some of you that mentality may run deep. For others, it was put inside your minds in a far older, far more human way. We've come for the person who's cultivating it. You can resist, or stand down; it's not too late to think differently. . .and make a new reality."

Once Jean let go of her control of him, Scott had a thought for her. Like hers previously, it could be heard across the X-Men's private channel: 'Now stay careful with your connections - keep your safeguards in place.'

He knew Jean would be keeping her mind out for any of Umbra who might now open theirs to hers -remove their psi-blocking helmets- in a dealing-with-psychics version of waving a white flag. But anything could happen. And for those who did choose to resist. . .pain could still be felt even if thoughts couldn't be read.

Jean would feel any loss of life enough the "normal" way on debrief, she didn't need to while it was happening; didn't need to establish more than a passing connection with the agents.

'Jean, that's an order.'

'Heard, Scott.' Scott wasn't typically one to coddle her, even over these past several months, so Jean could forgive his unnecessary order -only a passing sharpness detectable in her initial tone of thought; gone by her closing: I'm fixed only on all of you. So you all better stay safe.'
Ryder seemed to gloss over the idea that it could be dangerous for her to get close to these guys again if there was something about what was in her brain even she didn't know about. It seemed to Cyclops that "vulnerability" wasn't even a word in Ryder's vocabulary when it came to herself, though he got what he needed from her answer all the same - "That's not how it works", meaning Ryder probably had as intimate of knowledge of the cerebral device as she did of anything else of Umbra's, which had been proven to be more than her captors ever gave her credit for.

So there went the easy excuse to keep Ryder back from the action.

The X-Men would really be working with two threats at once, and the biggest was "on" their side. . .

When Beast and Storm returned from Moira's, they relayed what they'd learned. It wasn't much.

Yes, Moira had heard of Umbra and even had exchanges with them in the past. Nothing she could provide was of any value to their present endeavour, to hear Beast say it. But there was a subtle something to that statement that didn't go completely unnoticed.

Before they headed out, while Xavier was establishing the psychic link with Ryder, Cyclops approached Beast about it.

"There is something else Moira knows. She's certain it wouldn't aid use presently, though it seemed deeply personal. A point of regret, if I were to suppose, and something to do with Ryder."


"I don't know. Moira didn't know anything of her existence, and I don't know what it is she's carrying as it was in that moment I suggested she not unburden herself at this juncture. I figured heading into a situation such as we are, it would be prudent not to have any kindling in our minds which could serve to further stoke a psychic's fire, if you will. What we don't have, one can't read."

"I see your point. Something for when we're on the other side of this."

"I'm looking most forward to seeing us all there," Beast concluded with a sense of uneasy hope.
Something felt not for the first time before the undertaking of an X-Men mission.

To ensure they could coordinate something between themselves should they need to -in other words, should they need to counter Ryder- Jean would be opening up her and Cyclops' private channel to the rest of the X-Men for the duration of the mission. Between the intimacy of theirs, and the link with Xavier that would be occupying Ryder's mind, they felt adequately secured about it.

And Jean, even with the state of her telepathy lately, felt confident she wouldn't accidentally psychic-jolt anyone through it.
In fact, Cyclops noted she seemed suddenly steadier despite the details surrounding this mission.

"I can't explain it. . .Maybe I'm just leading with how I'd like to feel."

"I will come back to you. Both of you."

". . .you know that kind of promise isn't really in our control. Feels even less so than usual. . ."
She managed a small smile on looking up into his silenced face, "I'll still hold you to it," tenderly laying a hand aside it as they shared a parting kiss. "Stay safe."

"You too."
Even though she wouldn't be joining them physically, psychic participation still came with its risks.

And that was that.
Just another departure to just another work day.

Then they were here.

Beast was co-piloting.

Storm was ready to conduct a calculated condensation of the air a.k.a. lay down a fog to cover their landing.

Wolverine was ready to let loose.

Cyclops presently acknowledged Ryder with as much of a glance as he could, given their positioning in relation to each other.
He knew she was concentrating on doing something and just hoped it was on-plan.

"Lemme' know when we've got the advantage," was all he said. When she had control of the tech, in other words.
Ensuring their smooth entry into the facility. . .
Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: New Orleans - Botanical Gardens
Skills: Power Mimicry - Chlorokinesis

OfAll glanced in the direction of Guin, who spoke ahead of Chrysi answering the question herself.
When Chrysi did, she punctuated her answer with an attack of fire--something OfAll's manifestation of chlorokinesis wasn't going to help against--

--she regretted not going with Edus' powers and for a second when she saw the bubble form around her, she thought she might've unconsciously manifested them after all--no, it was Edus himself, and for a sickening moment afterward, OfAll thought she was about to witness Edus getting roasted in exchange for her protection--

Her breath released when the glow of the amulet subsided to show he was as unharmed as she.

Annie, too, though others weren't so lucky. Namely Bethany.

It was by the grace of counter-telekinesis that that assault was extinguished.
OfAll felt bolstered to have the safeguard of the old guard with them.

Edus could heal Bethany; she'd be alright.
OfAll looked over at Chrysi.

Like Annie, OfAll thought something else was going on besides what Chrysi stated. She followed on the heels of Annie's offer with a supposition of her own: "You said you've been in control for a whole month, yet you didn't mess with any of us then." OfAll at least hadn't heard of any peculiar goings-on at the Mansion, so she felt sure that was true. "Would you just like. . .a turn of your own? Not only one -I mean going forward. Not to have Mary or anyone fight you and not to be separated from what, for all intents and purposes, is your body too, but to authentically share it? Be accepted in it?"
Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: New Orleans - Botanical Gardens
Skills: Power Mimicry - Chlorokinesis

Jaclyn reverted her attention when she heard Mary/Chrysi speak, and if the tone-shift wasn't enough to do it, the confirming red of the eyes was; Jaclyn felt like an uncomfortable bolt of electricity had just shot through her nervous system, followed by her temperature draining away. She actually found herself shaking--just ahead of the earthquake which drowned out her own shakes with the ones it caused.

She questioned how Chrysi was doing this when the answer came in the form of black vines practically erupting from the dirt. By reflex Jaclyn assumed a ready fighting pose, anticipating having to fight against the vines' snare, but they didn't go that far--yet. If they had, she might've missed the other pieces of foliage that seemed to be creeping closer like botanical soldiers.

Then the vines did advance--specifically towards Guin, Annie and Perry; Chrysi's active adversaries.

Jaclyn watched Edus attempt at a shield fail.
'Get it together,' she admonished herself. If her reaction time was faster, maybe she could've manifested Edus' powers and augmented his shield. Fortunately the team's #1 fast-reactor addressed that issue.

Again Jaclyn's attention turned back on Chrysi who continued to speak. It could seem as though Jaclyn's focus was set on her, and technically it was, though she was dedicating part of such to trying to manifest her/Mary's powers.

Something of a slight, grounding calm washed over her body when she realized she was successful, at least to some degree: feeling the plants as though she'd just connected to the mycorrhizal network. If she had to put it into more techy terms, she didn't feel like she had full bars, though she was sure there was some connection; hopefully enough. It actually just gave her an idea for something to try later, if she could communicate it. For right now she was of a more basically defensive mind. . .and a troubled one.

Chrysi's words sinking in, Jaclyn's heart went out to Mary who had basically been missing in her own mind for the past month?
Her trouble deepening as she wondered to what extent "Mary's not exactly here anymore" meant.

She heard Annie's line of questioning and was appreciative for it; it seemed like the correct first response to this. And also indicated that at least Annie didn't feel like Mary was that gone yet.

'She can't be,' Jaclyn determined to herself. 'In any case, keep ready.'

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