So this is my guy. Let me know if there's anything I should edit. Hope you like him! ^-^

"Let's do something fun, shall we?"

"Let's do something fun, shall we?"
A P P E A R A N C E:
Ciaran stands 5'8" and has had a slender, lean build ever since he was a kid. He often colors his wavy light blonde hair depending on his mood, but nothing too obvious and attention-grabbing (which is ironic even for him). His cold blue eyes would often be mistaken for gray too depending on how the light reflects off them. The Sinclairs love white on their outfits but Ciaran makes sure to throw in some black and color into his wardrobe to spice things up.
B I O G R A P H Y:
The Sinclair family was famous worldwide for their humanitarian efforts and for funding projects such as clinics, public schools, youth centers, scholarship grants, animal shelters, and more. The patriarch of the family and chairman of its board of companies, Benedict Sinclair was once living in the slums of the cities with his wife Patricia, and soon their hardwork bore fruit until the Sinclairs became known as the prestigious, gold-hearted family that it was today. The same cannot be said about Ciaran during his youth.
Growing up, he was a little bundle of menace: always getting into trouble, always breaking the rules, basically just always causing chaos. His parents died during an accident, leaving him an only child and under the care of his aunts and uncles, but it was mostly the maids and bodyguards that did most of the caring. The only people who he could consider his solid parental figures were his grandparents. Despite their age, his Grandpa Ben could keep up with his boisterous mayhem and his Grandma Pat always knew how to be the calm in his storm.
His powers started manifesting when Ciaran developed vivid dreams. In them, he always found himself in a cave plunged into darkness so potent that he could feel it seeping through his skin. The only noises he could hear were random skittering of bugs, small droplets of water, and his own breathing. He was terrified at first but the more he dreamt and continued into his dreams, the more he became comfortable with the darkness.
His family members only knew of his awakening when a maid shrieked in terror as Ciaran accidentally enveloped her face in inky darkness, making her unable to see anything temporarily. For the safety of others and for his own, Grandpa Ben decided it's best to enroll him at the Merryweather Institute so they could train Ciaran to control his power. Whether it would turn out good or bad for Ciaran, only time could tell.
Growing up, he was a little bundle of menace: always getting into trouble, always breaking the rules, basically just always causing chaos. His parents died during an accident, leaving him an only child and under the care of his aunts and uncles, but it was mostly the maids and bodyguards that did most of the caring. The only people who he could consider his solid parental figures were his grandparents. Despite their age, his Grandpa Ben could keep up with his boisterous mayhem and his Grandma Pat always knew how to be the calm in his storm.
His powers started manifesting when Ciaran developed vivid dreams. In them, he always found himself in a cave plunged into darkness so potent that he could feel it seeping through his skin. The only noises he could hear were random skittering of bugs, small droplets of water, and his own breathing. He was terrified at first but the more he dreamt and continued into his dreams, the more he became comfortable with the darkness.
His family members only knew of his awakening when a maid shrieked in terror as Ciaran accidentally enveloped her face in inky darkness, making her unable to see anything temporarily. For the safety of others and for his own, Grandpa Ben decided it's best to enroll him at the Merryweather Institute so they could train Ciaran to control his power. Whether it would turn out good or bad for Ciaran, only time could tell.
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Ciaran is no longer the boisterous type he once was when he's a kid but his heart for mischief still remains the same. He's quiet and observant, curious about things other people normally don't think about, and picks up on even the subtlest of clues. He likes learning new things about his environment and the people around him so if a person thinks no one can see them do or say something embarrassing, they're most probably wrong.
At least he's not the type to spread secrets and rumors, he's still a Sinclair after all. Like his namesake, his affinity to help other people runs through his veins albeit he does so in his own unique ways. The ends always justify the means, as Ciaran believes so. Still, he's naturally a friendly and outgoing person who's always down for a fun time.
At least he's not the type to spread secrets and rumors, he's still a Sinclair after all. Like his namesake, his affinity to help other people runs through his veins albeit he does so in his own unique ways. The ends always justify the means, as Ciaran believes so. Still, he's naturally a friendly and outgoing person who's always down for a fun time.
A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:
Ciaran still has a long way to go before he calls himself a master in controlling his magic. So far, it's easy for him to plunge a room in total darkness even with manmade light present. He could even use the shadows to blend in to sneak into dark corridors and alleys but still needs to keep himself quiet to not get caught. Right now, he's finding out if it's possible to solidify the darkness to grab an object.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Nothing here at the moment. Will update this in the future for sure. If you'd like to do something with Ciaran, let me know!