Avatar of PURRfect93


Recent Statuses

21 days ago
Current Joined 11 years ago, and that's not counting the beforetimes, prior to the great deletion. Hopefully I'll be here to stay once more~
7 yrs ago
*dusts myself off and looks around, awaking from a deep slumber* what have I missed? Much I am sure. Wellp, here we go!
1 like
9 yrs ago
Wanting to run 1 rp, in another, and focused on 2 1x1 right now
9 yrs ago
Focused on one group RP, looking at two possible 1X1s
1 like
9 yrs ago
so im back from vanishing again. ill do my best to stay no XD


Hey there! I'm just a simple feline making use of a cellphone to create stories with others :D

Most Recent Posts

I like these. I'm particularly fond of shipbreaker inc, but I like them all :D
In Old stories~ 21 days ago Forum: The Gallery
A little backstory:
This was written in the style of a quest panel inside of a game that I've played for about 16 years. The blue roses it speaks about are in game items that I have personally sent, along woth the highlighted message, to a few select friends. There is an intended continuation of this, and I may even put it here if I ever manage to get around writing it.

In Primality 21 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
It's been quite some years, hopefully this does suffice though.
I did post in the Intrest, but since I had the free time I was able to draft this up. Apologies if I've jumped the gun.
I also may not have actually looked at everyone else sheets aside from snagging the skeleton to look the same lol

Edit note: I've been doing this on mobile and have been doing my best to not have and fix spelling errors X.X

Its been quite some years, but if you'll have an old guilder join in, I'm definitely interested. Working currently but will be looking over everything later today~
Hello to all~
Its been at least 7 years since I was last here.

Been wanting to get back into things and get myself writing in general again.
I hope to find some good stories to help build nownthat I have returned~
@River Goblin

Color me interested and sign me up if there's space to do so still :D
welcome! if your looking for a place to escape reality, this is definitely a place to do so lol.

If your newer to writing or still getting used to the style, check out the free interest check forums. If you've got some experience id say head on over to the casual interest check forums. And if your a frequent writer and love getting super into detail, there's the advanced interest checks :D

Sadly there will be many RP's in the future you join that may die out over time as all things do, but the same is true for the ones that can last a long time! I hope you can make many friends here and can have lots of fun! :D

'Tis been quite some time since I've worked on a sheet of any kind. I hope that this is at the very least an interesting character to read. To be truthful, there is more id like to add, but i feel it would be more backstory type information. Clearly i had a bit of trouble keeping it all out heh. Any-who, again I hope its a good read. :3

oh, a bit of post script here, the green color choice is simply because I feel its a good color that doesn't hurt the eyes when reading, as I feel red tends to do :O Not that I have anything against red mind you, just an opinion heh.
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