"Politics get in the way of the things that really matter. I don't care if you think you don't need our help and I don't care if you have everything under control. Still I will stand watch for those that you say are but myths and legends. Still I uphold what the guard was founded on. Ever vigilant these eyes watch for the danger that will someday come... And when it does, I will be ready to protect even those who say they don't need it."
-- Kent SilentFur
Name: Kent SilentFur
Rank: WatcherAppearance: It is not often that you find a mouse who is as much an outcast as a close ally. A mouse who is looked upon with pity, amazement, shame, horror, and even fear.
A mouse like Kent SilentFur.
Long has his snow white fur plagued his relations with other mice, his piercing ruby red eyes causing others gaze to shy away less he curse them in some way. Such is the life of an albino mouse. Forever plagued by taunts and superstitious fears by others who know nothing of what they say. All of this only compounded by his small size, even for mouse standards. Some say he's just a child, and few believe him when he informs him of his age of twenty six years. True, after enough time one learns to simply ignore the words of others but their weight lingers still.
However these have long since ceased to be worries. Since his transition from greenband to watcher, he wears his white cape with a sense of purpose stronger then the words that once fell heavy upon his ears. Ears that he lost the same day he lost his mentor. When he had his ears cut off while captured by a group of ruthless rats he was sure he was as good as dead. His mentor clearly had reason to believe otherwise, because when he arrived with a squad to rescue him Kent realized what it truly meant to be a part of the watch. To protect those in need, no matter who they were or what they looked like. Unfortunately Leof DarkFur died in the attack to save Kent, but he left behind a legacy of what it meant to be a member of the watch.
Now, as Kent stood watch atop the mountains of Westercroft near the valley of Bones, his cape flapping against the strong winds revealing the bright red band of the watch upon his right arm and his belt and bandoleer of daggers normally hidden beneath it, he watches and he waits. Still young and still ready to defend his homelands and even those who sought to belittle him in the past. The watch is not here to pick and choose who it protects, and neither is he.
Personality: While Kent may appear to be naive, he understands more then people give him credit for. While he finds politics to be rather annoying and time wasting he is more then adept at understanding whats going on. All the more reason to dislike the circles and facades that lie within. Being slow to anger and slow to speak, Kent always assesses and
Watches, seeking the right moment to speak his mind. Once he feels he knows all of the information be ready for an earful however, for he speaks his mind and will not hesitate to say the truth no matter how hurtful it may be. As serious as he can be, a good joke is always a welcome reprieve from a world that sometimes seems to be darker then it really is. Small pranks with the few he can call friends can sometimes be heard spoken of around hither and yonder, with a reddened muzzle sometimes not far behind. While being young he can sometimes have his immature moments, but he is still quite mature for his age. Or at least it is said by some that know of him.