From the old guild I came, In the new guild I live
Joined 11 years ago, and that's not counting the beforetimes, prior to the great deletion. Hopefully I'll be here to stay once more~
24 days ago
While I know little of the two settings spoken of above, and I still need to go through the ic and ooc info, I am very highly intrigued by this! Just returned from a two year absence, but hopefully I can still do a decent job :3
Hello there everyone! It's been about 2 years since I was last here, and I felt it was time to return and see how things are. Ive been a part of the RPG since the days of the old site (may it never be forgotten) and have a good bit of experiance, but I'm a tad bit Rusty. So that's why I figured I'd make a post here to herald my return to both the guild and my newbie-ish status lol. I hope to make new friends again and create many stories with everyone!
@PURRfect93I have a few questions but overall the profile is acceptable.
1) Who is "they" you mention in the beginning? Are you talking about HKBs being a unit?
2) In his current story, what about the princess?
I'll update to add the princess in there. [Edit] looking back at the OP (because I honestly glazed over her section ^^") I see she's been traveling for some time... Within that same time I think my character would have been training. On a side note of that, I'm not quite sure of the White Church's current standing in trying to find her. Anything beyond that would more likely be created once two two meet and interact :0 [end edit]
As for they, I ment it in a generalization of sorts. I had thought that there would be different places that were occupied by the HK, and as such larger forces would each need a smith/arms master. So while the HKB is a prestigious title, it's not exactly unique. Or at least that's how I had thought of it :0
The Holy Knight of Blades is the Knight who shows the most skill at using any weapon he picks up as well as the skill to craft arms and armor as needed. Some are even said to be able to make arcs, but it has been years since the last know arc crafter had been heard of. While many Kights specialize in perhaps a small handful of weapons at most, the Holy Knight of Blades is an expert with any weapon they pick up. The HKB is also in charge of outfitting those new to the Church of White if and when they have attained enough skill and experience to be allowed such equipment. The HKB is the equivalent of a step below a Great Holy Knight, but has far less power authority wise. While the HKB does have control over all equipment, he is still subject to any orders from anyone other than a regular Holy Knight and below.
Height: Brandon stands at just over six feet tall.
Weight: 245 pounds without armor, nearly 500 pounds with his armor.
Hair Color: Raven black.
Eye Color: Solid white
Gender: Male
Brandon stands at just over six feet tall with dark Raven hair that comes to his shoulders and frequently blocks his face. Beneath his hair are burns all over his face, which gave him the nickname of "The Ghoul" among his enemies. While his eyes appear to be solid white, they are in fact slightly gray colored where his irises would be, but you wouldn't be able to tell without being in his face. Or he in yours as the case more often is. His skin tone is pale, but not an unhealthy pale. He has a sort of glow about his skin, as if he was touched by the White God himself.
Brandon's armor is quite unique, even among the Holy Knights. Hand crafted himself, it's a full suit of plate armor made of pure white metal. The armor isn't painted but is actually white. The armor itself is thick enough that it can withstand a blow from most normal blunt weapons like a morning star or small hammer. Weapons with more force such as a Warhammer can leave a good impression still however. It's major weakness in rapiers and other smaller or thin blades, as they can easily slip between the chinks and connections in his armor. Across the chest the symbol of the White Church is etched in silver.
Brandon is hot tempered, quick to strike, and believes he can do no wrong. All of these things combine together to make quite a mess sometimes. While he has a charming smile and gentle personality at times, it's usually a facade to get what he wants. Though he has been know to have a soft spot those who truly are doing their best to improve themselves and work for what they truly want, whatever it may be.
Brandon was originally a only child to a family of blue eyed farmers. He had learned from his parents that the peace they had was because of the White God, and so he grew up wanting to become a Holy Knight. In his youngest years he learned how to blacksmith from his father, at first making tools and farm aids. In his free time he would practice fighting off the scary sins with different farm tools. By his 13th birthday he could use almost anything he picked up as a weapon. He had even taught himself to make short swords and simple armors like chainmail and simple helmets. Shortly after his 13th birthday his home had been set ablaze in the middle of the night. His parents had died and his face had been burned in his close escape. He passed out in the fields nearby and had a vision of white light and felt calmed, but felt rather than heard that this was all because if the sins. When he awoke his mind had been set. He went out and found the nearest White Church and asked to train to become a Holy Knight. He was accepted and worked his way to where he now is, a master smith among the Holy Knights and strong warrior. Don't let his bulky armor fool you, because he moves like a man wearing light chainmail.
Current Story: Brandon's current mission is to seek permission to go after the sins. While he takes pride in his current position, he feels that he should be one of the ones to bring the sins to justice because of his past.
The MagnaHammer is a smaller Warhammer that appears as if it's a slightly oversized blacksmith hammer. The shaft looks as if it's made of obsidian while the hammer head looks like black, cracked, cooled lava. The MagnaHammer has two distinct abilities. The first, is heat absorption. The longer it is in any source of heat, the more heat it can store within its hammer core. The more heat that is stored the hotter the hammer head can heat up or Expell greater amounts of that heat. It can get hot enough to forge weapons without even having to heat the metal normally by using the stored heat in bursts when striking the metal. The second is its signature ability Crater. Using the wielders own magical energy as a catalyst, it can amplify a strike with all of its stored heat to create such an impact that it has been known to leave small craters behind. It's been rumored by novices that if enough heat was stored it that it could strike like a falling star.
Ability: Immunity to fire. Standing even in crater of molten rock feels like a warm summer day. He is able to pass this ability on to whatever weapons, armor, or clothing he wears or wields. He finds his own power ironic in the sense that it came to him after being burned in his youth.