Avatar of RickyG85


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1 day ago
Current Uh... Why?
7 days ago
@Zoie Hart I guess that depends on what you think "rage quitting" is, and why/how you're doing it? Generally, the answer is no, don't do that
19 days ago
Well, it's that day again youtu.be/E0LAs7X5ybE?si=Dwb…
1 like
23 days ago
Why do robots make terrible casting agents? Because they're always missing parts!
29 days ago
time to browse all the interest checks... I don't think I'm going to find anything that grabs my interest, but it's something to do.


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How's this?

Name: Rick Malone

Age: 40

Appearance: Mostly dressed in faded blue jeans, an under shirt, and worn out flannel shirt. suspenders hold his pants up, and heavy steel toed boots protect his feet. He's stopped doing more than "cleansing baths/showers"; personal grooming isn't a priority.

Background: Rick was an outdoorsman, and a "bushcraft enthusiast". He made it a hobbie to simply... know how to survive, if he got lost, or just found himself in some sort of "survival situation". He was briefly married, and had custody of his 10 year old son. They were out camping when it all happened, and only made it a month before he lost his son to the dead. Since then, he's drifted about, as a zombie slaying hermit.

Personality: Part of his personality has become coping with the loss of his son, and usually manifests as referring to anybody younger than himself as "kid". He also talks through a given task he's engaged in, even when alone, as though he's teaching someone how to do it. He's spent time with other people since it all went down, but tries to be amicable. He hasn't turned on people like he's seen others do, but he is cautious, and even if he warmed up to somebody, he tries to keep some emotional distance, "I'm just here long enough to teach some o' y'all how to live without me."

Skills: bow hunting, outdoor survival/"bushcraft", knows a few card games, can play the banjo.

Equipment: backpack (contains a hammock, 2 16oz bags of beef jerky, 24oz canteen of water, 1 change of clothing, 100ft of nylon rope, 1 flashlight with a red lense, 1 book "Illustrated Manual of Bushcraft"), campers' axe, machete, pocket multi-tool.

Motivations: Survival, mostly, and his willingness to teach others what he knows may be something close to hope, otherwise why bother?

Flaws: Sometimes has nightmares, can get more aggressive, even wild, where the safety of kids is involved. Has a tendency to just... "disappear" into the bush without telling anyone if he's noticed the dead are nearby, taking every opportunity he gets to kill even just a couple of them. If he can, he'll make the kill and come back as if nothing happened. "Just had to take care of some business."
Inspector Gillmore blinked, eyes a little wider than usual, muttering, "We... Use these in public..." A slight shake of her head, and she continued out loud, "That, Junior..." A moment to eye his nametag, "-Brown! Ha! That is the 'Proton Pack'; removing the protective casing would reveal something similar to the original 'Spengler' design."

She stood it up, so they could all get a good look at it. "The casing adds a bit of weight, but, out here where we find ourselves running around in the woods and underbrush more often, it's vital for reducing time spent on maintenance, so, a bit of a trade off. Oh! Also-" She opened up a hatch in the center, and removed the element from the centrifuge, "Quick-release centrifuge, in case it's damaged, or there's a call to switch to brass-plated coils for more 'Oomf'!"

She set it down, "I'd demonstrate, but as a matter of 'saf-tee'-" She drew out the last word, and made heavy air-quotes, as well as a mock-frown, "-we have to keep it boring until we get you all cleared for weapons' training... The controls on the neutrona wand are largely the same; you have the ignition, at the base, witch connects the wand to the pack, the noise letting you know you have a good charge, and these two buttons-" she pointed to the two small buttons further up, one read, the other yellow, "The red is for the blaster stream; the fun one, that does all the property damage, haha, 'The tax-payers' bane'!" She made a show of waving the wand around, making explosion sounds before putting it down and continuing. "Haha, that one's my favorite! But, just as important, is the yellow button, that's the tether; the blaster weakens them, the tether is what grabs hold! The institute modified the functions so we can use either stream independently- Officially, they say starting with just the tether, and letting someone else blast the ghost conserves power- haha, right, because these babies are gonna run out of juice while any of us are still alive!- Nah, I think what nobody is saying out-loud is that when you start with the tether, the blast stream is less likely to miss, and add 'character' to the local architecture. Like I said, 'boring'!"

She kept smiling, but a look of concern came to her eyes, "I wasn't paying attention, are you all taking notes? I think there's a written test, in the training, nowadays... Whatever, and who can name this warm and friendly guy?" She held up what was easily the smallest device on the table, pressing a button, causing several lights to start blinking as a pair of little wings smoothly flip out, waving up and down.
Update: the archetype team role labels have proven to be something of a stumbling block, for more than one player, so I've done away with them. I might start attaching current ranking if it becomes relevant, but for now, the character roster is just that.
She gasped, looking to the item they pointed at, then back to them, with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oooh, a good pick, and a good guess!" She skipped over to the table, setting down the pointer, and picking up a controller.

"This, is the state of the art, standard issue, all-terrain ghost trap!" As she worked the control, it raised up on wheels, and zipped right off the table, only to sprout propellers, and fly about the room! "We kept finding ourselves in situations where we couldn't count on being able to just... Roll it under the ghost, so the PRDC worked this up, based on the innovations of none other than The Spengler Family!"

It took a dive, swooping much too close to Victor, "Whoops, haha! Do be mindful of where you steer it, though- one collision could make leftovers of your hair, and force a teammate to finish shaving their head, right, Junior Silva?"

Resuming more skillful control, she brought it to land where it started, switching from the controller to the pointer, again, looking around at the class. "Who's next?"
Started the opening post! who the instructor is talking to at the end depends on who posts first, nothing to it!
There, in the training room (technically the basement, with a curtain drawn, so the Ecto Containment Unit wouldn't be a distraction), the training video was cut off.

"And that, Juniors, is the conclusion of the video portion of your training, today!" The trainer was a bizarre individual; she was 6 feet tall, and had bubblegum pink hair, done in pigtails. The uniform had changed itself, perhaps to set the Bureau of Occult Occurrences apart from The Ghostbusters? She was dressed in canvas work pants, a simple t-shirt and an open, navy blue field jacket, with a black name patch. The patch had red stitching that spelled 'GILLMORE'. The willful addition of the iconic "no ghost" emblem on the right sleeve, though not in line with proper uniform, definitely pointed to embracing the connection to the New York based business entity.

"Next, we'll be going over the standard field equipment, as the field is where you'll be spending much of your time, in this organization!" A pause, a falter to the smile, "Unless the Station Master assigns you to 'training detail' because he's mad at you, or something..."

Extending a telescopic pointer, she gave a a swish, "Who wants to pick the first thing we talk about, on that table?" Another swish, gesturing to a folding table, with a variety of equipment laid out for demonstration purposes.

Another swish, putting the pointer into a students' face, "How about you, 'sunshine'?"
Ok, I'm going to get something up for the opener in the next couple of days!
I'm interested!!

Ok, follow that link, read the ooc, and send me a character
Update: I've added a cs under a hider in the original post
@Theyra I'll come up with a CS, be just a couple minutes.
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