
"So you're doing this as a personal favor, to Green Arrow? Taking the team's problem child out on a mission?"
"Not so much a mission right now as it is a bite to eat. This burger place is the best spot in Coast City. I'd recommend the Green Lantern Burger - it comes in a lettuce wrap. Better for you-ish." Hal relaxed into a booth along the restaurant's edge. Quiver sat awkwardly across from him, taking time to absorb all of the Green Lantern memorabilia and news articles adorning the walls. Quiver was quick to notice that there were more than just Hal Jordan's photos up, but several different earth lantern's, and even a few aliens alongside them.
"So...how's the kid superhero gang going for you? I was never on one of those teen teams, but I bet it's a good time. Learning powers, sneaking around behind the teachers back, everyone crushing on each other. Probably a lot like college. Or so I'd guess, I never went." At that point a waitress came up to the two of them, and Hal took the initiative to order for both of them - two GL Burgers. Extra Willpower Sauce. (It's vegan.)
Quiver wondered what the others were doing on their first "day" with their new tutors. What kind of combat exercises they were going through. He felt starting here getting food was a waste of time. But Hal Jordan was the most championed Green Lantern in its history, and saved the world alongside the Justice Leage countless times. He must have his reasons. And Green Arrow must have his reasons for asking him to take Quiver under his wing, even temporarily.
"You're thinking that GA asked me to babysit you because of your bad attitude or something - I think you got the wrong idea. How much you know about the Lantern Corps?" Hal asked, almost conspiratorially. He pointed a steak-fry at Quiver across the table.
"You're space cops, with power rings that run on willpower." Quiver sipped out of a Strawberry Milkshake, looking ridiculous through his frown and pointed eyebrows. Hal smiled at his explanation, grabbed his GL Burger and jumped in.
"I resent the Space Cops thing - if the Corps are Space Cops, what's that make the League? If you called Ollie a cop, that guy would freak out instantly. Trust me on that. But you're mostly right on the willpower thing. Although that's just us who sport the Green." He made an effort to show his Lantern Ring to Quiver, it's insignia on it shining gold.
"I've had enough hearing about The Red and The Green and all this stuff. Trust me." Quiver felt a phantom pain in his ribs.
"Not like your friends Metamorph or Nymph. When it comes to the Corps, it's a spectrum. Green is the color of Willpower. Yellow equals fear. Red? Rage. That's just an intro lesson. But I'm not here to talk color theory with you. According to your teachers at Mt Justice, you started this whole hero gig barely able to communicate, and despite all that - you're apparently the most hot headed member on this team. Outspoken, volatile, opinionated. Even IF - and I'm quoting Dinah here - you're "not expressing the things that actually matter to you."
Quiver felt a moment of embarrassment at that, but it passed fleetingly.
"And that's the whole point. The Corps? You have to be passionate. No matter what that emotional spectrum is that you're feeling. And it's clear that you've got passion, even if you don't know which direction to point it. So to speak." With that, Hal took another big bite of his burger, after picking up a pickle that had fallen out of the lettuce wrap.
"So what then, you're going to help me regulate that? Give me some breathing exercises?"
Hal wiped his face with a napkin with his own masked face printed on it.
"No, we're going to space."