Avatar of Nytem4re
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1056 (0.26 / day)
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    1. Nytem4re 11 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current The irony of someone telling other people they have nothing better to do when they write on a roleplaying forum is not lost on me
5 yrs ago
Goodbye alt man it was nice knowing you
5 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
Oh don't worry they're just terrorist sleeper cells LUL
5 yrs ago
I’ve worked min wage jobs and I’ve done the bare minimum and have still gotten the measly ten cent raises yearly and good references from them. There really is no point, bare minimum gets you by.


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"It's Friday. And no need to thank me, just trying to save the librarians some work when they have to close up." The girl seemed a bit jumpy to Josef, but he assumed it was just a product of being lost in one's work. It wasn't like he was one for surprises either. She also seemed a bit.... out of it, but he wasn't going to point it out to her. Josef glanced at the poster the girl had pointed out. "A Sliver of Beauty", they were calling it. More like a sliver of artistic ability, as Josef put it. As far as he heard from his fellow coworkers, it was just some rich kurva patting themselves on the back for painting something. "Yeah. That art gallery's happening today."

Normally, Josef wouldn't attend these sorts of events, but thinking on it again, he might be able to catch Valentin there. The old man always liked the arts, and even if Josef didn't catch him there, he could at least unwind a bit before heading off to talk with the Holy Saviors. Their enthusiasm was appreciated, but sometimes the Saviors gave him a headache. ""I'm headed over there myself to try and catch a friend of mine there. Could walk you over with you if you wanted. If not, fine by me too."

Josef swept up yet another student's meal crumbs as he prepared for his shift to end. Despite all the signs insisting no food or drink would be brought into the library, there was to be no end to the number of food remains left behind- empty instant noodle containers, chip wrappers, coffee cups, empty monster cans, you name it. It was fine to Josef: his job was not to question the messes presented before him, only to clean them up. Much like his other obligation in life. Working as a janitor was the last thing Josef really expected to do with his life, but it was strangely calming. The work was menial, but predictable, just the way he liked it. Simple, humble work. Perhaps if he had moved over to America with his father, Josef would have found himself working as a janitor for the rest of his life. Perhaps he would have also gotten a chance to talk to his father all these years.

But what was done was done, and there was little reason to ponder about what could have been. For now, his shift was over, and he walked into the janitorial room, dropping off his cleaning supplies and key ring for the next shift to pick up. Besides, Josef had a meeting to attend with Holy Saviors tonight; Xavier had said something about the Holy Saviors perhaps making a move on some witch coven that he had some obsession against. Then again, the leader of the Holy Saviors always had some strange obsession with witches. Back home, in Northern Macedonia, all sinners were viewed the same, whether they be a witch, vampire, or werewolf. These strange Western Christians seemed to only want witches dead, something Josef would have to bring up at a later meeting, perhaps when he had more rapport with the other members of the Holy Saviors. Perhaps he'd talk to his friend, Valentin, about the situation. At the very least the old veteran could fill him in on any supernatural elements that operated in Ember Grove.

As Josef was walking out of the library, he recognized a familiar face. Melanie? Melina? Melody? Josef honestly didn't remember her name, but he always saw her editing some photos at the library up until closing, and there was hardly a time when he saw her doing anything else. A dedicated student indeed. Josef walked up to her workstation and gently knocked on the wooden surface to get her attention.

"Library's about to close, my friend- But I'm sure you know that by now, with all the times I've had to tell you in the past week. Come on. You can be a famous photographer and go home and rest once in a while, no?"

In Ask an Admin, v2. 5 yrs ago Forum: News
<Snipped quote by Ruby>

Have anyone considered setting up a patreon, so people who still love this site have way to donate and keep it running?

Suggested in the past as just donations even before patreon was a thing and it was promptly refused, which sorta led to the original site being shut down and deleted. Probably won't happen.

Cookie looked on with disgust as the Übermensch continued their strange, bastardly rituals they called a culture. They had come to leech off of the Australian people, who were also, as far as her research could tell her, poor, pale imitations of the proud British nation she had once been a part of. Every day she lamented she would never see the glorious isles, where the sun never set in the empire. The empire had fallen, probably brought down by the disgusting inferior peoples he was currently living with.

Cookie had once thought them, descendants of Alexander, true, pure, strong bloodlines. The people of Macedon. Oh, he should have known by their behavior that they were just bloodsuckers of the name and honor the name brought. Why he even saw the money they had stolen, probably from hard-working Aryan folk. Perhaps from the true Macedonian race. Watching them distribute the hard-earned cash from what probably were the blood, sweat, and tears of proud blue-eyed, blonde-haired Aryans, worked Cookie up into a national-socialist fervor.

"You sick, twisted, perversions of the human race. God, there is not one day I go without watching you debase every known principle of human decency."

Cookie took a pause before she cited Mein Kampf, by the intellectual known as Adolf Hitler, sullied by the liberal and globalist agenda perpetrated by the "Allies", who obviously did not see his genius intellect in the ways she could.

"The sacrifice of the individual existence is necessary in order to assure the conservation
of the race. Hence it is that the most essential condition for the establishment and
maintenance of a State is a certain feeling of solidarity, wounded in an identity of
character and race and in a resolute readiness to defend these at all costs. With people
who live on their own territory this will result in a development of the heroic virtues;
with a parasitic people it will develop the arts of subterfuge and gross perfidy unless
we admit that these characteristics are innate and that the varying political forms
through which the parasitic race expresses itself are only the outward manifestations of
innate characteristics. At least in the beginning, the formation of a State can result only
from a manifestation of the heroic qualities I have spoken of. And the people who fail in
the struggle for existence, that is to say those, who become vassals and are thereby
condemned to disappear entirely sooner or later, are those who do not display the
heroic virtues in the struggle, or those who fall victims to the perfidy of the parasites.
And even in this latter case the failure is not so much due to lack of intellectual powers,
but rather to a lack of courage and determination. An attempt is made to conceal the
real nature of this failing by saying that it is the humane feeling."

Cookie scoffed before continuing. "So what I am saying is that you should bend the knee, or kill yourselves. It is the only honorable way for you inferior, parasitic peoples to conduct what remains of your pathetic lives. IT IS THE ONLY WAY FOR THE MASTER RACE TO ESTABLISH THE ETHNO STATE THE WORLD DE-, NO NEEDS! I DEMAND YOUR LIFE, FOR THE GLORY OF THE HUMAN RACE!"

However, being a dog, her rant only came out in happy barks, and by the end, she was wagging her tail while looking at the Jace matriarch.

Name: Cookie
Age: 7 years old
Gender: Female Dog (Male Human Reincarnation)

To any onlooker, Cookie is just a happy dog. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Cookie is actually the reincarnation of Francis Galton, a 19th Century eugenicist famous for pioneering the field. Cookie has also been further red-pilled after reading Jace's assigned readings for his philosophy class and will go on long rants about how the inferior genes need to be bred out of existence. Johannes's relationship with Jace's entire family is met with disdain from cookie, who yells at Johannes for propagating what she perceives as inferior slavic genes in the population pool. However, being a dog, no one can really understand her, and her rants generally are just seen as happy barking. The rants are only met with intense petting and "good boys", which further infuriates Cookie.

Since Cookie still does have the brain of a dog, for now they are content with being pet and praised for simply doing "dog things". Cookie only hopes that one day Jace's family and Johannes will see the error of their ways.

However cookie has a special affinity for Uncle Jerry, except she wishes that he would be even more radical and humps his leg hoping this will redpill him.

Name: Cookie
Age: 7 years old
Gender: Female Dog (Male Human Reincarnation)

To any onlooker, Cookie is just a happy dog. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Cookie is actually the reincarnation of Francis Galton, a 19th Century eugenicist famous for pioneering the field. Cookie has also been further red-pilled after reading Jace's assigned readings for his philosophy class and will go on long rants about how the inferior genes need to be bred out of existence. Johannes's relationship with Jace's entire family is met with disdain from cookie, who yells at Johannes for propagating what she perceives as inferior slavic genes in the population pool. However, being a dog, no one can really understand her, and her rants generally are just seen as happy barking. The rants are only met with intense petting and "good boys", which further infuriates Cookie.

Since Cookie still does have the brain of a dog, for now they are content with being pet and praised for simply doing "dog things". Cookie only hopes that one day Jace's family and Johannes will see the error of their ways.

However cookie has a special affinity for Uncle Jerry, except she wishes that he would be even more radical and humps his leg hoping this will redpill him.
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