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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh, hey, this is NMG. I realized I never talk to you guys. I just had a memory of a roleplay from three years ago. Sadly, it got taken down with the TinierMe website. I was twelve back then, but I was certainly not a scrub. I've been roleplaying since I was about 8-9. The one I'm talking about actually got completed instead of going on forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and eve...

It even got a sequel that was lost when TM was taken down. I haven't seen my RP buddies again for a long time. ;-;

Back to the topic at hand, the RP was really fun, we progressed the story steadily and had fun/goofy moments in between arcs. One of the characters even had a mob of fangirls chasing after him when we got to a village that I remember giving a really long name. (I can even remember it, but I don't want to come off as too much of a weeb.) He was a character that my friend created when I miscounted the available slots. He controlled the elements that made up the weather(Air, water, lightening). I decided to let him stay as maybe a side character, but he ended up becoming really important. In the end my character who was the last living light user used the objects the crew was collecting to give him the power to temporarily use the light element. He used that power to absorb the spirit of the evil king who had possessed a darkness user. He then handed Kira his one of his guns and told her to shoot him. There was a small amount of arguing, but in the end she knew she had to do it for the sake of everyone. When he died, she sadly held onto him, as his spirit moved on.

One of my sage characters, the sage of darkness, pulled him into their realm before he could pass on. That's when the sages decided that he would be the sage of weather.

This is indeed what I was referring to in my most recent status. I can't even... How did I remember that so vividly? I can't even remember what I learned in 7th grade life science. ... Pretty sure I messed *something* up.

So, what about you guys? Do you have any RP memories that you absolutely love?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 12 days ago

I remember the very first actual RP I was ever in, it was an RP based on the anime/manga series "Toaru Majitsu no Index" (A certain magical Index) call A Certain Chaotic Academy (ACCA) run by @Masaki Haruna and @Hebigami Shiho, friends that I can only hope to see again one day. I remember how we'd used to go through several pages of OOC and maybe even a solid page's worth or two of IC a day at a pace I haven't seen since. I had never been so involved in an RP since then, refreshing ever few seconds to see a new post, staying up into the wee hours of dawn chatting and RPing OOC, to say the least, it was quite something amazing.

Hell, it what was probably what go me so hooked into RPing in the first place; a sense of communion that the socially awkward me at the time had never felt. I used to be envious of my classmates who had social media friends in the hundreds and their real popularity in school (I was young and stupid back then okay?); but ACCA sort of fulfilled all of my social media fantasies in the dumbest, cheesiest way possible.

However, like all good things, ACCA slowly died as its GMs faded and interest waned as characters and players started dropping out, to this day I haven't seen many of the people who were originally part of it in a long time. But I have never forgot it, nor the character I had used for it which has since undergone a myriad number of edits, revision and rewrites.

The other RP that was the most memorable was a scifi NRP run by a wonderful bastard-of-a-friend, @Keyguyperson in something that I sometimes now call "key-fi". It was the first scifi RP I was in and probably the first NRP that I could ever really remember, all of that research and picture hunting as well as me feeling like an idiot before the people who'd talk OOC about theoretical physics and the science of space travel, lasers and xenobiology. Its also where I met the wonderfully amazing @RomanAria so I'm unsure if I could ever forget that RP.

And so, to both of them;
Thanks for the Memories
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 8 days ago

When two fictional Finns martyr'd themselves for Finnish sovereignty by exploding the czar in an alt-history RP, leading to the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1970.

Or, well, one martyr'd himself. His partner's survival is up in the air still in the RP's lore.

That happened four-years ago and the RP itself is still going.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheEvanCat
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TheEvanCat Your Cool Alcoholic Uncle

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Releasing the dogs of war for the final showdown in the desert of Erzurum.

Same RP as the above.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 8 days ago

There was also that time I wrote a post so long it could be published as its own novella.

I kept it spoilered so it wouldn't stretch the scroll bar too long.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

every moment I post is a good moment, baby
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I’ve had a lot of good memories, so singling out just one of them would feel cheap. I started RPing online through message board communities fifteen years ago and I’m really unable to revisit much of it due to that forum not really existing anymore— the wayback machine can only offer me so much.

But I suppose my most cherished memory is the inception, journey, and conclusion of “The Order Saga” – a several chapter RP that started around 2004 that in some form lasted up to 2008 or so. A lot of my fellow writers in that are gone or retired, @DruSM157 is probably the only one who is still around and probably has a lot of good memories with it. It was a pretty generic story with an anime sheen that eventually became more and more as we got older and more experienced as writers. For a RP that started with a generic evil cult and half-witted heroes during a period of my writing development where I could’ve probably aptly been described as “teenaged cynic and grimdark writer who was way more enthusiastic than he could handle”. It was a fun time; and the TOS on its own exists as a legacy in my world fairly well.

I would love to recapture something like that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 29 days ago

(Oh god this is being turned into an advert for Precipice of War isn't it)

Anyway. My favorite RPing memories, well... there are too many to count.

The first, the one that got me hooked on RPing. On the oldguild, The Freak Show. I don't remember who the GM was, but in that game I met one of my dearest RP friends, TunaticTyler. I don't believe Tyler ever came back after guildfall, but he taught me so much about writing. About how to give and how to take, how to weave a collaborative story.

The second, probably my favorite actual RP, was (again on the oldguild) Animal Cruelty which was gmed by the lovely Aiko. The fast-paced nature of this game, the fact that we'd go through four pages a day, the fact that we actually FINISHED the RP and ended it in an explosion of blood and sadness and death and amazingness... It was just... wow. To this day it remains the only RP I've ever been in that has ended due to being completed and not due to inactivity.

Thirdly, but probably first in my heart: Keyguyperson's Stellvia. It was in this RP that I met three of my best RPing friends. WilsonTurner, Duck55223, and Darkwolf687. It was also in this RP that I met my beloved ClocktowerEchos. Seriously, Keyguy, we owe you bigtime.

And finally, My Lalia's A Prized Bride. This thing has been through two reboots and an impossible number of headcanons... here's to hoping this one lasts. It's hands-down the most elaborate RP story that I've ever been in. (And also probably the only one where my writing hasn't been absolutely horrible.)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I've have plenty of great Roleplaying memories. In fact, I have so many that it's hard to count. If I absolutely had to narrow it down, though, it would be this:

I've had a Roleplay that has been launched about three times now. The premise of the Roleplay is simple - the player is an original character that is sent to a world that rests in the middle of time and space and is basically entered in this tournament. This tournament is known as the "Ultimate Master Tournament" or "UM Tourney" which is the name of the series. Each UM had six characters of the player's choosing from different canonical worlds (and a likely useless mascot) and had to survive the tournament by taking one of the three brackets - one of neutrality, one of connecting with your entire team and one where you crush all competition.

Anyway, this series ended up having seven follow-ups and each were about two years long. I only had one Roleplay partner and we only got to the third part, but my favorite memories come from this series. It was so silly and light-hearted, yet it could be dark and mysterious at times. It also helps that my Roleplay partner is still my favorite Roleplay partner to this day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll be honest: I've been roleplaying too long to be able to pin a single moment as my favorite. I started tabletop RPGs when I was 4 or 5 years old, and I've been roleplaying online since I was 12. I'm 24 now, if that gives you an idea of how goddamned long it's been.

The roleplaying community, both offline and online, has been one of the greatest things in my life, and I think rather than pointing at a single moment as the defining moment of awesome in my RP career, I'll instead just say that I've had a bunch of "favorite moments." I couldn't name them all if I tried.

I've wrestled a lich, headbutted a horse, had a SUPER gay wet towel fight in a medieval setting, sent swarms of giant lizard women plundering, staged a dramatic duel between two friends who'd become sworn enemies, had my character die a hero, had another main character die to a marksman's arrow to the head while on a simple patrol, watched my efforts saved a kingdom, watched my efforts all just bring about the very end I was trying to avoid, beat people with a sheep, led a Martian rebellion against a galaxy-spanning Earth empire, had a David and Goliath showdown as a halfling, had my swashbuckling vigilante superhero get busted for the cops while holding a public relations rally due to crimes against the Queen of England (read: piracy)...

Note, there's TONS more moments I could have listed. They range from tiny "awesome" moments like throwing a dude at another dude or using a magical warhorn to knock down the walls of a fortress to more dramatic, tragic, or otherwise story-driven moments. It's just... SO hard to name any of these things as my favorite. 18 years of RPing is too many, sometimes.

And by too many I mean not enough.

EDIT: A couple more moments...

Someone asked if my vigilante swashbuckling superhero's superpower was romantic Spanish paraphernalia. ...They were correct.

Another superhero of mine actually got to spend 1/2 of their time making witty one liners and being HATED for it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Any roleplay that I've truly had come to an end. A satisfactory end, not rushed to get to the next bit or restarted in the line of survival (both of which I've had happen on this guild site).

Only roleplays I've *ever* been in to fit this definition are from another medium of roleplay entirely.

Yhe first is a sci-fi roleplay in Starcraft 2's Cortex Roleplay, featuring a character called "Captin" (guy misspelled his character and it stuck), and a base commander (myself) who dual-managed the assets of an ice-world colony along with a quirky sniper character (also me). One way and another the base ended up losing the entire population of some 50 characters save these three guys against an alien civilization. A survival roleplay, basically, where the three characters were left in the cold to survive against the effects of burning ice and noxious alien fumes that could only be staved by the quirky sniper's very limited ECM rounds (Yes, we BS'ed our way through logic on that one). Eventually, the trio killed a boss, learned the secrets of the alien civilization and were rescued by a battleship. To provide a little background those roleplays were special collaborations of 3-6 random people (the more there were the more dropped), and characters would be built right on the spot using in-game assets with commands on the maps. Then we'd squish our characters into a general plot that grew on its own; a free jump in roleplay, in other words, though I've had sophisticated encounters there as well. I have unfinished lore business with the base commander from that particular roleplay, but I'm unsure of how to complete it here.

Same medium as above... and in fact the same map, though a different zone and set of roleplayers. My characters were the protector of a cell consisting of a Warlord; a being with power equal to that of a god, maintained by a crew of elder beings and a quirky staff that provided near constant comic relief when put by other roleplayers. We were a relatively open group, so that somewhat OP concept was OK, though in most cases I wouldn't have tried something like that. Eventually, the "wardens" so to speak ran out of power and were almost annihilated by Warlord (the survivors would echo in plotlines down the ages of my roleplaying there). Said warlord was destroyed by a human army... which just had the effect of releasing him from a physical prison. The result was the creation of a small group of roleplayers dedicated to exploring every inch of that particular plotline, an effort which has sadly become stale and one which I wouldn't mind to restart again. Why do I include this if it wasn't complete? It formed the foundations for the creation of many of my character concepts for years and helped solidify "what ifs" into reality via multiverse stuff that again I ended up BSing my logic through. It was a fun roleplay and worthy of mention. Three of the "warden" characters would go on to become dedicated characters through a number of other roleplays; one would be an oracle, another a teleporting warrior-mercenary and the third a pessimistic psionic who was the antagonist of many a roleplay until he met his bitter end to a roleplayer who specialized in humanoid poison frogs. That was a weird one, but I call it canon in my mind as long as it wasn't the result of bad roleplay... and it was a good ending. Kind of fitting too.

Another cortex one was based on a fantasy idea of two allied demon lords. I had used that concept a few times but was never able to complete it. It was eventually finished when the roleplayers of one particular game banded together and eradicated the demon cultists, soldiers and finally the demons themselves.

A little while after I used the concept again, and it resulted in the demon lords being defeated again... to a massive stink-bomb that eradicated the entire demonic castle and covered almost 25% of the map in irremovable green floating goo. That was a... weird ending. But hey, weird ends were the norm there, and they beat trolls/dissolving of the parties.

Another fantasy on the sophisticated side featured a 1000+ year old vampire with creaky bones wandering the world and passing his "wisdom" to a number of characters and finally falling to an RNG duel over a matter of pride between two characters. It was a good game, and I met a few good folks that day.

And another one, with a dragon king; 4 hour roleplay, I had a dragon king who walked with mortals and met a young wild dragon character and taught her the finer arts of not getting caught (with a number of close calls), with the assistance of an old knight serving the dragon. Long story short, the hunters used a spell to kill the dragon king, another dangerous and complicated spell was done to bring the king back, and the king came back as an angry demonic and powerful shade of his former self who killed the knight and heavily wounded the young dragon and proceeded to wreck the roleplay's town before being delayed by a dragon slayer who had been a bane all through the roleplay. Dragon slayer got knocked out just as the young dragon killed the dragon king. GG.

There's more tales, and many that have been memorable over the ages. Alas I don't think I've found such a sweet spot on RPG yet, though I've had a few good ones.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I remember the very first actual RP I was ever in, it was an RP based on the anime/manga series "Toaru Majitsu no Index" (A certain magical Index) call A Certain Chaotic Academy (ACCA) run by @Masaki Haruna and @Hebigami Shiho, friends that I can only hope to see again one day. I remember how we'd used to go through several pages of OOC and maybe even a solid page's worth or two of IC a day at a pace I haven't seen since. I had never been so involved in an RP since then, refreshing ever few seconds to see a new post, staying up into the wee hours of dawn chatting and RPing OOC, to say the least, it was quite something amazing.

Hell, it what was probably what go me so hooked into RPing in the first place; a sense of communion that the socially awkward me at the time had never felt. I used to be envious of my classmates who had social media friends in the hundreds and their real popularity in school (I was young and stupid back then okay?); but ACCA sort of fulfilled all of my social media fantasies in the dumbest, cheesiest way possible.

However, like all good things, ACCA slowly died as its GMs faded and interest waned as characters and players started dropping out, to this day I haven't seen many of the people who were originally part of it in a long time. But I have never forgot it, nor the character I had used for it which has since undergone a myriad number of edits, revision and rewrites.

The other RP that was the most memorable was a scifi NRP run by a wonderful bastard-of-a-friend, @Keyguyperson in something that I sometimes now call "key-fi". It was the first scifi RP I was in and probably the first NRP that I could ever really remember, all of that research and picture hunting as well as me feeling like an idiot before the people who'd talk OOC about theoretical physics and the science of space travel, lasers and xenobiology. Its also where I met the wonderfully amazing @RomanAria so I'm unsure if I could ever forget that RP.

And so, to both of them;
Thanks for the Memories

The most memorable one would be ACCA which I created/re.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DruSM157
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DruSM157 Nobody

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I’ve had a lot of good memories, so singling out just one of them would feel cheap. I started RPing online through message board communities fifteen years ago and I’m really unable to revisit much of it due to that forum not really existing anymore— the wayback machine can only offer me so much.

But I suppose my most cherished memory is the inception, journey, and conclusion of “The Order Saga” – a several chapter RP that started around 2004 that in some form lasted up to 2008 or so. A lot of my fellow writers in that are gone or retired, @DruSM157 is probably the only one who is still around and probably has a lot of good memories with it. It was a pretty generic story with an anime sheen that eventually became more and more as we got older and more experienced as writers. For a RP that started with a generic evil cult and half-witted heroes during a period of my writing development where I could’ve probably aptly been described as “teenaged cynic and grimdark writer who was way more enthusiastic than he could handle”. It was a fun time; and the TOS on its own exists as a legacy in my world fairly well.

I would love to recapture something like that.

I love you too buddy <3
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

sadly my best RP memory is now tainted with sadness. But I remember a Hunger Games RP that I started before the Guildfall. It was very small, only 4 people total, but man that thing was really awesome. Very detailed, everyone was on the same page, the group worked very well together and the story, for the most part, kept things canon to the universe (we had a lot of wiggle room, it took place during the very early years of the Hunger Games not mentioned much in the books).
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