Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

In cities all throughout the world, signs have appeared on the street. To most people, they appear as "Lost dog, call insert number here." But to a few select people, they appear different. They see a young woman pointing at them and saying, "I Want You For The Last Alliance!"

Below that is another sheet of paper, written in an elegant hand. "To whoever may read this. You know what lurks in the dark of night. Monsters, and worse than monsters. It's time to stand up, but people can't defend themselves against things they refuse to admit exist. I care not whether you're a witch, a werewolf, a vampire, or something else entirely. All I ask is that you come to New York and hear me out.

Protect the innocent. Be a part of something bigger than yourself. Join The Last Alliance."

The premise is simple. We will be playing as a group of concerned supernaturals or clued-in humans, defending mortalkind from threats of a supernatural form. Our setting is an Earth much like ours, except this Earth is located at a planar confluence. What that means is that there are many parallel Earths, some that know of the supernatural, others, like our main Earth, that do not.





Race (Witch, normal human, vampire, whatever)


Physical Description or Appearance


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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known as Dante the lion




-Poison: Located in his tail and in his claws Dante possess poison stronger then any scorpion.
-Supernatural Strength
-True form: Dante can either shift fully to his manticore form or shift bits and pieces (like just the tail or claws)
-Enhanced senses

Physical Description or Appearance
Dante is rather tall at 6 foot 2. He is well built with platinum blonde hair that is wavy, falling just above his eyes in an almost angelic way. His eyes are a cool grey that resemble a lion's eyes more then a humans and thus he always wears sunglasses or contacts to conceal them. He has longer then average canines and while in human form his voice is deep yet pleasant. He has a tendency to be casual in his style, wearing mostly t shirts and jeans.

In his True Form he has a coat of purple fur, a white mane, horns of a bull, and a large scorpion tail. His eyes never change between forms. In this form, his voice is less pleasant. It sounds more gravelly as if it is hard to speak. In this form he does not speak unless he has too.

Dante is considered a friendly giant. He is kind, but when he is poked at he can retaliate. One should not confuse his friendliness for ease to be manipulated. He is smart and knows when someone is up to something they should not be with him.

Dante was born among others of his kind. As he grew up, he realized he did not care for their ways and left, knowing full well he would never be allowed back. He ventured off on his own at the young age of 15 and realized his violent cravings needed an outlet and needed one fast.
Finding that outlet with no proof of an education was difficult, but he was able to wiggle his way into professional fighting after getting his GED. Professional fighting allowed for his outlet and got him money along with the unexpected side of fame. The fame brought the hardship of being careful not to punch to hard or do something that should not be possible for a normal human.
He was good at being careful until it happened. He hit a tad bit too hard and his opponent was severally injured. With that, he took off from that area and tried to move on, but his new reputation wasn't helping him so he now works as a bouncer.
Every few days he has to become his true self or he will become more violent, much like a werewolf, and find himself turning when he doesn't want to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

@BlackPanther Accepted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

yay thank you
do i put him in the character list or will you be making one?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Put him in the character tab. Mine will be up tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Acromantula
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Name: Alvaraz Rivel

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Race: Shapeshifter.

Powers: Ability to shift into anything his mind can conjure up going from a tea kettle to a six-headed hydra. But being young, his body can only handle so much, so he has to be careful. He's able to shift parts of his body and give them certain characteristics. Ex; covering his arms in crocodile scales or growing gills.

Al typically wears clothing that is comfortable, not caring much about fashion. Sweats and a t-shirt is the way to go in his mind, ninety percent of the time. Shifting takes his clothing with him though, thankfully, sort of sealing itself inside his body until it's time to reappear in human form.

Personality: Al's absolutely off his rocker. He has an addictive personality and can latch onto people and things in the most unhealthy ways, willing to put his life on the line to keep them safe even if they've previously told him to leave them alone. And while this makes him sound like the most obnoxious thing on the planet, he does have lines that he won't cross, one of those being that he'd never hurt anyone beneath him in strength. Al is also actually quite the gentleman, but in the way the Mad Hatter would be. He's having the time of his life when there's adrenaline pumping in his veins, which is why he does a lot of the stupid things he does. Just for that rush. Al is a ball of energy, essentially. His darker sides he keeps hidden, not wanting trust anyone in his life enough to reveal these thoughts and secrets he has.

Bio: Growing up, Al always knew he was a little different. It was one day when he was five years old and ran into his home with a dog muzzle that he realized just how different. His human father, outraged and out of his mind with the discovery, nearly killed Al's mother, calling her a monster and threatening to condemn Al to a life in hell, to a life where he'd be cut open by scientists.
The boy's mother would have none of it and she ran. She ran as fast as she could. In the dark of the night she shifted. That night people might've seen a tigress sprinting through dark alleys, teeth tight around the belt of a little boy's jeans. They'd think they drank too much wine and head to bed.
Fera raised Al to be kind and good, but she raised him in a dangerous town. Gangs, cartels, police and general violence was what Al was surrounded by. But he did his best to not start too much trouble for his mother. He went to school, passed with flying colors, then moved on to post-secondary education. Everything came to grinding halt when he received a phone call. Could you please come in and identify the body? Al's world shattered and for weeks he went on a rampage, angry, frustrated but smart enough to execute his rage on material objects rather than people. He shifted and stole food, slept in unoccupied hotel suites. Evnetually, he accepted his mother's death. Yet he felt like something was missing from his life. Al didn't want romance and education no longer had the spark he loved so much. Something more, that's what Al needs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Antonia Patter




Mainly plant related magic, for use on gardens.
-healing; will heal broken branches, bones, cuts and anything similar. Not useful for poison, starvation, dehydration, ect.
-manipulate water; condenses the water vapor into a single spot, thus making it useful(or vice versa). Cannot create water from nothing
-grow plants; make seeds, sprouts, and even fully grown plants grow.

Physical Description

Average height at 5'7" but every bit as awkward as common with taller people. Antonia could be seen as a day dreamer, lost in thought behind inky black eyes. Being raised by faries has left her with no sense of fashion of any kind. She likes skirts and T-shirts from the human world, but it is only luck if they match.

She feels like she missed a lot of her childhood and is trying to make up for that now by living it up. She has so many new freedoms that she often times doesn't know what to do with herself.
She is a mom friend kind of person.
However when she is told to do something she is compelled to do it (mostly menial things).

A lost and angry teen, lusting for revenge. The trees have eyes in these parts, they can give but their price is steep. Two hands shake as under the full moon. A shriek in the night. Silence.

It was 7 years since the death of Adam Crawford, a simple teenager who was suspected of committing suicide.
Cathy had moved on, pushing the memory of him and those silver eyes to the back of her mind. She hadn't killed Adam that night. She'd dumped him yeah, but he was the one who walked onto highway 64 at 1 a.m.
It wasn't her fault.
It was 7 years past and she was married now, she was pregnant too, and happy. She wished, quietly to herself, that she'd been hallucinating that night. Or maybe she had been drunk, it was so long ago now she couldn't remember it right. Adam was always kind of messed up anyway.

She brought the baby home at last, a little girl. She had those eyes. Those big silver eyes. "they'll go away" said the doctors. "All babies are born with light eyes". But for 12 months the little girl stared knowingly wit those bright silver eyes. Every day without end until one year passed and she vanished.

Antonia grew up among the fey. It was her mothers price to pay, not hers and the fey are fair sometimes. They needed a gardener anyway.
She learned from them how to read and wright and then to tend their flowers and orchards, she played with the younger fey and learned of the faults of her kind through their eyes. For 23 years she worked for them and on her 24th birthday she had managed to pay off her mothers due. She was sent back to the human world and set free.

With no idea what to do she simply wandered for a while before coming across the sign.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Acromantula Drop the inanimate object transformation, and he's good. Sorry, I've seen that power abused a few too many times for my liking.

@Classpet Accepted! Please post her in the characters section.

Now, for our not-so-fearless leader...

Name: Penelope Martin, but she often goes by Penny

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Race: Witch... mostly.

Appearance: tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.M93521d81c..

Powers: Can conjure and manipulate hellfire. It burns hotter than normal fire and is difficult to put out without supernatural means. The downside is her powers don't work too well around holy places and items.

Personality: Penny is a legendarily perky and upbeat girl; nothing seems to get her down for long. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but she's no ditz either.

Bio: Penny comes from an Earth where the supernatural is open and commonplace. Most of her friends developed their magic early on, and she was forced to watch with envy as they displayed powers such as telepathy and levitation. Still, she did the best she could and got a job at a pawn shop in the bad part of town.

Late one night, as she walked home from work, she was jumped by two men who demanded her cash. She paid up, but they brandished knives and made it clear that wasn't enough. Certain she was going to die, the only question Penny had was whether they'd make her suffer further indignities first.

She was angry. She was frightened. And all that rage and terror let itself loose in a scream.

The next thing she knew, the two men were howling in agony, black fire burning them alive. Penny was stunned. She knew that was hellfire she had summoned, but she had no clue how or even why she was able to do it. Research revealed the answer, and she didn't like it.

Some time in the distant past, one of her ancestors had summoned the demon Anduriel and had a child with him. This child's demonic genes had passed through the ages, quietly being subsumed by the human bits, until the powers they conferred would only be awakened by a traumatic event.

Yet despite the dark nature of her magic, she didn't want to be evil. She wanted to help people, and she knew just how to do it. A friend who was great with portals created one to a parallel Earth, where the supernatural was much less acknowledged but no less dangerous. She set up her recruiting message, and now, she's just waiting to see who shows up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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out of curiosity, when are we starting?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

I'll give it one more day for people to sign up, and then we start tomorrow night.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by flightless-angel-castiel
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flightless-angel-castiel learning to fly again.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Fox and I will probably post our characters tomorrow, if that's all right. They know each other, so we have to discuss their pasts, and he won't be home until way later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Fine with me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

And the IC has started!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by flightless-angel-castiel
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flightless-angel-castiel learning to fly again.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Whoop, late, late. Is there a maximum on paragraphs? 'Cause Fox and I's CS's are long lol.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

not at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by foxygen
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sorry about the grammar xD i'll be using proper capitalization on my posts, i'm just doing this from mobile!!

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by flightless-angel-castiel
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flightless-angel-castiel learning to fly again.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

late late late that we are

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Acromantula
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Acromantula praise all the white sands of time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm confused. Is foxygen playing Fletcher or is Cas playing him? Is Charles going to be a character in this?

EDIT: Nevermind. I think.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by foxygen
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm confused. Is foxygen playing Fletcher or is Cas playing him? Is Charles going to be a character in this?

EDIT: Nevermind. I think.

haha we just collaborated since they were entering together - our posts will be individual after this though!!
fletcher is cas's & i'll be playing charles (=
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