☆ Name: Nicholas "Nick" Lowell Green
☆ Gender: Male
☆ Age: 26
☆ Species: Mutant/Demon
☆ Power(s): || Pyrokinesis || Teleportation || Flight || Super Strength ||

☆ Written: Nick is a tall and muscular twenty six year old man who wears short, curly hair. His hair is naturally dirty blonde, and he has never dyed it. Nick is about 6'5" and weighs around 195 lbs. Due to his extensive daily training, he is visibly muscular with abs being visible as well. Generally, he likes to keep a clean appearance. He keeps his hair short, nails trimmed, body washed, etc. Despite this, he's normally spotted wearing casual clothing, such as t-shirts, blue jeans, and sneakers.
☆ Build: Tall and muscular.
☆ Hair (color/style): || Short || Curly || Dirty Blonde ||
☆ Eye color: || Gray-Blue || Turns red when angry ||
☆ Other: N/A

☆ Traits (5+): || Courageous || Quirky || Polite || Passionate || Caring ||
☆ Dislikes (3+): || Peanut Butter || Sand In His Shoes || Rap Music ||
☆ Likes (3+): || Animals || Martial Arts || Italian Food ||
☆ Fear(s) (1+): || Large Bodies Of Water ||

☆ Sexuality: Straight(?)
☆ Occupation: Freelance Labor
☆ Relationship: || Mattie(?): Possible ex-lover ||
☆ Family: || Jacob - Brother ||
☆ History/Biography:
Nicholas and his twin brother were born to a mortal mother and demon father. Despite being delivered naturally, neither boys made it to their mother's arms. Minutes after their birth, they were taken to a facility run by an organization known as Mexo Laboratories, which is headed by the devil himself. For the next twenty two and a half years, Nicholas and his brother would be cursed to live inside of an artificial simulation while their bodies floated dormant in containers of sense-numbing slime inside of the laboratory, along with hundreds of other mutants.
Inside the simulation, Nicholas and his brother lived apart from each other. For his entire artificial life, the only sibling that Nicholas was aware he had was a fake human girl by the name of Alissa. He lived normally, even attending school, getting a job, and planning college, all inside of the feigned world. The complex simulation was a very delicate work, run and maintained by dozens of demon and even mortal employees at Mexo. There was no point in the simulation other than to keep the employees entertained and the human-demon hybrids alive.
The organization was formed not long after Lucifer lost control of the demons that he'd sentenced to wreak havoc upon the earth. His demons had escaped from his reign -- some of them caused chaos of their own free will. However, some of them were turning good and even starting families with mortals. The entire situation was appalling to Lucifer. It was then that he decided that he needed to take action, and he gave birth to the Mexo corporation. During its startup, which went almost as normally as a general business being formed, Lucifer took to recruiting mainly loyal demons from the Underworld. It wasn't until the organization's first decade had passed before he started recruiting mortals into his labs. In order for a mortal to become employed under Mexo Laboratories, they had to immediately sell their soul before ever being notified of what their work consisted of. Mexo employees occupied most medical offices, including hospitals, physician offices, dentist offices, and optometrist offices. It was their duty to discover the demon hybrids that had been created and return them to Lucifer.
After the first few hundred hybrids were disposed of, Lucifer developed the idea of experimenting with them for entertainment. That was when the numbing solution was formed and poured into containers that would later harbor hybrids of his choosing. The simulation was generated, mocking the real world in a controlled environment. Lucifer would observe each individual life and control it to his will. When he grew bored with this, however, his employees didn't. He left the simulation to their reign. It was then that accidents would happen. Hybrids would be given more supernatural powers than they would have originally inherited.
Nicholas, his brother, and another female mutant were the first to escape the laboratories, which would spark an outbreak of rebellious mutants. It all began when the overseer of the three's particular simulation lost control of the sequence of events. Amazingly, the artificial world down spiraled into apocalypse. A zombie apocalypse. The overseer of the world was desperate to get everything under control without alerting their supervisors and failed miserably. In a last attempt to halt the chaotic situations that would lead to the hybrids waking up, Nicholas, his brother, and the female were ejected from their liquid containers and taken to an infirmary-style experimenting room to be "operated" on. Needless to say, the attempt was unsuccessful. The three woke up, ended up killing two employees and harming several others, and escaped.