Talk to me, Spam. Tell me about your day. Something you've been interested in lately. Show me your writing or art, a song you really like. I don't know. As long as it's something you want to talk about, post it.
I went on my first ever date last friday. This friday I hand in my dissertation. I'm planning to come out to my parents on the weekend. hyperventilates
I also found an old sketch book, and saw a bodybuilding competition over the weekend. That was pretty cool.
Wait, is everyone on this board gay?
Am I gay?
Wow, sounds busy. What's the dissertation about? Here's hoping that and everything else goes well.
<Snipped quote by Larfleeze>
I'm writing about a Victorian photographer who worked on the Ordnance Surveys of Jerusalem and Sinai. Not much has been written about him, and most of it makes him out to be very influenced by his colonial context. Personally I think his work was extremely progressive for his time and situation. Especially in treating the locals as individuals, rather than racial types, and showing locations as modern rather than biblical. That's pretty much my 10,000 word argument.
Neat, that actually sounds interesting, but 10,000 words? I can barely write 2000 on a good day, nice job.
Wait, is everyone on this board gay?
Bumping this topic above that stupid 101010 topic.
Bumping this topic above that stupid 101010 topic.