NameXander Blanc (Call Me X)
AgeYou'll never know.
AffiliationBombers pay well, and they let me drive my bike.
AppearanceI'm 6 foot nothing, I weigh about 180 pounds. My mother was native american, my father was white trash. I'm built to kill, some of my body has burns from motorcycle racing. I have a huge dick.
PersonalityDeath is normal, death is the only thing that makes sense. If I kill you, then I've done you a favor, I've cleared the air. I like motorbikes too. Sex isn't about sex, its about power, and letting the block know that I'm packing heat. I'll kill for money and not feel too bad about it. I need money, for motorbike parts, hookers, and milkshakes.
StrengthsI'll fix your bike, I'll kill you, I'll fuck your wife, and then I'll probably kill her. I'm really good at these things. Mainly fixing bikes.
WeaknessesI cant drive a car, I have hayfever. I have poor spending habits, and a lot of enemies.
LikesBikes, Milkshakes, Space Invaders,Sex, Lead Pipes, My Pipe, Racing My Bike, and cracking skulls open.
DislikesCars, Pac-man, Martin Scorsese, The Daytime, Yo-Yo's.