Yesssssssssssssssssssss. Looking forward to seeing Bracknell in action. He could serve as an excellent main baddie alongside...
Well, I introduced someone that I wanted to talk to you about. I've had him in mind for a bit, but before I/we go any further, I wanted to get your input on him.
Name: Formerly Renso Kator, now known simply as The Master
Renso was one of the FIRST True Sith masters, a force wielder of unlimited potential who was also charismatic and shrewd, enabling him to form the initial workings of the first Sith council. Renso was fascinated with the Force and studied/experimented as much as he could on himself and his disciples alike, only finding a lack of fulfillment from attempting to push the boundaries of what one could do with the Force. Wars raged between nations and planets alike during this time, the Sith engaging in battles that they felt would be necessary in preserving the "balance of the galaxy". This grew tiresome to Renso, seeing as battles never seemed to end as long as one party knew they could rely on the force wielders for assistance. It was then that he began to think that maybe, just maybe the galaxy would be better off without the Force, that the only way to truly balance the galaxy would be to do the unthinkable: kill the Force.
That's what I got so far...thoughts?