Name: Brendon Kelan
Age: 29
Height: 5'9"
Height: 157 lbs
Brief Bio: Brendon grew up in a small family before moving to Washington, where he now teaches history at a university and often offers to take people in his classes to archaeology digs, often disappearing for a day or two from the dig while he goes out on his own where it isn't exactly allowed. He doesn't share the details of his past with his students, only giving them the easy and abridged version of his life so he can get back on track to teaching. In all actuality, he seems rather deflective on the particulars of his life between moving out and arriving at the University, but nobody has really gotten him to spill those deatils.
Personality: With a love for adventure, traveling, and exploring, Brendon takes himself places that people don't normally want to go to. Sometimes this means having to say what needs to be said to get into restricted areas, sometimes it means having to peer through words to find physical evidence of things having occurred.