Korrigan "Korrey" Umbrasis

Theme Song:
Insert your character’s theme song here"I shall never change who I am and what I stand for just to please those i couldn't care less about. I wear the sigil and traditions of my family with the pride and honor that earned us our place. Keep your noble blood, for in the Den of the Great Mother, such things are not neccessary to ascend into her good grace."
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NameKorrigan Umbrasis
NicknamesKorrey, because it shorter and easier to say for most. Usually used for informal situations
ReputationKorrigan is known throughout the kingdom for not only being one of the few in the Umbrasis clan to be thought of as the more 'acceptable' of his family, but also inheriting the fighting prowess that his family is known for, and then some, as well as being one of, if not the, youngest people to gain the title of knight, one he earned for his valor, courage, and undeniable skill. That being said, he's still an Umbrasis, and as such, he's still seen as one of the 'common folk' in the eyes of most nobles, due to his family's unorthodox ascendence to noble status.
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Appearance Korrigan is a tall and imposing figure for his age, his frame lending towards power and stamina in it's size and musculature, though he tries to keep himself form getting two large, so that he can keep some modicum of agility and speed. His dark auburn hair is cut short and wild, the dark orange-ish curls complimenting the strange Maroon eyes of his clan rather nicely, making them seem to burn with a dark and passionate intensity. His face, while once rather handsome, is marred by a large scar that runs across his face, a set of three jagged lines running from the upper right side all the way across to the lower left. He earned this badge of honor by taking part in the old trial of Manhood in his family, which is to fight and kill a wild beast with little more than a dagger and precious little protection. He has numerous scars across his body, the sources of which are many, and he holds each and every one of them with pride and honor, as they are the only marks of honor that he ever really needs, each one marking a worthy foe that he had defeated.
As for clothing, he prefers a leather jerkin and breeches, dyed in the colors of his house(black and red) as well as some good boots and a cloak if he's feeling fancy, made from the hide of a wolf that he himself had slain. In formal meetings, he wears similar, but made from much finer materials, and embroider with a few bits of finery, the red in the stitch being accompanied now by a complimentary splash of purple, so as to make the colors pop ever so slightly.
His armor(displayed above) is made from high quality steel, and the design was made specificly to inspire a sense of dread in his enemies, making him appear as an ancient wraith come to harvest their souls.
Height 6'4
Weight 188lbs
Positive Traits:- Courageous
- Inquisitive
- Generous
- Kind
- Easy-going
- Honest
- Surprisingly Chivalrous
Negative Traits:- OVer-confident in his abilites
- Tends to be rather Blunt
- Not a very good liar
- Known to hold grudges
- Can't stand for his honor to be slighted
- At times, he doesn't know when to quit and/or not take a challenge
Personality DescriptionKorrigna is a very proud, and slightly arrogant individual, very confident in his abilities, which can lead to him coming off as cocky to most others. He's extremely prideful of his family, honored to do what ever he can to further the name of Umbrasis and to strike down any enemies it may have. This loyalty to his family is at times a bit fanatical at times, as it seems he's willing to put down his own life in the name of his family's honor.
When with friends and family, he tends to be a rather easy-going fellow, not really allowing his emotions to control him as it's just hard for him to truly get riled up or saddened by most things. He just likes to have fun in any way, shape, or form, though he can be rather competitive at times if the fires are lit, especially if they question is ability. He's also a very chivalrous individual, having had it beaten into him by his mother(damn near literally), and thus has a profound respect for women and a dislike to seeing people disrespect them, strengthened by his family's gender neutral view on the world. Whether you are a man or a woman doesn't matter, as long as your able to do what needs to be done, you'll be accepted, and if you're an exceptional individual, you'll be acknowledged as such. Add on to this the fact that he's a rather pure individual, having never yet to lay with a woman and maintaining abstinence, despite the deluge of mockery that come from other men he's met for his chaste nature. This only becomes more enflamed by his nature of getting easily embarrassed by topics that stray into such territory, making it quite the ordeal to be around his fellow clansmen and warriors after a few drinks have gone around.
Interestingly enough, however, is that while he has joined this challenge for the hands of the princesses, he's never really talked to women his own age before. The reason is that he's very much thrown himself into the brotherhood of the Umbrasis warrior way of life, and thus, has had little interaction with women his own age, the only ones he's ever truly talked to being his mother and the female warriors that were in his regiment, most of them being a good deal older than him.
Likes- Hunting
- Duels
- Talking to interesting people
- Making friends
- All kinds of partying and celebration
- Drinking
Dislikes- Dishonest People
- Stuck-up Nobles that treat him like dirt
- Those who try to degrade his family
- Craven cowards
- Those who fight without honor
- Those who abuse their power
- Overly flamboyant individuals
- Cats
- Cold, drafty places
- Being alone
Hobbies- Riding
- Swordplay
- Hunting
- Debating with others
Skills- A very skilled swordsman
- Skilled at all kinds of direct combat
- Very good at riding horses
- A fairly good chess player/tactician, though suffers a bit because of his more direct style
- A very, very strong individual
- Has a very hearty constitution, which has lead to him beating many a challenger in many a drinking contest. While not undefeated, a loss is still rare
Quirks- Tends to chew on his thumbnail when lost in thought
- Is a bit sensitive about his size at times
- Surprisingly pure, he doesn't like to think of lecherous things, and grows uncomfortable around such subject matter, though he does his best to hide it
- Likes to run
Weaknesses- Easily angered when his or his family name is slandered
- Has a tendency to fight in very direct ways, and as such, is susceptible to more tricky or underhanded methods of fighting
- Not very fast or agile
- While not stupid, far from it, his mindset makes it a bit difficult for him to catch on to certain things, as he tends to take most things at face value
Fears - Cramped spaces, as he has a smattering of claustrophobia
- Thunder freaks him out quite a bit
- He fears of shaming of dishonoring his family name through failure or of losing his status amongst others
- He fears being alone more than anything else
HistoryThe Umbrasis family is an oddity amongst the other Noble houses of the kingdom of Magnolia, for it was risen from a clan of nomadic tribesman and warriors known as the Umbra Raiders, proclaimed by other societies to be little more than filthy heathens. Despite this thought, the Raiders were feared across the lands of Magnolia and beyond for the their great skills at the art of war, and in the olden days, it was said that they had almost conquered the entire world under the mantle of their greatest leader, Korrigan the Courageous,as the Raiders call him, though others may now him as Korrigan the Conqueror. Whatever their past glories may have been, they currently where little more than a collection of mercenaries, though held to strict codes of honor amongst themselves in order to honor the Great Mother, the multi-headed dragon deity whom they worshipped, and Korrigan himself, who was a similarly courageous man.
In the mid years of the Magnolia empire, some many years after the campaign of Korrigan the Conqueror and some equally distant number of years before the current events of the Season of Growth, their was a time when the heir of the kingdom was kidnapped and held for ransom by a neighboring country, seeking to force the king to either give into their demands for his lands, or lose his only heir. However, this turned out to be a grave error on the part of this kingdom, for the prince had the fortune of making friends wit ha man known as Corvain, the current leader of the Umbra Raiders. When he heard of his friends imprisonment, the friend whom he'd formed a blood pact with and whom he himself owed his own life, then their was only one thing to do. In a campaign like that of Korrigan the Conqueror before him, he swept through the enemy kingdom that seemed, for all others watching, to be an unprovoked and unprepared for invasion on the part of the raiders. Castles fell, and garrisons conceded to their terrifying might that they were, as it seemed like the great army from before was reborn through the fires of their leaders rage, which burned with the heat of the Great Mother's breath and burnt all those that stood in his way to a crisp.
Within the month, the campaign ended with the prince being rescued and the Kingdom left in ruins militarily as Corvain had been sure to focus on disabling a great number of military bases in order to make the greatest use of his time, as well as having nothing against the people of this land. For this, Corvain, and through him his direct family, became recognized by the King as being worthy of the title of lords, and ascended to the heights of other Noble families under the title of Umbrasis, with their sigil being that of a black dragon with ruby red eyes, the head of the Mother that promises Death, Destruction, and Devastation to those who dared to hunt her brood.
Fast forward to the present day, and we have another Korrigan who seems to be rising in reknown amongst both his brothers and those who despise the very presence of his family amongst their number, though he didn't start with this name. As all of those who were born under the faith of the Great Mother, he was known as Whelp until the time he had proven himself in his trial of passage, in which he would be deemed a man worthy of a name, live in shame after failure as nothing more than a worthless dreg until the day he could redeem himself, or simply die, keeping his honor and the honor of his family.
The beast he did battle with was a bear, a strong male that he found and gradually weakened by pelting it with stones, scaring off potential food sources, and striking at it when it least expected. It took around a month before he returned home with the beast's corpse, but he had done it, and for the way he had taken down his kill and tactically worked to bring it down to his level, he was given the name of Korrigan, a rare name to give but one he had certainly earned. After that, it was a rather eventfully un eventful life for him, doing battle with challengers from both the other noble families and others from his family an the large clan. HOwever, he did find himself somewhat better received by said nobles than other of his family, and that was due to him being the son of a Noblewoman who had been married off to his father for political reasons. She had been unwilling at first, and certainly not use to the Umbrasis lifestyle, but she found that while these people lived in a way that she deemed savage, they were very kind and honest, and she found them to be more understanding and willing to listen to her and her opinions than others, who had disregarded her because she was a woman more often than not. As such, she has grown to enjoy her new home and family, though she did well to make sure her own son grew up to be as proper as any other high-born,not wanting him to waste his time with other low-born girls that she deemed to be not worth his time.
Instead, she pushed him to become a suitor, telling him that not only would it get him more experience with the world of the other nobles, but it would give him a chance to raise the honor of his house, possible to that of the highest seat of honor . . . the royal throne itself. Always eager for challenges, and always wanting to help out his family in any way, Korrigan is definitely eager to take part, though he can't help but wonder how such a practice took place in this kingdom, and more to the point, which Princess he would end up with and if they would get along. while he knew that he might not be marry her for love, he hoped that they would grow to become happy together like his own parents.
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