ok no problem. So we have to get Vincent back to the school and plan her kidnapping. Belle was supposed to write with me and she might be in the pm but right now I don't see her.
We need to start working on the kidnapping. It's going to happen right after Matt and Kat get back. So in two days (in the story Kat's abusive dad is going to come in while they are gone) and Nikki is going to let him around Gracie not knowing his past. I expect she will be getting drunk because of that. IDK what lpfan is doing he hasn't posted in a few days so I am just going to move forward. I don't know what else to do we have three stories going on with others waiting in the wings on Nikki moving forward. I'm not making everyone wait like that.
@alexfangtalon Depends on how deep and what Haru told Alex. Though I would say either three or four weeks but Haru would say five just in case. Granted it's just an estimate. @Wick If you do that then I could have Vincent kinda stalking before Kat's father arrives when he's not carrying Erin. One because she was shot in the side so it's going to be a bit rough walking around without constantly ripping the stitches out. Two it would make a good cover since his sister would want to talk to everyone before the wedding.