Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DoubleFurCollar
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DoubleFurCollar NoFurCollars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I would like to start a zombie apocalypse themed roleplay with a decent sized group of people. Anyone interested in one?

It has been about a month since the outbreak began. All across the United States, possibly across the world, a virus has been killing people rapidly. But they don't stay dead. No, they come back, and they hunt the living. Slow, yes, but they travel in herds, ripping apart and devouring those who were able to survive the initial outbreak. Mostly everyone was dead, by the time that the government was even close to discovering what this virus is. Nobody knows, and nobody has any ideas how to find out what the virus came from.

We are a group of survivors, in a city in the Northeast United States. However, we are not together yet. Our city was overrun and we all stayed in hiding. Whether it was on a rooftop, or underneath the sewers of the city, we all stayed safe, while everyone else in the city died from this abhorred disease, turning people to eat each other. A month later, it is now time to come out of our hiding places. Supplies have run low, and everyone is now in need of water, and food. Search quarantine zones around the city; raid abandoned grocery stores. Kill other survivors? How will you survive?


Character Sheet -

Name: What they were named at birth, or what they tell other people in any case.

Age: How old are they? Remember, young characters are generally inexperienced but full of energy and in great health. Older characters should be more experienced, but what kind of toll have the years taken on them?

Sex: Say "yes please" and I swear on all that's holy I'll cut you.

Personality: Strengths and flaws please. Nobody's perfect, but everyone has that trait or set of traits that gives them an edge under the right circumstances.

Physical Description: I would prefer a description to a picture, please

Weapons/Equipment: Don't be OP (AKA, don't havea satchel of Dynamite, unless you have a damn good reason for it)

History: What made your character the person they are? Or were, maybe.

Life after the outbreak: How have they survived in the city for the last month? What effect has it had on your character? Make sure it leads up to where and who they are now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mordon
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

There seems to be quite a few people who enjoy zombie apocalypse RP's here, myself included, so numbers shouldn't really be an issue. I'd need a lot more information before I commit though. Firstly would you plan on the RP starting near the beginning of the outbreak or some time in? What country would it take place in? U.S, I imagine, but worth knowing for sure. Also might be worth noting what writing level you're looking for, since there's likely to be love for zombies in all of them. Mostly though if you have a plot idea I'd get it down. People will be a lot more willing to commit if they have a detailed and interesting idea of what they're committing to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DoubleFurCollar
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DoubleFurCollar NoFurCollars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

There seems to be quite a few people who enjoy zombie apocalypse RP's here, myself included, so numbers shouldn't really be an issue. I'd need a lot more information before I commit though. Firstly would you plan on the RP starting near the beginning of the outbreak or some time in? What country would it take place in? U.S, I imagine, but worth knowing for sure. Also might be worth noting what writing level you're looking for, since there's likely to be love for zombies in all of them. Mostly though if you have a plot idea I'd get it down. People will be a lot more willing to commit if they have a detailed and interesting idea of what they're committing to.

I'm still relatively new to this forum. So the reason I didn't add anything in terms of writing level, is because I wanted to find out what is most popular. The roleplay would more than likely be during the "early-middle" time of the apocalypse. So that the zombies would have had time to decay and become gross, but that it also hasn't been long enough for people to form communities, aka The Walking Dead. As far as plot goes, I've done quite a few interesting Zombie Roleplays. I am pretty exhausted on a lot of interesting plot Ideas, but maybe you could work with me, maybe as a Co-GM for this?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I've had a zombie apocalypse itch for a while so I am interested. I haven't RP'd in quite a while so if my writing seems off I apologise, I'm a bit rusty x)

By early-middle, does that mean like...A few weeks-ish into the apocalypse? How broken down is society?

Edit: Also, as for writing level, it should probably just be what you're comfortable with writing, not what's popular. Personally I prefer casual.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leoven
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Leoven 2016431146

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm definitely interested in this. Personally, I find casual much better than the other two writing levels (one, because I can never keep up with free's speedposting and two, because casual has just the right amount of freedom)

Where would this be set?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DoubleFurCollar
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DoubleFurCollar NoFurCollars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mordon and I are working out details. Looking like a city apocalypse. And we're looking at ideas for what to run into later on.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh boy. City apocalypses are always fun; big population equals lots of zombies.

preparing for everything to get FUBAR and our base to get decimated
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DoubleFurCollar
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DoubleFurCollar NoFurCollars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh boy. City apocalypses are always fun; big population equals lots of zombies.

preparing for everything to get FUBAR and our base to get decimated

Things will get pretty FUBAR. Just a heads up, we probably won't have a "base" per se, but we're looking into an idea involving one later.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DoubleFurCollar
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DoubleFurCollar NoFurCollars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

OKAY! Here is the Idea we have for this so far.


It has been about a month since the outbreak began. All across the United States, possibly across the world, a virus has been killing people rapidly. But they don't stay dead. No, they come back, and they hunt the living. Slow, yes, but they travel in herds, ripping apart and devouring those who were able to survive the initial outbreak. Mostly everyone was dead, by the time that the government was even close to discovering what this virus is. Nobody knows, and nobody has any ideas how to find out what the virus came from.

We are a group of survivors, in a city in the Northeast United States. However, we are not together yet. Our city was overrun and we all stayed in hiding. Whether it was on a rooftop, or underneath the sewers of the city, we all stayed safe, while everyone else in the city died from this abhorred disease, turning people to eat each other. A month later, it is now time to come out of our hiding places. Supplies have run low, and everyone is now in need of water, and food. Search quarantine zones around the city; raid abandoned grocery stores. Kill other survivors? How will you survive?


Character Sheet -

Name: What they were named at birth, or what they tell other people in any case.
Age: How old are they? Remember, young characters are generally inexperienced but full of energy and in great health. Older characters should be more experienced, but what kind of toll have the years taken on them?
Sex: Say "yes please" and I swear on all that's holy I'll cut you.

Personality: Strengths and flaws please. Nobody's perfect, but everyone has that trait or set of traits that gives them an edge under the right circumstances.

Physical Description: I would prefer a description to a picture, please

Weapons/Equipment: Don't be OP (AKA, don't havea satchel of Dynamite, unless you have a damn good reason for it)

History: What made your character the person they are? Or were, maybe.
Life after the outbreak: How have they survived in the city for the last month? What effect has it had on your character? Make sure it leads up to where and who they are now.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DoubleFurCollar
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DoubleFurCollar NoFurCollars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

(I'll give my example of a character Sheet)

Name: Jason Crowley. Also goes by just "Jay"

Age: 20 Years old.

Sex: Male

Personality: Jason is sort of just your average, everyday guy. He doesn't specifically have any unique survival skills. Unless of course, you count having a large knowledge of horror and action films. Jason learned almost everything he knows about how to survive from movies, and uses it to his advantage, which is how he survived the first month in the first place. He is not the type to speak out and be a leader, but he definitely knows how to give a helping hand at any time. He will risk his life to help someone that is worth saving.

Physical Description: Jason stands at 6'1", with short, dark brown, wavy hair. He is in generally good shape, and can run pretty fast to get out of somewhere in a pinch if needed. Jason wears a white t shirt, and a brown coat over that, that is sort of baggy, but has pockets to store things if needed. He also wears a pair of black, fitted jeans, with a few holes, and some black sneakers. He wears a backpack on his back, that can carry his ammo, food, and weapons.

Weapons/Equipment: Jason carries a pump-action shotgun on him, but only about 16 shells, until of course, he can find more. He also carries a fire-axe from his apartment building. And of course he has a small amount of food and water in his backpack.

History: Jason has usually just been his own person for his whole life. He goes to work, comes home, and watches his movies, which he has a large obsession with. He knows a lot of things about movies, and uses it to his advantage to survive. He lives alone in his apartment, with his movie collection, and many memorabilia from said movies. Jason was never a huge fighter, but keeps himself in shape, to be able to do whatever it is that he has to do at work. Jason knows the near streets pretty well, and can find his way around the near city area when he has to.

Life after the outbreak: For the first few days, Jason kept himself locked up inside of his apartment, guarding his door with a fire-axe he took from the hallway. Hearing knocks on the door, and screaming outside, he isolated himself for a while. Jason, a big movie buff, didn't believe all of this at first, until he saw the news reporter and camera man devoured on live television. Instead of going to the quarantine zone as instructed, Jason locked himself up in his apartment. About two weeks later, he had to fight off a few undead that broke down his door. He killed them, gathered supplies, and went to the roof, where he locked the door. On his way up, he found a police officer zombie, who still had his shotgun on him. Jason took it, and all the shells the officer had, and went to the roof.
It has now been approximately 1 month, but more like 35 days, since the outbreak, and it is time for him to go get more supplies.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ooh, this sounds like fuuuuuuuuuuuuun~! I've been meaning for a good zombie RP to pop up! Me like!

If you need any help with regards to RP construction or some of the cool stuff you can do with the site, just gimme a holler and I can answer any question you'll need (well, most of them, anyway). I think I'll bring back someone from my own old zombie apocalypse RP and give her a full sheet of character, rather than her being a simple story element character. Should be interesting to play; hope you like Clementine from TWD, because this will basically be a timid version of her. Kinda.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DoubleFurCollar
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DoubleFurCollar NoFurCollars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ooh, this sounds like fuuuuuuuuuuuuun~! I've been meaning for a good zombie RP to pop up! Me like!

If you need any help with regards to RP construction or some of the cool stuff you can do with the site, just gimme a holler and I can answer any question you'll need (well, most of them, anyway). I think I'll bring back someone from my own old zombie apocalypse RP and give her a full sheet of character, rather than her being a simple story element character. Should be interesting to play; hope you like Clementine from TWD, because this will basically be a timid version of her. Kinda.

As long as she isn't a mary-sue, can't get harmed, and never fights the zombies, type of character, then you're good to go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@DoubleFurCollar Oh don't worry, I make weak characters specifically so they can drag both themselves and others into danger XD Though she may not be the fighting type, she'll definitely have her fair share of run-ins with the undead. Hell, I'm perfectly fine with her dying if I make a bad mistake. This is a zombie RP after all :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I have a bunch of ideas bouncing around my head. I think I have a general outline though. An optimistic highschool kid who was in the schools track team and has survived this far by running the hell away from zombies.


Because running away always works.

Also, Jason reminds me of Hideo from I Am A Hero. Just because he's some average dude with a shotgun. :P I've been reading far too much of this, seriously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DoubleFurCollar
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DoubleFurCollar NoFurCollars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Everyone can start posting character sheets here now! Please go ahead!

I will accept them as we go on!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DoubleFurCollar
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DoubleFurCollar NoFurCollars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


I made the official OOC and Character Tabs
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mordon
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

We're still looking for possible characters over in the OOC! Preferably a character who's smart enough to hoard bog roll. I hear that shit's like diamonds in war zones and apocalypses.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

What's the OOC link? I'm interested if you're still looking for characters
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