We will be using a text-base representation (instead of graphic) of the character sheet here. just make sure you close the ] at the end of the hiders when you post your character sheet.
Example [+]
Personality traits Fight -0--- Flight Skills Mnt: (Meh) LLAMA system Defeat Injury: 0 Bruised 0 Beat Up - Incapacitated (treatment) Skill --- Experience 0 Learning: 0-- Skill:Ancient Greek
Basics [+]
Hopes and dreams: Failings: Intrigue: Obsession: Character Sacrilege: Character Ideal:
personality [+]
Humorous ----- Serious Selfless ----- Selfish Fight ----- Flight Optimistic ----- Pessimistic Energetic ----- Lethargic Big Picture ----- Details Contemplative ----- Committee Theory ----- Reality Ideals ----- Rationale Orderly ----- Adaptable
Interaction [+]
Mnt:() Per:() Soc:() Hrt:() Cun:() App:()
Action [+]
Mat:() Cor:() Phy:() Cloudy (Mnt, Per -1s to roll) Exhaustion: - Tired - Winded - Spent (+1 Victory) Skill --- Injury: - Bruised - Beat Up - Incapacitated (treatment) Skill --- Pain: - Discomfort - Pain - Agony (-1 to stat level of roll) Skill --- Plot Armor: --- --- --- --- --- --- PTH:() HE:() Mtp:() Vulnerability:
experience [+]
- Resting: - Scene --- Reference - Learning: --- Skill: - Advancing: ---(-3) ---(-2) ---(-1) ---(+1) ---(+2) ---(+3) Stat: - Honing: (Double) ----- ----- ----- or (Triple) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Skill: - Recuperating: --- Prep (Obsession) --- Kudos Skill: