Back to the basicsNameDonovan Booth
What I Go By "First-Degree" Donny
Age 36
SexualityWhy is this a question? Straight.
Birth Date:February 7th
TitleI’m the freelance hitman, loyal and faithful to anybody willing to pay.
The Reflection in the Mirror
Weight160 lbs
Eye ColorEmerald
Hair ColorGinger
Physical AppearanceA slight but sturdy man with no eyebrows, a porn stache, and a soft, innocuous face. He speaks with a nasally Downeast accent.
AttireHe almost always wears black pants and dress shoes with suspenders and black gloves, though commonly hides his equipment and features beneath a trenchcoat and hat. He always wears a tie, though the color and design of it frequently changes.
Weaponry & SkillsStandard Weapons-Customised Model M513 Raging Judge Magnum revolver with a titanium firing cylinder and a Mernickle quick draw holster worn on the thigh. The rifling of the barrel, the cylinder tapering, and the frame are modified in a manner reminiscent of the Smith & Wesson Model 460XVR, to accommodate high speed .460 Magnum rounds. Put simply, the most powerful six round revolver on the planet. Donny carries three .45 Colt 325 grain Buffalo Bore moon clips, one .410 bore clip, three .454 Casull XTP Hornady clips, and three .454 Hornady jacketed hollow point clips, and three .460 Magnum 200 grain DPX Cor-Bon clips. The hammer is modified to allow for fanning as a faster alternative to the double-action function.
-Unfiltered Camel soft pack cigarettes.
-Zippo lighter.
-A roll of quarters.
-Fake police inspector badge.
-Trench coat with holes in the pockets.
-A modified X800 ShadowHawk flashlight secured to his belt on the left side. It has a custom tactical rail attached, and can be connected to the top of the Magnum's barrel or to the MP5.
-Heckler & Koch MP5 with three 100-round beta feed magazines, utilizing .40 S&W hollow point rounds and a silencer. This is carried in a satchel.
-.950 JDJ rifle with one round, loaded. This 85 pound gun is kept in the back of Donny's van, which is usually nearby. Comes with a scope.
-Five pull-pin fragmentation grenades with optional tripwires on his belt.
-Six inch switchblade in his pocket. It has a ring clip at the hilt base.
-Claw hammer holstered at his belt.
-Customized retractable high-density golf club made just for braining folks holstered at his belt. It has a ring clip at the hilt base.
-Twenty-five foot razor sharp microfilament garrote wire reel concealed within a wristwatch that can be withdrawn via clip ring. It's almost invisible to the naked eye, as light as a spider's web, sharp enough to cut through bone with effort, and can withstand up to 2,200 pounds of tension without breaking. Donny can control how much is extracted and retracted with the interface of his watch.
-A plain white van fitted with an 800 hp 3.5-litre RS5 V10 engine. Fire spits from the tailpipes, the motor screams like a banshee, and the vehicle goes from 0-62 in 2.8 seconds. The paneling and darkened windows are bulletproof.
-Spring loaded five-inch knives within the heels and toes of his shoes that will jut out when a switch on the instep is triggered.
-Pair of quarter-pound S.A.P black combat gloves weighted with lead. They are fashioned from a high density polymer that can resist being cut by the garrote wire.
-A heavy duty bullet proof vest that can stop even the largest of slugs.
-Can of FOX military grade pepper spray holstered at his belt.
-Portable six inch shaving mirror on his belt.
-Four adhesive bombs in the same satchel as his tommy gun, which can be remotely detonated via digital watch or set with a timer. Each bomb contains enough TNT to scrap a minivan.

SkillsDonny looks like a geeky dad, the kind of embarrassing adult that could be found doing jumping jacks in neon dolphin shorts down at the local YMCA. This is a strength. Hardly anyone ever suspects just how obscenely dangerous he really is. His physicality is comparable to that of a highly trained marine, as he consistently trains to stay in peak condition. He has the skill of a master gunslinger, in addition to a level of manual dexterity and slight of hand most oftenly attributed to street magicians. He is extremely deceptive, excelling in both acting and psychological warfare, in addition to having a photographic memory combined with a formidable spatial sense. He has over seventeen years of experience in urban combat as an elite professional killer. Though he is a capable hand-to-hand fighter, he by far prefers mid-range firefights. He is a true "dead eye" with his selected firearms, and can hit a fly at ninety-one meters with his Magnum revolver, the weapon he favors above all others. Such is his skill with the gun that he can fire off all six shots in less than a second by fanning the hammer, whilst still maintaining excellent accuracy. For reference as to the revolver's power, the .45 Colt slugs can put a one inch hole through a steel cooking pan at mid-range. The Casull rounds travel at Mach 1.7 and need but a single shot to take down an African bull elephant. The Casull hollow points can reduce a wild boar's innards to custard. The .460 Magnum rounds travel at Mach 2, easily faster than even .500 and .600 bullets, and can vaporize a human head as if it were a rotten cabbage.
At close range with the .410 rounds, Donny can empty the chamber and turn a human into hamburger in less time than it takes for the body to hit the ground. His secret weapon, the .950 JDJ rifle, fires a bullet with over nineteen tons of force per square foot.
It can literally shoot through schools.
Strengths-Killing, killing, and more killing.
WeaknessesUnaffiliation. Donny typically works solo save for his noncombatant spotter, and so hasn't any backing from large groups. As such, despite his great skill and cutting edge arsenal, he can be easily outnumbered in most situations.
It's more than plausible for him to wind up in the midst of two dozen pissed off Mafiosos, who would have a field day making Donny eat his own ass.
Confidence. Donny never refuses a job (provided the price is right) and allows himself into the worst of situations. For example, he'll willingly walk into a police station to shoot the chief if paid enough.
Things I waste my Time WithHobbiesKilling things, annoying people, visiting Starbucks.
LikesSee the above.
DislikeAnimals, teenagers, old people, slow drivers, foreigners, mushrooms, whiners, pop music, and little people who make big threats.
What I’m Really LikeDonny is what would be called an ubermensch. He follows his own code and does as he wants, believing only in his own will and the in the cold steel of his revolver. He follows orders only because he likes having something to do, and what he likes to do is kill. As long as there is violence in the distance he will allow others to give him direction, for a price.
He's outrageously crafty and as mean as an Arizona rattler, albeit with a nigh unbreechable calmness some would decidedly call detachment, though it isn't. He's an adrenaline junkie that gets his fix any way he can, primarily by way of murder, but also by driving like a complete maniac, playing games with law enforcement, and committing acts of terrorism. He remains socially passable by modern standards, but has no qualms about being a public nuisance. He's quite skilled at being annoying, and uses it as a tool to pick fights. He enjoys smoking, but only does so before and after a kill.
He likes taking first-class rides at the airport, drinking black coffee, making faces at children, and visiting strip clubs.
All About My PastDonny had a typical psychopathic childhood. He was born in Bangor, Maine, his father a U.S Marine, his mother a sickly stay at home wife, and his uncle a bastard rapist. He was often unsupervised, and frequently engaged in less than moral activities. He bullied other children, killed animals, and stole from the local supermarket on a regular basis. In his youth he won several national marksman championships. As soon as he got his driver's license, he stole his parent's van and hit the road, moving to New York and with nary a penny in his pockets after using up the rest for gas.
There he found quick work as a crime syndicate hit man that dispatched anyone who filched on their gambling debts, seizing their assets for himself along with 20-40% of however much money they owed to his employers, plus expenses. He not only impressed the crime bosses as a lethal and merciless efficient bookie enforcer. Obviously his reputation decreased business, but it was a simple matter for the higher ups to conceal his involvement in many of the deaths. The consistency of his work easily made up for any gamblers he slew or scared away by proxy.
Whenever he wasn't popping filchers, he was taking up hits. Assassinations of all kinds were welcome. He soon grew into the role of the underworld's grim reaper, seemingly able to kill anyone, anywhere, within three weeks regardless of their location or importance. These days, as a hobby he stalks and kills prostitutes in alleys and subways with a claw hammer. Sometimes you just need to let it all out.
My BloodFather- Buddy Booth, aged 84.
Mother- Maudlin Booth, aged 76.
Uncle- Larry Dunning, deceased.
RelationshipsDonny keeps a spotter on duty at all times to forewarn him of unseen threats.
His spotters are...
"Dirty" Jeb Garbutt, aged 42
Oswald Cady, 45
Pedro "Speedy" Gutiarez, 31
Other/Theme Song