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-i n f o r m a t i o n d e s k
—————————————————————————What is the general ability range of our cast of heroes? Ability range will just be easier if you tell me your ideas and I tell you if it's appropriate. I don't want to set a ceiling that discourages people from challenging the limits, as an idea that seems above the ceiling to you may be acceptable to me. Do you want more science-based or magic-based powers? See previous answer. From the concepts I've heard so far (1/07/2019), we have a nice balance of both. Are there other powered individuals? There are no other superpowered individuals. Our characters will be the first. One of the main aspects of the roleplay is how the world around them changes as a result: laws being put into place, public reaction, being skyrocketed into the media, etc. Do our characters have to be current residents of Delton? No. Characters can have flown the nest and left the town (and even the state), so long as they are the type of person that would feel motivated to return for a reunion. Does [x thing] exist? If it doesn't, feel free to make it exist. If you ever want to introduce a piece of worldbuilding (new location, popular show, popular band, celebrity everyone would know, etc.) just throw it at me in the OOC. I'll approve if it I feel it fits the world, and it'll be added to the OP. |