See all that rage you had build up that you tried to dump on Broby?
Now Beta has come in and made himself an excellent target.
Now Beta has come in and made himself an excellent target.
The Nexerus said
It's threads like these that validate my ever growing sense of superiority.
Smiral said
Man this is just
words can't even
Lemme put it this way, if we were in a physical room, I would've murdered at least three of you people by now
The Nexerus said
No, Beta, don't. I don't even think you discussed the topic of the thread once. People rejecting Spiderman memes should not inflate your sense of self worth.
Awson said
You gotta say which three
Beta said It's not the rejection that inflates my ego. It's the me and the being right.
idlehands said
Tick said
Beta derailed the thread already?That was fast.
Kaga said
Well it is, at its simplest, a marketing strategy. Video games are stereotypically "a guy thing", and what tends to get guys' attention? Attractive women. And whether it's a matter of these marketing techniques actually working or just the fact that they're impossible to avoid now, these games sell. And that encourages game developers to keep going with it. So really I think the biggest thing that would need to change is for the game industry to acknowledge that there are more female gamers out there than they think. The only games I ever really see marketed towards females are kids' games, so the "hardcore" gamers are still primarily male, in the eyes of the developers. Bringing more female gamers of that age to their attention might make them change their portrayal of women a little.
idlehands said
That is Spam done correctly. Now get out.