Once he explained to her what America was like, she was thinking on the words he spoke to her. "Base... ball?" She asked. "Is... is that the... sport uh... where you hit a small ball with a... uhm... a club?" She asked, trying to grasp the words. "I saw video! It look boring!" She chuckled. "Football fun! Do you play football in America?" She asked before thinking about movies as well. "We... we have movies here too... but we play silent films... I one of few Kurds who understand English." She said.
Once he talked about ice cream, she was trying to think up what it was. "It's that... cold... sweet stuff, right?" She asked. "We don't have Ice Cream here... but I want to try it." She said with a soft smile. Once he said that she should come to America sometime, she sighed. "Yeah... I think I go to heaven sooner than I go to America. This war take too long, no end in sight." She said with a soft sigh. "But I will die for my people, keep my homeland safe, and keep my land peaceful. Daesh will not stop, but neither will I." She said, looking off into the distance.
After some thought, she looked to him once again. "What made you take up guns? Why you soldier?" She asked.