Interest Check
I am looking for six to eight military enthusiasts who either play Call of Duty or not or simply have an interest in this genre and would be willing to participate in a military themed Role Play loosely based on Call of Duty: Advanced Warfighter (COD:AW) video game. Experience with the game is unnecessary. If interested, please let me know here or by PM. Females and female characters are eagerly accepted into the Alamo Scouts. If eight writers do commit to this RP, I will role play as the team's higher headquarters, support personnel and enemy they encounter within their operation.
I will provide mission details and concepts based on real life experiences with some input from the video game. I have played COD:AW and will work gaming features into the RP as well as reality. Since this is set 40 years in the future, I will rely heavily on the COD:AW Wikipedia.