plz stahp
stahp gais
Yeah, gotta get on Skype, I knows! >~< Just been busy, I dunno if I'm going to Sac State tomorrow to drop something off for a relative, but if not, I'll try then. Lucy, I didn't copy yours from when the last Guild went down, so if you wouldn't mind messaging that too, that'd be coolseville. :P
Oh, and make a boxer character, but a second year, I know what team he can be on. I've decided there was a super melee team last year, so there's one more char TBA (when they're made up. :P), though one of the team was lost in the Siege. :P
And I'm gonna say that the school offered the facilities and classes to make the weapons, as well as weapons to loan, but each person had to have the material for their personal weapons. Because it's personal and shizzit. Don't think about it. :P And it's not totes free, but there are prolly scholarships given to people from poor places to go to Beacon, so they have peeps from all walks of life. Keep not thinking about it. :P
Got da' villains, Hae...or Six, whatever. Totes got plans for 'em, part of what we're gonna discuss, I'll message you when we got missions for them to be baddies with. Thanks again for 'em as well. :P