Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roleplay Links

(Will be added in time)

Background Info

In the beginning existed only one world: Etronia. Home to 38 beings known by others as Etronians or the Archetyp Gods, they had various appearances and powers far greater then almost any who would ever follow them. For a couple hundred thousand years there existed an unchanging status quo, but it did not last forever. They became tiresome of this single world, no matter how grand it was, so using this world as a template and energy source they set out to craft many more worlds; ten, twenty, a hundred, thousands. They got carried away with their creations, some in competition with one another while others having other motivations behind their work. Despite being gods they didn't realize their mistake until it had gotten out of control. The universe was getting chaotic on a molecular level as more material was being created then available energy to sustain it. Etronia, connected to all of the worlds, was beginning to show signs of the strain. It would soon break apart in a cataclysmic event if things didn't change, and fast. Without much choice in the matter the Etronians borrowed some of the energy back from their created worlds, sucking it through portals on a one way trip. It was an emergency maneuver that was sloppily done and ill prepared for such a powerful spell. Rather then a safe and steady transfer, the portals that were created often caused unsuspecting inhabitants of those worlds to be sucked into Etronia, possibly loosing access to their homeworld forever, and they were the lucky ones. Some planets were outright obliterated by the massive energy drain while others began to decay at different rates. Few worlds retained their original splendor.

To make matters worse (or better from a certain point of view) the Etronians were loosing their power from this whole tiresome ordeal, and with the rise of mortals from the other worlds, most of the Etronians disappeared relatively quickly from the daily life of the new inhabitants. Some Etronians were praised, some hated, some tried to make amends, while others tried to destroy the "invaders" to their planet. These were difficult and chaotic times indeed. Most of the new inhabitants were not ready for life in this new world, as they were sent in completely randomly and caught off guard. Some more experienced adventurers and fighters began appearing through the portals to investigate over time, but for the most part not many people knew what they were doing and had trouble adapting. Those that could were able to quickly grew in power with command over their small groups. If they could hardly even take care of themselves then how were they supposed to save the worlds they came from?

There is some hope in this endeavor. It's rumored that the many worlds can indeed be restored, or at least stopped from further decline due to the energy drain. The first step is finding said portals connecting them to this world, and the next step is to somehow manage to stabilize it so that it no longer sucks the energy from that world into Etronia. This is easier said then done even if everyone was working together, and that is certainly not the case. There are some groups who oppose this plan. One of the more sympathetic reasons is that the portals must remain open or all of Etronia will be destroyed, at the very last killing everyone on it and possibly destroying the entire multiverse as well, as Etronia is the cornerstone of everything. Therefore, according to this logic the people trying to save the other worlds are selfishly working for the good of the few rather then the good of the many. There are also forces of evil at work who don't care at all about any of the worlds and will kill any who attempt to fix the portals. Most Etronians side with keeping the portals open. In contrast, some Etronians are doing their best to guide the new inhabitants on the quest to fix the portals, pitting Etronians against Etronians on a large scale for the first time ever. There's no sign of this struggle stopping as more portals in space-time are showing up all the time and some of them are so heavily guarded that none are able to reach them.

Bands of mortals have often been forced to group together to survive. Some of these groups have gotten very large and power, considered to be the first governments of this world. There are hundreds of smaller ones and no official countries, making this more of a tribal thing. Some are lead by Etronians while others by fellow mortals. They have various goals from grouping together. As time goes on a lot of these people have toughened up so that few people are helpless civilians. They have no other choice but to be tough or be destroyed.


Although monsters come from the portals, Ekkren are different from such monsters. They originate from Etronia, having been created by the Etronians for various purposes. Due to commonly being found guarding portals they have a bad reputation among the mortals who were sucked into this world. However, the Ekkren can be found almost anywhere. More and more of them seem to show up out of thin air, but they also are seen to produce by splitting apart. Their appearance, powers, and intelligence varies greatly. Some are as tame as household pets and aid mortals.

Life, Death, and Rebirth

In this world people only die forever if their life force/soul/spirit (whatever you wish to call it) fades away. There doesn't seem to be a death by old age as long as the person remains very diligent with keeping their soul active, as their soul tends to slip more and more away with age. Dying in this world results in what is called soul dissonance, the removal of a soul from a body. Revival spells can allow a person's soul to go back into their body as long as the soul dissonance hasn't grown too great over a certain length of time. The point of no return for these types of spells working is called soul fracture, which occurs after around a couple minutes after death but the exact time varies depending on the person and how traumatic the death. A fractured soul is permanently split off from their body. Fractured souls have the choice to pass on to heia (heaven) or cilindel (hell) should they feel like their business in this world is complete. However, if they still wish to interact in this world as a mortal then they have another option available to them. With their soul body they can travel to the massive Temple of Reanimation, where only spirits and chosen individuals may visit. If they pass all of the trials there, which are various and unique to the individual, then they're given a body that's an exact replica of the one they died with but fully restored. Their soul is still aging, however, so this is not like a stay permanently young sort of deal.

Sometimes a soul fracture can damage their soul, causing this "soul aging" to occur faster. There's also another problem to this whole dying business and trying to be reborn. If they don't pass the trials and leave the temple still as a spirit body then they're now considered to be a ghost. They remain in this world in such a state until they return to the temple and pass the trials, but some find this so difficult that they just give up and remain a ghost until their life force slowly fades away into nothingness. This is the reason why most ghosts are considered to be bad. After all, it would be hard to remain happy with their lot in life. It's possible for a spirit to turn into an undead should they inhabit a dead body, even if it had been their own, but this technique is very difficult to pull off on their own accord so most of the time spells must be cast by mortals. In that case a nearby spirit is drawn into the body. Their mind often becomes very fuzzy while under the spell's influence, so for creatures like zombies they often cannot think at all, only moving on instinct.

Portals, Magic, and Other Worlds

The worlds connected by portals number in the millions, and some worlds even have multiple different realities connected, as the entire multiverse was caught up in this mess. Therefore, in one of the Earths connect there might even be steam punk android created by Russia that took over the world during WW2. Who knows? Fantasy, futuristic, modern, they all are effected. This causes a wide variety of cultures and technologies to mix in Etronia. However, some technology is lost as the people sucked in cannot replicate their own technology on occasions more common then one would think.

There is also a mixture magic. During their time separate from one another, the magic energy found in different worlds have developed in different ways. Etronia, being the original source of magic, is unique in that it allows for all different laws of magic to follow those traveling through the portals and still work. Therefore, there can be conflicting laws of magic all operating at once by different individuals from different worlds It's possible for people to adapt to another law of magic, but this comes more and more difficult the more that law contradicts the laws of magic you originally followed. For example, if you use magic that uses physical energy while another magic uses magical energy, it would take a whole lot of effort to get your body to adjust, while if you also used magical energy that was only slightly different, it would be easier to adapt to that form of magic. There are so many different types of magic that this is very difficult and confusing for anyone to pull off effectively without years of research.

Portals are a one way trip, and those on Etronia can't even see through the portal to the world it links. It's just a swirling mass of energy of various shapes, commonly spheres or disks of sizes about as large as a two story house, but can be much smaller or bigger and different shapes. A bizarre phenomenon can sometimes suck out the "essence" of the world it links, transforming the land around it with what that world looks like and even creating copies of some of that world's inhabitants. This is called a Mirror World. These copies still believe they're back in their world almost no matter what logic is used, and they cannot leave the general vicinity of the portal where is environment is being generated. Shutting down the portal dissolves this mirror world.


The dates use PCT, an abbreviation for "post combination timeline". Events will be added to this timeline as they occur and when I get the time to add some stuff.

0 PCT - The first year the worlds become connected.


Feel free to add suggestions for any locations you'd like to see, from majestic floating cities to beaches with dramatic tides. I will be adding more of my own in the upcoming days, but don't feel like you have to wait and see to suggest stuff just in case I haven't thought of it yet.

Tower of Grand Salience- Created to be the capital of the multiverse, it's most well known feature is it's massive white tower reaching as high as mountains. A large city surrounds the base, still impressive in it's own right and able to house millions of inhabitants comfortably. Nobody but some Etronians are claimed to live in the tower at an unknown location near it's peak. Ekkren swarm the tower, however, which is a massive labyrinth. Construction began by the Etronians known as the Seven Kings, who used their powers to give the new inhabitants a place to live in penance for what they did to them, although said inhabitants also had involvement in it's construction, construction that is always ongoing. The Seven Kings have rested for a long time after their initial construction was completed.

Temple of Reanimation- Existing within a barrier only passable by spirits or chosen beings by the temple's warden, an Etronian who judges over the dead. Even if one was able to get past his barrier then he or his minions are powerful enough to destroy all but the most powerful of intruders His most important minion, an Ekkren looking like a humanoid crow, informs the incoming spirits (traveling here by instinct) of the trials they must pass within the temple. If they do then they make it to a central chamber, where they pass into a golden square shaped coffin where their new body lies. They are then given safe passage out of the barrier. Fighting amongst spirits looking to restore their body is strictly prohibited on these sacred grounds. The temple appears Egyptian in style and is made out of what looks like gold, although it's far stronger.


The plot of this roleplay is various. What do I mean by that? Well, anyone who has an idea for a plot that takes place in this world can create said roleplay. It can be any genre from mystery to action to drama to romance and much more, and be found in the free, casual, or advanced section. There can also be roleplays strictly based around a single fight, and these can be found in the arena section. That being said this roleplay will never end as long as people keep visiting, as there's more to explore then what we could ever hope to exhaust. The main plotline of closing the portals will have it's own thread, but don't feel limited to just doing that. You can take place in any number of roleplays about this at once. This OOC will serve as the central hub for all of this, but once new roleplays are started up then dicussions for those roleplays can then be made in said OOC.

The plot for this specific IC is nonexistent. It's just for characters to interact with each other in an infinitely large blank room (on the inside, not the outside) found within the Tower of Grand Salience. The magical properties of this room disable any powers/fighting from taking place, so both mortals and Gods alike are on equal footing here. So to put it simply, this OOC is for our discussion and this IC is for our character's discussion.


Roleplay Creation Rules

1. To post a roleplay of your own and have it be considered canon with this saga, you must first post within this OOC stating a description detailed enough so that we know what it's about and when it will take place on the timeline. If there are spoilers then you can send all spoiler information to me via PM. As long as it doesn't conflict with anything or otherwise mess stuff up then it will likely be accepted by me or a mod (for this roleplay).
2. Once accepted you may then create the thread. If you already created the thread before getting permission then that's fine, it just won't be considered canon until you get that done.
3. Please post a link to your thread here so that I can more easily find it and add the link to this post.
4. Me or a mod can revoke the roleplay being canon if someone comes up over the course of the roleplay. For example, you can't end the roleplay by blowing up the world.
5. You can intentionally make a roleplay non-canon and do whatever crazy whims your heart desires. You don't need my permission to do so, but you can still post the link so I can edit it into this post under the non-canon list.
6. The original poster (OP) of any roleplay has the right to make additional/alternate rules for it stated in their OOC. If no rules are mentioned in their OOC then it's assumed that the standard rules all apply (found below). If a rule is posted that contradicts the standard rules then their rule is what is to be followed unless I or another mod says otherwise.

Standard Rules

1. Keep things no more then what's allowed for a PG-13 rating.
2. Posts should be a good five sentences in length.
3. If people are waiting on you to post for more then 3 days then the OP can do something to your character to move the plot forward. If you remain gone for an entire week then more severe meddling can be made such as killing your character or anything else that is deemed necessary to move the plot forward.
4. There will be no exact posting order. Do not post again until two others get a chance to post. If you're in a situation involving other people then you should wait until all others involved post before posting again. If rule number three is invoked with their absence then you may post again before them.
5. No killing or controlling other people's characters without permission. This applies to OPs as well unless rule number three is invoked. This rule cannot be changed for any roleplay, thus stopping someone from creating a roleplay and using someone else's character in it when that person didn't want them to.
6. Keep with forum rules and the free, casual, or advanced standards it's posted in.
7. The OP can create additional rules as necessary.

This Thread's Rules

1. No combat.
2. Don't worry about the rules of posting order.
3. No killing/harming even if someone is keeping you waiting for a week.

Character Rules

1. Your character can be of any power level as long as they don't break the plot. Keep in mind that this doesn't mean every individual roleplay will allow you to enter, so expect to be excluded from more roleplays the more powerful your character is.
2. You can have as many characters as you can handle, once again keeping in mind not to break the plot with millions of Gods or something crazy like that.
3. Your character can be as weird as you want, so don't feel limited to humans. You can be a sentient mass of butterflies for but one example. Too silly and you might be excluded from some roleplays, however.
4. Before posting in any IC with a character you must first have them accepted by me or a mod. This doesn't mean you can post in any IC after doing so, only the ones that don't have specific rules on what characters are allowed. If they only want certain characters then deal with that OP to see if yours can be accepted into that roleplay.
5. Your character must be made by you. They can be inspired by other characters, but they cannot be in canon as that character and should be different enough so that we feel that they are unique. Link with a Mohawk wouldn't be enough of a change.
6. You can have NPCs without me accepting them first as long as they aren't as important and/or powerful as your actual characters.
7. Use the following character sheet or one of your own as long as it includes at least all of the following information.
8. For abilities, include skills that they have such as weapon training and speed reading and other things that come naturally to them such as wings to fly, super strength, and really good vision.
8. For powers, this includes magic or other techniques that must be actively used that isn't simple physical attacks.
10. For bio, include any info about them that they want about their past to give us more of an idea what they are like.

Character Sheet




Character List

Accepted characters will go here.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MrShoe
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MrShoe A Pirate's Life For Me

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yes hello. I am here for the RP if more people join.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I have withdrawn my character. Good luck in your role-play.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Skallagrim said
I will contain myself with the NoW setting and the places between worlds. But I am submitting a character to help get this started.
[7] - The adept at this level can essentially create a “things” out of "nothing." One of the most commonly created objects are the dreaming gates. It is via these gates that the adept can travel between worlds and dimensions. Travel between dimensions is dangerous and the traveler can easily get lost by the rapidly changing nature of the space between worlds. The dark universe is a type of “foam” that bubbles and vanishes in such rapidity that it seems as if they never had existed at all. Travel along this foam which can be viewed as a torus in space that intersects with all spaces and times in the multiverse. The dark foam folds and twists and provides "paths" which can be ridden between dimensions. An adept cannot walk between worlds until they have mastered this level of control.


jk I didn't have time to read super carefully, but I do have a general idea. For creating gates, obviously that would be a plot breaking ability if it can be used to get out of this world we're stuck in, so that's disabled for those in this world. As you said it's so dangerous that it would have a 0% success rate.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well good luck then. It neither breaks a plot if it is my roleplay nor will I use him in anyone elses rp. I merely posted it to tie the NoW with the general multiverse since it is a place in the arena.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Feel free to debate, but for me it seems like it would work well with a non-canon affiliation if you really need to be able to warp from this world to other worlds. The in canon multiverse in this roleplay has nothing able to flow out of this world, being a one way trip in due to the twisted up energy imbalance mumbo jumbo sciency/magicy stuff. It's an inescapable world where they have to adapt, not simply be able to go back where they came from (yes, I know it wouldn't be that simple, but still).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Again good luck. I withdraw from this enterprise. I wish you the best in your efforts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maybe we can still be a non-canon affiliation by showings links to one another? Alternate realities for what could have been? Although being a relatively small group in the arena it probably wouldn't matter much. They'd be able to find either of our things just fine should the roleplays grow large enough.
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