"I'm a man of two worlds, and I think my powers are out of control. My name is Axel Asher, super people call me Access. I come from a universe of mutants and heroes like Captain America and Iron Man. Mickey Mouse is a big thing on this Earth. For the last several years though I've been living two lives. One here, and one there... The other Earth is a little more grim. The Justice League and something called the Teen Titans protect this Earth and you've got guys like Superman and the Flash running around. Bugs Bunny is the talking animal on tv over there and nobody really uses the word mutant. 'Metahuman' is what they dub anyone with powers, alien, monster, or otherwise.
I tried living two lives and I have a job and a girlfriend in NYC in my universe, as well as another job in Metropolis over there. Now my powers seem to be out of control and I'm finding what I called Amalgams on another alternate Earth I don't remember creating. I'm pretty sure it's one omnipotent Amalgam and his allies making it all happen. I can't defeat them on my own. Will you help me?"

Amalgam Comics was something that happened back in the 90's that partnered DC and Marvel to make interesting character combos. Examples include Dark Claw [Batman + Wolverine], Super Soldier [Superman + Capt. America], and Amazon [Wonder Woman + Storm]. There were a few mini series that came out later on with Axel/Access as the main protagonist which saw the birth of several new Amalgams like Quickfreeze [Impulse + Iceman] and Emerald Eye [Green Lantern + Cyclops], but none of them ever got a one-shot like the first two waves of Amalgam Comics that served as it's own universe/cannon. This RP will take ques from them all and see the players creating their own Amalgams to help Access separate the bad Amalgams in this new universe and send them back to their respective universes.

We'll also have to deal with the villain who created this alternate universe, a combination of Darkseid and the Red Skull w/the Cosmic Cube...
If you don't know enough about either universe I implore you to just Google it, search for original Amalgams. It's how I found a few peoples' attempts at making Dark Skull, the one above just being my favorite. It was the main inspiration for this RP! Really though, there's some cool stuff out there like Deathpool [Deathstroke + Deadpool], Thunder Dragon [Capt. Marvel/Shazam + Iron Fist, I'd have called the guy Thunder Fist...], and Pete Grayson [Dick Grayson Robin/Nightwing + Spiderman] no other aliases were given for this image but it's genius. Feel free to elaborate on any of these guys with a CS, create your own, go nuts with it. All of our heroes will presumable be from the same All New Amalgam Universe so be sure to note anything important from accepted Character Sheets. For example my character will have Beast from the X-Men combined with somebody. So he'll get his start at the Xavier Institute for Young Metahumans [this could be used for Pete Grayson too, just saying!].
Right now I'm just tossing the idea out there to test the waters since both of my current RP's have slowed down dramatically. If there's any interest I'll post a Character Sheet model. Looking for the usual 6-10 players total, but know I'm gonna be a lot more selective of players with this RP. If you're bad for dropping out, disappearing, or completely ignoring @ tags and PM's... don't waste my time or the time of the other players.
I tried living two lives and I have a job and a girlfriend in NYC in my universe, as well as another job in Metropolis over there. Now my powers seem to be out of control and I'm finding what I called Amalgams on another alternate Earth I don't remember creating. I'm pretty sure it's one omnipotent Amalgam and his allies making it all happen. I can't defeat them on my own. Will you help me?"

Amalgam Comics was something that happened back in the 90's that partnered DC and Marvel to make interesting character combos. Examples include Dark Claw [Batman + Wolverine], Super Soldier [Superman + Capt. America], and Amazon [Wonder Woman + Storm]. There were a few mini series that came out later on with Axel/Access as the main protagonist which saw the birth of several new Amalgams like Quickfreeze [Impulse + Iceman] and Emerald Eye [Green Lantern + Cyclops], but none of them ever got a one-shot like the first two waves of Amalgam Comics that served as it's own universe/cannon. This RP will take ques from them all and see the players creating their own Amalgams to help Access separate the bad Amalgams in this new universe and send them back to their respective universes.

We'll also have to deal with the villain who created this alternate universe, a combination of Darkseid and the Red Skull w/the Cosmic Cube...
If you don't know enough about either universe I implore you to just Google it, search for original Amalgams. It's how I found a few peoples' attempts at making Dark Skull, the one above just being my favorite. It was the main inspiration for this RP! Really though, there's some cool stuff out there like Deathpool [Deathstroke + Deadpool], Thunder Dragon [Capt. Marvel/Shazam + Iron Fist, I'd have called the guy Thunder Fist...], and Pete Grayson [Dick Grayson Robin/Nightwing + Spiderman] no other aliases were given for this image but it's genius. Feel free to elaborate on any of these guys with a CS, create your own, go nuts with it. All of our heroes will presumable be from the same All New Amalgam Universe so be sure to note anything important from accepted Character Sheets. For example my character will have Beast from the X-Men combined with somebody. So he'll get his start at the Xavier Institute for Young Metahumans [this could be used for Pete Grayson too, just saying!].
Right now I'm just tossing the idea out there to test the waters since both of my current RP's have slowed down dramatically. If there's any interest I'll post a Character Sheet model. Looking for the usual 6-10 players total, but know I'm gonna be a lot more selective of players with this RP. If you're bad for dropping out, disappearing, or completely ignoring @ tags and PM's... don't waste my time or the time of the other players.