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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 1 yr ago

This RP takes place in an alternate history, in an alternate universe.

In this universe, pokemon are found all around the world, but the vast majority of them can be found on the pacific islands, particularly near Asia. Normal animals co-exist with pokemon, but usually not in the same ecosystems. This is because it's very hard for a snake to eat an electrified mouse.

This RP will mostly take place in Kanto and in Johto, both are US territories.

Recently, a group of criminals has appeared, known as Team Rocket. They're a rather large gang that's causing all sorts of trouble. Nobody's entirely sure what their motivations are, just yet. They seem to operate for money.
They're an extremely bold crime syndicate, and are audacious enough to break into houses and attack police in broad daylight.
There are 3 factions:
1. Team Rocket (and its subfactions, like Team Magma): Try to spread lawlessness throughout the region. Possibly take over the world.
2. Police: Try to maintain government control. Possibly disband Team Rocket.
3. Independent: Compete in the Pokemon league. Possibly become the Pokemon master.

There are 3 types of combat in this RP, and they are:

1. Pokemon: Thanks to the invention of the pokeball, it is possible to capture pokemon and use them for battle.

2. Weapons: Pokemon have not rendered tools like the firearm or melee weapons obselete. To compare, pokemon are about this powerful compared to guns:
-Rattata=Air Gun
-Venasuar=Assualt Rifle
-Venasuar MEGA EVOLUTION=Light Machine guns
-Weaker legendary pokemon (Mezpirit, Moltres)=Heavy Military weapons (miniguns, rocekt launchers, ect)
-Stronger Legendaries (Mewtwo, Regigas, Arceus)=Weapons of Mass Destruction

3. Biotics: Thanks to genetic engineering, it is possible to merge with pokemon DNA. It's harmless and completely undo-able. This is made possible using Poke-bands. They're bracelets you wear on your arms. Wearing one gives you 2 attacks. Wearing 2 gives you four. Using these may also change your appearence, but doesn't have to. All moves need to be from the same pokemon's movepool, by the way.

Just so you know, if you have a weapon or poke-band, you can only carry 3 pokemon. If you're carrying 2 weapons or pokebands, or carrying a weapon and a pokeband, you cannot carry any pokemon at all.

To start, fill out this CS:

Faction: (Police, Team Whatever, or independent)
Position: (Specific Occupation with your faction)
Hometown: (Where you currently live)
Weapons (If any): (Keep in mind realism. New team rocket members, rookie cops, and citizens don't usually have military-grade weapons. Military weapons may appear later on, though)
Biotics: (You may only use the moves of a pokemon that's unevolved and non-legendary)
Pokemon (If any): (Remember, you may only start out with 1 unevolved non-legendary pokemon.)
History: (optional)
Personality: (optional)

By the way, if you want to play a Gym Leader or Cannon character, shoot me a PM.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

To clarify, i can be a pokemon and not a trainer, right?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Squishy
species: Solosis
Status: Wild
Hometown: Saffron city
level: 30
identical to normal Solosis with the exception of a flexible microchip embedded in his "nucleus" that prevents pokeballs from working on him.
moves: Trick room, future sight, psychic, shadow ball
ability: Magic guard
Personality: Very lighthearted and friendly, does not always recognize violence or anger. Can be somewhat childish at times.
Other: mastery of telepathic communication, but frequently forgets to translate his own "speech"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'd approve that, but just state your moveset, so we know.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alright, approved!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Radaguast
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Radaguast The Ever Green

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Alabaster Kage (aka. Al)

Faction: Independent

Position: Beginning Trainer / Performer

Hometown: Lavender Town

Age: 21

Only difference is that his hair is a dark purple and has purple mists that radiate from it like Gastly's haze

Biotics: Gastly - Confuse Ray, Night Shade

Pokemon: Misdreavus - Mean Look, Hex, Psywave, Psybeam

History: Al had been raised by his Grandparents for most of his life since the death of his mother and father. Due to the fact it caused him to be withdrawn and left Al with little to no friends. Soon though his Grandfather, a pokemon breeder, gave Al his first pokemon, Misdreavus, and with her Al slowly started to break down the 'shell' around him and open up to others. To further his growth his Grandfather got both Missy (Misdreavus) and Al into the art of Magic and Slight-of-hand, and as he grew up Al used his talent along with Missy's Ghost-type abilities to become a rather talented entertainer, using it to make others laugh and even look on in wonder....even if most of the crowed he'd perform for was small and full of children. But Alabaster soon wanted more, and began to make plans on leaving Lavender Town with Missy, to pursue his love for both Pokemon training as well as Magic, hoping that venturing out into the world would help him in further what he already knew.

Personality: Although a loner and rather shy Alabaster is very kind and loves to entertain, finding that doing tricks and slight-of-hand help him open up....even if sometimes it gets him in trouble. However dont his shyness fool you, for is need be he will rise up to fight for what he thinks is right.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tell me when you're done.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Modified move set
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Radaguast
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Radaguast The Ever Green

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The only thing I really gotta do is my history which is nothing special, grew up in Lavender Town with grandparents, after there death he wanders the region kinda thing. I'm just using it as sort of a. Sample post.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Very well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jaeda Fel

Jaeda Fel

Member Offline since relaunch

Sorry I'm late! CS will be done soooonnnn! Done (pretty much)

Name: Serenity "Seri"
Faction: Police
Position: Detective
Hometown: Cinnabar Island
Age: 22
Appearance: -will shortly be scanning and posting of non-work uniform, Biotic image- She has dark hair and pale skin outside of her biotics, with bright green eyes. With biotics, her skin becomes a warm golden-brown tan and her hair gains orange streaks. Her eyes become red-orange and a pair of fuzzy houndour-like ears replace her own human ones, one of which sports a tear from the case that helped her earn detective.
Weapons (If any): She chose to forego the standard-issue Glock 19 of the police force in favor of Her Vulpix, Mab and her bracelet.
Biotics: ((Houndour)) Smog, Ember (by x/y level up move list)
Pokemon (If any): Vulpix- Ember, Babydoll Eyes, Fire Spin, Confuse Ray (rendering her lvl 15 by x/y level up move-list standards)
History: She doesn't talk about herself much, prior to the force or other wise. She's freshly been moved up from beat-cop to detective after passing a written exam and gaining quite a name for herself on an interesting, but somewhat low-profile case. She's recently been told she'll start on the team investigating the movements of Team Rocket and their subdivisions. So far, all she's done is get coffee for the seasoned detectives, but she (mostly) has managed to remain quiet and excited while absorbing as much information as possible. Those who know her are taking bets on how long before she cracks under the self-imposed pressure of restraining herself.
Personality: Serenity is quite the opposite of her name. She is loud, opinionated and quite headstrong with a fiery temperament. She doesn't take a lot of crap at all and has often been described as having 'anger issues,' that usually made it all but impossible to find a job. However, she can be sweet enough to people she cares for and will be polite to anyone who is polite to her. That does not stop her from being far too blunt entirely too frequently.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 1 yr ago

It seems as though everyone loves lavender town.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Thing to note, you can't have weapons, biotics, and captured pokemon. You can only have two of them, or you can specialize in one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

I vote lavender town is our starting point, then.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Radaguast
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Radaguast The Ever Green

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Me to lol

Protagonist said
Thing to note, you can't have weapons, biotics, and captured pokemon. You can only have two of them, or you can specialize in one.

So do I need to change mine?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 1 yr ago


And fine, Lavender town can be our starting point...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pitwhousedtodopokemon
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'ma joining.
Faction: independent
Hometown: Saffron city
Age: 11
Appearance: Green hair,usually wearing a white dress.In her biotics form she has the two horns from ralts on her head,and one of her arms resembles a ralts.
Weapons (If any):none.
Biotics: Ralts:Teleport,confusion.
Pokemon (If any): Deino,Moveset:headbutt,dragon rage,focus energy,bite
History: Abandoned by her parents,she just roams the streets with no reason.
Personality: She's is quite cheerful,despite her morbid past.She doesn't like conflict,so she shy's away from fights.
(Pretty much a rough draft.Probably will make more detailed later.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

*was joking*
Also, im probably going to change to saffron city as it is home to the psychic gym.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Radaguast
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Radaguast The Ever Green

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I think im done with my CS...I hope its okay.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CidTheKid


Member Offline since relaunch

Oh, hey, heres my CS.

Name: Karen Kim
Faction: Team Rocket
Position: Rocket Pickpocket
Hometown: Born in Goldenrod, currently resides in Saffron City.
Age: 17
Weapons: N/a
Biotics: N/a
Pokemon: Jigglypuff - (Sing, Disable, Covet, Flash)
History: (Working on it.)
Personality: Quiet, and usually reserved to herself, preferring to let others do the talking instead of her. Even so, when she does talk, it's usually to mock others, or inflict her own personal brand of sarcasm onto them, preferring passive agression instead of outright conflict. As such, she ends up as a bit of a loner.
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