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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

Master Archive List
All Titles Are Links

As @Polybius

as @Rhymer

List of Things That Were Fuckin Rad

The Court of the Red King by @DeadbeatWalking
Iron Shogun by @Hellis
Antidiluvian Immortals by @RogerD
Sollus Supremus by [@MetalLover]
Abandon All Hope by @The Grey Dust
The Sins of the Gods by @End Here
Kingdoms of Seyan by @Thrashy

Pretty Much Anything by @Mokley
Most things by @DeadbeatWalking
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

The Village & The Valley of the Wells

The village of Telos is hidden from the world in the Valley of the Wells. It is a peaceful place, hidden from the evils of the wider world, and home to many generations of farmers, craftsmen and hunters.

The founder of Telos, Sage Nomikos led the fifteen families from the great danger five hundred years ago. The danger that none speak of tried to follow, but Nomikos cast a spell and built the iron door that guards the valley entrance. Safe in the valley, the Sage helped dig the first well and lay the stones of the first buildings. The fifteen families started a new life and many generations have thrived in the village of the Valley of the Wells.

Now their are many wells dug, and as the years pass, many more have been built, for the wells dry up much quicker. In the north end of the valley, the deer and rabbit have disappeared. Old mothers say the lake that you must cross before you reach the iron door turns blood red on dark, moonless nights.

The murmering elders know not what to do.

Then the iron door breaks.

Sasha danced along the crooked flagstone path, her bucket bouncing back and forth. A few paces behind trudged her brother Emet, gaze wandering to the tall cyprus trees that lined the little row. A cool breeze lifted the lithe branches and let them fall again. Songbirds chirped and clicked. Cool valley air brushed Emets bare ankles and chilled the wide stones of the path.

"Not too fast, Sasha," said her older brother softly. "We have all day to-Sasha?"

Emet looked ahead, searching for his sister. "Sasha?" he called again. Emet continued walking, the path dipping slightly and around a soft bend. There in the middle of the path lay Sasha's empty bucket on it's side. "Sasha!" shouted Emet.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

The Kingdom of Lumitome

Flag you fool


Despite the historic precedent of isolationism, the Kingdom of Lumitome, after various social advancements is on the cusp of ditching its several hundred year old monarchy in favor of a modern republican nation-state and taking a more active role in world affairs. The social advances were preceded by industrial revolution, new technologies, new construction and new bills to pay. Saddled with debt, social upheaval and struggling to reconcile the ancient theology of the Kingdoms Arcanists, Lumitome braces itself for change..


Map Claim [+]
Not sure yet. Looking to work on a shared history with someone.


Recent History

(400-500 years hence)

Modern Era

The State of the Kingdom

Young Prince Barras, exiled to a monastery high in the Capas Mountains, plots endlessly to seize control of the throne from his stroke-riddled father King Midoras III and his court of corrupted ministers. The King, invalid and nearing death has given control to his High Minister, Sir Thomas Blackwell, a cousin of the royal family. Blackwell is a man beholden to the values of Absolutism, and absolutely opposed to this whole 'workers rights' thing. He also had a hand in exiling Prince Barras for attempting to overthrow his father, (in truth Barras was merely trying to prevent Blackwell from seizing power).

Meanwhile, in a coastal province, Princess Atlantea has taken a handful of retainers, including her tutor, Master Toombs, to the port city of Traevus, where ship builders are nearing to go on a strike. Princess Atlantea hopes to calm the masses before riots erupt in the city and bloodshed ensues.


The Kingdom of Lumitome is divided into several provinces, each ruled by a governor that answers directly to the Monarch and his ministers. The capital city Theedlin, in Sevaro province is where the ruling class meets. The major mining provinces straddle the mountains and the coastal ports are heavily fortified to protect ship-building.


Lumitome is primarily human, with a small ethnic elve population in the heavily forested regions. The elves have no rights to own lands, businesses or property and are subject to the will of the crown. A migration to friendlier lands is currently under way.

Social Class:

A very rich aristocracy holds power in Lumitome, family and friends of the Monarch, Ministers and Governors. Poverty is rampant in the poorer provinces, and the destitute are flocking to cities in search of manufacturing jobs. The middle class business owners are slowly losing power and tend to squabble more with each other..


Lumitome is a world class supplier of raw iron, gutted from the deep mines of ____ . Although airship building is relatively new to the Kingdom, refining the raw materials necessary is not.


The Armed Forces of the Kingdom have been waiting for an invasion that has never come for a hundred years. Modern gun emplacements have replaced old mountain fortresses, airfields constructed over farming land, and the bulbous foundries necessary for industrialization have blackened the rivers and coastlines of once idyllic provinces. The military is small, but undergoing extensive retro-fitting at the behest of Minister Thomas Blackwell.

The Knights Reva
Prince Barras' personal guard of 500 men. The Knights Reva are descended from temple knights that protected the treacherous mountain passes from bandits and wild beasts so that pilgrims might reach the mountain top monasteries safely.

The Aristocratic Knighthood
Aristocratic Knights number in the thousands. Royal retainers, courtiers etc. Young men (no women!) join fencing guilds, shooting clubs and more recently, 'bombadiers' that launch (relatively harmless) bombs at targets in cabbage fields.

The Royal Navy
Wip. Transitional- Conventional to Modern (Some units still have sabers and horses)

(Unsurprisingly you must also talk about your military. How militarized are you? What is your army like in general? What kind of equipment you use? Any special units or machines worth mentioning? I think you already know how this goes.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

The Land of the Silver Sun

The Island Nation of Kaidu in 1698

The island nation of Kaidu has experienced centuries of civil war, social oppression and cultural stagnation reliant on a warrior and sorcerer class. The old emperor has passed away, his infant son taken hostage and hidden by the local warlords. It is the year 1698, and the lands of Kaidu are approaching an era of great transience and uncertainty.

Foreign traders have appeared on the horizon in monstrous ships powered by steam, coal and sail. They hail from a distant land intent on making landfall and exchanging exotic goods. Weapons, sugar, tobacco and strong liquor are but a few of the myriad things offered. In return they wish for silks, silver, gold, and jade imported from the isolationist empire Ogudei, across the Sea of Shivers. They are also interested in learning about 'Dynama', ancient Kaidu sorcery that relies on the multitude of resident spirits called Kami that inhabit the Land of the Silver Sun.

Likewise, the insular warlords of Kaidu are fascinated by the machines and technological advances of the foreigners, seeking an edge on their rivals and enemies. Conflicting ideologies on cosmology, science, warfare and social class as well as the fate of an ancient kingdom are at the heart of this RP. Room for worldbuilding is allowed, as well as shared history. Communication in the OOC will be key to the success of this RP. You can expect to post about twice a month using casual-advanced standards. Minimum of 500 words per post and maximum of 2000 per post. Read on and start a preliminary application if your interested.

A Note On 'Dynama'

The Dynama has its origins in the land of Ogudei, beyond the Sea of Shivers. Twenty centuries ago, an Ogudei king traveled to Kaidu with his army. Unbeknownst to the warlord, he had in his soul an evil Kami, a devilish spirit that leapt out of his body upon reaching land. The Kami hid in the highest mountain in all of Kaidu and married the spirit of that mountain. They had many children that spread all across Kaidu. This is why Dynama can only be used in the Land of the Silver Sun...
-The Origins of Sorcery, Scroll III, author unknown c.1509

Dynama is a form of sorcery combining occultism, metaphysical forces, innate power and forms of geomancy that rely on various Kami or spirits. Kaidu in 1698 has become tolerant of the practice of Dynama and the closely related disciplines. The witchcraft it was once associated with has been replaced by a society of learned scholars, practical sorcerers and carefully guarded artifacts. A court wizard is a common position in the various fiefdoms of Kaidu; the recently deceased emperor had 172 of them of varying power. Is Dynama real? Absolutely. Their are literally spirits from a mystical realm that can be tapped to perform magical tasks. The power of Dynama lies in direct opposition & contrast (narratively speaking) to the steam and coal power sources that foreign visitors to Kaidu depend upon. The foreigners are infinitely fascinated with Dynama and react in wide variety of ways towards it, some proclaiming it (as it once was called in Kaidu) as witchcraft, others merely intrigued.

Obviously, the aesthetics of 'The Land of the Silver Sun' will rely heavily on Medieval Japanese and Chinese culture, but it should by no means be limited to that alone. I'm visualizing Kaidu as a mash-up of Middle Eastern, Mongolian, Japanese, Chinese and Classical Indian influences with room for variation...

Accepting 4-5 Players
Application: You may apply as a Kaidu Warlord with a small fiefdom, a foreign presence such as a trading house or sovereign power, an Ogudei invader etc. If you have ideas for other factions feel free to discuss.

Basic Application: (Adjust as needed, feel free to use small images to enhance your app)
Name: What is the name of your Clan/Kingdom/etc.
House Seal (Called a Tamgha): Images or description

Current Ruler: Name and brief description
Faction Description: The most important section. You need to tell us your factions goals, strengths and weaknesses. Get into character or add a vignette if need be.

Area Of Influence: Use the Map provided

Territory Description:
Brief description of your lands. Most Houses will have a handful of villages, a town or two and a fortress. Note any woods, swamps, rivers, lakes or temples.

Military Forces:
Who controls your military? What weapons do your troops rely upon? Most factions (other than foreign invaders) will have little to no navy due to the insular nature of Kaidu

Other: Add sections as you need them.


Kaidu-Island Nation with Cultural Influence from the Empire of Ogudei
Ogudei-Ancient Empire beyond the Sea of Shivers. The origins of Dynama can be found here.
Dynama-Sorcery combining occultism, geomancy, metaphysical manipulation, esoteric practices etc.
Steampower-Power source of foreign powers. They use engines and machines to power their sea-faring vessels, certain weapons and other technological innovations mostly associated with commerce.
Coal & Clockwork Power- Alternatives to Steampower. See above.


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

Echoes of An Empire Without Name


"Another scholar? How many more of you foolish humans will come searching for tales of the Empire-Without-Name? That chaotic millennium holds nothing but sorrow and darkness, memories that will only steal away a tranquil mind and send you searching the endless corridors of space for answers that no creature may answer...Alas, very well-I shall tell you stories..."
-Mother Gildanian, Last of Her Kind

It is a dark era in the galaxy. A millennium or more has passed since the Empire-Without-Name collapsed for reasons unknown. What remains are grim reminders of the nature of destruction that befell the great civilizations that have come before. Glassed worlds. Darkened stars. Megastructures adrift in the void of space, stripped for resources and archaic technologies. Orphaned species on the verge of extinction. Feudal kingdoms in space vie for supremacy, utilizing the arcane and unknown technologies of past eras to further their cause. On the edge of space lingers a great evil, a watcher from afar...


"He who can destroy a thing,
can control a thing..."
-Frank Herbert

"Might I recount the tragedy that befell Jax-no-Sun, who held at ransom an entire planet for the love of an android; Or horrify you with images of the ten-thousand appendages of the bio-terror known as MERCI; Would you care to hear the last verses of the epic poem Sharndolin? It is a pithy thing, coded in the dead language of the Zossobarians. Hmm..I can see you favor the macabre. Here, listen to the final shrieking pleas for help from Outpost 99...!"

The billion billions of eons past are greatly diminished in the twilight eons of the universe. Humanity has evolved beyond the ancient kin of long dead Earth, instead awakening to the cosmic fabric that courses through all things. That is not to say all men are sorcerers-in lieu of arcane talent come men with armor, sword and axe or any assortment of feudal device. Called powerful by the weak, barbarian by the wary, null-men and neutrals by learned scholar... There is more than one path to carve out a kingdom however...

The once sprawling galactic empires of decadence and indulgence are no more, destroyed from within by vainglorious and scheming men...or the simple taxing of time. In the wake of the great collapse come feudal kingdoms-planet sized bastions of civilization ruled by very powerful men, or alliances of men that hold power over the subjugated races-mutants, demi-humans, aliens and semi-humans, half-breeds, vat-readied, engineered and artificed-the list is endless; but it is mankind that is the dominant species.

The Galaxy

The Scream

The dozen systems that make up the darkened part of space known as The Scream was very probably the heart of the Empire-Without-Name. Evidence of a great disaster, or series of disasters is apparent. From the bleach-colored moons of Rakas V, to the glassed surfaces of the hollow planet Kada II. The Scream holds dozens of systems with secrets to be uncovered. Warlords and marauders plague the old core worlds and as such have made it difficult for any kingdom to gain a foothold here.

The Chrystar

A unique crystalline object drifting through space and home to the Gildanian Motherhood, an alien race that has transcended mortality with artificial implants, gene therapy and molecular reconfiguration. Their sorcery harkens back to the era of the Empire-Without-Name and has rendered them seemingly immortal. They are completely neutral in the politics of the land and act as mentor, guide and seer for many feudal lords, who seek out the Chrystar for advice. To take a Gildanian into custody, or gods forbid, kill one would ignite an outrage across the galaxy that has not been seen since the Fall.

The Dinstar

The Black Heart of Moebius. The Watcher From Afar. The Dinstar is a massive object the size of a planet, lurking on the edge of civil space. From the black, spiked spires that line its mercurial surface spew legions of enemies, heralds of destruction. The Dinstar has been known to bring about the utter destruction of a planet simply by careening into it, emerging unscathed and wandering off into the darkness of space...

The Kingdoms

The Kingdoms are bastions of society and order in an otherwise chaotic universe, violent as they may be. Here in 'protected' space are the fiefdoms of warlords, noble rulers and powerful sorcerers. Here we have trade and commerce, art and entertainment, justice and law. A dozen stars make up the kingdoms.

Other Races & Gods

"All things end."
The Gildanians
"You seek knowledge, but do you know what to do with it?"
"Do not drink the blood of false gods."
Bilgest Vitae
"Semgat bethra, caetha! CAETHA!"

Your Kingdom

Kingdom Name
List and briefly describe your nations rulers/governing bodies.

Your Planets
-Territory Description
List the planets you control (maximum of 3 to start) with the capital planet at the top. Include a brief description of each (climate, habitability, resources, etc. briefly) Many planets in the kingdoms have sp

Your People
Include sentient races, attitudes, social structure etc. Who is important in your society? No society is perfect, include those disillusioned with the establishment. Note that while present, aliens are minorities in The Kingdoms and more often than not non-humanoid.

Your Power
-Tech Overview
Although it is a feudal society, certain advances in technology are present. Many (ok all) consider things like bio-engineering or energy weapons to be some form of dark sorcery, a relic from the old empire, so tech should be treated that way.

Your Weapons
Briefly describe your offensive and defensive capabilities. Note that spaceships are expensive and unique. There are no endless armadas of the same type of ship, but rather very personal, important tools of war*.

*Space combat is a short dirty affair, with much posturing and maneuvering into position, or utter surprise. Because of the incredible drain of resources and cost of building ships, the goal of combat is often to disable or otherwise incapacitate enemy ships in order to take control of it after battle. Only in extreme

Inspired By: The Art of Paul Lehr, Moebius, Phillipe Caza. The novel Santiago, by Mike Resnik, What Entropy Means to Me, by George Alec Effinger, others. The music of John Carpenter & NIN. Films such as DUNE, Flash Gordon, Prometheus & Alien, Heavy Metal, others. Metroid, Magic:The Gathering etc. Bastardized from a handful of ideas I've had over the years and Thanks for reading.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago


"Progress Demands Sacrifice"

Welcome to the New World Order

In the future, Super-Capitalist societies called Megacorporations are the foundation of political and social institutions. The word 'citizen' no longer exists as you are either a 'policy' in the employ of one of the megacorps or a vagrant weighing on the backs of hard working employees.

The Megacorps control large areas of urban land and smaller pockets of resource laden country in 3rd world regions. Battles between competing companies break out frequently, often with a disproportionate number of vagrant casualties, essentially non-combatants.



The power of traditional governments has been replaced by vast mega-corporations that dominate almost every aspect of society. Vast sums of money are exchanged, the fate of nations bought and sold. Corporations raise armies, control sovereign territory and act as de facto governments. They also innovate and create and use new technologies, whether ethical or not. It is up to you how you wish to lead your company and create goals for your corporation.


Enterprises are areas of expertise that your company specializes in and contracts that require knowledge in those enterprises will become more lucrative. As your company grows in an enterprise, new technologies will become available in those particular fields. Enterprises (along with Contracts) are the meat & bones of Incorporated and should be reviewed thoroughly before choosing your starting Enterprises.

Enterprises are broken down into three tiers: Basic, Advanced, and Elite. Basic Enterprises include things that can be relatively easy to start-up while Advanced Enterprises may require years and years of dedicated research and funding. The elite tier is reserved for only a handful of succesful companies in fields at the cutting edge of technology and human progress.

Choose two starting enterprises from the Basic Enterprise list to begin. Suggestions for new Enterprises (in any tier) are encouraged!


Contracts are offers for particular services, arrangements, businesses, offers etc. Contracts cover a wide variety of business ventures from developing chemical weapons, shipping goods to orbital platforms, reinforcing conventional military units, weapons sales-the list is endless. Along with Enterprises, Contracts are one of the most important aspects of the game. Contracts will be available to bid on each season from a variety of NPC Nations and Corporations.

Playing The Game

Turns & Orders






Warfare is a combination of conventional maneuvers, military units and cyber warfare.

To attack you must form a Brigade out of the available units you have hired. Forming a Brigade costs nothing, but a newly formed Brigade may not attack on the same turn it is formed, although it may Defend. You pay for units up front each season and require no upkeep cost. All units heal and rearm completely each season unless otherwise stated.

Combat Orders
Combat orders for each brigade must be issued before each action, or random orders will be assigned (including auto-retreat).

Full Attack
All units continue to attack even if the outcome appears negative.

Attack the enemy in waves of brigades. This will help you single out units when facing a larger opponent.

Your units will call of the action if they begin to lose.

Token Action/Retreat
One round of combat before withdrawing.


Armed with an assault rifle, body armor and field-training this is the basic unit of your armed forces.
ATK: 1/1
Cost: 1,000cr (must buy 10 at a time)

Heavily shielded armored personel carrier. Limited firepower, provides defense for soldiers in the field
ATK: 1/10 (up to ten soldiers can add their attack power to the APCs ATK)
Cost: 2,500cr

Muscle Tracer
Your standard utility walker may be outfitted for a combat role.
ATK: 3/1
Cost: 3,000cr

Mobile Suit
Literally a walking tank.
ATK: 5/2
Cost: 5,500cr

Armored Core
Multi-personel behometh. Armored Cores may stand as tall as ten story buildings and come armed with the arsenal of a small nation.
Cost: 12,000cr

Installations & Active Technology
Active technology are things your company has developed and has currently deployed for strategic purpose. ATs may significantly alter the outcome on the battlefield, be it a traditional skirmish or on the NETs.

Active Techs
Energy Shielding

Starting Up

Building Your Company

World Market

The capacity to make money is limited by the size of the world economy. As corporations grow, the market will increase. Linking smaller economies is essential for growth.

Each [ ] represents 1 billion dollars or so.

[] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] x1000

A group of units assigned to attack or defend. If no orders are issued that round, the brigade is disbanded. A brigade may defend in the same turn it was formed but may not attack a target. You must have at least 2 units to form a brigade.

Basic military or special units may be bought and formed into brigades.
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

Technology Database

Mechanized Armor
Muscle Tracers (MTs)
Light-weight armor that increases the occupants strength and dexterity. Widely used in industrial capacity for heavy lifting and for field commanders in some conflict zones.
Mobile Suits
Heavier and larger than MTs and designed for military application.
Armored Cores (ACs)

Energy Weapons & Shielding
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

Masters of Fair Teluval

Teluval, or Fare Telu in the common language is a city built upon the ..

Magic & Summoning

When a spellcaster wishes to perform a magical act, they are inviting creatures and beings from other planes to step into our own world, often malicious and evil. For this reason, spells are carefully constructed to create a desired effect and then send the being back to its own dimension.

Sample Magics:

A leather-winged demon from a plane of fire, Baal's magic is concerned with growing, shrinking, withering and multiplying.

A horned goat demon from some fiery hell-plane, Baphomet is not to be trifled with. Surprisingly Baphomets magics are not concerned with fire, but rather binding and loosing.

Not much is known about Belphagor, but its magic is used for obscuring, hiding, revealing, or locating.

An enormous giant from a distant plane, the magic of Mammon concerns wealth, money, prosperity and possibly luck.

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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

The Peace Keepers

"Some kill for power. Some kill for peace."

The Inner Worlds of the Empire have fallen. Four centuries ago the gene-culling of the transhumanist movement known as Golgotha scorched the core worlds of the Llyr Empire. Taking cues from an ancient religion, the near-perfect humans waged a 'holy' war against the civilized nations and utterly destroyed them. In return, the Golgotha were hunted down by the nations of the Outer Alliance, a confederation of nations that managed to shake off the shackles of Empire in the waning years of that great power. The remnant forces of the Golgatha managed to escape and have carved out a dominion of their own...

In Peacekeepers, you take the role of a nation in an era of reconstruction and uncertainty in the galaxy. Enter the Unity Accords; a council of nations and factions that have signed a treaty in hopes of bringing peace and prosperity to the Galaxy. Roleplay will consist of political interaction via the Galactic Council, an organization consisting of those players that choose to sign the Accords. The main stipulations of the Unity Accords are as follows:

  • Faster-Than-Light-Travel is restricted to use of Warp Gates
  • Planet-Killer Weapons are restricted to Members of the UA Security Council Nations
  • Former Empire Planets are to be re-colonized by UA members
  • The UA vows to defend other members of the UA

If you are interested in this RP give me a mention!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

The Lux Anima Chronicles

Bonus gold for coming up with a better title

Centuries ago, great civilizations fell as the world cracked and died. A mysterious mist, and the monsters that lurked within forced a great migration skyward where bastions and fortresses were built atop mountains and crumbling spires. With the coming of the mysterious mist, an element known as Lux Anima was discovered and refined to power immense airships and even floating cities. A new era dawned. Feudal states war over dwindling resources, as the disparity between rich and poor grows ever greater. Aberrant horrors tainted by the prolonged exposure to Lux Anima besiege the crumbling barriers built by the ancients. In far Larsa, the Sibis scholars seek to unlock the secret of the mist and the Lux Anima...

You are an airship captain, hell-bent on securing a fortune that you might retire to some windswept cliff manor, or a palace fortress in the Dreadmond. It is a hard life, dangerous and exciting. Hundreds of captains disappear without a trace into the cloying mists every cycle, and with them their legacy and gold. Crew your ship, trade and fight and find your personal glory. The world is a mixture of medieval and steampunk, with a dash of magitech and horror. Picture knights clashing aboard hulking airships, while red-eyed demons from the mist claw at the hull...or something like that.

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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

Index of Goods, Ships, etc.


Here contained are the terms and ideas most useful for determining the nature of the world.

Bapha, God of Magic
The god of magic, light and hope. One of the gods depicted on the Sepulcher Stones, of which 9 of 13 have been lost. Bapha is depicted as an angel with wings of lightning, a shield of storms and a thousand faces. He is the god which the Sibis attribute to allowing mortals to harvest Lux Anima, and refine it for their own purposes. They also attribute him with allowing the monsters of the mists to endanger civilization, so that man may not forget his own limitations.

Lux Anima
Lux Anima (or simply Lux, or interchangeably Anima) is a greatly understood magical element commonly found in the hearts of many of the larger Mountains across the world. Although rigorously studied and exploited to fuel the endless fleets of airships, Lux Anima maintains distinct ethereal and religious qualities-a sort of mythology to accompany the scientific. For instance, humans exposed to Lux Anima in its unrefined form often die within weeks of a violently debilitating disease, but certain creatures of the mist seem to thrive upon it. Scholars of Bapha work tirelessly to record any and all information gleaned from the use of Lux Anima.

Goddess of wealth and prosperity.

The Cloying Mists
Beneath the cloud kissed citadels, castles and fortress cities are the ever present Cloying Mists, which obscure from view the surface world. It also harbors dark things-horrors tainted by prolonged exposure to Lux Anima, that magical element. The Mist itself seems to have a sentience so to speak-as it grows thick where walls are weakened, or coils around foundering airships. It is a dangerous and unknown thing, a permanent part of the world and the reason that civilization moved skyward.

The Sepulcher Stones
These 13 stone faces are carved around the base of the Mountain of Sibis, and depict the elder gods. Only four faces remain intact, although features of the other 9 are visible. Bapha, the God of magic is the most fully intact. The other three are xxx .
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

Combat and Encounters

Upgrades & Advancements

Refitting a ship
You can refit one of you ships at any port that has a shipyard for 25% of the original cost of your ship, +25g per each refit beyond the first. (1st refit:25 gold, 2nd refit: 50, 3rd: 75 etc.) For each refit (and depending on the skill of each shipyard) you can add 3 attribute points to the ship attribute of your choice. (Refitting should be adjusted to make it more economical to refit than to buy new ships===>what is the max amount ships can be refit?).

Example: I want to refit my zeppelin to increase cannon capacity. It will cost me 25g the first refit. I will add +3 cannon to my zeppelin. The next refit will cost me 50g, the third time 75g etc.

Gamemaster Random Tables

Online Dice at WotC
All tables assume 4 players.

Roll 2d6 for Large Cities and 1d6 for All others every other cycle. (this is how many convoys are travelling that cycle) Assume that convoys reach destinations in 2 cycles regardless. Special circumstances apply.

For each Large City Convoy Roll: (6 total ship types)
1d4 for Dreadnoughts & Frigates
2d6 for Stokers & Knaves
3d6 for Sloops & Zep's

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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

Convenience bump
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago


...that vaulted sky of unyielding worry, painted in angular visions of red and grey, I thought I was beholding Armageddon for all it was worth. The red dust settled in and anything that was uncovered or let loose was found in the morning to be obliterated. In the night, through the canvas tent which was all that stood between me and a hellish death, I could hear the pitiful crooning of some errant pack-animal caught in the storm. In the morning, nought but its fragile rib cage remained...

A recent civil war had obliterated the Industrial Union, and the victorious Barons were eager to repay foreign debts that had secured their victory. The enormous sums of money that had been spent spilling fellow Baron blood drained the coffers of the Industry Arcology masters, and they soon set their eyes upon the west, a land which had for two centuries refused any prospector or settler hospitality. Either by marauding hordes of cackle-demons, or destruction and gruesome death at the hands of the Cannibal King, Tenuaxl, previous attempts at settlement have been met with horrible disaster.

In the year of 1865, in the month of MoonFall, the victorious Barons of the Industrial Union, signed into law the Reclamation & Industry Act, in which entrepreneurs of varying status and wealth were offered an opportunity (and the start-up capital) to lay claim to any land they found suitable for industry in the lands West of the Spiltblood River. Hoping to tax those poor souls to pay their war debts, the Industry Barons have offered up what little capital they have remaining after the terrible and costly civil war.

Times have changed. By 1880, word had spread of the Cannibal King Tenuaxl taking ill, and the legitimacy of his successor soon came into question. The stepped cities of the Blood Confederacy became embroiled in their own civil war. The sweeping arm of civilization pushed West. It is now the year 1888, and several cities have been constructed beyond the Spiltblood River. Iron and oil, and darker things are pulled from the earth and shipped East on a growing system of rails and roads. The Barons of the Industrial Union are pressing for a greater cut of the profits as the new cities prosper.


"1881" is a turn-based RPG set in a western & horror themed world where rich men scheme and kill to gain enormous profit. In this game, you play the role of a Company Master, given money by the Barons of the Industrial Union to capitalize on the largely untapped resources of the lands east of the Spiltblood River. Each turn you send me your orders via PM, when all players have submitted orders for the season, I post an IC update explaining what happens, as well as any seasonal news concerning NPCs.

The Land

The Industrial Union
The Blood Confederacy
West of the Spiltblood River

Player Info

Wealth (buying,selling,investing,affects influence)
Power (pulling resources,threatening,fighting,etc)
Charm (buying, selling, other negotiations)

Player Archetypes
The Revenant
As a revenant, you have amassed a large amount of wealth over several lifetimes, finally staking a claim in the West and laying down permanent roots. Revenants are undead, the blooded children of Count Vlad Tepes. You have incredible strength, and are essentially immortal. You are hated by the Church and worshipped as a god by certain witches covens. Revenants have the following Character Traits:

Wealth: You have +1 wealth starting bonus
Charm: You have +1 Charm in negotations
Influence: Regular folks don't care much for the undead. -1 Influence at the start of the game.
Power: Revenants are extremely powerful creatures unto themselves and cannot actually be killed (unless

The Warlock
You have made a pact with a demon from a distant plane to gain supernatural powers, including the gift of foresight. The greater your power grows, the more your soul suffers in agony. Warlocks have the following Character Traits:


Red Storms
The Mutilage


Your Character & Company
Race , Human, Revenant, Sorcerer (Vext), Blooded,

Seasons & Turns
Moonfall (Spring)
Storm (Summer)
Bonedust (Autumn)
Etiolation (Winter)
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

Kill'em All

In the Far Future, a Battle rages, not for ideology or politics, but for Entertainment!
Death to the Loser, Glory to the Victor


This is Kill'em All, a turn based 'Sci-Fi Gladiator Simulator' where you take control of a stable of fighters and monsters to battle it out in a grimdark universe. This will be bloody, so if you have a weak stomach, stop reading and make yourself a cup of oolong tea. (gtfo)

Battle Worlds of the Empire

The Battle Worlds of the Empire are sanctioned arena worlds where fights are conducted. There are black-market arenas on distant worlds that are not so heavily taxed, but these are unsanctioned fights and yield no influence for a stable master.

Each Battle World is ruled by a Royal Adjucator tasked with organizing fights, collecting dues and determing the fate of those defeated but not killed in a fight. Many of these Adjucators are corrupt, and take bribes and payments for a favorable outcome from competing stables. The Adjucators answer to the Emperor.

Polaegus, Goldworld
Entrance Fee:
Influence Required:

The capital of the Empire, the Goldworld is where only the best and most famous gladiators fight. At the heart of the city of Polaegus lies the Grand Arena, a mortuary for many, and an ascendance to glory for a few. Here blood and bile is spilled or spit and many centuries of battle have stained the metallic, angular terrain a pleasing ochre. The fans are the wealthiest in the Empire, and drink and f*** while blood is shed before them.

From the Emperors Dais, the Eternal Lords watch with pleasure or disdain and discuss the politics of the day to the dying screams of the unworthy. Beneath them, the lesser Lords bet and curse as fights are lost or won.

Chrydon, Iceworld
Entrance Fee:
Influence Required:

The wilderness of Chrydon has claimed the lives of many fighters, whether by cracking ice fissures, enormous spider-seals or upon the spears of the native Chrydonai, the Iceworld is a Survival arena, wherein the Gladiators fight to gain access to the spaceport and freedom. Many prisoners of the Empire are forced to fight on Chrydon for a chance at pardon, all the while surveilled by holo-drones that live-stream the trials of the condemned.

Imketz, Darkworld
Entrance Fee:
Influence Required:

Above the acidic seas of Imketz, upon the IronGlass Grid, Gladiators battle. A Darkworld on the distant borders of the Empire, here the most abherrant and alien contenders grapple. A human has never won a match on Imketz and to do so would be a great victory not only for the gladiator, but the Empire as well.

Dinstar, Artifice World
Entrance Fee:
Influence Required:

An artificial moon, the Dinstar was constructed by the Mad Emperor as his personal torture prison. Having conquered much of the known galaxy, the Dinstar has been repurposed as a hellish-nightmare of a battlefield for those truly insane gladiators. Survival rates are low, but it is one of the more popular battleworlds in the Empire.

Notable Gladiators of the Empire

Some of the most infamous gladiators are able to break free of the Stable-System in the Empire and have become their own masters. They are not for hire, but may be met in battle.

Juresh Hellblade

A former Golden Legionnaire, Hellblade has a stunning record not only for victories, but the speed with which he slays his opponents. This has led to many viewing him as less a spectacle to behold, but an icon to be worshipped. Nearing retirement.


A poetically dark beauty who uses diabolical means to slay her foes. Takes trophies from her victims after dispatching them in a particularly garish manner.

Mad Mortimer

A warlock from the far reaches of the galaxy. Mortimer uses abherrant science to summon weird extradimensional horrors to do his dirty work.


The enigmatic warrior known as Pain is more cyborg than human and appears to enjoy receiving the wounds inflicted upon him as much as delivering them.

The Liquidator

The Liquidator uses clever tricks to confound or confuse his opponents. A disgraced engineer of the Bio-Weapons division of the Empires Scientific Order, the Triptych.

Screaming Thing

The Screaming Thing is an alien with an unpronouncable name. A mass of fur, claws and more than one gaping maw of fangs and teeth, the Screaming Thing lets loose a chortling scream before it makes a kill. It has a handler, known as Vox that arranges matches. It is unclear what Vox's relationship to the Screaming Thing is.


The weapons master Pyrus has enhanced his body through bio-engineering over many decades for increased agility, stamina and strength. His martial prowess in the galaxy is unparalleled. This efficient manner of killing has gained the disdain of the public as he is less interested in spectacle than surviving.

Your Company

Each stable is an incorporated company, that trains, feeds and boards fighters and gladiators. Gladiators are very specialized warriors that are the most-crowd pleasing and deadliest in the stable. Fighters are not as skilled, and have a higher chance of dying in combat.

Gladiators & Combat

Each gladiator has a 'deck of cards' they take into battle with them. At the start of each match, choose three from that gladiators repertoire. These are not the only cards available to them in a match as you draw from the 'deck' after the first 3 are played. New cards may be earned as your fighter wins matches and gains experience.

Note: I'm not going to kill off a Gladiator you are particularly fond of. Even if they are mortally wounded, their are many arcane and weird ways in the empire to keep a gladiator alive.

Bash (Attempt to destroy a piece of armor or a weapon)
Cleave (A devastating blow)
Disarm (Attempt to disarm an opponent)
Feint (
Fury (A careless attack, but deadly)
Hamstring (Attempt to negate opponents movement)
Trip (Attempt to put your opponent at a disadvantage)

Arena combat in the Empire is a brutal affair, with many gory deaths live-streamed across the galaxy. Fame is crucial for arranging the next match, and is the concern of any well kept Stable Master.

Fighters have a few choices in fighting styles:


A Brutal Fighter inflicts as much damage as possible on the enemy with little regard for elegant combat. They are strong, and can deal and take a lot of damage. The downside is a Brutal fighter does not gain as much Fame for fights because they are not in it for theatrics.

A Stylish Fighter deals considerably less damage than a Brutal Fighter, but engages combat with an eye for flourish and theater. Considerable risks are taken by the fighter for the sake of a memorable match.

A Weird fighter uses diabolical science or sorcery to fight. Whether by summoning extra-planar horrors to unleash hell or its own biologically enhanced body.

Your fighters may vary in strengths and weaknesses.
They may have special skills that they use during combat.
The more stylish they perform, the more fame they will receive. (Which will increase your stables standing, and allow for more lucrative fights).
Each world has unique terrain features that may come into play during a match.

There are different match types:
1v1 the classic match
Killing Field, where gladiators are unleashed upon a slew of condemned prisoners.
Survival, where gladiators fight to reach a designated spot in the arena.
Seasonal Matches like championships that will bring greater fame and wealth for stables.

The Economy

The Empire is wealthy. Extremely wealthy after centuries of pillaging and raiding outer worlds. As such, their is a lot of money to be made.

Basic Fighter: 1,000 c
Gladiators: A list of Gladiators available is posted on each planet. Prices vary.
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Polybius Rhymer

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

Fighters are experts in some martial discipline and have an advantage on most other combatants. Fighters must pick a preferred weapon.
The cleric incurs divine favor for allies or a curse for foes, and have trained for combat in order to travel the world. Knowledge of healing, poisons, and history.
Magic users are
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Polybius Rhymer

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 9 days ago

Expansive Galaxy

BASIC d20 version by: Polybius

The Expansive Galaxy is a science-fiction roleplay that uses stats and turn based play. In this game you construct a nation with a History, a Ruler, and assign points to define what your nation is capable of. You will manage vast armadas, planets, resources and engage in economic and clandestine warfare, both against NPC's and other players. Hopefully the system I have devised will provide a template for whatever type of civilization you wish to play.
In designing this system, I've tried to keep the numbers as simple as possible. Most of the number work is on my end, but you will find that paying attention to the numbers will help you make more successful decisions in game. My philosophy of design is that a system is simply a way for all of the players and the GM to agree that something does or does not happen. But, I will never use a rule when it is not useful-that is to say, I am more interested in helping the players create a game they want to play. Besides all the crunchy (hopefully not too crunchy!) stuff, their will also be narrative roleplay. You may invent as many characters as you wish, and fluff-coat your nation however you wish. Having said that, there is some basic information to go over before we can begin building civilizations.

National Traits

In this game, your nation has (6) Traits that represent what your nation is capable of economically, scientifically and culturally. Your main stats also represent how stable your country is. The main nation traits are:

  • Culture
  • Economy
  • Infrastructure
  • Technology
  • Military
  • Stability

Besides the main stats, you have (4) other Traits. These Traits are NOT rolled for by the player. I've separated them from the other six because they are generated from different numbers. These are the other traits:

  • Wealth
  • Population
  • Production
  • Government

All of the Nation Traits are explained in more detail below.

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