Avatar of Polybius


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6 yrs ago
Hello guild my old friend :)
8 yrs ago
The nostalgia is fierce tonight...so many ideas. Where did the time go? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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8 yrs ago
The Archive is Activated
8 yrs ago
Guild issues making it difficult to post. Will update when the server errors stop.
8 yrs ago
To Teluval, Farewell . A surreal fantasy adventure: roleplayerguild.com/topics/1..


Writing Blog: Notebooks

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You got my interest. Could you expand on what magic is like in this setting? How it works, limitations etc.

Thinking of a magic user operating outside the laws and permits you mentioned, maybe on the run from a bounty hunter and needs to disappear for a bit.
Devil's advocate here but...

Playing as a Bandi, what sort of character personas do you envision for the cast?
Good stuff. I'd ideally like a quorum of four players, so let's see if anyone else bites - and feel free to invite anyone who might be interested.

I found something in my notes to best express what we're doing here.

This is downright erotic. I really hope this gets rolling.
@Excession Jolly good. I will be around!
Been a while.... I'd like to dip my metaphorical saber into this magitek pie.

Question... I'm assuming there's more lore coming, but are the Bandi and the Others known to have existed or sit in mythological memory of the current empires populace? Like how many centuries later are we talking? And who the fuck is Will and why is he so fiery? I'm intrigued.
ah. I see you've made your own. If this gets rolling I'd be happy to play.

You folks are on deck to jump-in very soon. Please let me know if you are still interested!
Gonna clean up the threads a bit for formatting and redirect future interest to the main thread today.

On that note could we move all related discussion to the other thread guys?

@kitramos Much better Kit, and you went with the 'spirit of collaboration' with that bit about a theater. My brain is already formulating a scenario. Reminded me of that one opera scene from Final Fantasy 6. I'll put you on the wait-list
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