Asuka Aki
((Faceclaim: Nayun Kim))
Character quote - who said it
"It is Never to late to be who you might of been" - George Elliot
"Don't be afraid to fail, and learn form it, and try again. Sometimes Failing Fast and often is the best way to find what does work" - James PortnowName:
Asuka Aki.
Age & Grade: Senior 18
Gender:Female, was born Male
Label:Geek, Crafter, dancer
Occupation: works at the computer Lab after classes.
Appearance Details- Hair: Black with light purple highlights
- Eyes:Teal
- Height:5' 9"
- Body Type:Average
- Clothing Style:
So She'd have the standard girls uniform and tie, though the tie would be more lose fitting. and on days where it's not to hot she'd also be wearing tights to coordinate with the uniform, and a has a few different shoe styles. Also it's quite common for her to have hair ties or a hair band in the school colors. and since she can't put the pins on her uniform, she's got a lanyard for that she'll sometimes wear that is full of pins with various anime and video game characters and logo's on it, the pins to change every so often but one that's always on there is one of a calico cat with pastel pink and blue spots as it has special meaning to her.
When not in uniform She's usually in a dress or skirt set. and colorful cutesy patterns, or even Sweet or strawberry Lolita style, or if she's more lazy it'll be some anime or video game shirt with a long skirt.
The closest you'll ever see her in pants, would be when she wears leggings and she has a bunch with cutesy designs on them. but they don't get near as much use.
- Makeup Wise:She doesn't often wear it, but more because she hasn't had a chance to learn it, she trying to fix that
- Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings: She has her ears Pierced
- Happy, a bit goofy, Creative, Technophile.
- when she starts cracking bad jokes and puns you know she likes you as that means she's comfortable enough to start being silly.
- She's more of an introvert, so while she does like meeting new people, being in social situations can be draining on her unless she's really comfortable with everyone she's with.
- has more of a Glass is half Full mentality, tries to find the good, or at least give benefit of the doubt.
- is almost always up for playing video games, or watching anime, will often be up to going out places.
- Not a big fan of going to the beach as she always felt out of place, hasn't tried it since she transitioned so if a friend asks she'll go but she won't bring it up on her own.
- She is Friendly and is trying to be outgoing though how much depends on how comfortable she is in the group and area. And being in a room of people she's never talked to before does make her nervous. That said she loves to meet new people and hang out with those she does know.
- if she's talking or debating about something is really interested in she can talk for hours.
- Enjoys helping people out, when she can
- is usaly working on several side projects.
Acceptance Status: How did your student find/arrive at Edgebaston? Are the part of the student deference program, can they afford tuition, or did they get a scholarship?
She got Scholarships, and sees arriving here as a chance to make a fresh start of things.
HistoryIs a Transfer student, when they qualified for the scholarship it enabled a lot of changes, this school being one of them, her gender and wardrobe being other big ones. although she'd only admit to the first unless she trusted you.
he was Born in Minnesota and lived there all though elementary school and 6th grade, before he moved south to Florida, and lived there up until he came here. Was Bulled a lot at elementary school, and a little at Jr high so is a bit reserved. Played a lot of video games, having a preference for base builder type games, and some rpg games. In high school she got into crafting wanting to build things from the games or movies he's playing so has been working on the skills needed to make the attempt. Also got in to anime when she stumbled across some old shows when looking for something to watch and enjoyed the plot and character depth those shows had, and so has collected other animes that also scratch that itch. Between the bullying and his introverted nature he only had a small group of friends and spend more time studying and working on hobby projects. He's bounced between the Merrit and the Honor rolls doing great in the math and science type classes and not so great in the English and gym ones. He's also gotten good at finding ways to get out of gym class at his old school. there was this time where the class would be going out to a hockey rink, what he'd do is go to the library just after his last class and get into a debate about some current topic he knew the librarian was into and get them so into the discussion that it would last well past when the class left, and then get a pass because it wasn't his fault and then get sent back to the library, and the next day do it again. he got good at researching news topics because it always seemed to work and he enjoyed the debates way more then gym class. It also meant more time away from the bullies as that's where they where the worst. He also loved to collect cute things and kept his stuffed animal collection and has even added to it as some of then wore out from over use. Hates Jeans with a passion they always felt like sandpaper until they got broke in and even then i wasn't the best he did sneekly try his sisters clothes a few times and was amazed by how much nicer they where, also he always thought the female characters in the games, or the shows he watched always looked nicer, and was upset when he couldn't get those same outfits for himself, he never learned how to swim as he hated the fact all he got was a pair of shorts after seeing all the shows about them coming off he's way to worried that will happen. he did once get a hello kitty set because he liked how it looked so much and a friend gave it to them, but then he was teased about being to girly in school and had to get rid of it. He tried to remain upbeat and still found things he could enjoy with what friends he did have, but it made it super hard for him to socialize outside his friend group.
his parents where fairly strict about how he should remain a boy so he didn't have much Choice in the matter while he was at home.
he wasn't originally going to come here but when was encouraged to look into scholarships for college, he ran across one from Guilford Green Foundation, and it turns out they also had a high school program as well. What really got his attention is that it wasn't just a pay for school and board but also the resources he needed to make the changes he wanted so badly. So he put a ton of effort into getting the scholarship and when he got it he was finally able to make the change, and going to an out of state boarding School means that she will be able to get a fresh start away from the bullies and anyone else that would try to hold her back.
Extras:- Luggage:What did your character bring with them to Edgebaston?
She brought, her Gaming Laptop, her Switch, a collection of stuffed animals, and a mix of Kpop and Anime posters for her room. - Extracurricular Activities: Is your character a part of any after school programs, sports, or clubs?
Dance club, Gaming club, and Archery club - anything else such as what classes they are good at, their hobbies and interests, allergies, etc.
Algebra and Science classes are the ones she's the best at. English is hit and miss, She's good at coming up with stories or with arguing a point but actually writing it down with all the grammar and other rules that seem to only apply to these English courses is where she fails hard. She's pretty good at Home Ech too, least when it comes to the practical parts. Though Gym is probably her worst class for a number of reasons.