Avatar of Polybius


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6 yrs ago
Hello guild my old friend :)
8 yrs ago
The nostalgia is fierce tonight...so many ideas. Where did the time go? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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8 yrs ago
The Archive is Activated
8 yrs ago
Guild issues making it difficult to post. Will update when the server errors stop.
8 yrs ago
To Teluval, Farewell . A surreal fantasy adventure: roleplayerguild.com/topics/1..


Writing Blog: Notebooks

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Hey I don't think this is gonna end up being my kind of thing but I hope you all have fun!

Vio con dios amigo.

*Tell the grenadiers to prepare two cannons*
i mean
lets set em on fire right. we got a campfire right there and some wine

sooo lets do it

A sound plan.

Is anyone else planning on posting a reaction? I'll have results up at the end of the evening. Say in about 8 hours.

Hope this is the right way to do this.

No, no this is not the right way to do that. I'm not entirely sure you've quite got the spirit of the game. Not only did you post in the wrong tab, you posted a character class that is not in the list of available classes. For good reasons. Druids are notoriously class broken in TTRPGs. ALSO YOU WANT TO PLAY A KITSUNE WHICH IS A MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE FROM JAPAN IN A KITCHEN-SINK STANDARD EUROPEAN CENTRIC MEDIEVAL FANTASY SETTING. APOLOGIES MY CAps-lock button seems to have gotten stuck for a moment.

The grenadiers have been notified to prepare the cannon you will be fired from.

I'm just kidding. If you would like to join, please read more carefully the character creation section in the original interest check and submit a character in the original interest check thread... Thanks!
This thing on?

Let's get turns in by Monday. I'll also be adding players to the wait list this weekend when I have a moment. Thanks guys!

Any questions hit me up here in the OOC.
"And along the way we could find a lovely pond to give our dear Commander Sigurd a well deserved retirement." She pet the frog on the head with one finger.

Sir Sigurd was not amused. Sigurd narrowed both eyes at Aya with what could only be described as contempt. Retirement?. Retirement!? his little frog lungs wanted to scream, instead belching a hearty "Rrrrrribbit!" of frustration. Blast that damned goat-loving wizard Phaendor! Being transmogrified is but a minor setback! Sir Sigurd flicked his tongue and blinked one bulbous eye slick with mucus. He would have to get used to this body, until he could find a healer of considerable power...

Although his communication skills would need some work, Sir Sigurd was still entirely capable of carrying on with human thoughts and emotions. But gods-damned did this water feel downright erotic on his slick skin. Nevermind that! he flustered. "brrrr...ibbit" It would seem his primitive amphibian brain was in contention for his higher-human thinking.

He hopped up and down, flicking water and moss and tumbling his wooden bowl over, revealing the commanders medal. A simple, bronze thing with the symbol of sword, coin and shield. The guilds would only recognize a commander and company who carried that symbol, and had done so since the first mercenaries arose during the Witch-Wars, some two hundred years prior. Without the medal, they might be branded as brigands or outlaws. But first things first...

Sir Sigurd wanted to shout: "Look you bastards! Someone grab the commanders medal and let's get the hell out of this cursed tower! Don't you know that evil lingers where necromancers make...well....EVIL!??"

Suddenly, a loud groan sounded from far below, in the basement. The scraping of rusty weapons and bone on stone.

Somewhere in the distance, perhaps a little hamlet I just made up, a church bell struck the hour of midnight.

"Fuck," thought Sigurd.

Scraping, shuffling, shambling. The sounds of the dead. The eight dead companions the company had laid to rest in the tower basement. Of course they would be reanimated interred on unholy ground. Sir Sigurd turned to face the stairs. Two evil red eyes glared back at him from the basement stairs, rising. Joined by another and another pair, the shambling zombies were nearly at the top of the stairs.


The company of heroes sits around the fire. In just a few moments, eight undead zombies will emerge from the basement stairs. Sir Sigurd is hopping up and down franticly as he has noticed the creatures first. Weapons are close at hand (the ones described in your character sheets), as is the campfire, a barrel of high alcohol content wine, and a barrel of water. The front gate is about ten feet away and locked with a very heavy wooden bar. The door to Humphrey Mushrooms chamber is likewise ten feet away opposite the main door. The treasures the company have gathered are also nearby but lashed tightly with rope and tarp in corners. The zombies will fan out and begin attacking and or eating the nearest living creature in sight.


Yeah I'm going to go ahead and move things forward today. I've not heard from Dragonfly, so they might be out. Also considering adding another player anyways. Thanks!

Hey guys! Thanks for the interest. Post a character in this thread to be added to the waiting list, it looks like we'll be having a drop out pretty soon unless I hear back from him. And I'm considering adding another player anyway.
Last day to add anything IC and then I will move it forward
Yessss. We got it rolling folks. I'm gonna wait for everyone to chime in with introductory posts...for future reference I'm generally offline on weekends.

This scene is a good start.

The frog and mushroom may have things to add to the conversation.

I will check back Monday.
@Dark Cloud I actually started with 3.5! I was lucky enough to have older friends around who would lend me modules and sourcebooks though. I have to say I'm definitely a fan of OSR.
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