Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SecretlyDiscord
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SecretlyDiscord Back in the Metaphorical Saddle, baby.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright, I am going to be finishing the first post tonight. You all are still free to contribute if you would like to.
@Treue@Wade Wilson@TheWizardLizard

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Treue
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Treue MIRACLE / <|°_°|>

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@SecretlyDiscord lolol i liek ur art bro
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SecretlyDiscord
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SecretlyDiscord Back in the Metaphorical Saddle, baby.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Treue public pads, man. I was dead asleep when that happened.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wade Wilson
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Wade Wilson bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Treue public pads, man. I was dead asleep when that happened.

at least you managed to get the old text back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Treue
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Treue MIRACLE / <|°_°|>

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yeah, you just gotta go back through the time line for that.

Anyway, I thought it was Discord that did that, and I laughed very hard. Now that I know it wasn't you, it's a bit less funny. Still funny though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SecretlyDiscord
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SecretlyDiscord Back in the Metaphorical Saddle, baby.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I wouldn't even know where to start with text art. :/ also I gotta say, penises aren't my thing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SecretlyDiscord
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SecretlyDiscord Back in the Metaphorical Saddle, baby.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

How was everyone's day? I was hoping to have the first post up today, but I don't think it's quite finished yet. I'm thinking of having the first post up by tomorrow, definitely. If you still want to contribute (offer suggestions, write some, edit, etc.) the link is the same. :)
@Treue@Wade Wilson@TheWizardLizard@Witch Cat
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hey, guys, so what do you think about adding a new tab to the CS? Called "Current Skill", or "Mastery", which basically details exactly how much control your character has over his or her powers currently in the RP. It'll be constantly upgraded, and added to as the characters grow more and more powerful! I think it'll be a great way to gauge how powerful each of us exactly is. I'd probably expect specific language to be used to give a clear estimate of how much your character can currently do.

Tell me what you guys think!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SecretlyDiscord
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SecretlyDiscord Back in the Metaphorical Saddle, baby.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Witch Cat That's a good idea. :) When something happens in the IC, like a training montage or a breakthrough of some sort, the character sheets should be updated. That way, everyone knows whats up if there's a question about someone's powers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@SecretlyDiscord Sure! I say we currently label the Mastery of everyone's powers as being unknown and need to be sorta discovered what they can do as the story goes on.

(Oh also, heads up, Daniyal's powers are gonna change. From telekinesis to matter manipulation.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

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Quick question, are the powers here going to be used however the user wishes? Or will there be like a skill tree involved? Will it be like, "Susan has telekinesis, that means she can crush your bones with it from the get-go", or will it be more like, "Chris can't see your previous memories with his telepathy until he unlocks that skill after another level/training montage"?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SecretlyDiscord
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SecretlyDiscord Back in the Metaphorical Saddle, baby.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Witch Cat It depends on what's been written, but I think that the powers should be relatively weak at the beginning. Malfunctions are seen as the most undesirable thing anyone could be. I would imagine that would not give anyone much time to practice outside of the facility.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SecretlyDiscord
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SecretlyDiscord Back in the Metaphorical Saddle, baby.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Witch Cat@Wade Wilson@Treue@DarkwolfX37@TheWizardLizard (I think I got everyone...)
The first IC post is going up in 30 min.

EDIT: Alright, y'all. It's up. Have at it. I was thinking that our characters would be sharing a cell, albeit with about thirty other kids. ;P We can do a timeskip sometime, in order to get to morning.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

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@SecretlyDiscord (The suspension is killing me!) Anyway, yah, I think at first the different Mal's powers should be labelled as unknown for now to allow everyone time to decide what their starter powers would be. I.e. how much control they have over it.

Speaking of powers, do you have an answer to my previous question?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SecretlyDiscord
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SecretlyDiscord Back in the Metaphorical Saddle, baby.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Witch Cat To which question are you referring? I'll try my best to answer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Quick question, are the powers here going to be used however the user wishes? Or will there be like a skill tree involved? Will it be like, "Susan has telekinesis, that means she can crush your bones with it from the get-go", or will it be more like, "Chris can't see your previous memories with his telepathy until he unlocks that skill after another level/training montage"?

@SecretlyDiscord this one
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SecretlyDiscord
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SecretlyDiscord Back in the Metaphorical Saddle, baby.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Okay. Let's see how this answer turns out...
I'd like for all of the characters to be weak, if not a little clumsy with their powers at first. There will be "classes" or training sessions where the characters will learn how to do new things or control their existing powers. No one should be able to do serious damage during the beginning of this RP, so it will more closely resemble, as you said, a skill tree. Later on, who knows? But a key thing that I would like to keep in the forefront is that "Dangerous" malfunctions are terminated. If there are some life threatening powers/tendencies, they should be kept secret from "the man." :P
I hope that was an okay answer...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@SecretlyDiscord Hmm kinda. What I mean by skill tree is like, people "unlock" certain skills. Ugh this is hard to explain.

I understand that every mal will start weak, and will have to discover their powers. But will they have a strict set of powers they'll be able to use? Or is it more open ended and left up to the user? Hopefully I made it clear enough.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ok, here's an example of what I mean.

Generic Joe will only be able to use the powers unlocked within his own skill tree and no other variant of it. The player will only be able to unlock more skills as the player's character grows.

Generic Jane will be given a range of how powerful she is, and how she uses her power is up to the player. The player gains more options as the player's character grows.

So which is it exactly?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Treue
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Treue MIRACLE / <|°_°|>

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I feel as though we should eventually have access to the absolute full potential of our abilities. For example, Alexander would eventually be able to form emotions into living manifestations, though this is a high level skill. Currently he barely knows how to make a solid object out of them, so needless to say creating life with wills of their own, even if temporary, would need a lot more practice in creating constructs. That said, he may also be able to extend his range, or perhaps tune peoples' emotions out, though this is another area of practice and some training with constructs would not affect these abilities at all.

In other words, I think we need to create a tree containing the full potentials and break it up into branches. You can become all powerful, you just need to progress in a certain order, with choices as to what branch you want to train.
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