WHAO THERE my good fellow.
Well of course you are! That only means you're interested, riiight?
(Or I am just wasting your time and making a huge fool out of myself)

You came to the right place if you were looking for some shameless roleplaying. Well kinky at least. Maybe even a bit freaky? Doesn't matter after all this is YOU we are talking about. I'm just the billboard of ideas and suggestions. The go-to guy of possibilities and awkwardness.
Now back to what I am offering, ideas for some slice of life RPS or action packed romance filled with drama and ANGST! Male x Male romance that is. If that's not your cup of tea then feel free to move along. There is no shame in that.
I am open to any ideas you might have, seeing two heads are better then one. I won't go into detail. These are just general ideas of what I'm in the mood for.
Sadly enough I have lacked the motivation of creating any sort of story by myself. Which is why I am reaching out to create a plot with someone using simple idea pointers.
I do already have characters primed and ready for use.
I am a shameless person. I understand some of these might be considered gross to some. Which I understand and won't judge anyone for. I just want to spice things up a bit.