Avatar of CrotchNinja
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 14 (0.00 / day)
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    1. CrotchNinja 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current HIATUS: Due to work conditions and personal issues, I'm going to be off for awhile. I am very sorry. I should be on in a week or two.
9 yrs ago
The kids call me, GlitterDick.
9 yrs ago
A shout out to my rp partners. You dudes are the best, just started a new job so I'm not going to be on much. I'll still in the game tho so thanks a ton <3
9 yrs ago
It's yo boi
1 like
9 yrs ago
I think after a week of no activity on a rp I'll start discontinuing them



19 Male
Occupation: TrashLlord

Anime/Manga, webcomics such as Homestuck, Property of Hate, ARH. Art, writing and comics.

I do mostly advance Roleplays and usually ones that have Original story base, including characters. So I'm looking for someone who is also into advance roleplays. I do my own art occasionally and don't mind drawing a character for someone for the sake of a roleplay, though I keep it limited to one or two characters depending how complex they are.

Genres that I am interested in.
Romance of any kind (as long as I'm comfortable), Adventure, Drama, Tragedy, Action, etc.

I like that the RP it's long lasting and that we both keep it going. Unless it really needs to end.

Also important:

I can't do cliches. Or plain characters. No OC is perfect and shouldn't be (unless they are to yourself). Cause and affects. As in there's gotta be a reason for change. Something just can't happen.
OP character are great, if you plan on doing the RP all by yourself.

Most Recent Posts

(work in progress)

Ethosian- A tribe living in the islands of Dalah. They are known for their mysterious rituals and culture. They are known to be very friendly and peaceful but are not to be taken lightly for they are powerful when threaten.
Pale to dark skin, white hair and clear crystal eyes ranging from blue to green. Average height and weight. It takes them longer to age than normal humans. They have connections to the spirit world and other un-worldly places giving them the power they need.
Women tend to live longer than men. Men are able to give birth/hold the child just like females but they must consent and the risk of death is high.
They sleep longer than average.
Can hold their breath longer than average.

Believed to be a myth, they are human gods. Not to be mistaken for demigods who are born from a god and a human. They are humans who become god through magic, being blessed, or killed and grated the life as a god.
Varies on person/being
Champions are that of a god, they can not die like normal humans but does not mean they are immortal.
Regenerates fast.
Have certain abilities depending on what god they fall under.

Power entities that once ruled the land until all worship was ban and destroyed from practice. Though some still worship the gods that were once strong symbols of humanity. To counter the human’s ban of religion they mad packs, curses, and promises to those who worship them power of a god.
They have none but will appear in a form that suits their power.
They can die but the way to kill them is hard and almost impossible. Certain rituals must take place along with other down to detail processes. Most don’t believe they can’t die but it has something to do with their Champions along the process.
There are all sorts of gods, most not really having a presence in the world anymore. Only four really stick out, they are known as Dark Gods. (Haidus, Orcius, Nevitha, Tortaicus)

Water beings that can live in water and/or land. They are hunted for their skins, claws, and scales that are extrememly extoic but hard to come by. Reason for this is because the process of getting either is painful for the creature/being. The cutting must be careful and smooth and only those with skills in skinning.
Serpents can have a human and creature form, but they can only choose one after a certain time. They are born in their human form but at a certain age the Serpent goes through something called Shedding. They have the choice to shed their human form and become that of a Serpent of the sea or continue living in their human form by discontinuing going into their beast form..
Even in human form the abilities of a Serpent does not leave them. They are still able to breath underwater, understand the way of the sea and it’s creatures as well as have the inhuman strength.
If the Serpent is stuck between the Shedding process it will end very painful for them. Every year that they don’t choose a side it results them being torn. At the end of the year they a forced to turn into their beast form. This is a sign of the struggle considering the Serpents have a one year mating cycle, and depending on the heat cycle for the Serpent depends on when they turn. The longer they go on the shorter their life becomes.
Their human form does not have mating cycles.
A human Serpent can mate with a Sea Serpent.
Even as a human they still have qualies as a Serpent, such as claws, scales, tails, and/or eyes and teeth. It depends how much they want to show.

A race of cat people who are going extinct. They live in the forest away from humans, who hunt them for their furs and bones. The bones of a Nekoian are strong and durable and used for many things but mostly for magic rituals. Furs are sold for their high quality fibers which are made into coats and armor.
Nekoians do not have cat ears like most would think, they have just tails and hyped reflexes. They can chose to turn into a cat, sort of like a werewolf but free will. Their bodies are that of a human but cat like features such as eyes, teeth, claws, and pointy ears.
They do not take kindly to humans or any beings that are not their own.
They are known to never be in one place and can range from being in the north cold airs or the rainy east.
They are aggressive, to earn their trust one must trade something worth life value.
They are well adapt into the lifestyle of magic.

Humans that are able to use magic, which is rare nowadays in the universe setting. After the ban on God worship happen magic in the world had slowly started to leave the world. Oddly enough this is not connected. The people who are able to wield magic are being captured and harbored for the sake of flourishing cities. They have now become a power system to fuel the working cities. Those who escape go into hiding. Those who are not lucky end up as sources or slaves.
People who can use magic are known to have a small ring around their pupil. The ring determines their style of magic. Light colors are usually a sign of black magic. Dark colors are healing and support magics. A white ring is blood magic and/or God magic. A black/grey ring does not exist.
White ring are rare and barely exist themselves. At one point Black rings did exist but they are no longer active. They were once known to be Live magic, magic that could bring back the dead or create live itself. It was destroyed
WHAO THERE my good fellow.

Well of course you are! That only means you're interested, riiight?

(Or I am just wasting your time and making a huge fool out of myself)

You came to the right place if you were looking for some shameless roleplaying. Well kinky at least. Maybe even a bit freaky? Doesn't matter after all this is YOU we are talking about. I'm just the billboard of ideas and suggestions. The go-to guy of possibilities and awkwardness.

Now back to what I am offering, ideas for some slice of life RPS or action packed romance filled with drama and ANGST! Male x Male romance that is. If that's not your cup of tea then feel free to move along. There is no shame in that.

I am open to any ideas you might have, seeing two heads are better then one. I won't go into detail. These are just general ideas of what I'm in the mood for.

Sadly enough I have lacked the motivation of creating any sort of story by myself. Which is why I am reaching out to create a plot with someone using simple idea pointers.

I do already have characters primed and ready for use.

I am a shameless person. I understand some of these might be considered gross to some. Which I understand and won't judge anyone for. I just want to spice things up a bit.


We've been friends for about 5 years and had kind of like an open relationship, just flirt and flattery. It ended when she told me she wanted to be with someone and from there just stopped talking to me. I didn't mind her wanting to have an actual relationship so tried my best to talk to her, keep up to date with how she was doing seeing we are friends. But I always seemed to be ignored.

I do understand people get busy but at least people do try and keep in contact with people they are close too. With her it seems she only talks to me when it benefits her.

It was definitely my mistake, seeing I did hit them up as ask to RP with them. I gave them a list of some ideas which they rejected so we went along with theirs and left it at that.

The reason I did fluff everything up because it was hard for me to explain what they wanted to do. They really give a general outlook or discuss with me about what would be happening, all except they wanted a fantasy and romance as well as some action which I went along with. The plot they wrote was very confusing but I figure once we get started I'll understand it better which was why I didn't decline. I could have been moving too slow but if they wanted a particular way they could have started it out first so that I would have gotten the feel of things considering we went along with their idea and not mine.

of course it sounds like I'm making excuses for myself, but I did try to get a grip of things before everything went down the drain. I just felt like they didn't really give me a very detailed plot to work with. So they complained and picked at my post about how it wasn't what they wanted. Which is understandable seeing it was a idea they had thought of, but they didn't fully explain it enough so I only wrote what went with the theme.

I think they got frustrated at the fact i wasn't getting their idea but I won't take the blame for them vaguely explaining the rp to me and expect that I understand what they want without having a general idea. I had asked about the rp and other questions relating to the rp but the questions were either left unanswered or not really acknowledge.

Opening this forum up because well we all had that frustrating moment where you get a new RPing partner and they are totally wanting to do something frustrating. Or they themselves are. So share a story or discuss one.

This is a little rant of mine.


Name: Jynx Bricks Aka Phantom
Date of Birth (& age): September 10. XX. 19 years old.
Place of Birth: A small poor island on the coast.
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Human/Can be considered Russian
Social Class/Community Status: Poor, lower class
Language: English/Russian

Physical Description
Height: 6’3
Weight: 145lbs
Hair: Black, short/shave
Eyes: Onyx
Detailed Physical Description:
Typical Clothing/Equipment: Long black coat, teared at the ends. Grey tank and black pants along with combat boots. Sniper/knives for protection. Uses smoke bombs and screens.

Jynx is very distance, shallow and prefers doing everything solo. He has no respect for higher authority or power. As a thief he is nimble and holds a certain pride to his skills and doesn’t take well to those who disregard them. He’s not afraid to get his hands dirty but doesn’t unless it’s necessary to his mission or protection. Jynx also suffers with emotional imbalance making him socially awkward when confronted with his feelings.
Gold/Money, Luxury, The thrill of the steal
Most Hated/Dislikes:
Nobility, Trains, Nothing going according to plan.
To pick himself out of poverty. To become a renowned thief.
Arts n Crafts
Being open with how he feels
Being stuck on a train while there’s a murder case happening.

So I've been having some issues trying to talk with an old friend of mine. Like we used to be very close and now it's like they're a stranger to me. Is this the point in life where I cut it off from them or should I leave the friendship open?

I'm kind of interest in doing a Monster theme rp. Like one of the characters is a monster that is being transported or found upon by the other character. It would be like a slice of life kind of thing and maybe adventure. I never did it before but I'm feeling up for it.

I'm chill with whatever really, it can be MxM or FxM, though i prefer MxM cause it's what I'm good at. If you are interest feel free to drop a message on me.
I read that there was going to be pizza, but just empty promises
I seem to have a lot of free time nowadays. Also I enjoy writing so thats a thing.

I have some quick ideas that I don't mind sharing though I also don't mind is anyone had an idea for an rp they want to do.
I'm pretty open minded and flexible. Though I might be rusty in some areas but I'll catch up.

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