Name: Sebastian Redgrave
Alias/Nickname (if any): Bass (as in the fish, not the musical range)
Age: 34
Gender: Male

Bass is always seen in casual summer clothes. His blue baseball cap is actually a wig with the hair attached to the underside of it. The curly tufts are enough to hide his real hair.

Lurking in at 5'10", Dr. Redgrave likes wearing coats: a white lab coat in the lab and a dark coat outside the lab. His hair is short and greying, and he may put on fake facial hair to decrease the chance of being recognized as Bass.
Personality: Under his public alias "Bass", he acts talkative, enthusiastic, and interested, which isn't hard given his actual knowledge and curiosity. He also pretends to be welcoming and friendly so as to improve his and the zoo's reputation with guests. Behind the persona, he is strategic and scheming in favour of the reputation of the zoo and the lab, putting them before personal desires or concern for others. He tends to lurk and be somewhat quiet about things besides the zoo and the lab.
Backstory: Sebastian's entire life has predisposed him to serve the zoo and the lab. He heard stories about his grandfather's lab, which he was finally allowed into when he started graduate studies. He also grew up in the shadow of his father's stress and desperation to keep the zoo going. He went to the zoo frequently as a child, but lost interest as a teenager, preferring to go out and be rebellious with friends. Feeling a preemptive responsibility for the management of the zoo, he decided to major in zoology before gaining back an interest in animals. A large part of the reason he began graduate studies was his curiosity of what went on in his late grandfather's lab. During this time, his father Marvin retired, and the role of Zoo Director was passed onto him. Marvin taught Sebastian the tricks of the trade and helped Sebastian start while he finished his PhD in Zoology.
Other: TBA
Alias/Nickname (if any): Bass (as in the fish, not the musical range)
Age: 34
Gender: Male

Bass is always seen in casual summer clothes. His blue baseball cap is actually a wig with the hair attached to the underside of it. The curly tufts are enough to hide his real hair.

Lurking in at 5'10", Dr. Redgrave likes wearing coats: a white lab coat in the lab and a dark coat outside the lab. His hair is short and greying, and he may put on fake facial hair to decrease the chance of being recognized as Bass.
Personality: Under his public alias "Bass", he acts talkative, enthusiastic, and interested, which isn't hard given his actual knowledge and curiosity. He also pretends to be welcoming and friendly so as to improve his and the zoo's reputation with guests. Behind the persona, he is strategic and scheming in favour of the reputation of the zoo and the lab, putting them before personal desires or concern for others. He tends to lurk and be somewhat quiet about things besides the zoo and the lab.
"Bass": talkative, enthusiastic, interested, knowledgeable, curious, welcoming, friendly.
Sebastian Redgrave: knowledgeable, curious, strategic, scheming, lurking, discreet, responsible.
Sebastian Redgrave: knowledgeable, curious, strategic, scheming, lurking, discreet, responsible.
Backstory: Sebastian's entire life has predisposed him to serve the zoo and the lab. He heard stories about his grandfather's lab, which he was finally allowed into when he started graduate studies. He also grew up in the shadow of his father's stress and desperation to keep the zoo going. He went to the zoo frequently as a child, but lost interest as a teenager, preferring to go out and be rebellious with friends. Feeling a preemptive responsibility for the management of the zoo, he decided to major in zoology before gaining back an interest in animals. A large part of the reason he began graduate studies was his curiosity of what went on in his late grandfather's lab. During this time, his father Marvin retired, and the role of Zoo Director was passed onto him. Marvin taught Sebastian the tricks of the trade and helped Sebastian start while he finished his PhD in Zoology.
Other: TBA
Name: Enkoodabaoo
Alias/Nickname (if any): Mooin Bearson (stage name & bear name); Kooda (nickname)
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Personality: Kooda has trouble being himself. He can appear visibly shy and quiet to people he isn't close to, and is even a person of few words to those he is close to. Left to his subconscious, his face is quite emotionless, and other people can see him as stand-offish. He can be unpredictable especially in times of conflict, but only because he tries to diffuse uncomfortable situations. As shy as he is, he doesn't fear people or socializing; in fact, he likes people and is drawn to those he finds interesting. His speech ranges from stilted and haphazard to fluid and eloquent depending on how comfortable he is. He has a penchant for dry humour and amusing anecdotes. Give him a script and he automatically knows what to do in terms of expression and emotion, being able to identify with a worryingly broad range of characters considering his age.
Other: TBA
Alias/Nickname (if any): Mooin Bearson (stage name & bear name); Kooda (nickname)
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Personality: Kooda has trouble being himself. He can appear visibly shy and quiet to people he isn't close to, and is even a person of few words to those he is close to. Left to his subconscious, his face is quite emotionless, and other people can see him as stand-offish. He can be unpredictable especially in times of conflict, but only because he tries to diffuse uncomfortable situations. As shy as he is, he doesn't fear people or socializing; in fact, he likes people and is drawn to those he finds interesting. His speech ranges from stilted and haphazard to fluid and eloquent depending on how comfortable he is. He has a penchant for dry humour and amusing anecdotes. Give him a script and he automatically knows what to do in terms of expression and emotion, being able to identify with a worryingly broad range of characters considering his age.
Kooda's family is part of the indigenious peoples of Hyder. Kooda's father, Nootau, died when he was a baby, and his mother, Alsoomse, fell in love with and married another man named Kilden Crypt. Little did she know this man was quite the actor, hiding his jealous streak and his contempt for his stepson. Kooda saw the pattern of his stepfather pretending to care about him in front of his mother but completely ignoring him once she was gone, which confused him. One day when Kooda was six, Kilden brought Kooda to the Hyder forest and left him in a cave blocked by a boulder, intending to feign tears to Alsoomse about how Kooda had gotten lost. Kooda sat terrified in the dark all night, crying for his parents.
The next morning at dawn, the boulder moved aside, and Kooda saw a large bear. The bear was much bigger than him, and he was scared. But he was hungry, and when the large bear held out a cake made of blueberries, he ate it eagerly. He began to live with the bear in the forest, the female bear raising him as her own even after she had her own cubs two years later. He learned to speak, walk, and even hunt like a bear, and learned that the mother's name was Mooinskw. Over the four years he spent with them, he almost forgot where he had come from, even what his parents looked like. He renamed himself Mooin, after his bear mother. He played and grew up with Mooinskw's children. He spent winters indoors with them inside the trunk of a large tree.
The winter when Mooin was 10, hunters found the tree in which they were staying. Mooinskw had heard many bear tales like this, and knew what she had to do. She went out and distracted the hunters while the two boy cubs escaped. The hunters shot her dead before Mooin and the girl cub could get out, and Mooin went out on two legs and begged the hunters not to kill his sister. The hunters stopped hunting in their confusion and went to work "rescuing" Mooin, asking him what his name was and where he lived. Mooin, of course, answered as if he was a bear living in the forest.
The hunters brought Mooin to the local police department, where after an investigation, Alsoomse was contacted to reclaim her son. Alsoomse couldn't believe Kooda was still alive, and took him home in shock and tears. Mooin felt confused. He was old enough to understand and remember that this was his biological mother, and he loved her as such, but he wasn't entirely happy to be home with her again. His home was with the bears. Alsoomse was confused when he got home and started growling and walking on all fours. She asked him why he was acting like an animal, and he told her he was a bear, he had lived with bears for years. Being a indigenious woman with superstitions and respect for animals, she believed him, and allowed him to visit the bears whenever he wanted.
The next morning at dawn, the boulder moved aside, and Kooda saw a large bear. The bear was much bigger than him, and he was scared. But he was hungry, and when the large bear held out a cake made of blueberries, he ate it eagerly. He began to live with the bear in the forest, the female bear raising him as her own even after she had her own cubs two years later. He learned to speak, walk, and even hunt like a bear, and learned that the mother's name was Mooinskw. Over the four years he spent with them, he almost forgot where he had come from, even what his parents looked like. He renamed himself Mooin, after his bear mother. He played and grew up with Mooinskw's children. He spent winters indoors with them inside the trunk of a large tree.
The winter when Mooin was 10, hunters found the tree in which they were staying. Mooinskw had heard many bear tales like this, and knew what she had to do. She went out and distracted the hunters while the two boy cubs escaped. The hunters shot her dead before Mooin and the girl cub could get out, and Mooin went out on two legs and begged the hunters not to kill his sister. The hunters stopped hunting in their confusion and went to work "rescuing" Mooin, asking him what his name was and where he lived. Mooin, of course, answered as if he was a bear living in the forest.
The hunters brought Mooin to the local police department, where after an investigation, Alsoomse was contacted to reclaim her son. Alsoomse couldn't believe Kooda was still alive, and took him home in shock and tears. Mooin felt confused. He was old enough to understand and remember that this was his biological mother, and he loved her as such, but he wasn't entirely happy to be home with her again. His home was with the bears. Alsoomse was confused when he got home and started growling and walking on all fours. She asked him why he was acting like an animal, and he told her he was a bear, he had lived with bears for years. Being a indigenious woman with superstitions and respect for animals, she believed him, and allowed him to visit the bears whenever he wanted.
After two years of re-adjusting to civilian life and catching up on education, Kooda started middle school at age 12. He didn't quite get on with the other children, many of whom had gone to primary school together, or at least spent their childhood with other human children. He joined the school's drama club to make friends. His socializing attempts were in vain, but he realized he enjoyed acting. He liked being someone or something else, especially animals, and being handed a script meant he didn't have to come up with his own things to say. The drama teacher told him about the Hyder Youth Theatre Company, which had productions every half-year and held auditions right after. As they accepted children ages 12-19 and allowed people to stay until age 22, Kooda was just old enough to join. Upon his drama teacher's recommendation, he used the stage name Mooin Bearson rather than the ridiculous Enkoodabaoo, and auditioned with his own piece and a given excerpt from the coming production. He didn't make the cut, but upon asking he was accepted into stage crew. Not very discouraged, he tried again two more times. Finally, after his third audition, he landed a few-line part. At age 13, he was among the youngest people in the group.
Now 17, he is learning a supporting role for his 7th production in the group. He is in his final year of high school, in which he's doing well enough and has enough friends to get along. But his main focus is acting. He has personal goals of starring in a play just to see if he can, and also maybe getting into a real actual movie one day. He still goes to the forest where his real best friends are, the three bear children, and has not forgotten how to be a bear.
Now 17, he is learning a supporting role for his 7th production in the group. He is in his final year of high school, in which he's doing well enough and has enough friends to get along. But his main focus is acting. He has personal goals of starring in a play just to see if he can, and also maybe getting into a real actual movie one day. He still goes to the forest where his real best friends are, the three bear children, and has not forgotten how to be a bear.
Alsoomse: Mother. 48.
Nootau: Father. Died at 32.
Kilden Crypt: Stepfather. Died at 43.
Nootau: Father. Died at 32.
Kilden Crypt: Stepfather. Died at 43.
Stephen Colbear: Bear brother. 17.
Other: TBA
Name: Stephen Colbear
Age: 11 human years (22 bear years)
Gender: Male
Species: Grizzly bear

Personality: It is fairly apparent that Stephen's sense of humour masks deeper problems. When Stephen is serious, his demeanor is that of a wise man who has been through a lot in life, despite the fact that he's only 11 (22 to him). But he isn't often serious, because he fears he will be drowned by the traumas of his past and the general injustice in the world. He would much rather keep himself afloat by seeing the humour in everything. He will do almost anything for a laugh, barring things that will harm others. He has the type of humour that is senseless and random in a twisted way that only those who are smart and well-informed can manage. Stephen likes others, but doesn't know what to do with them. Despite feeling a little uncomfortable around others, he isn't shy and can converse with relative ease.
Powers/Skills: Moderately skillful at reading humans (comprehension of a human child). Acting. Humour.
Goals: Stephen is determined to find and kill the poachers as revenge for the way they treated him, and free the other captives.
Other: TBA
Age: 11 human years (22 bear years)
Gender: Male
Species: Grizzly bear

Personality: It is fairly apparent that Stephen's sense of humour masks deeper problems. When Stephen is serious, his demeanor is that of a wise man who has been through a lot in life, despite the fact that he's only 11 (22 to him). But he isn't often serious, because he fears he will be drowned by the traumas of his past and the general injustice in the world. He would much rather keep himself afloat by seeing the humour in everything. He will do almost anything for a laugh, barring things that will harm others. He has the type of humour that is senseless and random in a twisted way that only those who are smart and well-informed can manage. Stephen likes others, but doesn't know what to do with them. Despite feeling a little uncomfortable around others, he isn't shy and can converse with relative ease.
Powers/Skills: Moderately skillful at reading humans (comprehension of a human child). Acting. Humour.
Goals: Stephen is determined to find and kill the poachers as revenge for the way they treated him, and free the other captives.
Stephen was born in a litter of three cubs to mother Mooinskw in the Hyder Forest. Stephen never questioned Mooin's legitimacy as a bear even though he didn't look like one, since Mooin had been in the family since he was born. Stephen never had a father, and never heard what happened to him if he did. Like other bear cubs, Stephen and his siblings were homeschooled by his mother, but on hunting trips he did get to know the other families in the community.
The winter when Stephen was two years old, hunters found the large tree in which they were staying. He obeyed Mooinskw's command of running away when she went out to distract them, escaping a little ways into the forest with Peta. They returned a day later to find the body of their dead mother sprawled on the floor, with Lulu sleeping inside their home. They woke Lulu up, and she told them that the hunters had killed their mother and taken away Mooin, but spared her upon his plea. The children mourned the death of their mother and their brother (who had not actually died, but in the bear community, disappearance generally meant death). They moved Mooinskw's body into an opening in the trees where the falling snow would cover her, and then resumed a melancholic hibernation in their tree. It wasn't long before Mooin came to visit, and Mooin used bear language to tell them about his strange life as a human named Kooda.
After that winter, the cubs reached maturity and separated to live on their own. They had occasional family gatherings when Mooin came to visit, and sometimes Mooin just visited hem individually. Inspired by Mooin's strange life away from the bears, Stephen enroled in the Basics of Human Civilization program at the Animal Technical College. He took the Practical Acting program next, after he heard of Mooin's stories of these "plays" where performers pretended to be things and an audience watched them. Plays were never put on at the college, but the students did do pretending and role playing to practice ecological interactions. He would often mess around while role playing even if it was a serious matter, joking and trying to make his partner break character.
In Stephen's 9th year, he was hunted by bear poachers, who tranquilized him down and took him into captivity. He was kept in what seemed like a bear storage, with about a dozen weak and malnourished bears lined up in tiny cages inside a farm. He was fed steroids in what little food the poachers gave him to prevent him from looking as frail as he felt. His cage was so small that he could barely walk around, and he had to live in his own waste that was infrequently cleaned. The cages were separated by tall stone walls, and he had no contact with other bears aside from responding to their wails. Stephen kept himself from going crazy by trying to make depreciating jokes about the situation, occasionally yelling one out when the poachers weren't around in an attempt to humour the other captives. After 15 months there, Stephen was sold to the Hyder College to be used as a research subject, and he was housed at the Hyder Zoo. He has lived with one male and two female grizzly bears at the Hyder Zoo for 4 months.
The winter when Stephen was two years old, hunters found the large tree in which they were staying. He obeyed Mooinskw's command of running away when she went out to distract them, escaping a little ways into the forest with Peta. They returned a day later to find the body of their dead mother sprawled on the floor, with Lulu sleeping inside their home. They woke Lulu up, and she told them that the hunters had killed their mother and taken away Mooin, but spared her upon his plea. The children mourned the death of their mother and their brother (who had not actually died, but in the bear community, disappearance generally meant death). They moved Mooinskw's body into an opening in the trees where the falling snow would cover her, and then resumed a melancholic hibernation in their tree. It wasn't long before Mooin came to visit, and Mooin used bear language to tell them about his strange life as a human named Kooda.
After that winter, the cubs reached maturity and separated to live on their own. They had occasional family gatherings when Mooin came to visit, and sometimes Mooin just visited hem individually. Inspired by Mooin's strange life away from the bears, Stephen enroled in the Basics of Human Civilization program at the Animal Technical College. He took the Practical Acting program next, after he heard of Mooin's stories of these "plays" where performers pretended to be things and an audience watched them. Plays were never put on at the college, but the students did do pretending and role playing to practice ecological interactions. He would often mess around while role playing even if it was a serious matter, joking and trying to make his partner break character.
In Stephen's 9th year, he was hunted by bear poachers, who tranquilized him down and took him into captivity. He was kept in what seemed like a bear storage, with about a dozen weak and malnourished bears lined up in tiny cages inside a farm. He was fed steroids in what little food the poachers gave him to prevent him from looking as frail as he felt. His cage was so small that he could barely walk around, and he had to live in his own waste that was infrequently cleaned. The cages were separated by tall stone walls, and he had no contact with other bears aside from responding to their wails. Stephen kept himself from going crazy by trying to make depreciating jokes about the situation, occasionally yelling one out when the poachers weren't around in an attempt to humour the other captives. After 15 months there, Stephen was sold to the Hyder College to be used as a research subject, and he was housed at the Hyder Zoo. He has lived with one male and two female grizzly bears at the Hyder Zoo for 4 months.
Enkoodabaoo: Adopted brother. 17.
Mooinskw Colbear: Mother. Died at 12.
Peta Colbear: Brother. 11.
Lulu Colbear: Sister. 11.
Jon Stewbear: Male den mate. 10.
Female den mate
Female den mate
Peta Colbear: Brother. 11.
Lulu Colbear: Sister. 11.
Jon Stewbear: Male den mate. 10.
Female den mate
Female den mate
Other: TBA